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2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie (Read 24068 times)
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #75 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 7:35am
'What I found out about 'Spiritual forums' is most people that *I* come across seem to only want to hear themselves talk'

This is indeed a fair comment Dood, and we're all to one degree or another guilty of it. I'd say though that much of what seems like disinterest is largely the result of unconscious reactions.

It seems to cut several ways:

1. Yes, some want to use forums as a platform to push their views.
2. Perhaps the more pervasive aspect. When somebody does post something that isn't within our belief system we tend to be slow to engage in discussion - presumably because we're afraid of our beliefs  being challenged.

These are of course classic examples of ego at work - of our inability to rest easily in the face of uncertainty or unknowing. Without the mind frantically rushing in to try rationalise the gap out of existence - to tie up the loose ends, and so restore the primacy of our personal reality tunnel.

There's a third problem too - one that's easily read as one of the above. I've for example no problem with accepting the reality of the UFO experience that's so widely reported. But I struggle to get meaningfully involved in discussion as to what it all might mean - basically because I just haven't done the reading or thinking, or had any of the experience that's necessary to form a view.

My instinct too is that there's a cross over between matters spiritual (as in involving broader realities) and this territory.

So my vote Dood is for you to keep on posting and trying to bring us up to speed in this space - that you persevere, and don't be put off by the above. Thank you for the links which I'm slowly digging into.....

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #76 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 8:00am
I heard through word of mouth from a friend of mine that a meditation group she occasionally attends has been progressing to retrieval situations, and now she has heard from them that they are in contact with extraterrestrials. From the leaders of the group, she has been told this.

I have met these people. This couple is highly respectable, wealthy, inviting people into their home with nothing but graciousness. In fact, the atmosphere was so "pure" there when I tried out the basic practice they shared when I attended that I didn't return. I didn't feel ready for it at this point. The group was definitely moving energy there, with the different meditators being guided and progressed at different rates.

But, I mention this simply to voice my support for the sharing of any controversial topics here, as we really have no idea of their importance, and how all of these subjects are related. Experiences matter, so any way that we can hear about them, I think it benefits us all.

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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #77 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 8:38am
'What I found out about 'Spiritual forums' is most people that *I* come across seem to only want to hear themselves talk'

This is indeed a fair comment Dood, and we're all to one degree or another guilty of it. I'd say though that much of what seems like disinterest is largely the result of unconscious reactions.

It seems to cut several ways:

1. Yes, some want to use forums as a platform to push their views.
2. Perhaps the more pervasive aspect. When somebody does post something that isn't within our belief system we tend to be slow to engage in discussion - presumably because we're afraid of our beliefs  being challenged.

These are of course classic examples of ego at work - of our inability to rest easily in the face of uncertainty or unknowing. Without the mind frantically rushing in to try rationalise the gap out of existence - to tie up the loose ends, and so restore the primacy of our personal reality tunnel.

There's a third problem too - one that's easily read as one of the above. I've for example no problem with accepting the reality of the UFO experience that's so widely reported. But I struggle to get meaningfully involved in discussion as to what it all might mean - basically because I just haven't done the reading or thinking, or had any of the experience that's necessary to form a view.

My instinct too is that there's a cross over between matters spiritual (as in involving broader realities) and this territory.

So my vote Dood is for you to keep on posting and trying to bring us up to speed in this space - that you persevere, and don't be put off by the above. Thank you for the links which I'm slowly digging into.....

Thank you vajra...
Lets not forget that even *I* have an EGO and it can rear it's ugly head too.
The thing is I 'try' to contain it or at least remind myself to be aware of it.

The links I provide as I will state again  for clarity purposes are not ALL the Answers.
I look at them as The Questions.
Because, if we do not ask the correct questions in the first place then what answers we end up with will probably be false to begin with.
We have had enough false answers to our lives.

Blink brought something up to mind for me anyways...
About people that have 'met' with ETs.
There is a whole website dedicated to this subject plus more.
It is done in a very scientific & spiritual way.

It is from a website named: Exopolitics. Another site that asks the correct questions.
The Return of the "Sky People", Secret Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention for Extraterrestrial Contact

This is just one of many such writtings from this man named Dr. Michael Salla.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #78 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 8:44am
Well, I'll be so bold as to say that I have seen aliens in meditation and communicated with them.  We have seen them in the night sky.  Stars do not usually make ninety degree angles and then take off at record speeds.  Then there are beings that pop into our dimension, (call it what you will) but beings that look like space ships will pop in for a second and then pop out.
This is what got me interested in aliens in the first place.
I have found that it works like this:  If you are someone who truly wants to see them and are not going to get your mind blown by it, then they will appear to you if you ask.  It is simpler than you think.  And so, like dood, I have studied this thing for many years.
I know that many people get paranoid over this and will not accept it yet and so they will probably not get approached by them because humans imaginations get carried away and they can imagine very scary things.  There may be very scary things too, but I have not found it this way, at least yet.

I will also add that many of us are aliens in another body right at this moment and have been aliens and when you see them, you can remember.

This is something that I have usually learned to keep my mouth shut about as much as possible because it is very hurtful to know something and have someone give you that odd look or say something hurtful on a forum.  I have seen many other worlds and some that do not even resemble this one so aliens are not a question for me; they are a fact.

Even Bruce Moen talks about them in his books.  And so I will admit that some are very controlling and do things that I will not mention for the sake of people who are still very touchy on this subject.

But the main point that I am trying to make is that it can be very lonely and hurtful to the people who do know of them to be treated like they are crazy and be laughed at.
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #79 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 8:58am
But the main point that I am trying to make is that it can be very lonely and hurtful to the people who do know of them to be treated like they are crazy and be laughed at

I agree. I even look at people on 'Skid Row' or 'Shopping Cart People' that seem to be talking to themselves....Are they really?
OR, have they had encounters in their lives that are just 'To Crazy' for the main stream to accept?
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #80 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 12:35pm
What a marvelous thread. need to take a consensus gathering.  Smiley  Dood and all, I think what makes a forum actually work is the open minded aspect, live and let live idea and with a genuine "I want to share this" concept.
We've all learned that condescending can come across well in a post, which is ego, or folks just wanting to hear themselves talk without bothering to really read what other's have written.

this internet thing is still feeling new to me, as a way of communicating even though I've been at it since about 1999, I guess thats not a long time. What I've discovered personally in my time here is a lack of empathy from time to time, where an opposite viewpoint appears to be an attack on another and uncalled for, then it escalates. The problem is being entrenched within one's belief system and a certain egotistical righteous posturing occurs, which is how I see what Dood calls military control.

certain factors were born to be police men and women. They will put a banner up and say support your police society, we are here to protect you. We are still in a society which does in actuality need to call 911 from time to time and so you have your cops who maintain the peace, then you have the occassional bad egg cop who pulls over a woman (this true story) under the pretense to give a ticket, and rapes her. the last one he did this to, things got out of control as she fought back so he did her in and got caught eventually. but we still need overall, in the world, police people and we aren't going to judge the whole lot of these type of souls (ministers of hell fire and damnation are included) just because of a few bad eggs who misused their authority.
In the same way, I'm not going to judge Dood's forum Open Minds just from one thread read.
However, I still don't have time to read 400 posts from your favorite poster Dude! lol! I wish truly I did have time. tell u what, I'll compromise. I'll bookmark it!  Smiley

anyhoo, I'm interested in what makes a forum stay alive because I've seen some do belly flops and I think what makes them fizzle is an unwillingness to take a risk and speak your mind about beliefs, however, at the same time practicing being respectful of the opposite viewpoint, and expressing this basic respect right up front.
many don't give thanks that we are even responded to. I've seen many posts go unresponded to or pounced upon without consideration that it sounds condescending.

In truth, we are all equal. Like SSHS just said to me, the words do get in the way!
u guys got me going, so I need to post some more, regarding that Dood was supposed to be here now and it's been in the works for awhile.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #81 - Jun 21st, 2008 at 9:32pm
Some of you might be interested in the thread I started in the Off Topic forum.

It is a video named.... Futuretalk: a Conversation with Michael St.Clair

It is in two parts.  First part is about 53 minutes long and the second part is about 43 minutes long.

Here is the Project Camelot Link:
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