Hi Roho,
I`d like to extend strength and good thoughts to you re: the cross over of your wife.
Justin mentions
Hemi-Sync. A few years after my father crossed over a very dear friend of mine whom is very versed in the Buddism way, gave me a
Hemi-Sync gaget. At first I was very affraid of this electronic thingy ma jig, but thn again I am terrfiied of the dentist too..lol..
In other words I must considerably indentify myself with my brain..lol..anything getting too close to
it I tend to keep away from...lol..
Anyway... I had it sitting in the closet for quite a long time scared of it... yet decided to pull it out about 6 months ago. I looked it up in the internet to see what it was for. Come to find out that its medically prooven that Hemi-Sync helps and can eleviate pain and can also bring all the chitter chatter in ones mind to focus on calmness. I was having some serious sleepness nights and didnt want to resort to sleeping aids. I read that they also use this on ADD children and for other things too.
I`ve used it for a few months now, however I use it without the glasses, just the sounds and I tell you, I sleep like a baby does now. Some of the physical pains I had are for the most part gone. So I am a real believer in the help
Hemi-Sync can give the human body.
I simply put the headphones on and allow the Hemi-Sync to reorganise the sparkes which the brain though trauma etc. has caused priorly.