A discourse on what is illusion and what is real according to the way I understand it.
One way to understand what is real and what is not real, is to check the emotional monitor. Many of our thoughts are now fear backed. Fear is also uncertainty. We all want to “know.” If we know that we don’t know, it produces a feeling of uncertainty about the future. Which hasn’t happened yet, but still we fear the future sometimes.
At the same time, many of us are experiencing a thought of love, especially when we extend a thought of love to another. Any time you feel love, it is correct perception occurring. For in truth, only love can be a shared commodity, producing more of itself by the act of sharing.
On the other hand fear backed thoughts we also share most often, or try to when we complain or try to ascertain our will over another, there is fear behind such a thought. If we extend our fear based thoughts to another, we may then create a mob mentality quite easily and then life becomes quite “unreal.” Upon Earth at this time, war seems “unreal.” That is because we are waking up, that the illusion exists in the collective area, that we need to come out of. and quickly. We can change the collective one by one.
If love is the reality of our being, we feel good when we’re in touch with it automatically. If we are feeling fear thoughts taking over our reality, we have stepped into the illusion that Fear is Real.
To illustrate this further, many insurance businesses would go out of business if we truly were always coming from love in this world. They simply wouldn’t be able to convince us to buy into the idea that we need to insure ourselves against being a victim to circumstance. Being a victim is buying into the idea that we can be a victim, and that there is something lacking here, namely, there’s not enough love. If we are the essence of love then each of us has it and can extend it and no more victims in that case.
As a whole, we are a long ways from being in a love consciousness consistently enough that we would be always taking care of each other’s needs in any circumstance.
A new consciousness arriving on the Earth at this time is one with knowings. Therefore there would be no flucuations between love and fear thoughts. Just a knowing what to do, where to go, and who to serve and when, and needless to say, life is more enjoyable when we’re not fighting over non-essential matters. We already have many among us who are “fear disengagers.” This allows the love consciousness to grow, when you see these people in action. Some of them are comedians, actors, in politics, in finances and some in teaching and health fields. They disengage fear.
This knowing would entail the importance of every life form which includes the animal kingdom. It would entail a sharing, not of fear constructs but acceptance of our differences, which speak of individualism, but an acceptance that we get to where we are going by making sure another gets to where they are going, we elevate each other and this entails no sacrifice, but does entail a willingness to serve each other in love, undistorted by a future that has not happened yet, surrounded in fear thoughts and promoted by a feeling of being separated from God, what is Good. What is life happening, what needs to be protected from harmful fear thoughts that another needs to be displaced and proven wrong so that their own satisfaction can be attained.
Human beings can attain personal transformation by extending and attending to the needs of another, which is beyond the concept of coercement and regimental thought systems produced by the left brain. TMI thus provides a roadsign to personal transformation by indicating the right side of the brain, the intuitive senses, should be alignment with the left side, at all times, to say, there is a time to listen, there is a time to talk.
Then you might say, the new human on this planet is in a state of humming vibration. The right is balanced to the left perfectly and this is a state of nonduality functioning and knows exactly the right thing to say and the right action in any circumstance as it produces a “knowing.” We will all be there and it’s coming so be glad. It is good news.
additionally, I have learned something recently which also gladdens me further, that is directly from ACIM teachings. It establishes our equality in this way; You Teach What You Need to Learn.
therefore teach peace in order to learn peace. teach love in order to learn love. ACIM goes on to say we are always teaching something. In the sense we are always teaching each other who we are.
precisely, who we THINK we are. according to our perceptions.
Why do we have to learn who we really are? Because there is nothing else to learn beyond learning who you really are, all else is merely who we think we are.
This thought goes further; if you believe you are love, you speak the word of love and this is where the learning part comes in..you begin to see agreement within others that you are love, because we are mirroring each other so consistently, that is how we change the world to promote harmony and preserve life and liberty. In effect ACIM makes it easy to own yourself by telling you that you are love, and love is your divine hertitage when you make the right choice to express or extend it, thus learning what goes around does come around.
in olden times it was called by some soverieignty
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereignity of the soul. simply put, one owns one's soul by serving the purpose of love, which is beyond a single individual's conceptions, but can be felt as a state of consistent well being devoid of any confusion.
this definition from Wiki is ok, but I'm thinking of this word more in alignment with an individual's enlightenment process.