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Choosing your next life. (Read 16773 times)
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #15 - May 28th, 2008 at 1:06pm
Hi Reach,

You asked did 'heavenly family' refer to the relatives you have on Earth----

Wink Dear soul, no. I know what you mean.

Our host Bruce Moen calls the group of souls we're related to as souls 'a Disk Family.'

There could be many other reasons we have our temporary earth families--various lessons to be learned through them.
But the souls you're most compatible with, your home base, are in the afterlife.
Thank goodness, eh ?!

Congratulations on posting such an invigorating topic!


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #16 - May 28th, 2008 at 1:21pm
Recoverer, I think there was a big misunderstanding here.  Thank you for pointing it out to me.  I was jumping ahead to when we all join back.  I skipped over the part were we hurt terribly for our wrongs.  I know that in this life, if I hurt someone, I will feel terrible about it.  I would not want to be someone like Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer and have to face myself.
I hope you do not think I was calling you vindictive for I was not, nor anyone else on this site.

SHSS  ...

P.S. The harp is for betson.
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #17 - May 28th, 2008 at 2:41pm
Thank you for understanding SHSS.  Smiley

I believe we are all inately divine, and it can be rather difficult to face whatever mistakes we might've made while we are here. I don't believe light beings have judgmental thoughts towards those who do make mistakes because they understand that mistakes are often made when spirits incarnate into this World.

SHSS wrote on May 28th, 2008 at 1:21pm:
Recoverer, I think there was a big misunderstanding here.  Thank you for pointing it out to me.  I was jumping ahead to when we all join back.  I skipped over the part were we hurt terribly for our wrongs.  I know that in this life, if I hurt someone, I will feel terrible about it.  I would not want to be someone like Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer and have to face myself.
I hope you do not think I was calling you vindictive for I was not, nor anyone else on this site.


P.S. The harp is for betson.

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« Last Edit: May 28th, 2008 at 7:48pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #18 - May 28th, 2008 at 3:21pm
betson wrote on May 28th, 2008 at 1:06pm:
Hi Reach,

You asked did 'heavenly family' refer to the relatives you have on Earth----

Wink Dear soul, no. I know what you mean.

Our host Bruce Moen calls the group of souls we're related to as souls 'a Disk Family.'

There could be many other reasons we have our temporary earth families--various lessons to be learned through them.
But the souls you're most compatible with, your home base, are in the afterlife.
Thank goodness, eh ?!

Congratulations on posting such an invigorating topic!


Hi Bets , thanks for clearing that up phew got me worried for a moment  Wink. This particular subject or the life beyond has fasinated me for sometime and it is great to have a site with so many people from all corners of the world chatting about a subject that one day we shall all face. Nice to know that there are a few other South Africans on the site has well.

Regards Reach
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #19 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:06am

I don’t want to labor my point to the position that it becomes offensive. But the FACT is that souls than have committed depravity continuously in life like Hitler decidedly do reside in hell like realms of "their own making". God does not put anyone there they put themselves there by their misuse of the precious free will that god has given as all to progress back towards the light.

But here is another factor you should consider carefully please!! As I am sure you all know when we die, we have at first the tunnel experience and then in most cases are met by thee Being of Light

Then what happens is a “Life Review” in this ones whole life and I mean whole life is played off sometimes in apparent great speed and in others in slow motion, moment be moment that can seem like an eternity.



In this Life Review, every act and event of ones life is seen and relived in three-dimensional reality. In fact what is happening is that all the memories from the time you were a baby in your mothers tummy until the moment of your death is gone over one by one and usually gentle admonishment of wrongs and praise for good actions are given by the Being of light.


You feel the happiness and joy of all the people you have helped and not just this only also the knock on effect , which might amaze you how one nice act of one small person can change history. The reality of it is more blessed to give than receive is brought home. Forgiveness by you of someone who has hurt or harmed you is shown as a great act the soul

Now please muse long and carefully about the Hitler and his fellow despots. In their Life Review they have to live through in "minute detail" every hurt pain, sorrow, loss, homelessness,of the death camps, the wars they started in the search for power that only belongs to God. The unspeable experiments the carried out on death camp victims, the horror of a mother seeing her little child snatched from her and thrown into a burning furnace, the rape of young woman up to the point of death by his soldiers in so called State Brothels (Young beautiful Jewish girls, the were considered non human but could still be used like animal) ON  AND ON ADINFINITUM

The actions of every subordinent, every person all the way up and all the way down the ladder of authority was accountable  as personal acts by Hitler himself, by the Being or God" if you like..  he had to undergo a life review, with each victim, some fifty five million. Then to top it all the knock on effect all the way through history has to be experienced by this beast until it is purged from its inhumanity. In real linear time God can stretch a moment out into eterninty if he likes

You see with God linear time does not exist so Hitler spend millions of years in his subjective time learning his lesson,  unlike the easy loving life review the rest of us will have. I know this as I have had just this experience during my near death experience and God is not a respecter of persons, what is good for the gander is good the geese so to speak. "What we reap we will sow what goes around comes around"

Read Mein Kampf (My testimony) and you will read that Hitler knew exactly what he wanted and what he wanted to do. How many beautiful young American boys had to die because of this evil beast in human disgiuse? God read this out to him word for word so that there could be no mistake.

The great advocate for our souls had no grounds to defense this person before the ultimate good and just judge namely God. The prosecution went on for centauries I think.

All souls are Divine come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note I fixed some key errors!!
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« Last Edit: May 29th, 2008 at 7:43am by Alan McDougall »  

Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #20 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:21am
Hi reach and all  I have always beleived because of my own experience of life,that suffering is sometimes to do with negative karma from a life before because if you were bad in a former life,then i can say from suffering through my own life has taught me how to love those people so much less fortunate than me and i feel so strongly that i'm here to spread love and goodness in the world and that is what i'm always trying to do,so probably in my former life i was selfish ,unkind ,and thought of only wealth and had not a lot of love and respect for my fellow man,so i have found love in my heart through my own suffering ,so i'm gradually putting karma right from a previous life.

Hitler to me ,i cannot comprehend how such a soul like him can be born in this world,i mean why did he come on this earth and cause so much suffering and most of it was toward the jewish race and ,i mean Jesus was jewish and suffered on the cross to save us all,so why was Hitler allowed to come here and persecute the jewish people,what ever deal like that could be allowed to made in the spiritworld before he was born is something i find it hard to come to terms with and why towards the jewish people,so what was hitler all about,what was it all for,to prove what or learn what,because i cant find the answer in my heart to something as evil as Hitler.

PS I think your picture is great SHSS.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #21 - May 29th, 2008 at 11:25am
...Hitler to me ,i cannot comprehend how such a soul like him can be born in this world,i mean why did he come on this earth and cause so much suffering and most of it was toward the jewish race and ,i mean Jesus was jewish and suffered on the cross to save us all,so why was Hitler allowed to come here and persecute the jewish people,what ever deal like that could be allowed to made in the spiritworld before he was born is something i find it hard to come to terms with and why towards the jewish people,so what was hitler all about,what was it all for,to prove what or learn what,because i cant find the answer in my heart to something as evil as Hitler.

PS I think your picture is great SHSS.

Love and God bless   love juditha

It is difficult to comprehend....but when we notice our own sorrow, allowing it to be, moving through our hearts to feel it the "other side" of that sorrow is love. We cannot let go of our sadness until we feel it. Perhaps that is how Jesus was able to say, Love your enemies. He knew that we could do it.
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #22 - May 29th, 2008 at 11:44am
Recover, I agree with you whole heartedly about us having to play a role in making this world better. We can’t just sit back and watch others suffer because “their suffering is not real”.  As caring human beings, we need to counteract the ever increasing indifference in our society.

There are too many positions on the topic of Afterlife… and ultimately, no one knows the truth until it is their time to die. Instead of trying to cling on to every literal word from these books, why not try to find the common thread from these various view points? I suspect all religion believe that Unconditional Positive Love is the central theme of the spirit world.  So, while living on this Earthly plane, why don’t we just follow that one simple, elegant rule until it is our turn to know the truth through death? I suspect living by PUL will help our individual lives be more rewarding and hence help make our society better on a whole.

That is just my two cents…
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #23 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:24pm
I agree with you Linn. Smiley
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #24 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:57pm
from Wikipedia:

Godwin's Law is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states: "As an Internet-based discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

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Thanks again for playing!
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george stone
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #25 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 12:52am
How quickley you change,yesterday you were all for forgiving,now you are not.When jesus said he must be taken and die on the cross,peter said no lord we will not let it happen.And jesus said get behind me must forgive
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #26 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 7:32am
Smiley To Linh's point on opinions. When we discuss views of reality it's maybe worth bearing in mind that if we can rise above relatively minor differences of opinion and interpretation  that 'the perennial philosophy' (or the broad territory we tend to explore here) has in various shades and forms been around for a very long time.

Here's a list of esoteric spiritual traditions (those proposing that the route to God is inwards, and by the raising consciousness) I extracted (just for the hell of it) from a book this morning:

Esoteric Christianity/Gospel of Thomas
Christian Kabbalah
Some Western systems of magic
Christian Mysticism
Amercian & other Native
Aquarian New Age
New Age

These are only some that by an accident of history have been named, there's been many, many more views and paths that have developed around individuals but not been. Many of these too are huge, and contain or have contained multiple streams within them. e.g. Buddhism

A superficial reading of any of these may lead to the view that some are very different from others. The world is in fact full of even well-meaning followers of -isms who feel precisely that. A deeper and more accommodating reading however (at least where I've looked) tends to surface the thought that while the language, imagery and emphasis can vary quite a bit, that it's really all just the same view expressed in differing ways, or adjusted as a result of differences in individual emphasis. Which latter may well have been responses to the needs of the time.

The 'big picture' that runs through it all remains constant - if we can open enough to drop our need to discriminate. Do we really have the ability to figure this stuff out to the point that we can say with certainty that the other guy's shade of emphasis is wrong? Much more likely that the old ego and need to be right is raising it's head again.

Quite apart from creating a likelihood of getting hung up on beliefs and rigid interpretations of experience, rigid thinking is anyway pretty much universally  regarded as an impediment to spiritual opening.

It's sobering to look at the length of this list, and the very extended time over which it's existed - what can we we possibly say or speculate that's not been said before???

Another perspective that suggests that we'd be better to not get too hung up on the idea we 'know it all' is the way that we seem to unconsciously get up to all sorts of stuff. (including retrievals re. Alysia and Staci's recent posts) We tend to focus our entire sense of 'self' in what we are consciously aware of.  (especially body, intellect and external reality)

Yet all the signs are that we're operating with only very piecemeal data, with very limited sense making capability in what is only one very narrow and particular view of even this reality. (our beliefs as to 'what is real' prevent us from seeing a truer picture)

That's not to say that a degree of intellectual sense making is not useful as a means of avoiding unnecessary fear, perplexity or running astray. To help us past our individual blocks. But it's surely in the end much more about transforming ourselves by working day to day with meditation, contemplation and whatever other tools are available to deliver an evolving insight - than it is about winning any argument.

There's very clearly a point beyond which excessive identification with beliefs and opinions becomes an impediment to spiritual progress - to seeing things as they are, and consequently becoming capable of living through wisdom and compassion. Or love, or God's will  - however you like to put it.

I'm very convinced that one very important part of the journey is for us to actively look for ways to accommodate differing views and attitudes, to try to loosen enough get beyond language, emphasis and looking for differences.

By this I don't mean the sort of closing and dumbing down that's involved in the usual ego driven  process of compromise - where both parties competitively bargain to give away as little as they can, and in doing so end up with almost nothing. (try the Aesop's fable about the old monkey settling the argument between two younger ones over the piece of cheese they are arguing over - he progressively nibbles more and more away in evening it up into two equal pieces. They go away satisfied, but not seeing that he ate most of the cheese.)

I mean open and becoming more flexible, so that in the end it dawns on us that what we're encountering are differing elements of the mythical elephant hidden in the jungle.

When we encounter a stand alone view or input that seems not to fit and comes from a credible source the game is not to reject or cut it down as a result of it as screwing up our nice watertight model. It's instead to put it to one side. Not to forget it, but to instead to let it simmer until eventually (as happens most of the time for me) inspiration dawns and we see where it fits.

Where it maybe even requires a fundamental rejig of our model if we're to reach for a higher truth.

Mind made spiritual models can only be that. Tentatively held and ever changing methods to help the mind make conscious sense of something that's ultimately unknowable....

Grin PS Brock -  That Godwin's Law hits the nail on the head...
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« Last Edit: Jun 11th, 2008 at 10:54am by N/A »  
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #27 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 10:58am

As I've said before, I am not here to over blow your ego, but this is the 'no. 1' best post I have read on this forum yet.  May I be so bold as to break the patriarchy a bit more and add Wiccan?
My goodness, I dream of the day when all dogma is seen for what it is and we can all accept one another regardless of whether we see eye to eye on every little dream world word.
We are all part of the whole and not one of us has all the absolute truth, maybe for oneself, but not for all.


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Choose this Day

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #28 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:22pm
excellent thread folks..I must return when I get more time. SSHS, I agree with you wholeheartedly, your last words of wisdom.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #29 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 4:33pm
Look what you've done, Reach!   Wink

You've joined together a wide range of points of view, each in their own manner of speaking, to deal with their strongly felt beliefs. This thread, including the people who've contributed to it by posting or leaving their energy as they read---this all is why I love this 'place' !

Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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