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Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus" (Read 18362 times)
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Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Feb 13th, 2008 at 11:09am

I got to thinking about something last night and decided to ask you since you are a Biblical scholar and I greatly respect your opinion.

I was thinking that there's a big difference between Jesus and the various new age gurus.  Specifically, Jesus talks about the importance of actions, whereas the gurus seem to just talk about beliefs.

I don't ever recall reading anything in Seth or Elias et al that tells us how we should lead our lives.  Instead, they seem to concentrate on what the afterlife is or isn't, reincarnation, How our lives follow a script we "write" before birth, etc etc.

That seems to be a fundamental, and important, difference.


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Lights of Love
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #1 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 12:18pm
Hi Roger,

I look forward to Don’s thoughts as well.

From my perspective, guru is simply a name or label that means a teacher who is deserving of reverence. Are we not all teachers?  Do we not all deserve respect if for no other reason than the fact each of us is a spark of the divine? Does a name really describe an entire person or thing? Is any one of us without fear that hides behind the separated ego?

Much has been said lately regarding certain people labeled as guru or whatever and when I see posts like this that questions someone else’s personal integrity my heart goes out to that person because they have yet to understand the true nature of who we really are and the divinity that is within all that there is.  I’m also reminded of Jesus’ words in regard to judgment of another such as the adulterous woman when he said to let the one who is without sin cast the first stone and they all walked away… no one condemned her.

Love, Kathy  Smiley
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #2 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 1:53pm
Lights of Love wrote on Feb 13th, 2008 at 12:18pm:
Hi Roger,

I look forward to Don’s thoughts as well.

From my perspective, guru is simply a name or label that means a teacher who is deserving of reverence. Are we not all teachers?  Do we not all deserve respect if for no other reason than the fact each of us is a spark of the divine? Does a name really describe an entire person or thing? Is any one of us without fear that hides behind the separated ego?

Much has been said lately regarding certain people labeled as guru or whatever and when I see posts like this that questions someone else’s personal integrity my heart goes out to that person because they have yet to understand the true nature of who we really are and the divinity that is within all that there is.  I’m also reminded of Jesus’ words in regard to judgment of another such as the adulterous woman when he said to let the one who is without sin cast the first stone and they all walked away… no one condemned her.

Love, Kathy  Smiley

   Kathy, perhaps there is a difference between emotionally centered "judgment" and stating a perception from a more mental level?

  You talk about Jesus for example, and his words about judgment.   Well, Jesus didn't say we cannot discriminate or even speak critically about others actions or what they teach.  His own actions and example, support the latter.

  He himself, spoke quite critically in relation to the Pharisees and Sadducee's, and said things like that they were hypocrites, a generation of vipers, and that there teachings and ways of being were akin to 'white washed tombs' and that they brought others to death and not to life.   Pretty strong words weren't they? 

  Yet, when he said these things, he was not coming from a place of emotionally centered judgment.   He did not hold negative feelings towards them, despite his outer critical words.  Even while he spoke critically, he saw and knew them to be beautiful children of God and other selves.   But that did not mean he somehow didn't see spiritual "error".

  He seemed to confront them because he believed that their teachings and ways of being were severely limiting the potential spiritual growth of themselves and the common folk, who looked up too and overly listened to these false teachers because they were a kind of "authority" then. 

Not much different than some folks today speaking out against corrupt Priests or Guru's for example. 
I can honestly say that when i speak critically about a person who sets themselves up as a teacher of spiritual truth but is one who leads others to ways of unSourceness and unPUL by their example and/or teachings, that i'm not feeling any negative feelings to them as a person, i'm not emotionally judging them.   As individuals, i could care less how they lives their lives, it's when others start getting manipulated and harmed that i speak up.   

  These folks have been shown time and time again to exert a wide and powerful influence on many, who look up to them because they project the image of being "enLightened", and simple psychology shows that if you repeat something enough, those not fully centered and individualized may eventually start to believe you. 

   For an example, if you knew someone in a family was molesting a little child, but the family itself didn't know, would it be unloving to try to make that family aware that one of its members was doing this?   

  Or would it not be more loving to speak up in hopes that it would stop it from happening?  You don't have to dislike the person who is doing this, to speak critically and in a discriminating manner about what they are doing that is harmful to others.  It is not "judgment" to dislike the behavior or the facilitation of harm to others, it is judgment to dislike the person doing the behavior or who is facilitating.

Btw, one of the things you said in the above quote, that i made bold and italicized, well it could be construed of as judgment too, couldn't it?  You basically said, when you cut out the subtle, flowery words, that people who speak out critically in regards to those who set themselves up as teachers of spiritual truth, that those who speak critically can only be coming from a judgmental space and don't have a clue about real PUL and thus aren't truly spiritual in nature. 

Not only does this contradict Jesus's own life and example--a source you even referenced (how ironic that), it is putting self and self's perceptions of others on quite a high, absolute horse.   

  When one speaks against a particular behavior or way of being, and then does it themselves, what is a person supposed to think--particularly those who the message seems to be for?    So, just because you didn't actually name names and directly say stuff to the people you were referencing too, that makes it "spiritual" and wise somehow?   To me, it's an indication of unconsciousness to self and self's own unregenerated tendencies, perhaps points to a need to look wise and spiritual to others. 

  Personally, i do not care what others think of me, especially not if i come across as "spiritual" or not, and that is why i'm so blunt and direct about how i really think and feel.   This world could really use more honest expression, more directness and honesty--it's one of the positive traits of Yang energy, as opposed to the negative trait of over polarized Yin energy which is subtly manipulative and which indirectly tries to put down others (and is good at getting away with it because of its subtly and master of innuendo).    One doesn't have to be a major ahole to try to authentically communicate what one really thinks and feels, it's like anything there is a balance.   
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #3 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 2:15pm

If a person had cancer would you say that all is love or light, or would you seek to cure that person?

If you don't believe that my analogy applies, it just shows that you don't understand how big of a problem the false guru problem is. There are thousands of cults out there where people are misled by gurus who are not what they claim to be by any stretch of the imagination, even though people stretch their imaginations in all kinds of ways when they choose to make excuses for them.

Perhaps people pick up a tip or two when they hang out with one of the many false gurus who exist, but eventually they are going to get to the point where they have to disentangle themselves from the false concepts and emotional hurts they picked up along the way. They also  often have to settle the familial and financial problems that were created along the way. Regarding the later, I know of elderly people who had nothing to retire on, because they gave away their money to guru. I know of people who couldn't help their children go to college, because they gave away their money to guru. I know of people who hurt their relationships with their families, because of their cultish relationship with guru.  I know of loving cult members who could've made a difference in society, except that they gave everything to guru. There are many people who get disenchanted with spirituality all together, because of their experiences with false gurus.


When people make comments such as: "my heart goes out to that person because they have yet to understand the true nature of who we really are and the divinity that is within all that there is" this is fine with me, because I know I'm doing the right thing.

I take part in retrievels to a significant degree. I don't care who I help. If a spirit chooses to go to the light, then I'm more than willing to help, regardless of what it has done in the past. However, I've found that living according to love, doesn't mean that one has to turn a blind eye towards the many false gurus and other cult leaders who mislead people. To do so is to engage in a game of just pretend, and to not see things as they are. When people play just pretend, they empower those who don't need to be empowered. When people play just pretend, they help false gurus disempower those who follow them.


Here's a big difference between Jesus and false gurus:

Jesus set about to do what he did, even though he knew he would be crucified at a young age. False gurus do what they do, because they expect to enjoy a life of manipulating and controlling people; being put on a pedestal as some kind of God; and in many cases, engaging in sex with their followers. Regarding money, Jesus told his followers to give their money to the poor, while false gurus collect it. Jesus did what he did because of divine authority. False gurus designate themselves as Gods.

I don't believe that Jesus is the only light being. I figure there are many. I figure that just about all of us become light beings eventually.  Even people who decide to become false gurus for a while.


Lights of Love wrote on Feb 13th, 2008 at 12:18pm:
Hi Roger,

I look forward to Don’s thoughts as well.

From my perspective, guru is simply a name or label that means a teacher who is deserving of reverence. Are we not all teachers?  Do we not all deserve respect if for no other reason than the fact each of us is a spark of the divine? Does a name really describe an entire person or thing? Is any one of us without fear that hides behind the separated ego?

Much has been said lately regarding certain people labeled as guru or whatever and when I see posts like this that questions someone else’s personal integrity my heart goes out to that person because they have yet to understand the true nature of who we really are and the divinity that is within all that there is.  I’m also reminded of Jesus’ words in regard to judgment of another such as the adulterous woman when he said to let the one who is without sin cast the first stone and they all walked away… no one condemned her.

Love, Kathy  Smiley

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Lights of Love
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #4 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 3:40pm
Hi Justin and Albert,

I figured my post would get a rise out of you both.

I understand what the two of you are saying. Thank you both for your posts.

I don’t believe I said anything about throwing morality out the window. Indeed, as we allow the divine to flow freely through us, we become more like that which gives us life.

As I mentioned, we are all teachers and we are always teaching others what we know.  If we know love, understanding, patience, kindness and forgiveness, this then will come through us and go out to others and it will be healing to them.  As far as I know condemnation and speaking ill of another has never healed anyone, yet we teach this to others by our thoughts, words and deeds.

Have either of you ever read the Tao Te Ching? It is a classic written about 2500 years ago and with the exception of the Bible, has been translated more than any book in the world. The most recent translation that I’ve read is Dr. Wayne Dyer’s newest book “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” and I highly recommend reading both of these.

The Tao Te Ching is online:

My heart goes out to you both.

Love, Kathy
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #5 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 3:50pm
To be Frank Kathy:

You ask us to read a couple of books, and I don't know if you truly read our posts.

P.S. Justin used to include Lao Tzu as a part of his name. Any connection to the Tao Te Ching author?

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #6 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 3:57pm
Ah, irony - the WD-40 of the mind!   Wink
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #7 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 3:58pm
Hi Rondele,

Regarding your question on Masters and Gurus, here are some links from a contemporary source that speaks to the issue at hand.
I got them by site-searching here  for the term, 'guru' and recieved over 700 returns from which I selected some examples that might be helpful regarding your query. They are in no particular order. A search under the term 'master' on the same site might return other potentially useful passages. Another item at this site that might be helpful in this regard is the entire text of a book appropriately titled "The Master and the Disciple"   which explains a lot about this relationship which is often misunderstood. Also specific to your query, I hope that people who are followers of the Christ keep in mind that He is also a Guru, a Master, and much of the material below may provide insight into possibly enhancing their own relationship with Him as such. Also as Kathy points out, that Jesus Christ may not be one's Master in a particular life, but God does seem to provide the necessary experiences for the sincere seeker, even the insincere seeker, including connecting them with a sincere or perhaps even an insincere guru as their needs may require!.

Regarding action vs belief, 2 contemporary Gurus I have studied - Aurobindo and especially Chinmoy, advocate an integral approach (in fact Sri Aurobindo originated this) that involves not only meditation, but dedicated physical and creative activity such as arts, athletics as well as community service as part of a viable spiritual practice. I'll bet Vajra can add some contemporary Buddhist proponents of this integral approach as well. Zen is quite well known for its down to Earth pragmatism.

Also, due to the contentious atmosphere that pervades the boards here from time to time, I wish to make a disclaimer regarding my own position on the Christ just for the record, even though I realize that my evaluation can be of little or no consequence to others:
That He is undoubtedly a Master of the highest order, an Avatar, a direct Representative of the Absolute, A Saviour of humanity, One who's Consciousness is quite unimaginable to me. I reserve my highest regard for such a Master.

As always, hope this is helpful.

- u   Smiley

Ps - to Don - please forgive this impertinence as the question was asked directly to you, however it was in the public forum so I took the liberty...
I just read all of the poems in this book -
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #8 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:17pm
Here's another thought.

"If you really love somebody, you won't be afraid to see their momentary imperfections, because you'll realize that seeing them won't stop you from loving them." I know that my spirit guidance sees my imperfections not because they want to judge me, but because they love me and want to see me clearly enough so they can help me.

Ultra just posted a bunch of threads about Sri Chinmoy. It is clear that Sri Chinmoy was a false guru who misled many people. He was a guru who would sexually push himself on his disciples in a forcefull way. He tried to control them by telling them things such as "if you leave me, dark spirits will get to you" (not his exact words). Nevertheless, I believe he is a divine child of God, and I wish him the best with moving to the light. He died not too long ago. My guess is that as he goes through his life review (perhaps he already went through it), he'll hope that there are people down here who help others see that he was a deceptive guru, because he'll no longer want others to be misled by his imperfect teachings.

Hopefully he has moved on to the light, because the main method of meditation with his group is to stare at his photo. If he now exists as a non-love oriented earth bound spirit, somebody might attract his spirit to his or herself, through such a method of meditation.

I won't bother with posting articles that explain about Chimoy's exploits, because doing so didn't accomplish much with other false gurus. If there are people who could see what I revealed about other false gurus, they'll probably know that I wouldn't say things about Chinmoy without knowing better.

If some people believe it is negative for me to say something about Chinmoy, is it okay for Ultra to turn people on to such a false source of information without anybody saying differently?

What if somebody came on this forum and spoke up for the teachings of Bin Laden? Would people consider it negative to speak against Bin Laden?

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #9 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:29pm
recoverer wrote on Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:17pm:
Here's another thought.

"If you really love somebody, you won't be afraid to see their momentary imperfections, because you'll realize that seeing them won't stop you from loving them." I know that my spirit guidance sees my imperfections not because they want to judge me, but because they love me and want to see me clearly enough so they can help me.

Ultra just posted a bunch of threads about Sri Chinmoy. It is clear that Sri Chinmoy was a false guru who misled many people. He was a guru who would sexually push himself on his disciples in a forcefull way. He tried to control them by telling them things such as "if you leave me, dark spirits will get to you" (not his exact words). Nevertheless, I believe he is a divine child of God, and I wish him the best with moving to the light. He died not too long ago. My guess is that as he goes through his life review (perhaps he already went through it), he'll hope that there are people down here who help others see that he was a deceptive guru, because he'll no longer want others to be misled by his imperfect teachings.

Hopefully he has moved on to the light, because the main method of meditation with his group is to stare at his photo. If he now exists as a non-love oriented earth bound spirit, somebody might attract his spirit to his or herself, through such a method of meditation.

Is it just me or does this qualify as an egregious violation of site rules?
Instead of going PM, I am openly asking people who find this antisocial behavior offensive and quite literally a destructive force on Bruce's site to ask for the permanent removal of 'recoverer' as per site guidelines. I am quite tired and disgusted with his negative bullying tactics. This site will never ever fulfill its original intention if people who are committed to negativity, bashing and trashing all but their own preferences, are allowed to defile the atmosphere and prevent real seekers from participating in an open and constructive way without fear of being bullied and disparaged.

Please participate in this request if you want to preserve a useful and inspiring community instead of a playground for incessant negativity.

thank you for your support.

- u  

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #10 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:38pm
All I can say is if people ever see me promoting a false guru or false teachings, please feel completely free to correct me. The last thing I want to do is misdirect other people to false gurus. Actually, I used to do so, because I used to put up posters in public places for the cult I used to be a member of. I hope I am not personally responsible for getting too many people involved with that cult. If I am, I feel karmically indepted to those people.

If you find something false about a guru or source I advocate, I will be more than happy to examine what you found. Thank you in advance for doing so.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #11 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:43pm
Albert, do you not see that you are doing to others exactly what was done to you by restricting their freedom to choose?

I agree with Ultra. You are in violation of this boards posting guidelines and have been for quite some time.

I'm not saying you cannot speak out regarding your own experiences with false teachers, however your tone and the way you do so clearly is a violation in my opinion.

Would it not be more helpful to first listen to what another is trying to say before lashing out at the person? Isn't this what you want people to do with your posts? People want to be heard and understood. It is common courtesy to give them the respect they deserve.

Love, Kathy

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #12 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:44pm
LIghten up, Ultra,

No person on this board should be bashed.  As to knocking down the revered figures of other peoples' belief systems - let us not forget, Recoverer that in any system (including Judaism and Christianity), there is much that must be taken on faith, without any proof currently available.  I find it interestng that people of certain belief systems need to unmask the false idols and gurus. 

I see nothing wrong with calling a medium or a guru a phony, if the shoe fits.  I'm not sure what purpose it will serve, and thus I direct my attentions to other matters.

We are all big kids here - I'm not a big fan of the bans, but I understand that some rules need to be in place to be cordial.

Incidentally, this thread was titled "Question for Don."   Hrrrumpph!  Don has yet to have time to respond, and already the fireworks are flying.

I for one do not wish to see Albert banned, even temporarily.  If you are a follower of Osho or Sri Chinmoy, I am sorry if the conversation was offensive to you.

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #13 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:48pm
recoverer wrote on Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:38pm:
All I can say is if people ever see me promoting a false guru or false teachings, please feel completely free to correct me. The last thing I want to do is misdirect other people to false gurus. Actually, I used to do so, because I used to put up posters in public places for the cult I used to be a member of. I hope I am not personally responsible for getting too many people involved with that cult. If I am, I feel karmically indepted to those people.

If you point out something false about a guru or source I advocate, I will be more than happy to examine what you found. Thank you in advance for doing so.

Thank you. Ok, I will do what you ask, even though you still deserve to be removed for site guideline violations which do not include: members must constantly disparage other teachers and traditions.

If you cannot see the obvious I will have to point it out:

By disparaging all but your own preferences, based on your own self-proclaimed 'exalted' experiences thus generously self-qualifying yourself as an 'authority' on others' integrity, morality, spiritual 'status' -- these are all ego and personality comparisons -- YOU ARE POSITIONING YOURSELF ON A PEDESTAL AS A GURU.  You are your own false guru.

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #14 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:50pm

Perhaps the guidelines should be revised, if people can't even speak the truth.

How can a person choose, if alternative perspectives can't even be presented?

Lights of Love wrote on Feb 13th, 2008 at 4:43pm:
Albert, do you not see that you are doing to others exactly what was done to you by restricting their freedom to choose?

I agree with Ultra. You are in violation of this boards posting guidelines and have been for quite some time.

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