I know you are a skeptic who is wise enough to discern the true dynamics of what has transpired on your thread. I will reply in the way I would have replied before all the flap and cries for censuring Albert. I will address your question from the perspective of the afterlife principle like attracts like. This principle is widely embraced both by biblical Christianity (e. g. Matthew 7:2) and by astral adepts. I want to challenge this principle not because it is incorrect, but because it is too vague and embryonic and needs refinement and supplementation from other spiritual principles that affect one's postmortem destiny.
I will focus on Jesus and ignore gurus and channeled entities that I have critiqued in other threads over the years. Jesus stresses the neglected insight that words are the least important part of prayer, in part because God knows what we need before we ask Him: "When you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans; for they think they will be heard because of their many words (Matthew 6:7)." Jesus recognizes that pious words, though necessary, function as bars that imprison us in illusory self-images and give us a simplistic grasp of love that functions like a booby prize which substitutes for the real reward--an intuitive feel for a state of mind that truly transforms and translates into a holy obsession with a lifestyle of selfless service to God and other people. Debates about PUL (astral or earthly), though potentially helpful, are limited by vagaries and preconceptions that prevent the word "love" from inspiring a lifestyle that makes it real. Thus, Jesus recognized the importance of other terms (e. g. humility, gratitude, grace) that, at first sight, seem to be additional virtues, though in fact they are manifestations of love. But we must speak as if there are many distinct virtues to confront the barrier imposed by language to accessing the permanent mood and set of attitudes that cannot easily be expressed in words, but which seem to be a signficant basis for postmortem evolutionary soul progression.
The concept of soul retrievals already implies that denizens of a lower spirit plane evolve with different spiritualities despite the character affinities that initially drew them to that plane. Some are ready for retrievals and others are not. Those who get ready are increasingly unlike their "neighbors." How this spiritual difference within character uniformity is enhanced remains a mystery which requires further astral exploration. To what extent do seme denizens of a hellish plane begin to make more loving choices on their own? What role do spirit guides/ saints/ angels/ Christ play? Better answers to such questions might lead us to a more comprehensive grasp of the ultimate meaning and plan of human existence.
Among His other roles, Jesus was a prophet. A prophet's mission is to clarify how each doctrine in one's belief system has merit only if it contributes to a more spiritual lifestyle. Whenever pre-Christian Israelites or followers of Jesus forgot the relevance of beliefs to concrete service, the validity of their doctrine was temporarily suspended by prophets until the loving purpose of each doctrine was rediscovered and actualized in personal lifestyles.
In my next post, I will discuss Jesus' [and Paul's] teaching about the most elusive of virtues--humility. I will explain how this virtue is a key to genuine mystical experience and to progress in the afterlife. I am very busy these days, so it may take some time to develop the various strands of this thread.