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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Juditha-
I agree with your first response - That someone has decided to make a point of being rude and obnoxious actually says NOTHING AT ALL about you two. However it does say a great deal about the speaker. So, as you told him, it's his problem.
Negative attacks like that come from two general sources, fear and rage. Some people hang onto feelings of rage and project them against everybody they meet because they're afraid that they have no power. That leads to a sense of fear that maybe they have no value and are unable to accomplish anythng meaningful. It's like discovering that they are just tiny frogs in a very big pond, and instead of looking for ways to grow, they're seeking ways to make the pond seem smaller by driving away the other frogs.
Those of us who are willing to learn, work for the good of others, and accept that we can grow and develop our abilities, are a terrible threat to these mini-frog types. While they feel helpless, they see you working on yourself and growing, and that frightens them because they feel even more helpless and hopeless. So that become enraged and strike out in various ways. Many murders and rapes come from that kind of fear and rage, as the perpetrators try to prove that they amount to more than a waste of skin.
You might notice that this is exactly the kind of thng that gets people stick in the interlife interface - the place where Bruce and others go to rescue stuck souls. It's essentially an attitude problem that prevents them from realizing the truth, that they could be surrounded by loving friends - if they will stop driving their friends away and trying to hate everyone. But since they've more or less gotten rid of everyone they know who doesn't agree with their own sour attitude, they're now stuck with the consequences. Everyone they know is negatve and unpleasant. It's a classic case of a BST.
As a medium you occasionally encounter angry and enraged spirits. And you've probably noticed that their problem is that they have turned off their ability to love, and replaced it with hostility. They do this from fear, because if they were to love, they would also have to take a real look at themselves, and then become responsible for making changes in many areas of their attitudes. Since they feel unworthy, they feel they must hide from love, so they hate, and try to feel that hatred proves they're alive. Actually, because you have deeper spiritual insight, you can see that this simply makes them more dead.
The same is true for your critic. Rather than being open to God and love, they are trying to shut it all down, so that they feel more powerful. But what they are doing is cutting themselves off from the Source of all power. Like any other stuck soul, these people deserve a certain amount of pity, and they are terribly needy. If you aren't too disgusted, they also need love.
Meanwhile, I suggest that next time you get that kind of reaction you listen to the tiny terrified frog-person inside them and realize that it all means little more than the "ribbit, ribbit" sound that comes from any country sewer or ditch in the evening.
You gals have chosen a difficult, but extremely rewarding road in this life - both for you and for the rest of us as well. More power to you!