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2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie (Read 24074 times)
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #30 - May 29th, 2008 at 1:30pm
thanks for the quote Shss  one more time for posterity "The idea of karma is a matrix myth to confirm a belief in evolution over 'time' and encourage a state of guilt and self loathing"  David Icke

now I'm thinking that evolution is merely a stage set up we all agreed to step into using effect and consequences, karmic thinking, along with the guilt foisted upon us by misperceiving religious doctrine. one day we just get tired of participating and exit stage left. Karma can be said to be building our own houses to live in now, and stepping into an astral version of that same house upon transition, minus the taxes. In that sense I do not believe either in hell nor heaven but somewhere in between where we create together what it is we desire.

Yet i do subscribe to the new souls being born and utilizing Earth station as their playground and school.
I can hardly foresee a finite number of souls in the universal perspective, if I view life itself as an expansive process of All That is breathing out, as well breaths inward it's own. Lizards included.

I tend to join R and Cat. my belief is that certain aliens of high order are none other than our own future selves re-visiting a past circumstance in order to free us from negative consequence, such as running amuck with our various bombs and chemicals. We are being made aware..awareness itself is a very useful tool for development.

Alan, you seem to instigate fear in the populace, I suspect unintentionally. you have a lot of good news for us, that is what I like to hear, rather than reporting your visions solely in the negative, sensational descriptives, do be honest, but concentrate on what are the positives within the vision to give forth of?  we would rather, (I think) like to discuss our options for preparation for these things. I know you can do that, I've seen you do it. u r probably in training to do good works in your communications, as it's clear you're getting more info than the rest of us and I don't dispute your visions, nor reject you as loony, not at all, I mention interpretations of visions are more important than the vision itself.

and we create our reality this way through our agreement on the interpretation. therefore the future, speaking of linear time, is never set in stone but flexible according to our agreements in consensus.
in that way one can see your visions as not crazy, but interpreted through your very own special way of looking at the world.
Just be aware, if I may be allowed to say this to you, Fear will be our downfall in every single case, so if you would be careful, there are some need your guidance within positive measure.
people have a tendency to get panicked. no, not me, but our most intelligent leaders fall under the fear cloud, which keeps us from gaining more awareness of what must be done.

In the meantime, WE are the aliens. my opinion.

just read R's post about various beliefs about the man JC. All of these things are people's beliefs in the end; I think if we can go forward, as a group, we can agree on one thing and start from the premise that JC is an ascended master..therefore, he does not need to come here and live within physical matter again.
to downgrade a master in any way is inexcusable and I get angry. I believe masters want us to know they have been with the human experience and felt all the fears and struggles that we have felt, but at the same time humans have a way of making the god-realized into the human image, which is called making graven images.

It would please me to know that JC showed us the body is nothing really, and can be infused with life once you get to the point of mastering life, with the creative force which we are in fact.
NDE's point to our ability to come back to life in this day and age, through the spirit of some mission to impart.

We cannot doubt JC's mission. You either hate him or you love him. it's our choice.

As a new ager, I've come to believe in many dimensions existing side by side, where many Christed ones could enact any scenario, such as JC putting himself in more than one physical locale at any given moment...Him being the many, not just the single finger of a single body incarnated in a single time period...therefore he could be All of these reports.

but certainly not a whimp...excuse me? that's ridiculous. He had perfect love. He had absolutely no fear because where love is, there is no fear.

Fear is what we mortally inclined people worship as the truth. and we use fear to control others, either subconsciously, or consciously, the more insidious variety is those who insist that others believe as they believe.

we do not know everything with our puny brains, so we need to study everything and observe, but not get caught up in it emotionally, just pick out what resonates and throw the rest away.

but surely, we need help, what I call spirit residing, when we read other's works, we need to ask what it is we should read and what it is we should avoid.  again, it's a free will choice, and you will certainly know them by their love.

Love is the password.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #31 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:18pm
Regarding us being aliens, a few years ago I went out of body and willed myself to go to where my disk/soul group is located. I flew loops around what appeared to be several clusters of stars. I figured these were spirits.  I didn't see what I saw with a lot of clarity. Next I found myself in a beautiful lagoon that was surrounded by green cliffs (green because of the foilage).  There were creatures of various bright colors within the lagoon.  Sort of like Jelly Fish but different. It seemed as if these creatures had something to do with my past, I don't know when. While I was in this lagoon I saw things with a lot of clarity. I still haven't figured out the meaning. This was back in the day when I experienced out of body experiences with all the effects. Not necessary, but kind of fun. Definitely exciting.

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #32 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:29pm
Another note.

I asked about unfriendly aliens this past weekend. I was shown an image of a starship. It flew under a table and out into space away from earth until it dissapeared. It might not be obvious, but going by past messages I've received, I understood that under the table meant that unfriendly aliens aren't going to harm us.

So why do we receive different messages? I dunno, but I hope Alan's is wrong. Perhaps Alan was showed a possibility. Sometimes dreams do represent possibilities, not actualities.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #33 - May 29th, 2008 at 2:34pm
You're welcome Identcat:

Robert Monroe did write that there are some aliens who evolved differently than us and don't think much of us. However, he also wrote that his I-there told him that he's connected to his I-there and his I-there is connected to many other I-theres, so he doesn't have to worry. I figure all of our I-theres are connected together and this provides us with great spiritual strength.  They also advised Robert to be careful about how he makes use of his sensors. If you don't like how something feels, don't tune into it.

identcat wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 11:08am:
Thank you, Recoverer--
Also, Bob Monroe and Bruce Moen had peaceful contacts with higher intelligent beings: all positive and willing to help planet earth and it's beings.  My vote goes for the friendly encounter!!  

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #34 - May 29th, 2008 at 3:31pm
Here are two viewpoints David Icke presents that completely contradict each other. How can they both be true?

From his website:

Sunday, 25 February 2007  
'Jesus Found'. Oh My God, Really?

'Cameron's efforts go a step beyond the Da Vinci Code allegations that Jesus had a child. In the past, A-O has reported on the Da Vinci Code and Knight's Templar stories and predicted that these projects were illuminated efforts that would become the basis for future claims to discredit Christianity and the Biblical accounts of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. That A-O prediction appears to be coming true in the next seven days.

Yes, it would appear that a major, earthshaking announcment of historic proportions is about to take place next Monday, when a news conference will be held to announce the discovery of the Tomb of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as well as that of his family members. '


All this is double-bluff, smoke and mirrors. There was no Jesus, the story is a repeat of a tale that goes back to Babylon and was told in endless cultures long before Christianity using different names for the hero. It is a symbolic narrative relating to Sun worship.

So, whichever version of 'Jesus' that people peddle the following questions need to be asked: (1) How can someone who did not exist be 'God's only begotten son' (Sun) and be 'coming back on a cloud' (like the Sun) to save us all? (2) How could someone who did not exist have children with Mary Magdalene and how could she therefore take the bloodline to France to become the Merovingian kings? (3) How can the body of someone who did not exist be found in a tomb near Jerusalem?

It's all lies within lies within lies to divert attention from the real 'revelation' - there was no Jesus and the Christian religion, like those of Judaism, Islam and all the rest, are manufactured belief systems to keep their advocates in mental and emotional  servitude while being played off against each other to divide and rule.  

Below is an article which speaks as if Jesus Christ did exist, even though he lies about what took place during the crucifixion:
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #35 - May 29th, 2008 at 3:35pm
I am going to get Old Dood to join this thread. He was wanting this type of interaction as he spends much of his time on spiritual/alien type forums and has some information to pass onto us, I'm thinking he does.

I had an obe not too long ago showed me he knows a little more than us on the subject and maybe able to help us get a clearer picture. In the obe, the aliens depicted were least they were depicted as looking like us, like a human looks. I saw no lizards.  The aliens were very friendly and waved down to the ground from their ship smiling.
I remember not being surprised as if I expected their visit. They spotlighted us, a symbolic feature of recognizing that mankind is progressing and they want to help.

It could also mean there is another planet with similar environment to produce similar dna features of the human as they just appeared as distant family.

Dood was pointing to their ship in great excitement. I think this means I have to go get him.
Scuse me!


A note about Monroe's home planet. He was given an experience where the challenge on his home planet was nil. they played games all day. everyone was a happy camper. He had returned to see where he came from. Returning did not yield up a sense of being comfortable and happy, as he had been it seemed long ago.
I suppose it seemed all rather meaningless, after having partaken of Earth with all it's diversity for achieving soul growth and overcoming certain challenges and obstackles.

I immediately resonated with this story. I could see myself on such a planet. I still carry that certain quality all the residents had of light hearted playfulness and all were as one.
His nostalgia was replaced by something like wonder, and he just couldn't return home, if you know what I'm trying to express, is that humans are always gathering experiences which broaden their horizons as we mature.

Having come from this other planet, it would explain why some folks cannot adjust here and check out is a difficult climate to undertake...all this to say, if you survive, you must have some strength within you which got you this far..that strength can grow as we make each new day worthwhile for each other.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #36 - May 29th, 2008 at 3:47pm

I get the impression that Old Dood has looked into the matter a lot. I haven't done so, because I figure there is so much contradictory information out there I don't want to get entangled within it. I prefered to rely on what I can receive myself, and as I stated, going by what I received, there are viewpoints out there that are more fear based than they need to be.

I really don't care for viewpoints that demonize entire groups of people. I don't care if such a viewpoint comes from Christianity, Islam, David Icke or wherever. I found one article which states that some skin heads and Nazis really like David Icke because some of his viewpoints are anti-semetic. Is he doing more to unify or to seperate?

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #37 - May 29th, 2008 at 3:59pm
this thread is getting hairy. first we speak of aliens then we speak of JC. maybe JC was a highly evolved alien? on a mission we can be certain.

and if they found some bones, how could science ascertain it was his bones? wouldn't they have to find a living relative to do that? I personally believe he transmuted his physical energy system into light and this was called ascension.

Scientists and leaders all have egos. egos may be loving, or they may be dominate and controlling. but I don't believe there is a conspiracy to control anyone going on. it's more of a case of the blind leading the blind as far as government policies, and church policies as well.
enlightenment is a very personally tailored program..basically empower each other with PUL while observing the world, but not buying into possible propaganda, however well intentioned it might seem. We each need to look at the heart path which has it's own intelligence and will never mislead you.

it is a grave error to consider JC as "the only begotten son." the way I see it, his disc is massive and holds all degree of human evolvement within it, but he shares this with other ascended masters like himself, and Christ consciousness is the result of his efforts. Christ consciousness is for all, no matter what their beliefs are, and the Buddha is also Christed consciousness.
I am saying JC is misrepresented as the only son. I am saying ALL OF US are the SON.

The Father within us is the Son manifest within us. His sole message was to empower us to do the works he was doing, in order to do those works we MUST see that we are capable of doing what he did, in oneness, though, not by seeing ourselves as guilty worms who can never stand beside an ascended master. In PUL, it equalizes.
In all your getting said he, get love. don't hate them that hate you. forgive them, for they have no idea of the suffering they bring. this is what salvation really means, is anyone who hates is a lost soul and they can get stuck in that.

retrievers are the forgiving element which brings them home to truth that we are one. No one gets home safe until we all lend each other a hand up.

I don't understand why more people did not notice how he healed the sick and they were well, and now you tell me they are trying to find his bones?

too much identification with the body is not a good thing. It is the spirit that counts and is eternal. the media is distracting from priorities, my opinion. come out from among them graciously. my opinion.

love, alysia

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #38 - May 29th, 2008 at 4:05pm
recoverer wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 3:47pm:

I get the impression that Old Dood has looked into the matter a lot. I haven't done so, because I figure there is so much contradictory information out there I don't want to get entangled within it. I prefered to rely on what I can receive myself, and as I stated, going by what I received, there are viewpoints out there that are more fear based than they need to be.

I really don't care for viewpoints that demonize entire groups of people. I don't care if such a viewpoint comes from Christianity, Islam, David Icke or wherever. I found one article which states that some skin heads and Nazis really like David Icke because some of his viewpoints are anti-semetic. Is he doing more to unify or to seperate?

I understand, my point is Old Dood would be speaking to a few younger persons here, as he has stated to me that spirituality and outer space study are related. I'm not one for his interests and spend very little time thinking about aliens, except to reflect that we are all One, and that there is a plan unfolding and it includes all universal occupants.

So I welcome his seaching manner and would like to see what he has picked up. I have not read Icke's, he seems to have some good things to say and also some things which I do not accept at face value, but isn't that the same idea with most any study that one undertakes?

you use what is useful...but you don't condemn the author for what is not's just another sister or brother going along their path. listen only to your heart. you can know when something sets you free and when something binds you in. its your spirit.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #39 - May 29th, 2008 at 4:30pm
Alysia said:
"So I welcome his seaching manner and would like to see what he has picked up. I have not read Icke's, he seems to have some good things to say and also some things which I do not accept at face value, but isn't that the same idea with most any study that one undertakes?

you use what is useful...but you don't condemn the author for what is not's just another sister or brother going along their path. listen only to your heart. you can know when something sets you free and when something binds you in. its your spirit. [/quote]"

I respond: It is hard to imagine that David Icke is receiving his information from divine inspiration.  Would divine inspiration lead to such contradictory and defamatory comments about Jesus?  It seems to me he's making things up. Leading people astray. He has a cult like following and people put him on a pedestal.  If he is intentionally misleading people at the very least his actions should be condemmed. If he wants people who are willing to question what he says to speak of him in an admirable way, then he should present himself in an admiral way. Plus, plus, considering how negatively he speaks of many, many people, accusing them of being lizards, perhaps it is a bit much for him to expect people to speak of him in an admirable way.
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #40 - May 29th, 2008 at 5:38pm
I think we all have a little divine inspiration along the way. No exceptions. That's why I agree with you, Recoverer, on your point that demonizing other people is not an admirable quality in anyone.

Every single human being has something to say to us, and it is difficult at times to judge its importance.

love, blink
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #41 - May 29th, 2008 at 6:32pm
LaffingRain wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 4:05pm:
recoverer wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 3:47pm:

I get the impression that Old Dood has looked into the matter a lot. I haven't done so, because I figure there is so much contradictory information out there I don't want to get entangled within it. I prefered to rely on what I can receive myself, and as I stated, going by what I received, there are viewpoints out there that are more fear based than they need to be.

I really don't care for viewpoints that demonize entire groups of people. I don't care if such a viewpoint comes from Christianity, Islam, David Icke or wherever. I found one article which states that some skin heads and Nazis really like David Icke because some of his viewpoints are anti-semetic. Is he doing more to unify or to seperate?

I understand, my point is Old Dood would be speaking to a few younger persons here, as he has stated to me that spirituality and outer space study are related. I'm not one for his interests and spend very little time thinking about aliens, except to reflect that we are all One, and that there is a plan unfolding and it includes all universal occupants.

So I welcome his seaching manner and would like to see what he has picked up. I have not read Icke's, he seems to have some good things to say and also some things which I do not accept at face value, but isn't that the same idea with most any study that one undertakes?

you use what is useful...but you don't condemn the author for what is not's just another sister or brother going along their path. listen only to your heart. you can know when something sets you free and when something binds you in. its your spirit.

Thanks Alysia...
I do not have the answers. In fact I believe we should be searching for the correct questions more then the correct answers first of all.
In order to do that we have to stop thinking in 'Earthly Terms'.  It is a H U G E Universe (Multiverse) and we (human mindset) seriously cannot comprehend all of it.
Not even close...

What I have learned though that there is a whole lot of different 'races' of beings out there.  Some very human looking many that are not but, humanoid.
I have come to accept the fact that the U.S. Government made a deal with a race of beings that are Service to Self. (cirrca 1954)
The U.S. Government ignored the Service to Others race of beings because they would not give the U.S. Government technology for weapons.
The Service to Others type beings where trying to help us spiritually.
The Service to Self beings lied to us and have been the ones that are abducting people and so forth...

If you will notice that we have had a large influx of 'Sightings' ever since the mid 1940's.  Why was that? The Atomic Bomb is why.
Firing off those things not only affects us in our 3rd dimension it also affects beings living in other dimensions too.
It got 'their' attention....Big Time!

I believe we should be asking ourselves why things are happening like they are. First of all you have to look at it like this...there are no coincidences.
Everything happens for a reason so why are we having all of these sightings?  
I firmly believe some of the Service To Others type beings are trying to disclose the fact there are other beings in this universe and on Earth right now.  
However, they cannot fully disclose unless WE start to get OUR own act together.
That it is up to us...the people of this planet.
They are not our Saviors...They leave it up to OUR Freedom of Will/Choice.

If you want more info/data on this then I suggest the Open Minds Forum.  
It does not have all the answers either. No one does at this point.
BUT, it is a good place for these kinds of questions.
There are some real thought provoking threads there.
For example there is a thread on the Secret UN meeting last Febuary about UFOs.
There is a whole forum just on the relationship with Religion, UFOs, and the Ancients.
There is a forum on SERPO.
John Lear has his own sub-forum. (Son of the jet designer)

It is thee best forum in my opinion out there on these subjects.
ATS Forum ( Above Top Secret) I believe is compromised by the US Government.
The Open Minds Forum is just that.  It is set up so people can Open their Minds without retaliation.

Also on the subject of 2012 I have posted here before a pretty good video from David Wilcock.
Named: The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock
Link: (1:35)

It is not a Doom & Gloom video. Very interesting. I like the part about the Pineal Gland and how it is in a lot of our history.

Also one more website that *I* think is one of the best for overall info is Project Camelot.
I always suggest the Bob Dean Videos first off....

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife exp
Reply #42 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:00pm
Hi Dood. This is territory that in absence of personal experience I've tended to stay clear of. But it's compelling stuff.

The questions that come to mind are:

1. Why would a race of enormously powerful beings bother doing a deal with any government?

2. If we're truly about to engage with ETs of any sort,  then what's required of us?

The point about nuclear weapons causing disturbances in realms far beyond our understanding rings true given the quantum basis of everything.

I guess that the same thought came to me recently reading about the zero point field and hopes some scientists have of tapping it as an energy source - since our being is so tied up with it can it actually be wise to mess in such territory?

Our so called technological progress has come from vested interests saying 'ah sure it'll be OK' and forcing stuff into general use - be it nuclear, genetically modified crops, mobile phones and attendant radiation and now this.

We can't run with these global experiments indefinitely, as sooner or later we're going to trigger something with unforeseen but pervasive and irreversible (and maybe even permanent/soul survival) consequences with enormous consequences for us all.

For example, consider the potential consequences of a mass die off of honey bees of the sort that some fear is possible? (others suggest that die offs to date have been local and caused by local events)

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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #43 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:05pm
It's important to remember that books classified as non-fiction tend to sell better than science fiction. Not to say that aliens don't exist, but people are likely to write books about them for different reasons. Consider Carlos Castaneda's books. They were a hoax. Would they of sold as good if they were published as fictional books?
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Old Dood
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Re: 2012-will we still  have an afterlife experie
Reply #44 - May 29th, 2008 at 7:07pm
Hi ya vajra...
1. Why would a race of enormously powerful beings bother doing a deal with any government?

Good Question.  Seriously? It will sound like a 1950's B Movie....hehe! Our Blood. (DNA)
These beings have screwed up their own DNA...Bodies...whatever and are using us to try to 'fix it'.
Same for the Cattle Mutilations as well. Something about cattle that fits within their plans.
These beings (grays) from what I have come to understand is that they are clones and can't reproduce like we do anymore.

2. If we're truly about to engage with ETs of any sort,  then what's required of us?

Well, this is speaking of the more evolved beings out there.  The Service To Others type.
The Service to Self type are actually behind these beings....spiritualy speaking.
They will work with us once we become more spiritual and stop fighting, killings, destroying the planet, etc.

EDIT TWO: I tend to lean with Alan.  The 'First Contact' openly I believe will be a false contact.
It will be a deception of some kind.  It will be a 'reason' to think that aliens are the Enemy and we must fight them.
It is foolish to even consider 'we' could even beat them in anykind of battle.
They will be made out to be the enemy.  No different then the Russians, Terrorists, etc.
I would warn all peoples about our governments when they spew this dis-information.
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