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Pleiadians.... (Read 13091 times)
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Mar 2nd, 2008 at 6:08pm
Am half way through a book called 'Bringers of the Dawn' by Barbara Marciniak.

Not to offend, but I should say that having seen snatches of references to stuff about Pleiadians, Sirians and the like over the years that my inclination was to be to say the least sceptical - it seemed out there somewhere with the more radical end of the New Age perspective.

The book is a selection of channelled teachings said to be from the Pleiadians. Never mind that there's all sorts of competing views out there on these guys depending on what source you look at on the web (I did a little reading today) the teachings and the cosmology set out in the book while using very different language seem quite subtle and right on insofar as to what it has to say is required of us in spiritual terms - so far as I've read, and to a semi-detached Buddhist like me anyway.

It of course goes further than Buddhism in terms of naming various Gods and so on affecting our existence (the reptiles pop up again as arch egotists that have lost the connection with light, and are slated as having damaged our DNA to keep us living in suffering so that the earth functions like a farm and they can feed off our emotion  - echoes of Robert Monroe in there) while the creator beings (not God - they are levels below) are hoping with the help of light workers to reverse this very soon.

Dramatic earth changes are predicted. Our DNA is meanwhile being restored by cosmic radiation as a result of the present planetary and stellar alignments to restore ancient knowledge and so that we can  open to accepting the reality that good and evil exist as sides of the same coin.

I guess I'm wondering if anybody has any experience or any insight into the possible basis in reality of any of this stuff? At one level it's pretty wacky, but at another there's this remarkable alignment of prophecy, stories told by spiritual traditions, UFO and extra terrestrial stories surfacing now too.

It's possible that with the  help of the internet and the widespread distribution of books just building myths or castles in the air, with one writer leveraging off another. But what if????
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #1 - Mar 3rd, 2008 at 4:17pm
Greetings Vajra,

This is one post I'm glad is off-topic!
I read it shortly after seeing a CNN news video on 'The Lizard Man,'  Wink a reportedly 8' tall reptillian humanoid down in South Carolina, who or that chewed on a car hood recently.
(Some folks in SCarolina have alot of spare time and a great sense of humor.) Probably we could google that SC sighting and learn more.

Our minds are creating all the time. We know from REI, you, and others that renewed health is frequently, even routinely, created. I don't know what 'tipping point' brings mental expectations into the physical dimensions.
Surely the www is bringing like minds together, multiplying the strength of whatever ideas unite them.

When we buy into an idea, it does seem that to some degree we'll help it to happen. I'm wondering
why would dear souls grab onto the Pleiadians when other possibilities seem so much more beneficial?


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #2 - Mar 3rd, 2008 at 7:38pm
Guess I've a kind of let's have a look attitude to stuff Bets. What I tend to keep an eye out for is a core view that fits with intuition, experience and other teaching. I guess what the bits are called don't matter, that's just happenstance.

When some sort of fit or alignment is there as in this case the next question that surfaces in my mind tends to be is it an independently set down view (in which case it's a corroboration), or a copy or derivative view in which case it's not that significant other than I suppose that if it's communicating a broadly useful view of the way things are then maybe the language doesn't matter so very much.

To be fair to the book the Pleiadians are not positioned as gods, only as a more spiritually advanced humanoid race engaged in their own path that this lady purports to have contacted. It gets quite detailed on the subject of various god like races that have influenced humanity and on the part we have to play, but while interesting I guess I'm hardly likely to do more than note it pending a lot more evidence.

I guess that as above the subscript is really a question: does anybody have a sense that this stuff is credible and has something to it???
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #3 - Mar 3rd, 2008 at 11:11pm
The entire Pleiades cluster is actually the eye of the bull in the constellation of Taurus..which i'm sure you know.
The seven bright stars that helped guide explorers/ sailors are: Alcyone, Merope, Celeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra and Maia.
They have been known for thousands of years, surrounded by fascinating legends and stories even to this day.
As for one...The American Indian Religious Freedom Act was passed in 1979.  Amazingly enough, up until that time, Native Americans were illegally forbidden to practice their traditional rituals and ceremonies.
You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in their legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden.
In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true, then modern day Cherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many of us with Native American blood contain Pleiadian genes!
So what to believe is up to the person or persons who are interested/unison with their consciousness.
But don't take anyone words for it; go and find out by yourself...meditate on it and see what come up...Smiley
With love;
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2008 at 12:20am
One would think if they are so advanced, perhaps they could come up with an easier name to spell!

I've seen from a number of sources that the Earth is the only place in the universe where physical life is found.  That other beings may come here from different non-physical regions represented by our usual C-1 physical references, yet they have to come here if they want the incarnation into physical experience. In that case it is possible that some of them could be any one of us.
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2008 at 11:52am
ultra wrote on Mar 4th, 2008 at 12:20am:
yet they have to come here if they want the incarnation into physical experience. In that case it is possible that some of them could be any one of us.

Could be...are you? Or do you think you have those genes?
Have you done any research on yourself/meditation and see if you can be one?

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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #6 - Mar 4th, 2008 at 6:08pm
Hi R. Thanks for that. I noticed and read a little about some of the tribal connections. Read some distinctly worrying Hopi prophecies too.

Different guys (I think) but a very remote tribe called the Dogon in Africa have all kinds of information on Sirius. Which happened to figure highly in Egyptian systems too.

Seems too that Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Druidic, Celtic and early Christian (if I have it right - probably not) and even central American traditions have links too. This is precisely the point - if you can step back far enough to not be bothered by linguistic or cultural differences there's a lot of signs pointing to the whole lot originating from much earlier teachings back umpteen thousand years before recorded history.

What's interesting too is how the serpent is a recurring symbol. It's today commonly interpreted as representing the devil, but is actually much older, seems to go much further back and to be linked with both kundalini energy and a sense that there is actually a serpent realm or that they are some sort of beings bound up with us too...

Will have to have a little sit, although I'm not very good at accessing direct communication....
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #7 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 8:00pm
Hi V.
Serpent...snakes not my favorite subject; don't like them even the garden

Yes it is a recurring symbol with a lots lots of different meaning/s in mythological references.
Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. David Ickles i think wrote about this, remember reading it along time ago but kind of far fletch...but did had a dream about them after reading his book and it scare the hell out of me...Smiley

Also rather common are the myths of "Serpents of Wisdom" who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization. Isn't also the old symbol for medicine? DNA manipulation etc..??
Where does it

Very interesting story The Dogon in Africa related to Sirius, have the book here somewhere and will have to re-read it someday.

But the Pleiades have a soft spot in my heart...Smiley
When we did a group explorations to "Alcyone" (TMI) that beautiful aqua blue water planet did move me to the core and still do every time i look at the night sky cluster.And had quite an experience/knowledge/feelings when i was at TMI regarding the Pleiadians but that another story.

regards R. a remote viewer from TMI have you try to remote view the Pleiades??
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #8 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 1:50pm
Am half way through a book called 'Bringers of the Dawn' by Barbara Marciniak.

Not to offend, but I should say that having seen snatches of references to stuff about Pleiadians, Sirians and the like over the years that my inclination was to be to say the least sceptical - it seemed out there somewhere with the more radical end of the New Age perspective.

The book is a selection of channelled teachings said to be from the Pleiadians. Never mind that there's all sorts of competing views out there on these guys depending on what source you look at on the web (I did a little reading today) the teachings and the cosmology set out in the book while using very different language seem quite subtle and right on insofar as to what it has to say is required of us in spiritual terms - so far as I've read, and to a semi-detached Buddhist like me anyway.

It of course goes further than Buddhism in terms of naming various Gods and so on affecting our existence (the reptiles pop up again as arch egotists that have lost the connection with light, and are slated as having damaged our DNA to keep us living in suffering so that the earth functions like a farm and they can feed off our emotion  - echoes of Robert Monroe in there) while the creator beings (not God - they are levels below) are hoping with the help of light workers to reverse this very soon.

Dramatic earth changes are predicted. Our DNA is meanwhile being restored by cosmic radiation as a result of the present planetary and stellar alignments to restore ancient knowledge and so that we can  open to accepting the reality that good and evil exist as sides of the same coin.

I guess I'm wondering if anybody has any experience or any insight into the possible basis in reality of any of this stuff? At one level it's pretty wacky, but at another there's this remarkable alignment of prophecy, stories told by spiritual traditions, UFO and extra terrestrial stories surfacing now too.

It's possible that with the  help of the internet and the widespread distribution of books just building myths or castles in the air, with one writer leveraging off another. But what if????

  Hi Vajra, i can more than understand your skepticism regarding info about such E.T.'s and all.  I didn't have much interest at all in such topics, until i started to spontaneously have dreams wherein we were communicating with each other telepathically.   The first dream, i was told or translated basically as this "We are here observing the Changes which you know some about, and trying to help out with them as well."   

  These dreams which i did not consciously seek or ask for, really piqued my interest in all things "E.T.".    Especially after my experience wherein i could have sworn i was fully awake and some rather tall and slender being was in my house and walked right up to me when i was experiencing sleep paralysis. 

  Stuff like this, made me more open to a couple of things my mom once told me regarding her experiences with these, which at the time when she told me, i didn't know what to think of her or the info.  I was rather skeptical though i knew my mom wasn't crazy or overly imbalanced.

   Anyways, i never got any location or name of any C1 reference place in regards to any of these dreams or experiences.   I don't think "they" are as interested in that aspect, as we are.   Just like how some channeled Guides tend not to give their once earthly names (like Rosiland McKnight's guides and Cayce's). 

   These are limiting in their very nature.  These tend to shift us overly to the left brain mode.

  The only time a specific place name or reference came up, was when i went to a sensitive and some kind of connections with Sirius and my Soul history came up.   I don't know what it's about, or how true it is.   I remember her being generally fairly accurate about a lot of other stuff though. 

   But, i believe its quite possible that many our Disks/Souls originally came to the Earth system from some other system, some having a C1 reference and others perhaps completely non physical. 

  So, to me, it doesn't seem a big deal at all.   The way i look at it, all of this E.T. stuff is just neighbors communicating with other neighbors.    Some neighbors are more helpful and friendly, and others not so helpful and friendly.   I prefer to concentrate more on the friendly and helpful ones, while being aware in a more detached manner of the not so friendly and helpful ones.   It's important to not suppress or repress "uncomfortable" info and feelings.  To come up with a solution, you have to be aware of the problem to begin with.   

  Some have physical bodies they are using (though some of these are on a faster vibration than our "physical", more akin to our next, less dense body, the etheric) and others don't use a body based reference at all but they can if they want too.   Some travel here both physically and consciousness wise, and others only consciousness wise, and some are like us, they're not traveling much yet. 

   My wife also has had a lot of dreams regarding E.T.'s, and through our dreams we've come to believe that some of these E.T. groups are going to go public in the near future.   But only when we collectively are ready for it.    There is too much collective fear and superstitious mysticism stuff regarding these.   Too many misconceptions based on book and outer knowledge and not enough knowing based on inner received info. 

  And yes, i do feel and think that dramatic Earth changes may probably be part of our collective experience.    Some sources would prefer people to not be aware of these, or to get false ideas about them, i get the sense of. 

   During both meditation and in more outer seeking, i've consistently come upon a Solar, Cosmic (probably related to the Galactic Center), physical Earth exchange and interaction concept.    When and how exactly this plays out, i don't know.   I see a lot of Fire both metaphorically and literally.   The Sun will be a big factor and something to watch in all of this. 

  I don't know anything specifically about the Pleiades or the Pleaidians from actual experience as far as i know.   I do know there is even a reference to the Pleiades in the Bible, something  like (purely from a long ago memory), "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades". 

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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #9 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 8:28pm
I guess Justin that the problem is not the intellectual acceptance of the possibility of beings from heaven knows where or what dimensional setting - that's kind of a given. The issue for me is more the floaty non specific sort of vibe about the material that's presented  - it and the very out there vibe tends to trigger my (to be fair not very ingrained) cynic prejudice.

What's got me a little past that is the above book. At one level the book (when compared to the very high level of detail built into for example Buddhist teaching) is fluffy as hell. But at another there's little bits of very sophisticated insight that fits with stuff I've encountered in Buddhism.

When you step back and think about it it makes perfect sense that the cosmos should be much like this, but there's still a little work to be done to fully integrate that view.

I've started asking a few questions around the whole thing when meditating R, but I don't have the sort of immediate facility some of you guys have so it could take time for something to emerge.

On earth changes. It's hard to know quite what's coming down the tracks. At one level we're almost getting past the time period most of the great bodies of prophecy tend to suggest that there should be lots of a spectacular nature happening. Meaning they are either wrong, or off schedule, or perhaps we've managed to raise our vibe enough to escape the worst.

On the other hand when you look at the coincidence of major problems caused by population growth and our profligate ways (climate, population, food supply, pollution, energy, militarisation, spread of industrialisation and so on) it's very hard not to feel that there will be a fairly major weeding out before too long....
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #10 - Mar 7th, 2008 at 12:18am
I guess Justin that the problem is not the intellectual acceptance of the possibility of beings from heaven knows where or what dimensional setting - that's kind of a given. The issue for me is more the floaty non specific sort of vibe about the material that's presented  - it and the very out there vibe tends to trigger my (to be fair not very ingrained) cynic prejudice.

What's got me a little past that is the above book. At one level the book (when compared to the very high level of detail built into for example Buddhist teaching) is fluffy as hell. But at another there's little bits of very sophisticated insight that fits with stuff I've encountered in Buddhism.

When you step back and think about it it makes perfect sense that the cosmos should be much like this, but there's still a little work to be done to fully integrate that view.

   Yeah, i totally understand what you mean.  A lot of the New Age and channeled type info that i've browsed, strikes me as way too overly right brain for its own good, plus there seems to be a lot of outright cons and really imbalanced folks very active in same. 

  Have you ever read "Cosmic Journey's" by Rosiland McKnight?   There is a bit regarding E.T.'s in there.   Overall, one of the best spiritual type books i have ever read, i think she tuned into some very fast vibrating and helpful sources.   Not fluffy or overly vague at all, and plus she had some verifications in her sessions with Bob Monroe. 

For example, she had 4 main guides she would generally work with.   There was a regular time schedule that they generally adhered too.   One time Rosiland was sick or busy, and so she couldn't come at the scheduled time. 

  That day, there was a D.C. psychologist interested in talking to Monroe and went to his institute to visit him, probably with the hopes of debunking him because she seemed extremely skeptical.    He asked her if she would like to try HemiSync out for herself, got in the CHEC unit and started listening to Hemi-Sync. 

Within minutes, she started to report that 3 beings/Lights were trying to pull her out of her body.   Bob asked her if she wanted that to happen, and she replied no, as they were talking, a 4th being, seemingly the leader of the group, said no it's not her and they left her alone. 

   She was pretty shaken by the whole experience and what was interesting, is that Bob realized that this coincided with Rosiland's usual session time frame and after her brief "session" showed the psychologist the pre recorded schedule and let her listen to some of Rosiland's recorded sessions mentioning her 4 guides and it was the same chec unit that she used.  Bob and Rosiland both later got quite a laugh out of this.

  Yeah, anyways, great book and covers a lot of stuff from Earth changes, to Christ consciousness , the illusionary nature of aging and dying (meaning neither has to happen and if we lived reality and life purely enough, it wouldn't), to E.T.'s, to various consciousness levels within and without the Earth system, and there is even a section devoted to diet and health and its overall affect on a humans ability to attune in a multi-dimensional manner.      

  Course, in the long run, nothing beats or is as deeply affecting as one owns experience and going within.   Happy exploring, believe you can get info and you will if its what's good for you and the collective.   It's not always important or completely constructive for us to know all the details though.     Sometimes the generals are enough and too much specific info can be distracting for a lot of people.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #11 - Mar 7th, 2008 at 12:41am
  As regards the physical/geological aspect of the Earth changes, none of the sources i trust more than not, gave exact and specific dates for these.   Most only give ranges and periods, and say that the exact timing of culmination is somewhat in flux, as well as the severity.   

  But, i've come to realize that certain Earth changes, particularly the geological and Solar ones, will happen regardless of what we do or don't do as a species.  We will get by better, if more people choose to attune more spiritually, but that is more because then more people will be led intuitively to the right ways to survive, etc.

  These are growing pangs of the Earth which is an entity unto herself, and in direct relation to her relationship to a larger Cosmos.    

  What we have a direct and immediate influence on, is how we choose to respond to these outer changes and more importantly the nature of human affairs such as war and destruction related directly to that.     It's possible to locally mitigate some aspects of natural Earth changes, to some degree, i believe.   

  There is a great war brewing and being plotted, this does not need to happen, could be avoided, and i hope will be.   These are "changes" which are purely destructive in nature even though i suppose some good can arise from even these.    But its not in the same category as natural geological, cosmic, and solar induced changes.    The latter are adjustments on a much grander scale.   

   Take global climate change, many would have us believe its primarily human caused.  I don't believe so, for example, some 70 or 80 years ago before very little was known about such massively global climate shifts or more so that we were coming up to a peak in that cycle, Cayce gave repeated info that there was going to be an increase in global temperatures and seemed to imply that this was due to natural, both internal and cosmic induced changes which happen over long, long periods of times.

  He said this would start to become noticed around the year 1958 and become rather obvious by the year 1998.   He did NOT claim any great cataclysms for 98', or even 2000/2001 which is an oft repeated misinterpretation and oft taken out of context myth around this particular material.  98 was pointed to as a pivotal year more in the spiritual sense, and not too surprisingly, this was the exact year, for the more exact Solar Galactic Core alignment which spans from about 1980 to 2016, with 1998 being the exact center point in this larger 36 year cycle.  On a personal level, 98 was a greatly transformational and awakening period for me and the year when i first started having E.T. dreams for example.

  Seems pretty significant that his source mentioned this year more than any other, in relation to the larger and broader view of the Changes and said this was more the true beginning point for such.   When he gave those readings, astronomy knew very little about the Galactic Core and didn't know the specific alignment dates and ranges given above.  A little too "coincidental" for my tastes.
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Old Dood
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #12 - Apr 5th, 2008 at 6:42am
Here is an Excellent Website & Forum for such things.
I find it to be the best on the net.
Where other sites that claim to be Open Minded are really not.

This one is Named 'Open Minds Forum'.

Main Link:

Actual Forum Link:

There are some very interesting people here.  I have developed some good acquaintances here.
People are ALLOWED to share their Experiences, Views, Ideas, etc, without being attacked.
The Admins & Mods there are very forgiving except when people attack others for their views.

There is even a Sub-Forum for Religious/Spiritual threads.
One man there in particular has a very interesting thread about such things.
His name is ScaRZ.  I do not necessarily agree with him on many points but, I highly respect him and I really LIKE him.
He is no dummy.  His thread is kinda like a History Class. A very loving and kind man.
I really want to meet him someday and chat....

His link:
Topic: The Bible,UFO's,ET and the Ancients
EDIT: By the is a very  L O N G thread.... Cheesy
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Old Dood
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Disappearance Of Steve Fossett
Reply #13 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 12:03pm
Disappearance Of Steve Fossett
Anyone ever hear of this man?
Pretty interesting story.

It is best explained here in this thread on another forum.
The Open Minds forum.  Why am I posting here? Because I believe there are 'connections' between us all.

It starts to get very interesting from post #12 on...
I really do not care if certain people do not 'believe' this stuff.
That is not my problem or am I sharing this with them.
I am sharing this with people that have an open mind and want to learn more and more about our existence.
Things like this raises more questions for me anyways. I do not have all the answers. Not even close.
I do have a lot of questions though...Questions that are getting more detailed with each passing day.

So enjoy and let yourselves 'Out of the box'. hehe!

Why am I posting this in here?
When you read on you will find out the 'Pleiadians' have something to do with it...
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #14 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Hi Dood,

That's very impressive!! Thank you for the link!
Would you invite Bruce to read it, since it discusses voice contact with a technology that might interest him?

It's fascinating to read the variety of ways people discuss what seems to be the Afterlife experience  that some of us know only from Bruce's terms. "Creosonic portal" must be the same as the 'window' to the afterlife that opens during retrievals, etc. Have you heard it described anywhere else?

If we used Bruce's terms we would say he's in some BST (Belief System Territory)--right?
Nice of him to invite others to join him, eh? Tee-hee!  Grin
 Smiley Sweet of him not to want to burden his wife with some of those details ! He's probably already given her much to think about!

I don't know anything about Pleidieans, but I do know a perhaps related incident--The Fossetts are 7th-8th cousins and so I met Steve once when we were about eleven y o. When I met him he had recently read about stock brokering and was talking quite excitedly about the idea, (as an 11-yr-old) that people gave you money and it multiplied and then you the stock-broker got to keep part of it--he thought that was cool! Suddenly he grinned even wider, jumped up and ran into the next room, so I asked his sister why he left.  She said that he'd just started doing that (they had created some goofy name for it) --he would light up almost literally and go stand or sit without moving for some time. When he'd come back he'd be grinning and all excited about some new idea that his family could rarely understand. The parents were getting worried by his behavior but this sister thought it was a hoot !
Shocked That could sort of fit with what Steve said about the Pleideans, right?

But since I've gone that far I have to add another part--because of this personal interest, I asked to retrieve or find him and my Guide told me he'd had fatal heart spasms during his original ascent. His plane arced up and over the first mountain range and then came down, but before it crashed Steve continued ascending into the 'window' or as he calls it, the "creosonic portal."  Smiley

Thanks Dood.  It brought fun memories!

Love, Bets

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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