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PUL (Read 816 times)
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Posts: 5249
Gender: female
Feb 13th, 2008 at 11:47pm
PUL stands for an energy that goes between people. It means Pure, Unconditional, Love.

Fear is the nearest opposite to Love. But what is all encompassing can have no opposite in truth.

PUL is a state of consciousness. It is what gives life meaning. If there’s not enough PUL, you sense a lack of it in your life. The only reason you would be sensing a lack of love in your life is because you are not extending this energy to others. By being the first to extend love it automatically finds itself returning to the sender of it a plus measure of itself.

But it only works this way if the love you send out is pure love. Meaning, you don’t expect a return because it is not based on a “condition.” It is not based on an expectation, nor even a desire. Therefore we call it pure, and unconditional.

PUL is like our monetary system. If one has enough money one feels more secure. How much is enough? That depends on the person’s goals. I draw this analogy to show how PUL works in our lives to make us feel secure. Not in a well off context, it’s in a spiritual context that the production of love, is like the production of generating money, only love is the product on the spiritual level.

You’ve heard the saying do what you love, and the money will come? It’s like that.

There have been avatars and holy men who walked our Earth and told us about PUL. It is not so much the words we can get from them. What you want to look for is the way a person acts, whether this PUL is in them. Then you can tell if they are telling the truth.

A person who has mastered life, or love and fear, will exhibit these characteristics:

1) They never judge anything good or bad, it's not their job.

2) They look at ease with themselves and others

3) They only shout or raise their voice on the rare occasion to get someone’s attention, if that person is in trouble and needing some PUL. An example is JC in the temple overturning a table. This was not his usual way of doing things.

4) They smile a lot because they’ve lost all their worries.

5) They are aware this life is a journey, not a destination.

6) They have just the right word to say in any situation as they are listening to people, what is needed in that moment.

7) They are not interested in acquiring wealth, sexual favors, worldly acclaim or anything this world may have to offer.

8) They are always in a balanced state of awareness, neither happy, nor sad, but balanced.

9) They love people because it’s automatic to love.

10) They have nothing like guilt inside of them for they know they are among the innocent, despite their past deeds, whatever may have occurred in their past, they know that retribution has occurred and so they owe nothing.

10) In essence, they pay their bills before they are due.

11) PUL is the energy of happiness. The world is a place souls come to as an example of a lack of love flourishing as if it is the truth and solid.
The only real and solid thing in truth is PUL. A Miracle is an expression of Pure, unconditional love. The reason PUL is a miracle is because we see around us a lack of PUL expressing. The lack of PUL we see demonstrated daily is because folks are fearful. Full of fear. We might think fear is real and we may fear tomorrow’s harvest will be diseased and we would starve. In that case a master might come and remind the farmer to count his blessing; he might say but you still have some seeds left from last year; you can begin again.
This would be a thought of love, and abundance, as opposed to a thought of lack, which produces a fearful countenance and only generates more fear.

12) A master would not need to cultivate PUL. It is an energy which enters a soul after they have made room for it to come in, by working on their own self, to root out any fear and guilt which has taken up residence in their house of consciousness. PUL is the descending of grace.

Grace is what JC promised us he would leave in the Earth and it is for us to ask for grace before it will come. It will only come if you prepare a place for it to come by a vigilance of what you allow into your house of consciousness. Do not allow any thought to sit down there, but only accept a thought of peace, because this is what you want. Only this, that we desire.
Peace has come to the kingdom and only waits at the door to be let in upon your decision.

A master continues to chop wood and carry water after enlightenment. The life on the outside is the same, the relationships may change, but life goes on as before. There is one thing different. Now they are fearless, and now peace has come and everything they do is from that PUL place, therefore life paths are made smoother. Things happen quicker as their vibrations are speeded up with this PUL energy. They can see even the sparrow that falls is taken care of in the kingdom and will arise anew on the morrow, the same sparrow is encompassed in PUL.
If Fear expresses a lack, PUL express the fullness available for the asking, and for the faith, and after the preparation for grace to enter has been done.

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