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2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie (Read 24083 times)
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #60 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 4:05pm
I don't think we are able to discuss politics here Dood, we can do that in off topics though. it's because whenever people start talking politics it always turns into an "us versus them." and consequently it's off topic for this room, my opinion.

yet I see where you are trying to lead things. I don't believe for one thing that there is a conspiracy in government, nor is there a conspiracy in our spiritual homes, where we call it nonphysical realms. because there is nothing bad, there is nothing good. all just is. this is a new consciousness which will yield a powerful focus to the human passing here. we will see many great changes, but slowly, more towards 2050 I'm thinking, along with a friend. I won't be here then in this body.

we will have those little flying things! lol. we may have harnessed once again the power of crystal energy as we did in Atlantis once. u will have a map in your little flying thing, u program it, and it drives itself to the destination. how freaky!
humans will be here for awhile, still becoming, still alive, still dealing with Earth changes, but the threat of war greatly if not entirely obliterated, so a higher standard of living for all.
these are my feelings entirely, as I consider a new consciousness to come, stepping into the 5th level pulling everyone with us, all of us, every nation and culture the same, but slowly and in time.

this is more good guys versus bad guys politics when we talk about 3 dimensional thinking. What I think it is not mind control, but ignoring that we effect one another with the slightest thoughts we give to one another. oneness concept is being ignored. like u said once, there is even on Earth, humans who think in possessive terms, then there are humans who are in service to others. you mentioned the aliens are like this also.
the question in terms of a new consciousness on Earth as it is in heaven, is how may I serve life? not how may I serve my singular needs without considering the effect upon another if I do so.

It's really an easy shift to make. I may even live to see it happen, the question is to myself, do I want to?  I might.

If we were talking politics, which I refuse to do because I am only in the healing arts and don't focus on politics anyway, but if I were, I would use the analogy that we often do not vote as we do not see that individually we can make a difference. thats what I might call spiritual ignorance. Once a person sees they have the power to make a difference, there is no conspiracy in the entire world which can stop them from going ahead and making a difference, by voting, or whatever field of interest they are in. Thats why I don't believe in the force of negative powers. It simply is not there. I do not see it, so I don't give it power. If I don't give it power, it does not exist. for me. If we each focus on what is good, what is true, we escape all manner of calamity by aligning with spiritual principle, god, or whatever you wish to call it. call it the force. there's something watching over us. label it what you will, it belongs to us all.

each person can make a difference and so we ignore our personal responsibility simply because we want someone else to do the work perhaps or we give into despair and get into overload drive.
live and learn. at least we are alive in a most amazing historical period! and we wanted to be here.

the original question to this thread is 2012, will we still have an afterlife experience.

to me this question does not make sense, so I don't know how to get on topic as 2012 is just another year to me. u might say to me, 2012 has already arrived and my afterlife expectations are simply a continuation of what I am experiencing in this physical life, so I cannot comment.

the Roswell coverup was partially because of the immaturity of our spiritual stations in this day and age, or back in 47, I surmise the coverup was necessary to waylay the panic, whereby certain factors might have started gathering implements of war, and then business as usual could not have proceeded, I suspect the military leaders ultimately wanted to protect us, however, some of us resent that type of hiding from us the truth as we know we can deal with it just fine. others among us would panic. panic and that effects the entire nation when the survival chakra and that adrenalin kicks in. mobs could have formed, is what I surmise.

We are slowly being conditioned to accept alien life does exist and we will be able to benefit from their technology further..we just have to employ patience and pursue with an open mind the way we are doing now. love to you Dood, I hope u don't get upset about my mentioning politics by itself, is I think listed in the guidelines as something we might not want to do. you know I love you, right?
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #61 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 2:44pm
The U.S. govt. is hiding lots of useful technology from us.. Then you know some of the Reptoids, Greys, have given the govt. technology that is used to brainwash us and then do whatever they please with us..

peace n' love
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #62 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 7:12pm
Alysia, I know what you are saying when you speak of 'politics'.
I am not going there.
If I was going to actually speak about Politics then I would have said Candidate A is Better then Candidate B Or Party A is Worst then Party B and so forth.
I look at it like this: the Letter of the Law and the Spirit of the Law. I was working within the Spirit of the Law.
I understand the 'reason' for no politics but, I wasn't really 'talking politics' as much as speaking about people in power that happen to be in politics.
Same goes for Corporations.  Our country has turned into a Corporate State.  OR..Corporatism (Fascism).
What that means is the government AND corporations working together.  That is what Fascism really is. The term now a days is Corporatism.

Companies/Corporations were NEVER meant to have Rights. As in the Bill of Rights.  Individuals were and the Individual is losing them while Corporations are gaining them.

Also when we speak of our everyday lives that are changing even in this thread it is impossible to separate some form of politics from everyday life.
It INTRUDES into our everyday lives more and more.

When I was speaking about 'Looking Glass' for example that machine has been used to 'see' the future probabilities.
That was what that one video link of David Wilcock explained a little bit. Elections were 'fixed' due to the probabilities of that machine 'looking ahead'.
That machine from what I have read and learned has been dismantled.  Parts were taken out of it so it cannot work.
This thing is REAL. It is not a joke. The problems 'they' faced with this device was when they got closer and closer to 2012 the 'snap shots' of the 'future' became whited out more and more.
So much that they could not 'see' beyond 2012. That is very interesting bit of info. WHY? I do not know myself but, it is ODD just the same.
What is funny is we 'see' little bits and pieces of this hidden tech in movies and TV shows.
The movie Contact shows us a version of that machine.  It is real LARGE in the movie but, the princible is the same.
Dr. Carl Sagan that wrote the book Contact was privy to this information later on. (not at first)

So my intent was not to go political but, to show what is coming down the pike.  Or what MAY come down the pike.
My bringing up this impending war with Iran is important. WHY must we have this war. Why are certain people so dead set on having this war?
My 'guess' is simple. Power & Control. It has nothing to do with Democracy or Security and everything to do with Power & Control.

So my post was meant as a warning.  So people just might look at world events a bit differently and maybe they too will 'see' this happening.

Personally my belief is there is no two party system anymore. Personally I believe they are a distraction so 'We the People' are always at each others throats.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #63 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 5:44am
Hi, people,

This is what I saw and concluded about the grays, which are I think some sort of a parasite that cannot continue to exist without humanity. Perhaps the myths about vampires are just another take on explaining how a being can suck life from another

The "Gray’s think are of superior intelligence having two brains. They do not possess sexual organs and have sensory organs that are somewhat atrophied. They can only perpetuate and continue on in life by transferring their conciseness to a cloned replica of themselves or a entity of similar interlect, when damaged.

They are reptilian in nature and have the ability to hypnotize or freeze their victims. They claim to have created humankind and are here to bring us up to the next level of our "evolution". They are seen in a bright sudden and startling appearance from the skies. Their bodies also appear to shine in the dark.

They are not nice and do not have the best intentions for us.

Agree I see what they call evolution as just an experiment by God leading up the present earthly reality as sentient beings. The great lizards abandoned for the better idea of placental mammals and the isolated Australian experiment with marsupial mammals are just examples

Like Justin, I believe God does the same thing with the cosmos and indeed all of existence.
These Gray entities are reflected in the Bible I think.

Basic English (Zechariah 5)      

Zec 5:1      Then again lifting up my eyes I saw a roll in flight through the air.(roll is the mother ship)      
Zec 5:2      And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, A roll going through the air; it is twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide. (roll is the mother ship)            

Zec 5:3      Then he said to me, This is the curse which goes out over the face of all the land: for long enough has every thief gone without punishment, and long enough has every taker of false oaths gone without punishment.      

Zec 5:4      And I will send it out, says the Lord of armies, and it will go into the house of the thief and into the house of him who takes a false oath by my name: and it will be in his house, causing its complete destruction, with its woodwork and its stones.            

Zec 5:5      And the angel who was talking to me went out and said to me, Let your eyes be lifted up now, and see the ephah or” UFO” or” UFO” which is going out.      

Zec 5:6      And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah or” UFO” or” UFO” which is going out. And he said further, This is their evil-doing in all the land. (The Grays are Bad news)            
Zec 5:7      And I saw a round cover of lead lifted up; and a woman was seated in the middle of the ephah or” UFO” or” UFO”. (he looked into the open doorway of the UFO)            
Zec 5:8      And he said, This is Sin; and pushing her down into the ephah or” UFO” or” UFO”, he put the weight of lead (metal) on the mouth of it. (doorway)            

Zec 5:9      And lifting up my eyes I saw two women coming out, and the wind was in their wings; and they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they took the ephah or” UFO” or” UFO”, lifting it up between earth and heaven.

I hope this is of some interest      

The mystical beings that appear to us as vertical beams of light are our friends and their task is to help humanity join the universal order.

Most refer to these beings as Angels

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Alan McDougall
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #64 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 10:14pm
R, you're too onery for a reptilian to approach you. don't worry. Smiley

Ok, Dood you're cool. I was just not wanting a bunch of politicians waving signs here. somewhere I got the idea all politicians are scoundrals...maybe I need to rethink that one. basically, we are about exploring our own self, here what happens after death..not what is happening in the outside world where it seems these days everyone is getting crazier sometimes..and like R said, we don't know what to to go inward to hear what the truth is...daily.  it would be easy to get off topic and then Bruce comes in and puts the thing in the off topic category without warning. but conversation can continue as usual over there too. and glad off topic is there. more freedom flow to the thread, can be fun. so if it gets hairy here...dont forget Dood, we want to hear you, and you can always take it to off topics if things get controversial. u have to admit, it's a sticky subject.

Spooky thanks for leavening the group. Spooky has had a lot of great inner explorations he shared here.

ok my two cents...the ufo's can slip into a dimensional slide, it seems as if they speeded up and disappeared. that's because they increased the frequency and slip into this other dimension, out of our space, into their kind of space. the space we can see is produced by an image on the retina of the physical eye...just as there are sounds which a dogs ear can pick up, and similar to Monroe's tones of the hemi sync, the physical eye only sees a limited dimension we call time/space/motion, 3 dimensional here. Just as the I/there exists, so does this other dimension where there is no linear time or clock time.  they have a reason for revealing themselves to the odd human here and there.
It acclimates us to their eventual arrival. We are interesting to them. Some don't have emotional quality, nor do they understand the PUL we can generate here, which causes our evolvement.

See Bruces's books regarding aliens and PUL and how they couldn't measure the stuff yet benefitted from feeling it. it helped them evolve to study and feel it.

Certain humans from before incarnation agreed to be in an experiment with certain aliens, although they didn't necessarily remember the contract agreement. they slowly start to remember when they reach a certain point in their process.
Some are women agreed to participate in dna, mixing human dna with alien dna. the fetus is then taken and grown in their on ship lab, when it is about 6 weeks or so along.

later, the mother is brought back onboard to supply "love." as the half human does not thrive well without this nurturing love. the aliens learn from the Earth mother by the way she holds the child and loves it.

These aliens I've been told would like to share our Earth, and so the dna mix is their plan, in agreement with the persons who agreed to be abducted. the children then later, as adults infiltrate the society and aid in our evolvement having the knowledge given to them by both races. (dna is like information strands of living cellular composition)

this my own supposition. just sharing what I believe.

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #65 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 7:04am
Here's a rather beautiful song by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant I tripped over on YouTube that for me captures some sense of the wonder and ultimate unknowability of the whole UFO thing:

'Strange things are happening every day,
I hear the music up above my head,
Though the sight of my heart has left me again,
I hear music up above......'
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #66 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 7:45am
UAP in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary


This was recently released by the MoD (British Ministry of Defense) about UFOs for the last 30 years.
Basically they are accepting the fact they are real...

EDIT: vajra, yes you can find some really neat little gems on YouTube....
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #67 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:12am

when several of these ideas get put together, it's easy to think of the greys as being humans who have evolved under the earth in caverns (sort of like the 'Hollow Earth' concept.) --- Previous human Earthlings who ruined their planet's surface with technologies of ultimate devastation, perhaps as recently as Atlantis?

That would explain the great span of time they've been seen (biblical, 1500's, etc) and could explain their anatomy and the extreme measures they may be taking to insure their survival.

We would be evolved from the same human stock previous to the devastation. When they say they made us or are responsible for us, it's in the sense that they were human too in the earlier evolution.

They and not some 'evil' surface nation, would be the princes of darkness and we are the people of light, I hope, using biblical references again.

This isn't my idea, it is hinted at in a novel called 'The Green Child,' by Herbert Read, an English historian in the early 1900's. In that story, two of them accidentally wandered up to the surface +/or were transported by vibrations from an earth churchbell. People tried to care for them but food etc here was not in tune with their bodies.

Do they have to be from another planet to be important to us?



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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #68 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 6:16pm
Betson and others,

One view that comes from the bible is that about the grays is that they are the result of the “children of god”? who took the took the woman of humanity as their mates and this supposedly resulted in a hybrid breed of some sort,

These children of the gods might be beings from other worlds somewhere from out in the universe

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #69 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 7:05am

That's still going on, isn't it?--women claiming to have been used for breeding
with these  aliens?

Did the beings get the term 'children of god' because they came frome the skies?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #70 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 12:43pm
Update on Timelines and Looking Glass...


As to what the ETs are doing in regards to Abductions then this thread is very insightful.
(I really enjoy ScaRZ's input. I do not always agree with him but, he makes some fantastic points)

More on what are Angels...

This WHOLE thread is very intersting to me anyways.
ScaRZ explains what the Giants of the Old Testament (Nimrod was a giant) also what are, 'sons of god' and the 'daughters of men'.

Fascinating read...however, it is real L O N G! You could spends weeks reading this.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #71 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 6:36pm
I went over to the link about angels and demons that Dood gave us. Very interesting. They seem to be a group of Christian mystics, using bible language.

in comparison to this board, we have all religions as well those of no faith, just folks, show up here to blend thoughts with.  Certainly many threads of thought there and perspectives and what appears as mystical experiences, which do not show up here, except for Alan could match them I'll bet!

Dood, you would probably like Astral Pulse as well. Robert Bruce is busy as an interplanetary exorcist from what I've viewed. I like him but I like Bruce Moen's books and experiences much better. just a personal preference.

A different group though for sure. I don't have time or I'd probably jump in there. Robert Bruce however takes the zap out of the word demons to call them negs.

which means a negative person. If you come upon grouchy folks, that is a negative person. I usually don't ask them what planet they came from as I might get punched.

When out and about in the astral should you come across a neg, we have here a nifty little reball, a love tap in some cases you can send. In other times "see it not there" works marvelously.
There are spiritual principles to bring light into the body complex. This light works within your astral body configerations as well. When light, which is what you are, as light energy, approaches a neg, which is dark energy, it flees...just as the bible says, and what Monroe has reported to experience, standing before a highly evolved being, the ego, if it holds any dark energy, is blinded by the light, and in order to save itself must flee.

so they are talking about angels over there versus demons. this is very old stuff/thought. a case of duality and 3 dimensional thinking we will be leaving behind shortly, maybe in 50 years? donno, but 4rth and 5th dimensional thinking is a type of no thinking, it is just a beingness.

have to share what I got a slight buzz off once though....I got a message on myspace that Satan had returned home. I assumed this meant that Satan had been loosed upon the Earth, and now he was back home, and so his powers are no more. this of course is traditional Christian thought again, which I don't really need or want. Yet I saw it as a positive comment and that it had some truth in it, that there has arrived upon our planet a speed up of positive energy, which is causing us all to make leaps and bounds towards our respective intentions for being here.

It could not just be me seeing this everywhere.  Shocked

there is only one place we can go from here on this type of thread, and that is towards our unlimited higher selves. until all thought is necessarily limited thought. Keep love, PUL acts to expand the mind into what is true for all.

a heart path. May the force be with you!  Smiley
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #72 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 1:52am
Hi Alysia and all.

Well, like you say we all have a huge diversity of opinions and maybe they are closer than we think.  Perhaps words get in the way.  I am looking forward to going back to speaking telepathically in a more conscious way.  Then we'll know what's really in a person's heart.  Just my thoughts, but I think we are a bunch of lovers here who just get caught up in silly words sometimes.
Dood, you've added a lot of interesting thoughts to the thread.  IMO, we are not so frightened here of differing ideas or we wouldn't be here.
So do we have an afterlife after 2012?  Of course.  In fact, I think that we are as dead now as we'll ever be.  Many mystics call this life we're in now 'death'.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #73 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 3:35am

"Alysia you said"A different group though for sure. I don't have time or I'd probably jump in there. Robert Bruce however takes the zap out of the word demons to call them negs."

I like this term for them, maybe you can remember my early days in the forum where I told of an experience with these life sucking negative things, I did not call them demons.

I will do a search and try to repost ths .Is is not long

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Alan McDougall
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #74 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 6:55am
LaffingRain wrote on Jun 5th, 2008 at 6:36pm:
I went over to the link about angels and demons that Dood gave us. Very interesting. They seem to be a group of Christian mystics, using bible language.

in comparison to this board, we have all religions as well those of no faith, just folks, show up here to blend thoughts with.  Certainly many threads of thought there and perspectives and what appears as mystical experiences, which do not show up here, except for Alan could match them I'll bet!

Dood, you would probably like Astral Pulse as well. Robert Bruce is busy as an interplanetary exorcist from what I've viewed. I like him but I like Bruce Moen's books and experiences much better. just a personal preference.

A different group though for sure. I don't have time or I'd probably jump in there. Robert Bruce however takes the zap out of the word demons to call them negs.

which means a negative person. If you come upon grouchy folks, that is a negative person. I usually don't ask them what planet they came from as I might get punched.

Alysia, when you have time then read some more over there.
I would suggest simply pulling up ScaRZ's name then reading(skimming??) his last 400-500 posts.
(that only goes back to the beginning of the year by the way..hehe)
Not that ScaRZ is the only person to read but you will catch what he is answering to then jump in on that area of that thread.
Like I stated it is a very long thread. I do not 'think' of ScaRZ as 'religious' in the term that is mostly associated with it.
He is just very deeply intersted in pre-flood times. I think of him more like a history teacher.
He brings together not just the Bible but many books that were not allowed in the bible.
It makes for a very interesting way to 'look' at our history.
He is a very loving man and actually tries to 'Walk the Walk' so to speak.
That is more then I can say about most Christians that *I* have ever met.

As for the Astral Pulse. I am registered there.
I have posted quite bit there but, not so much in the last 6 months.
I did buy his main book though and downloaded it. ($27.00 I believe)
What I found out about 'Spiritual forums' is most people that *I* come across seem to only want to hear themselves talk.
They are not there to learn because 'they' believe they have learned it already.
I found this same attutude with the Near-Death Forum too.  In fact I simply STOPPED all posting there.
The Administrator over there was condensending and closed minded.
I do not have the time or the energy to feed these people's EGOS.
I have started some threads on these two forums only to mostly catch flak for it.
In all fairness, I have met a few people there that are what I call 'Gems'.
I let them know I was leaving and where to find me if if they desire too.
However, I did get to meet Ginny and learn about Frank Kebble from the Astral Pulse.
Once I found out that Ginny is over here (once in a blue moon) I got real excited.

I find it very strange that people that are researching Spiritual things and Ufology are not working more in sync with each other.
There is some kind of connection.  That I would bet my life on.
There are answers there if only people would start to merge these two areas of interest togther more.
THAT is why I enjoy the Open Minds forum. It is the closest that I have found that meets this criteria.
Just by looking at the Sub Forum Titles will tell you this.
The Open Minds Forum merges Ufology, Spiritualism, New World Order, Science, and even Religion all under one umbrella.
The Moderation on that Forum is very very FAIR to all.
They will not tolerate any personal attacks on ANYone.
They simply ask that people back up as much as possible their 'evidence'.
Other then that they are a good group of people over there and anyone is welcome.
The Administration over there also understand they have become a bigger target for Dis-information agents and debunkers.
Other words the (secret) government is trying to infiltrate and cause discourse.

I shared here I beleive the thread named: The Disappearace of Steve Fossett.
It is in the sub forum of John Lear.
It is a very intresting thread where this man disappeared while flying his plane.
I mean totally disappeared. no wreckage, no trail, no nothing.
Dimensional Shift? one 'really knows' at this point.
Then a person came forward and stated he received communication from Steve Fossett by way of a computer.
Text on the screen.
Where 'Steve' was trying to describe where he was at and was having a hard time in doing so. 4th dimension? I do not know...
This brought to mind Bruce's 'device' to reach the afterlife realm.
Worth the read anyways...

I still would like to see Bruce Moen while he is still with us in this 3D realm do an interview with Project Camelot.
THAT would be fantastic....
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