Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member
Hi Alan, this is not a topic i think much about anymore, but there was a time wherein i deeply questioned this very same issue, off and on for awhile.
I've kind of done a 180 on this though, from my earlier days. When i first started to really question, think, and feel this issue out, i thought the whole, "Satan as an individualized consciousness" was more or less hogwash, a way for religious structures and bodies to control people through fear or to conveniently put blame on an outside source for the worlds or individuals problems.
I thought it was completely symbolic, and probably represented our own collective and individual "ego's", not the psychological definition of ego, but the part of us which chooses, perceives, and manifests separation in consciousness or separatist tendencies.
I believed in the above for a long while. For various reasons, i started to re examine this belief and the issues around same.
Two outside sources which i trust more than not, helped me to come to a more holistic and accurate view i believe, as well as going within and checking the info, feeling it out, using my intuition about it. I didn't blindly believe these sources and take their words for the gospel truth, but like i said, i felt them out. I pretty much question everything when it comes to outside info and sources of beliefs, etc.
Here are a couple of interesting quotes from the Cayce readings, someone asks this channel, "Q-In relation to the Oneness of all force, explain the popular concept of the Devil, seemingly substantiated in the Bible.
A-In the beginning, celestial beings. We have first the Son, then the other Sons or celestial beings that are given their force and power. Hence that force which rebelled in the unseen forces (or in spirit), that came into activity, was that influence which has been called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; they are One. That of rebellion!" Reading 262-52
Even more interesting...
"The prince of this world, Satan, *Lucifer, The Devil--as a soul**--made those necessities, as it were, of the consciousness in materiality; that man might--or that the soul might--become aware of its separation from the God-force. Hence the continued warring that is ever present in materiality or in the flesh, or the warring--as it is termed--between those influences of good and evil." Reading 262-89
* i believe the source of the readings was speaking on the popular interpretations and usages at the time (still common amongst many), when using the term of "Lucifer" in relation to the Serpent, Satan, etc. It's interesting how those last two words and names, serpent and satan, both sound similar to separation in some respects, isn't it?
** my emphasis
Besides the Cayce perspective, there is some info in Bruce's books which while on the surface may seem unrelated to this whole issue, might actually have a good explanation for this whole question of; is there a particular being or more individualized consciousness who in the beginning tried to get others to rebel against the Creator and in creating in the manner of same.
In Bruce's 4th book, he talks about the creating of Creation from the perspective of the Planning Intelligence and it communicating to Bruce, which of course, probably leaves room for some distortions, errors, minor misinterpretations. While i respect Bruce a lot, i don't sense a pure, radiant, and completely White and/or Golden Light emanation from him. Meaning, not yet a Yeshua type, incomplete, lack of full awareness, etc.
Anyways, with that condition in mind, the P.I. tells Bruce that in the beginning, that Consciousness the Creator, the P.I.'s "Father", was experimenting to some extent in creating self aware, individualized, and free willed "probes" or Sparks from within itself, to go out and explore the unknown.
Apparently in the very beginning of this process, not all Sparks were created equal, meaning it seems that some of them, well their individual consciousness bonds weren't put together exactly right and these bonds disintegrated after awhile.
Others separated in consciousness from Consciousness, and the bonds of self hood and self awareness remained intact, but they didn't come back (figuratively).
One particular Spark/Probe was created, which not only separated, but fully merged with Consciousness again, bringing back all of it's awareness, info, etc. gathered along the way, or what Monroe might have called "gifts to the Whole".
This Spark/Probe was apparently the very Disk that Bruce was communicating with, the Planning Intelligence.
The P.I. became a full Co-Creator with Consciousness, and perhaps also became a model for creating new Probes and Sparks, which had the more specific and somewhat built in job, though they still had freewill, to Retrieve those original "lost Sparks" which didn't ever seem to remerge with Consciousness (it seems that Bruce, or was it Monroe who was told that they were one of these Retriever probes).
Consciousness the Creator realized when the P.I. remerged with it, why it was so successful in its original purpose: because the energy, the consciousness we term "love" had been so strongly a part in putting together this particular self/aspect/probe. Love was its base, love was permeating its consciousness, and as Bruce put it, love acts much like water does when mixed in with some dry cake mix, it allows for the simultaneous interconnectedness and yet difference or uniqueness to exist at the same time.
So it seems that perhaps not all the original Sparks/Probes were created with much love. Perhaps there were some Sparks which had quite a lack in same, perhaps one in particular, was kind of the opposite of the P.I. and was kind of misbegotten from our perspective, and had a very, very strong and active rebellious and separative streak from the get go?
Maybe this Spark/Probe/Soul/Spirit self, could be the one that some have labeled later as "Satan" or the Devil? Maybe it just doesn't know any better, but because it has freewill and curiosity, the Creator does not want to interfere with its freewill in hopes that eventually it will turn back to it's Mother/Father?
Maybe it is both an individual Soul, and also a collective thoughtform and activity of rebellion, selfishness, and separative tendencies, which was manifested through and by all those who partook in the original separation which first happened in Spirit, but which became materialized, projected into materiality?
Very deep stuff and not black and white, but apparently different sides and variables to the equation at the same time.
Maybe this individual Soul is still rebelling against its Maker and those who choose the Makers ways and consciousness? Maybe it has set itself up against the P.I. and its activities? Maybe it has just enough conscious Light within its Disk, to keep it continuing and alive, but otherwise has a pretty extreme lack of Light, which gets perceived as "dark", within it?
In any case, i wouldn't worry about any of this, whether its true or not, PUL is the most powerful consciousness in all of Reality, because it is of the Creator and of its first remerged Son--the one who co-created this particular Universe. If any consciousness decides to attune to that, then it will be alright and better than alright, it will come to know eventually perfect joy, balance, and a peace that surpasses understanding.
If Yeshua spokes those words that you shared from the N.T., and they weren't injected or overly edited in there by other sources, it would seem that perhaps Yeshua was also speaking on the reality of this particular rebellious Soul, and i for one think that Yeshua would know better than any here what is true and accurate regarding this particular issue.
Sometimes we can so dislike any and all fundamentalism, that we become so unduly closed to any ideas or concepts which smack of dogma or fundamentalism, or seem to come just from that kind of space. Perhaps there is some truth, however masked over, exaggerated, or over emphasized even in some beliefs of that nature? I use to really dislike such teachings on a more personal level, and so i was closed to really being open minded to any of their beliefs or interpretations. Funny now that i've become more spiritually attuned and balanced, i've come to accept some beliefs and interpretations which i earlier thought was fear based hogwash..