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Posts: 3
I haven't yet had a sign although now I have some hope thanks to the good people who replied here.And I purchased the book "Hello from Heaven" but haven't read it yet.
My Maria was an angel.She was so good for this world...and to me.We never had a bad day together.With the birth of our boy;Ray,we became even more fortunate.I truly felt like the luckiest man in the world with her.She was so happy and proud of her beautiful baby boy.We had planned and dreamed of so many great things to do together as a family.
Now,however,I feel very unlucky ...but I'm keeping it together so that I can raise this boy and create a bond with him.I've been home with him for a month now,mostly alone,and it has been going OK.We're getting along well.I've had great help from public health nurses,the Victorian Order of Nurses and some friends.After another two months,I'll have to get back to work and find a caregiver for Ray.I know that it's not going to be easy to do it without Maria ...financially,mentally,emotionally...but I think I can raise him in a stable and comfortable environment and be a good father.
Every day I keep looking at photos of Maria and telling her that I love her (or at the sky or the ceiling and talking to her)over and over again with the hopes that she hears me.