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Pleiadians.... (Read 13092 times)
Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #15 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 6:46pm
Bruce, you, ANYone is 'Invited'.

That is why I posted it.  For all to share.

There is a lot of insightful threads & posts on that forum.

Do *I* agree with everything...or Believe EVERYthing?
No..not a chance but, I respect most of it and relish in the openness of that forum.
I have learned so much there in a short amount of time.

I personally believe that there is a STRONG connection between Aliens/ETs/Beings/Whatever and us Humans.
It starts with the spiritual.  It starts with other dimensions.  I personally believe actual BEings live in these other dimensions.
Our actions in our 3rd dimension affects them....and...vice versa.

We have had more 'sightings' ever since we fired off 'The Bomb' in the 1940's.
That, I also believe hurts/affects these beings living in these other dimensions.
We have to remember that other dimensions are not 'somewhere'.
They are here.  Taking up the same 'space' so to speak.
There are different agendas with different races of these Beings.
Some are Benevolent, some not so Nice, Some really not so Nice.

From my understand is that the Pleiadians are benevolent but, they will not 'help us' UNTIL we learn to help ourselves.
They have tried to warn us but our 'governments' would not know why?
Because they would not give them weapons and high tech to kill with.
So our governments made a deal with a not so nice race. ( A race of Greys...and Not ALL Greys are 'bad' is not about Bad/Good either)
For technology.  And we got screwed...
No other race of Beings is going to step in and stop anything from happening here.
No help until we learn to stop being so violent and negative.

It is not a cut and dry issue either.  That is the question(s).

I am really giving you the very, very short version of all of this by the way...

BUT, this is why I believe we as humans are finally 'waking up'.
Something Galatic is happening.  Something wonderful....
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
Gender: male
Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #16 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 12:21pm
Well this thread hasn't been posted in for almost a year....
I never like to start repeat threads....

Here is a decent Online Exopaedia for those interested in such things.

Main Site:


The Dow (Greys):

This is a very helpful reference....
I know the man that contributes most of the info here.
He is quite wise and knowledgeable about things of this nature and spiritual too.
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Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #17 - Apr 19th, 2009 at 2:54pm
Ahhhh "The Pleiades".

Very close to my heart..Smiley

thanks for re-posting this Old Dood.

PS. We did a group travel to  the beautiful emerald/green/bluish planet once (TMI group) what a great experience it was.
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
Gender: male
Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #18 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:04am
You are very welcome Romain....

BTW: This is LIVE as of now via CNN.  I would assume you could watch this later after it is over.

CNN Live Link Here:

This is a Live Press Conference from the National Press Club in DC.
It follows the X-Conference that was going on all this past weekend.
That was broadcast via Internet TV all weekend as well.
You can Watch the Speakers right now too.
They are all pre-recorded from this past weekend.

X-Conference Link:

Things are MOVING toward DISCLOSURE!

About Time in my opinion....
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Posts: 817
North/West Coast
Gender: male
Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #19 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 11:44am
Thank for the link Dood; will check it out.

just a thought here..make you wonder what their believe systems are in that area??? compare to our earth..hum.
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Old Dood
Senior Member

Posts: 448
Gender: male
Re: Pleiadians....
Reply #20 - Jun 9th, 2009 at 12:38am
Anyone ever heard of 'Solar Warden'?

Few have but, it is very interesting....

Here is a Back Drop to this this 'well known secret'. Wink

The grouped that is named the Etherians I think are the Pleiadians.

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