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2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie (Read 24082 times)
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #45 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:13pm
If one considers things from a disk viewpoint, could a being like a reptilian do as David Icke suggests and take control of a person's brain? Wouldn't a person's disk do something about this? Are lizzards more powerful than our disks? Do they have more access to our minds than our disk?

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #46 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:31pm
Ta Dood. Thanks for that. Joking and being a little facetious, but I guess some obvious responses might be:

(a) why don't they just help themselves to as many people as they want on the quiet anyway? and:

(b) sounds like either way since we're out gunned and the 7th cavalry won't take an interest until we clean up our act that maybe we need to not worry about the big picture and just focus on the knitting.

Don't for one moment feel I'm capable of asking meaningful questions on this though.

Kind of all blows my mind. But then so did the possibility that realities other than the physical existed until I was well into adult life so as ever I guess the game is to stay open but not get hung up on beliefs...
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #47 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:33pm
Another point I like to bring up is this....

How did we go from a Horse & Buggy culture to a High Tech culture in less then a 100 years?

Think about it.  'WE' are not all THAT smart. 'WE' had to have some kind of 'help' along the way.
We went from vacuum tubes to micro chips in a very short amount of time.
That tells me we have back-engineered a lot of stuff.
Lasers, Microwaves, Microchips, Wireless communications, Fiber Optics, LEDs, etc.
Tesla developed wireless power back at the turn of the 20th century but we still use poles in the ground to transfer electricity.

Also look at this. Since we have all these new gizmos now then why are we still using 19th century technology to power our vehicles?
Why are we not using cleaner energy? I believe 'they' have been hiding the real tech out there so we are controlled and forced to purchase OIL based energy.
I believe there is Zero-Point Energy out there but, it is kept from us....why? Control of the masses.  
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #48 - May 29th, 2008 at 10:21pm
From stating all the high tech stems from aliens it is a little step to believe our thoughts are stemming from aliens. Paranoia anyone?
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #49 - May 29th, 2008 at 10:28pm
Old Dood wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 7:33pm:
Another point I like to bring up is this....

How did we go from a Horse & Buggy culture to a High Tech culture in less then a 100 years?

Think about it.  'WE' are not all THAT smart. 'WE' had to have some kind of 'help' along the way.
We went from vacuum tubes to micro chips in a very short amount of time.
That tells me we have back-engineered a lot of stuff.
Lasers, Microwaves, Microchips, Wireless communications, Fiber Optics, LEDs, etc.
Tesla developed wireless power back at the turn of the 20th century but we still use poles in the ground to transfer electricity.

Also look at this. Since we have all these new gizmos now then why are we still using 19th century technology to power our vehicles?
Why are we not using cleaner energy? I believe 'they' have been hiding the real tech out there so we are controlled and forced to purchase OIL based energy.
I believe there is Zero-Point Energy out there but, it is kept from us....why? Control of the masses. 

  You mention Tesla O.D.   More tech. stuff than most are aware of, can be traced back to his patents and ideas.   He really paved the way for a lot of the stuff you are talking about.   

  Also, a few ancient cultures and teachings talk about a similar thing.  They talk about the cyclic nature of space/time, and how over long periods of time, humanity goes through various stages which correspond to collectively faster or slower vibrating cycles.   Some are dark ages spiritually where ignorance and materialism, especially spiritual ignorance reign, some are golden ages where most of humanity has it's stuff together spiritually and many more people are very intuitive and psychic in nature. 

  For example, the Ages of the Zodiac.   Or the Ages that the Hindus talk about.   These all seem to essentially correspond to Galactic Alignment cycles, as well as even larger and smaller cycles being pertinent.

  The tech explosion can be explained well enough by this, and the fact that as the outer cycle gets faster vibrating in nature, more intuitive Souls can better come through on a more collective level, instead of in certain ages where we get one or two unbelievable geniuses.   Like attracts and begets like, and incarnations oft follow this pattern (though not always).  More spiritually mature souls tend to be more innately intuitive in nature and generally have a more expanded awareness in their physical lives.   

  Genius oft has a lot to do with intuition and nonphysical perception.  Tesla being a great example of that.

  We have been coming up to one of those faster vibrating cycles wherein our system is aligning to the Galactic plane, as well as nearing the Aquarius cusp.    Aquarius is a sign that deals with stuff like groups, mentally intuitive ways of dealing with things (Aquarius being a very intuitive indication, but less "heart" centered than Pisces which is even more psychic in nature), exploration, and communication for example.   It's also kind of the "inventor" sign par excellence. 

   E.T.'s don't need to have given us some technology for this development to have arrived--humans have all the potential that any other group in the Universe has, if they open up and believe enough.   

That being said, i believe and know from my own and my wife's guidance, that positive E.T.'s will share technology with us in the relatively near future when we are spiritually ready and responsible enough for it.  This is also talked about in other sources i trust a lot, like Rosiland A. McKnight's book Cosmic Journeys.   

   What would be known as China now, in the nearish future will be quite the interesting place and hub for contacts of this nature, because eventually what's left of the Chinese people's will have consecrated themselves as channels and workers of the Divine within the Earth beyond that of most groups in the Earth at the time (they will become wayshowers and an example to the rest of the world).
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #50 - May 29th, 2008 at 10:53pm
Old Dood wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 7:07pm:
EDIT TWO: I tend to lean with Alan.  The 'First Contact' openly I believe will be a false contact.
It will be a deception of some kind.  It will be a 'reason' to think that aliens are the Enemy and we must fight them.

  I honestly would not be surprised if there was some kind of scare set up tactic by one or more gov's along that nature.  Particularly, i wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. gov. didn't do something like this.   Anyone remember Monroe's first book and the precog. glimpses in it, kind of reminds me of one of those where there are these ships which he didn't think were "ours", but which blasted building windows or something (it's been a long while since i read his first book).   

  Btw, i had a really interesting and vivid dream where i was communicating with a couple different groups of E.T.'s and i was told that sometime in the decade of 2010 (not the exact year of 2010), that there will be public contacts.   I don't believe it can be pinpointed to an exact year, because it's variable in nature and depends on how we are progressing as a collective, etc. 

  But they can give semi accurate ranges, like they gave me.  So i assume what they meant was that sometime from 2010 to the end of 2019 there will be major public contacts and inter communications. 

  For the record, i do not believe that all E.T.'s are our future selves, though in a sense they are analogous to our future or far past selves which were and will be more intune than we are now.   But literally us coming back from the future, well maybe one group or what not, but not all.
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #51 - May 30th, 2008 at 6:48am
spooky2 wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 10:21pm:
From stating all the high tech stems from aliens it is a little step to believe our thoughts are stemming from aliens. Paranoia anyone?

First of all Alysia ASKED me to comment....OK?

Secondly....when did *I* say ALL High Tech came from Aliens?
I said "WE had to have some kind of 'help' along the way...."
Of course there is development of technology by ourselves.
However, we sure came along hard and fast in less then 100 years.
It is not that hard to see that we back engineered many things.
So I do not appreciate being called paranoid.  
That is a typical response I get from debunkers that have nothing else to offer but ridicule.
It is an old song and dance and quite frankly I am not in the mood for it.

ETs have been around for a very long time. Even before we were in tribes.
Our DNA has been messed with. Enhanced from our earliest beginnings.

Like I stated before you can find more information at the links I provided.
It is up to you to 'choose' to read and learn more about it.
If you choose not to then so be it.
I made the choice to research this more.
I simply 'know' there is more to our lives then this 3D bit.
It is ALL connected in some way.
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #52 - May 30th, 2008 at 6:50am
Old Dood wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 7:07pm:
EDIT TWO: I tend to lean with Alan.  The 'First Contact' openly I believe will be a false contact.
It will be a deception of some kind.  It will be a 'reason' to think that aliens are the Enemy and we must fight them.

 I honestly would not be surprised if there was some kind of scare set up tactic by one or more gov's along that nature.  Particularly, i wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. gov. didn't do something like this.   Anyone remember Monroe's first book and the precog. glimpses in it, kind of reminds me of one of those where there are these ships which he didn't think were "ours", but which blasted building windows or something (it's been a long while since i read his first book).  

 Btw, i had a really interesting and vivid dream where i was communicating with a couple different groups of E.T.'s and i was told that sometime in the decade of 2010 (not the exact year of 2010), that there will be public contacts.   I don't believe it can be pinpointed to an exact year, because it's variable in nature and depends on how we are progressing as a collective, etc.  

 But they can give semi accurate ranges, like they gave me.  So i assume what they meant was that sometime from 2010 to the end of 2019 there will be major public contacts and inter communications.

I have read that the 'date' is more around 2017.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #53 - May 30th, 2008 at 8:06am
To be a bit more serious Dood. My personal sense is that it's impossible to ignore the UFO and related thing given the numbers of sightings all around the world. I'm just disappointed I've not managed one yet, despite our having a major one a few years ago near my house while I was asleep. (one of those enormous triangle shaped craft hovered over the local horse race course about two miles away for a while at about 2.00am, and was reportedly seen by many)

But it's hard to figure out - there's perhaps some signs around that what manifests is in some way linked with our expectations of what should or might be. That for example what the ancients saw coincided more with the expectations of those times. (it could of course too be that the current lot only arrived recently)

I wonder if it's not all a part of the picture that suggests that the entire reality we perceive is mind made - in the end the result of some interplay between its creative and universal nature, and our perception. As demonstrated by the way that when we become conscious of stuff all sorts of amazing synchronicities start to occur - or at least we become aware of the existence of stuff now that we're looking for it. (the number 23, or the number 111 are cases in point)

Robert Anton Wilson writes about this in Cosmic Trigger - that 'reality' or what we manifest/perceive can be and is in the most literal way triggered by what we knowingly or unknowingly intend or believe, or want to perceive, or are being induced to perceive. As in you want channellings from Sirius - you got them. From the Pleiadians - no problem. From Jesus or God - no problem. From a variety of Buddhas - at your service. All are possibly just deeper realities manifesting in a form that matches our pre-conceptions. Trouble is that most of the time we're not in command of our minds - bearing in mind that 'mind' despite perceived separations is ultimately one and extends far beyond our individual selves - and so are not conscious  of what we're requesting on the cosmic ordering service.

Deepak Chopra uses the term unconscious 'pre-cognitive commitment' to describe this phenomenon. The idea being that before we ever get as far as making sense of the data we receive through our senses we've decided what we want to perceive. Or perhaps been influenced by higher mind to want. That we can (a) out of the void bring into reality whatever we want, but (b) that what we perceive is only one of an infinite number of possibilities.

That's not to rubbish any of the traditions built on the above. Just to suggest that mind and the stuff from which form arises exists at a more fundamental quantum level that's incomprehensible to our time/space relative minds, and that it talks to us (talks to itself/ourself?) or fulfills some other esoteric function by the only means we can relate to - by manifesting events in the relative.

That it's maybe in the end just a manifestation of some of us moving beyond C1 to not just transcend time and the physical and be able to enter other reality tunnels, but also becoming able to create alternative reality tunnels.

If that was the case, then this the UFO phenomenon is just a part of the much broader phenomenon of our perception of non-ordinary realities, and as such just as prone to being misconstrued and misunderstood. Especially when for ego reasons we have an investment in believing certain things.

The bit that throws me is the amount of screwy belief that's probably buried somewhere in the depths of what passes for our personal/local/easily consciously accessible minds, and consequently what has the potential to manifest without our knowing its there. How many of us for example if suddenly snapped into an alternate reality that presented us with this monstrous looking apparent deity would retain enough presence to not instantly snap into the deeply conditioned response of relating to it as a god - of maybe even prostrating ourselves before it?
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« Last Edit: May 30th, 2008 at 1:14pm by N/A »  
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #54 - May 30th, 2008 at 8:52pm
[quote author=recoverer link=1210264465/0#1 date=1210266722]Werner:

I don't believe that you'll have to reincarnate if you don't want to. The very fact of how you don't seem to want to, shows that you aren't attached to this World. I believe that people over do the attachment to this World business. Consider what near death experience people often say. For individual reasons, they have no interest in returning to the World.  They only do so because they have responsibilities such as families to take care of.

The main things each of us want is happiness, security, peace, knowledge and love.  While in this World we become confused about how to obtain these qualities. If a spirit moved on to the World of spirit and found these qualities, why would it be pulled back into the World? There is no way that this World has things to offer that the spirit World doesn't have to offer. Especially when it comes to love.

Some say that spirits get stuck earthbound for a while because of addictions. This may be so, but before a spirit gets to the point where it can reincarnate it would have to get over its addiction sufficiently enough so it could move on to the light and get the assistance it needs so it could consider another incarnation. Or in otherwords:
1. A person is addicted to something such as sex, drugs or alchohol while alive.
2. This person dies and energetically stays connected to the World because of his or her addiction.
3. This person, I mean spirit, becomes tired of being attached to the World, receives help from a spirit helper, and moves to a place in the spirit World where its addiction based energetics can be cleansed. Along with this cleansing process will be a life review which enables the spirit to understand why it became addicted while incarnated in a human body. Because this spirit is no longer encased within a body, it will be separated from the survival instinct, food drive, sex drive, chemical imbalances, hormonal influences, and the emotion producing chemicals the body includes. It will be free of the mental capacity limitations a nervous system imposes.  It will be free of the energetic limitations a body causes.
4. After a spirit completes the energetic cleansing and life review process, it will move to a higher level of the spirit World where it will be exposed to a level of love, happiness, peace, beauty and knowledge,  where earth based attachments will seem pale in comparison.  Therefore, whether or not a spirit reincarnates will be a matter of choice rather than requirement. Perhaps it will want to learn more lessons, or serve the light in some way.

I restate what I wrote on another thread. While in the spirit World we work with other spirits and share our lessons.  This negates the need for numerous incarnations.


I agree, with all of this for sure!!

peace n' love
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #55 - May 30th, 2008 at 11:15pm
OK Old Dood, I was harsh. You know, I took the youtube-Ufo-tour. What I found to me seemed to be to a good extent like a cult- and a dark cult, unfortunately.

Let me explain my position:
1. There is doubtlessly evidence of many sightings which can't be explained ("Ufos").
2. There is no hard evidence of aliens. As far as I know, there is not one bit of definitely foreign technology or remains of an alien ever presented to the public, examined by a scientific institute. There is simply a disproportion in the amount of stories vs. the amount of hard facts.

I see myself as open sceptic. I don't like when speculations are sold as hard facts. And I don't like when people got hung up in dark scenarios. There are already enough people who suffer from that alien-hysteria. Therefore my reaction.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Alan McDougall
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #56 - May 31st, 2008 at 10:32am

I have been lurking in the background soaking up your most provocative and interesting dialogue.

I would like to add: Where do you think mortal humanity, will be in the unimaginable far future say one billion CE.?

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #57 - May 31st, 2008 at 12:08pm

Re: the lizard like features of so many reports--
What if
our OWN subtle bodies have certain characteristics that we'd not like to be conscious of.
So when we're OB or whatever, we see others in their astral or ethereal outfits, and all our conscious mind can accept is
"Lizard People!--but I just caught a glimpse of them !!
I think I'd prefer flowing robes and feathered wings, but maybe that jest ain't so.  Shocked

Re: 1,000,000 C.E.---
I plan to be within an emerging world, acting as gravity to magnetize
Some bits of dust and vapor from the surrounding skies, and when my God
annoints it all with lightning from above, my outer caseing of my yet unnamed world
shall bring forth life, immersed in Love.

Or maybe I'll just be singing second soprano with the Hasannahs at the foot of God.  Smiley

Bets Smiley
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #58 - May 31st, 2008 at 2:38pm
I appreciate that you put your energy here Old Dood. you make perfect sense to me, and especially the part about how easy it is to go through life with our heads in the sand, it seems to be a human wish to be led, not sure, but it really is time not to be sheep anymore.

I'm not with paranoia either. I sense a plan is unfolding and I enjoy being a part of it. thanks for the links, I'm sure somebody here will appreciate the links and perhaps has been looking for them.

I lived in Roswell 4 years and came there, wondering if the stories were true. Living in the town, searching out it's history, meeting the folks there, I came to believe there was a massive coverup of the truth back in 1947; it was enacted by our military with such efficiency that barely a trace remains behind of the truth, and besides the original newspapers displayed where you can read between the lines, nothing remains there for the general public tourists except for a paper float during the annual parades depicting the spaceship crash.
Pretty sure it was several of the gray clones that crashed there, and that there had been some bomb testing in the area which disturbed their instruments, which shows their technology was not perfect either.

then while I'm going along in Roswell, who do I meet but the illegitimate daughter of one of our most respected presidents, who has visited with her spiritually, obe, and informed her of his alien origins, and that he has taken human form for a historic period. she had his dna; she looked just like him.
also I was not desiring to take up alien study..spirit practically dragged me to her in order to provide the funds by purchasing her little hut so she could go off to prove her DNA was her fathers.
this was not to be, but she made an effort in court, her half brother would not comply.

yes, technology is interesting. I was involved with a man who had developed a carbureator which runs on fumes, reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Upon checking the patents, we discovered at least a dozen such carbs had already been invented, and the inventors bought out or threatened that if they didn't accept payment...well...their families might suffer the consequences...

yes, this goes on. but it's changing slowly.  My inventor friend was the stubborn type. Got his toe shot off for not selling his patent. god bless him. I hope he's ok. I figure there are event planners, and when the time is right, the new carbs and alternative fuel will appear, and maybe even quicker than we think!

Have faith..we are rolling ahead into the shift in consciousness..there truly are things in our universe which are quite as strange as any fiction I've read. and I don't even read fiction btw.

love, alysia
ps: Dood, you're right. we should love one another despite the barriars to doing that.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #59 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 11:33am are welcome.
Just to let everyone know that Alysia didn't just 'believe' me when I started sharing some of this stuff.
She looked at it with an open mind and made her own decisions.

I also 'believe' there is some kind of 'mind control' going on too.
As CRAZY as that sounds I have a strong feeling this is true.
We get bombarded with so many things now a days it is not even funny.
TV, Media, Movies, etc all contribute to some form of mind control.
The less you allow yourself you be influenced by these things the more you can 'see' the truth.
(I am sure a lot of you members here do not fall victim to a lot of TV and such.  You here are more 'aware' then the regular people in this world)
I have cut myself off of most television. If I want to see a TV show then I will watch a DVD of it instead. YouTube.
Our last line of 'defense' anymore is the internet and 'they' want to take that away as well.
How? Ever heard of Net Neutrality?
This is a good place to start.  IF the governments and corporations have their way we will lose our ability to get reliable information.
The Ministry of Truth will become our only means of any info and that scares me.

This next coming election is very important. It may look like any other election in the past but, I am concerned about the 'outcome'.
Will we have another 'October Surprise'?  Will there be some kind of Emergency at the 11th hour?
One that will allow Bush/Cheney to declare such an 'Emergency' to hold off elections and retain POWER? Mashal Law? I sure hope not.

It is no secret that Bush/Cheney is trying to start a war with Iran. So much so that many ODD things have happened.
Do any of you know that the NIE (National Intellegence Estimate) was LEAKED....on purpose to hopefully stop a war with Iran?
That seemed to hold them off for a while. Right now we have a Carrier Group on it's way to the Persian Gulf.
What is it's real mission? False Flag Operation? I do not know. I do know that 'they' want this war and if they get it then we just might be in for a WWIII.
How many of you remember the Minot Air Base Missing Nuclear Cruise Missiles from last summer?
Have you noticed that 'story' was surpressed?  Very quickly too. No way in hell the US Military makes that kind of 'mistake'....EVER!
Loose Nukes Link:
Project Camelot Link:

I have also read that the war in Iraq was more about gaining Ancient Technology then it was about WMDs.
There was some kind of 'device' that was found in the deserts of Iraq that Saddam knew about and was going to use.
I understand this sounds CRAZY as well. Think about it.
What the device was/is I believe is a 'Stargate/wormhole' type device. One that can affect the 'timelines'.
There is already a device in the hands of the US government. It has many names. One is called Looking Glass.

David Wilcock speaks of this as well in his video I have shared here.
What this device can do is 'see' into probable 'futures'.
Where did this Looking Glass come from? The Roswell Crash.
Dr. Dan Burisch is a important resource to this story.
Link #2 (update):
Video Link:
Dad Burish is an 'Odd Duck' to say the least but, his story has checked out with other insiders and whistleblowers.
(I would love to have Project Camelot interview Bruce Moen about his travels....)

There is so much information out there that is hard to get a hold of.
There is a lot of DIS-information as well. Our Secret Governments are not stupid. They try to cloud the issues with disinformation.
They have been doing a great job too.

This is why I asked people here to look into this because many of you are very good at spiritual travel and can look into this stuff much more easily then I can.
That was the whole point of the Partnered Exploration of the Moon for example.  So some of you can view what is going on up there.
Not just the Moon but, Mars and Venus. I believe it would be more reliable info if you all did it as a group.  So it 'looks' more clear to all.
We are being lied to about our solar system. For example Mars does not have a Red Tint of an Atmosphere.
It is blue.  NASA 'tints' it red. Why? Good question.
I will not say that everything that I am providing is 100% accurate. BUT, I know I am on the right track.
This is also why I say it is not always about the correct answers but, the correct questions.

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