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PE: Healing sessions (Read 21183 times)
Alan McDougall
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #15 - Mar 2nd, 2008 at 4:39am
Count me in also, Saturday is ok , my tme zone is =2 gmt, but this is not important as the spiriitual realm operates and exists outside the contraints of time and space.

I would be interested in a consolidated anylysis of this effort.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #16 - Mar 2nd, 2008 at 10:57am
I was unable to find the group when I went out at 3PM or so, though I did find a group sending healing energy to the planet at Earthcore and joined in. I don't suppose that was the group I was looking for consciously, though.

Sorry, pm.

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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #17 - Mar 2nd, 2008 at 5:40pm
Hi everyone, thanks for participating,

  As the receiver for this session, I opened myself to receive the healing love after a brief meditation.  For the whole session, I waited for something to happen.  I didn't notice any particular feeling.  I felt something was going wrong and I was the problem.  I put to intend to know more about that during my night of sleep.  Nothing happen at all during the night, except that this morning I knew the answer:  Unconsciously, I did not allow myself to receive the healing love.

  I was sad, especially because I wasted energies from the other participant.  I hope we will make an other healing session next week, with an other receiver, so I'll be able to pay back my due.

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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #18 - Mar 2nd, 2008 at 7:47pm

#1 Sat, March 1, 7pm-8:40pm Greenwich Mean Time
   First I seemed not to be able to focus well. Then I concentrated to be with the PE group and it seemed to work better then. I felt like being in company. Suddenly the "whoo-aah" came into my mind Bruce talks about in his books, charging the crystal of TMI there. I haven't thought about this before.
   Then it was like I was sending out something good for PhantasyMan, and was supported by the others, and so it went on, each one was sending out something and was supported by the others. Briefly there were the colors red and blue alternating. I felt once as if I was sending out a mild spring breeze.
   What I saw as the target (so maybe PhantasyMan) was floating as if made of an etheric stuff, or as having clothes on which were very oversized. Then the target floated upwards.
   I often fell asleep during this, and my thoughts wandered to guitar amplifiers- hope that hasn't any weird effects.
   Against the end of this session, I woke up slowly from napping and sensed a graphical picture, a figure sending out something; when I thought "that's me I guess", immediately a very strong sensation of "being involved", a whoosh of something went through my body, like I actually was sending something out, and then it was like something was coming back, maybe from someone else, maybe a reflection I don't know, and that was even stronger, it really hit me. Quite strong.

#2 Sun, March 2, 0:45am-1:13am Greenwich Mean Time
   Again the thought of charging the crystal in a group. I focused on healing for PhantasyMan. Sometimes I saw/imagined myself as a flashing in white light.


Greenwich Mean Time:
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #19 - Mar 3rd, 2008 at 9:05am
Hey Spooky,

What I saw as the target (so maybe PhantasyMan) was floating as if made of an etheric stuff, or as having clothes on which were very oversized. Then the target floated upwards.  

This catch my attention.  Can you give me more detail about what you saw?  I often feel oversized of something...

I often fell asleep during this, and my thoughts wandered to guitar amplifiers

Cheesy  Maybe you were in touch with my guitar stuffs Smiley
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #20 - Mar 3rd, 2008 at 11:40pm
What I saw as the target (so maybe PhantasyMan) was floating as if made of an etheric stuff, or as having clothes on which were very oversized. Then the target floated upwards. 

This catch my attention.  Can you give me more detail about what you saw?  I often feel oversized of something... 

Yes, it was like someone who had clothes on made of a very light smooth soft fabric, such as thin silk or so, and this clothes were much larger than the body, and they were floating around the body as if being in the air without gravity or under water, so I couldn't make out the body itself, but only this surrounding light stuff.
  About that flying upwards, I thought during this that this person maybe has become lighter, going upwards to higher happy regions, like having left some burden behind.

I often fell asleep during this, and my thoughts wandered to guitar amplifiers

Cheesy  Maybe you were in touch with my guitar stuffs Smiley

Lol, as far as I remember I thought of Fender guitar amps. You play electric?


P.S. The next day, Sunday, I went to my weekly music practice room session (shared room), and at exactly the spot where I usually place the amp I use there was a brand new Fender FM65 12" .  Was a bit strange.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #21 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 1:16am
  Hi all,

  Good thing linear time isn't a the same time, i believe commitment and doing what you say are going to do when you are going to do it, is also important.   I was more than a bit late on this one, but i will try to be more on time in the future.

  Anyways, i didn't get too many clear impressions at all.   For some reason, it felt right to "send" a warm golden orange frequency and a purplish frequency, so i intended that out.   Got some vague impressions that Phant.Man, has some physical issues and insecurities which are contributing to emotional stresses. 

  Tried to focus on bringing up feelings of love and appreciation and making a connection with Phant. Man with that in mind and heart.   

  I don't think this is connected, but got a brief but somewhat vivid flash of a horse and carriage for some reason.   Thought it was odd.
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #22 - Mar 8th, 2008 at 7:44pm
Hi Everybody. I was at sea when I went on the healing exploration exactly one week ago. I was getting an affirmation for 5 people here as I did it. Seems to be a mental journey this time for me, and I apologize it sounds like a horoscope, I swear I don't read horoscopes except for myself once in awhile. sometimes they surprise me when they are true, other times I don't relate. take this with grains of salt. it's an experiment in the final analysis. my state of mind when writing it was to ask if I could serve anyone this way, and I felt an intensity of positive energy and just wrote down what came to me.

PhantMan: The methodical helper. Carefully analyzes and assimilates what he focuses on and becomes thorough that way. Does not engage in anything negativily charged as it wastes his time and he is above that. Is willing to experiment, but is not the type to leap before looking. His affirmation is; Steady as she goes.
Blink: (are u here?) The Doer. The Faithful One. Another organizer, a Watcher. More right brained artist type than Bets, who is also the Organizer and Watcher. Can moderate well energies of a group simply by introducing a different, higher thought into the game room. Can release negative energy relatively faster than some. She rides and slides the waves. knows more than expresses. Affirmation: A little effort goes a long ways.
Justin: the taskmaster: learning to guide energies of a group into constructive channels. has potential for leadership. Learning global constructs; will gain assistance in the speed up.
Bets: The overviewer player, also the watcher. can see hidden motives and intentions, organizes elements in a group. Disengages negative energy. needs to release negative energy within self faster (don't we all dearie?) Her physical energy level increases when she releases her cares to higher self. Her affirmation is Yes, We Can!
Spooky: Feels limited to express his unlimited thought/higher self. His music dissipates some tensions of this. Needs to love himself (so do I!) more for his player capacity and unselfish outlook. His affirmation: I am a child of the Universe and I belong here.


so gang, these are more like observations I've made rather than psychic stuff. I hope they are useful to anyone. if not, it's just an experiment for us to open to more light and truth and healing.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #23 - Mar 8th, 2008 at 9:15pm

  Wow! I don't know for the other, but you have an excellent hit for me Cheesy  I couldn't have said it better! 


Yes, it was like someone who had clothes on made of a very light smooth soft fabric, such as thin silk or so, and this clothes were much larger than the body

I do have that kind of clothes.  I wear them many time a week when I go my Taiji and my Qigong.   Shocked

Lol, as far as I remember I thought of Fender guitar amps. You play electric? 

Yes, electric and classic.  I use Native instruments Guitar Rig 3 as a software amps. 


  I don't think this is connected, but got a brief but somewhat vivid flash of a horse and carriage for some reason

Mhhh weird.  What kind of carriage ?  Heavy?  Maybe this vision represent a karma?  What do you think?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #24 - Mar 8th, 2008 at 10:47pm
  Hi P.M., i don't know what kind of carriage, i guess the standard kind that you see in movies where a horse is pulling a carriage that some people sit in, like its a little room.   

  I have no idea what it means, and what it pertains to.  Could be subconscious junk floating to the top or more a message for me.   I've wondered if it was a message to me about not putting the cart before the horse because during the meditation when i wasn't getting any clear impressions, i kept asking for help to get more clear impressions and accurate info and i kind of heard/felt something like this, "Is your desire to participate in this, more about helping Phant. Man and about healing, or more about impressing yourself and the others in the group?" But if that was the case, why didn't look more like a cart and why wasn't it before the horse? 

   Thanks for the info Alysia.   My astro. chart constantly repeats and fairly yells "leader type role".   Maybe someday i will be fit to move into such a role (and handle it wisely), but i'm not yet fit enough as we both know.
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #25 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 12:11am
glad u found my remarks useful PM. thanks for your response too Justin. u r an honest person and a hard worker. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #26 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 10:54pm

Alysia: Yes, that fits with me. Thanks! Sounds fascinating what you're saying. Music though can not only dissipate, but as well build up tenses, so then I have to make more music to dissipate it lol. Sounds like an addictive circle!

PhantasyMan: Cool the thing with the clothes!
   I played around with software amps too but couldn't achieve the tone I wanted (but hadn't Native Instruments). When I play live with my friend computers are a no-no.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #27 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 1:27pm
yes music can be healing Spooky. interestingly, a poster pm'ed me about my own music recently. he made me think about it, in that he also said music can be a psychic doorway as well writing things down can be that also. I don't even know what I meant by dissipating tensions through music until you told me. some idea there. I'll just say that music can be healing depending on if that's the intention behind expressing.
I remember Gene Kelly's "Gotta Dance!" tune. I think that's what we are all trying to do in music or otherwise is express our fullness and how addictive can self expression be? pretty darn addictive!

btw, just an off topic question I think: have you ever stayed up all night doing music and gotten a 2nd wind from doing it?  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE: Healing sessions
Reply #28 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 10:23pm
btw, just an off topic question I think: have you ever stayed up all night doing music and gotten a 2nd wind from doing it?  Smiley

  Not exactly, but once I danced some hours to good music late at night, had not much eaten, just a few beers, then went to bed, and when I awoke I wasn't exhausted or so, I felt absolutely great! Somehow cleaned, all life streams in my body opened.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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