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Posts: 71
For me, I can say that it has happened before on a multitude of occasions.
Growing up, I always believed my parents were athiests and so I was one as well as a child. It turns out that my parents actually did have religions but they never forced them upon myself or my sister. I used to have a disdain for religion and think that all of it defied the laws of physics until I was 12 and I had a dream where I was falling down a long chasm and a booming voice was lecturing me on something I did and something about God not forgiving me. I couldn't place my finger on what it was though. Although I never saw what was on the other end of that chasm, I woke up sweaty and scared. I was just a kid at the time but this was a wake up call. In retrospect, I don't think this dream was about beliefs, but it WAS about how I treated everyone around me. It wasn't easy growing up as a child with autism. I wasn't very nice to people around me and mooched off of everyone without ever giving anything back and wanted everyone to be like me. In retrospect it was the worst possible way to be. I didn't even know what empathy was until I was in highschool! Thankfully I was able to start growing past this once I bonded with others and realize that we all have some good in us. Another thing that changed me was getting bullied in highschool, which was a bad thing and it made me depressed, but made me realize what it was like to feel pain and more importantly, how others felt when people take from them without giving back. For me personally, this helped develop empathy, even though for others, it actually made things worse and made them more aggressive. I think it also helped to have a therapist and supportive parents I could talk about my experiences with to help deal with the pain as well as an outlet writing songs and playing music. The combination taught me a lesson about empathy.
My spiritual beliefs started to change when I decided to test something out. After my mom and sister moved out and I visited my mom for the summer, my mom went to the pet store, shopping around for another cat to keep her existing ones company. One I fancied for because she meowed at me, so I prayed that my mom would choose that one. Low and behold that happened so aquiring that cat changed my life. Little did I know that this particular cat would turn out to be what I referred to at the time as "Satan's spawn." However, many years later when my mom remarried, my mom's new husband tamed this cat and turned her into a total sweetheart. I guess in a way I did see something in this cat, maybe the potential to change for the better, with my stepfather's help of course.
My other more recent, much moreso recent afterlife dreams were so recent that they were actually posted on this very forum, namely last year. I remember I was up one night, having chronic obsessive looping thoughts about premature death and was very scared. A google pointed me to Bruce Moen's site. I read about Focus 27 and belief system territories as well as ghosts and reincarnation, all on this site. The idea that everything happens and like attracts like seemed to make more sense than anything else I had read. However I was not sure of whether or not this was right or what the right answer was. I was chronically curious of whether or not there was a single right faith or not. I was very worried about possibilities. I prayed for guidance on this one, asking all of the above questions. Also used this as a guide as to whether or not I should start posting on this very forum. A few days later I had a dream where a bearded man in a burgundy robe, took me around this big white building which I presume was part of Focus 27 and proceeded to tell me about the afterlife. I don't remember what he said exactly but there was one part where he asked me not to enter a certain set of doors because I would interrupt what was going on inside. He then had to leave to take care of some business but let me explore the building on my own, and he left me with one piece of advice: "Remember, God does not look too kindly upon overinflated egos." I explored for a bit before pausing in a hallway and then waking up.
The most recent one was my worries about hell, as some fundamentalists I know just wouldn't let me be so I prayed for guidance about that and what was right, yet again. The dream I was met with shortly afterwards involved hanging out with this team of people who were trying to find hell, if it was real and how to get there. This one woman eventually found it but noted that it was really hard to get there, to even SEE it. She had to strap herself inside of a large gyrating machine that spun her around really fast and told me that even then, she had to think of some magic word and repeat it while visualising something. Basically it was really hard to get there. However the one thing she did not tell me was what was in there so I don't know just how bad it is. Also, it can be noted that it was really easy to get out since she came back and told me about it.
This is all the current afterlife revealing dreams I have had so far and can remember. How do I know how real they are? I'm not sure on that one but I can say that there is a mystic power of dreams to predict things because I have had it happen before. The first case of this was a guy I saw in a dream I had in middle school later turned out to be my highschool gym coach in Freshmen year, which was strange. The second one was in highschool or maybe shortly afterwards in which I saw this room in a dream, and then years later, saw a strikingly similar looking room in real life. I was so astonished by this that I had to get a picture of the room in question, which was doable since I had my camera on me at the time. This to me symbolizes the possible power of dreams and predictions. However, this is not always the case as I have had many a nightmare that didn't happen. In the case of bad dreams, that could be a sign that there is a problem in your life that needs to be fixed, such as facing a phobia that has been ignored for quite some time.
This is my two cents on the matter of afterlife dreams. Hope this was helpful. Peace. -David