Hi Alan,
I don't know, but we could play with several possibilities.
First though it seems you'd have to be on the same 'wave length' of a victim to suddenly switch over to his/her perceptions. Here are some ways you might get onto another's wavelength:
---Since you thought you were about to be murdered, maybe switching at the last moment to a true murder could easily happen. It might happen so late in the act that no sense of the person came through so you thought it was you yourself. (I bet it was confusing to the real victim who may have been driven to super-lucidity by his danger, to see another victim thrashing away also!
---Perhaps in a former life your soul was not so developed and it thought of someone it hated that it wished they'd be killed, and that wish was just recently catching up with you as a late payback.
---Maybe someone in some lifetime wanted to kill you and your soul gave it the opportunity to do so in some realm that would seem real and satisfy its need. Unfortunately it had to seem real to you too for the experience to work.
---Perhaps you arranged the scenario with your Oversoul because you wanted the experience.
All those 'supposes' have in common that they happened in another realm of focus level, thank goodness!
Love Bets
(Are you suggesting that my pain wasn't 'real?' If so, it sure fooled me! )
Hey, my hurting (which started up again this morning as I wrote and re-membered ) just stopped! Are you saying that if we concentrate on concern for another, our own pain subsides?