This universe is just a big mistake.
no, not the universe, ELS is running on fear. Fear is the mistake. Love is the answer.
Check out what the book has to say about NDEs. I think on pg. 263. The book says that NDEs don't accurately depict what happens during death.
thats true. NDE's are experienced by the individual platform of their belief systems. all it's saying in conclusion at the end of page 263, (to my perceptions) is that quote.."you shouldn't confuse the very transitory joy of reported NDE experiences with enlightenment.
I fail to see how you can conclude Renard is a hoax from this statement.
It says that because of guilt and fear of God most people reincarnate shortly after death. They have to reincarnate thousands of times.
what you are not taking into account with this 1,000's of times business is that all those lives are occurring instantly in dimensional time frames as in truth there is only One here. We are the one.
I've read lots of NDEs, and it sure doesn't seem to me that people run into guilt and fear of God issues. Rather they have wonderful experiences of divine love.
Yes, but what the book is saying divine love is eternal. Still, we go through a life review, and this in real death, NDE is a taste of death. the life review is where we might want to see things we did, or left undone because most of us are not 100% fully enlightened while being in a physical body. and I seem to remember some of us enjoy building new lives and volunteer to reincarnate as quickly as a game plan is implemented. I think Gary is discussing a shift in consciousness occuring now which will essentially change the reincarnational process until all end up in the starting place. I always enjoyed the prodigal son story and think there is some truth in it.
Issues that relate to guilt are often taken care of during a life review.
again, guilt is a fear of being punished. a new consciousness to come will realize that we only punish ourselves, because we are all one. so there will be upon the earth less guilt to attend to, as we realize the value of do unto others, as you want done to you.
as to a personal experience, I have lost about 6 family members, not lost, for they still came around in spirit. each one came to different parties asking forgiveness for various things they had done. this shows me the value of attaining forgiveness before transitioning, and can speed up the enlightenment process considerably..however, it is done most often, in general after transitioning.
They usually don't want to come back to this World but do so because of responsibilities they need to take care of such as their kids. They never seem to come back and state that you have to become an enlightened being or you'll have to reincarnate over and over again. They simply say to live your life according to love.
yes, well this is what enlightenment is. to live consistently according to Unconditional love. that is to give love, without expectation of having it returned. this frees the soul from guilt.
As I've written before, I've prayed to Christ a number of times and I have always been told that ACIM doesn't come from Christ. I don't know why people get so hung up on the book. If they really want to receive guidance from Christ, WHY DON'T THEY PRAY TO HIM AND ASK FOR GUIDANCE?
you're shouting again. it makes it very difficult to speak with u when u shout like that. remember, I'm a sensitive. I can feel your anger even if you think you have it well hidden.
Now, once more, your guidance is not my guidance. For one thing, you don't seem to believe that God would speak to anyone, excepting yourself.
you don't seem to give any others enough credit. you frequently find fault with authors who claim to have god conversations. you seem to look for dirt rather than looking for the light. you have a consistent pattern I've observed in the last few years.
As I've told you from the beginning ACIM principles are required for enlightenment of full potentiality. However those principles are also found in many pathways, and therefore you can gain from any pathway you stick with if you do unto others as you would like to have done to you, consistently enough, you will gain enlightenment. However, you are not doing that.
you are treating me with disrespect of my chosen pathway, and is this the way you do unto others?
You must allow others their beliefs without wresting them from them by your reports that god has spoken to you and told you that all the others who "say" God has spoken are simply a hoax.
to stop a war, or a disagreement, someone must lay their guns down. but you still have your guns; they are strapped to your waist. and your bullets are the bullets of self righteousness and anger.
It is as if they are afraid to do so. Not much commitment is required if you simply rely on a book.
you are in error that not much commitment is required when one relies on a book. My guide, which I say was Holy Spirit, which to say Holy spirit and JC are one and the same (my opinion) spoke to me as I opened the first page. A strong voice said "I will help you understand the Course, but you must commit to work with me daily on this or I will be wasting my time to help u get free of all your false beliefs about the world and about yourself.
ACIM is presented in Shakespearean blank verse or iambic pentameter; therefore it forces you to read the Course more slowly and carefully. Also it attracts the committed type of student. Obviously, the Course isn't for everyone. at least not for everyone all at once.
I found this in Disappearance the other day: "The mind that is the maker of the illusion chooses completely against itself in favor of God.
this is the fourth level of the enlightenment process I have entered. another way this was announced as to love God, with all your mind, heart and soul, praying ceaselessly.
that is to say a pure nondualistic state where the only loss is that of ego's illusions and ego's sense of separation and consequent state of conflict and confusion. I've not lost a thing in that case.
You can pick and choose as much as you want. Unfortunately, as I found with my self and with others, the book can have a brainwashing effect, even if it has some nice things to say now and then.
yes, we can pick and choose, and thank you for telling me what I already knew. we have free will to choose. each of us does. free will is the one thing we like to guard zealously. however, as the Course says in the introduction "free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. it means only that you can elect what you wish to take at a given time. the Course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence, which is your natural inheritage. The opposite of love is fear. but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This Course can be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. herein lies the peace of God.
I believe if one wants to show at least a little respect for Christ, they'll pray to him and ask him if the course comes from him, before they start shouting to the whole World that it does.
the Course could have come from no other source than God, meaning our brother, Yeshua. I am very certain, in my heart. but I will not longer try to convince anyone, as I know they can find the truth in their own path, and not only that, they can take as many life times as they want, choosing all sorts of paths and experiences because even time is not what we think it is here, it too is an illusion, while in a slowed down vibratory rate of the body.
This is what I did, because I was honest enough to realize that I might make a mistake when it comes to discriminating if ACIM comes from Christ.
yes, I can see you value honesty above all; to the point of bluntness. rather masculine qualities.
The Course says, the student does not have to believe the source is the Christ, to attain peace of mind through the principles offered. and so our arguments here are really moot. We will cease then. I seek only to share myself, but I certainly would not say anyone has to go on the same path I have gone nor believe that it is the Christ. Whether you believe it or not, if it's true, you cannot change the truth. I say it's the truth it's J, you say it's not the truth, it's not J. who is right? who is wrong?
what if it no longer mattered? what would we talk about?
People don't have to rely on me to determine this. They can pray to Christ, receive guidance, and find out for themselves.
Not everyone is a Christian R, so you won't find them on their knees to him just because you advice them to.
One more comment about Gary Renard and the dissapearance of the universe. It sure seems odd that he supposedly had dialogues with beings he claimed to have dialogues with, and somehow mysteriously the tapes got destroyed. First there is ACIM, then Renard's dissapearance of the universe in order to help people understand ACIM, and now there's a book to help people understand Renard's dissapearance of the universe! Talk about a cash cow.
hey, look at the pot calling the kettle cow. I think you are a cash cow. matter of fact I don't see how you can deny it. is it bad to be a cash cow? maybe not. I think Christ would say, it's quite all right how much money you make.
the reasons are explained why the tapes were destroyed; people would still say it was all a hoax even with the tapes, you couldn't prove that the two beings were who they said they were, and people would be arguing among themselves about another moot point instead of looking at the content of the book.
There are many ACIM students who have written books about ACIM. The best one to attain is Ken Wapnicks explanation of the Course's inceptions during the 7 year period Helen took notes in shorthand of the Course. Ken explains how to study it without getting confused.
I was told by my guide when I became stumped to stop for a minute and think about it. as I did so the confusion was supplanted by the insight of what it meant. But I was only hung up in several places.
My guide was too too kind to stick with me through reading of it as it was difficult to undergo this type of transformation where peace of mind at last came. No, I didn't talk myself into being a happy camper. I just became grateful that I was loved and had not known I was even lovable.
but, certainly not would I ever say one must read only this material; that would go against the Course's objective to love one another, and do unto others as you want done unto you.
It is my belief we are all in exactly the right place at the right time and all of us are unique and will end up being all together by practicing PUL and forgiveness every single day.
Blessings to you, I spoke with you last night in a dream. thank you for everything. love, alysia