The Singularity is a future situation where artificial intelligence becomes as developed as human intelligence, and I think becomes self aware.
The Singularity was defined by Ray Kurzweil and he has a book and website talking about it and about technical developments.
http://www.kurzweilai.netI wonder if the experiences of Monroe and Moen are part of a development preparing humans for this event.
Part of the developments described by Kurzweil are aimed at stopping human aging. Humans could live here in this experience forever unless they chose to die out of it to get to the greater experiences of Afterlife.
When I discovered Christian Science and its ability to instantly heal situations here on earth, my thought was prepared for encountering the Afterlife information. Christian Science holds that this experience is only a mortal dream from which we will awake to see our true spiritual nature.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what the singularity will mean. What will self awareness of computers mean?
Apparently there is an infinite capacity to handle intelligences since they only exist as thoughts.