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Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus" (Read 18363 times)
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #30 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:35am

The "tattler" who insisted that Albert be muzzled is also part of the Thought Police.  Yes, I have been victimized by the double standard of (1) recent smirky uncensured vicious attacks against Christianity by the biblical illiterates here and (2) the many "Offtopic" New Age threads that parrot the party line, so are left incongruously in place.  Also, the thread was addressed to me and I was given no chance to respond in a way that truly does satisfy the purpose of this site.  I would have answered Roger's question from the perspective of the need to nuance the afterlife principle that like attracts like.  But when I do create a thread in response to Roger, I will be excruciatingly polite regardless of the relentless jibes from the cackling herd.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #31 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:27am
Don to extend my thougths on this subject I`d like to bring back these words into this:

Here's a big difference between Jesus and false gurus:
Jesus set about to do what he did, even though he knew he would be crucified at a young age. False gurus do what they do, because they expect to enjoy a life of manipulating and controlling people; being put on a pedestal as some kind of God; and in many cases, engaging in sex with their followers. Regarding money, Jesus told his followers to give their money to the poor, while false gurus collect it. Jesus did what he did because of divine authority. False gurus designate themselves as Gods. I don't believe that Jesus is the only light being. I figure there are many. I figure that just about all of us become light beings eventually.  Even people who decide to become false gurus for a while.

What I do not understand is this:
Why do sooooooooooooo many people NOT believe in Christ and God for that matter?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #32 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:27am

I sent a private letter to you, which you did not even have the decency to reply. You come across more and more like some deranged Christian fundamental, as yes there are many just look at the mad evangelist shaking pontificating and shouting at the world from that appalling TV channel TBN they make me ashamed of my Christian roots. Can you imagine for one moment Jesus acting in this idiotic way? These money-grabbing frauds, crooks shouting and postulating at the Enemy (SATAN) gets on my nerves Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, If it were not so tragiclly misleading and so far to the purity of Jesus it would be very funny.

Take that charlatan Benny Hinn, how for the life of me can anyone be taken in by this idiotic fraud. He lives the life of a king unlike the humble life of Jesus that he is supposed to emulate. Hinns supposed healing and miracles have been carefully followed up and investigated by unbiased researchers and NOT ONE HEALING OR MIRACLE BY HIM COULD EVER BE VERIFIED. He makes me sick on the stomach just like his kin. Now Billy Graham is a man of integrity honor , truth whose wonderful life and actions speak for themselves.

Now as far as Biblical understanding and knowledge I take deep umbrage that we on the forum are all ignorant in Christian matters. I have a lifetime of study in this area and can take you on any time in back and forward dialogue. .

You seem to identify with Christian fundamentals, so what on earth are you doing on this forum??. You are free to go where you will be more comfortable, but I believe your attitude will follow you there.

Those so-called miracles you said happened in your church, I think not. Do you live in Canada where I have read of these exact so-called unbelievable miracles (I do not believe this nonsense) you phrased them exactly word for word as they appeared on the internet. A real coincident don’t you think? In my long life, I have long searched and wanted to see a real miracle without avail. For instance someone growing a new eye or limb, why not if God is unlimited in his power?

I find nothing wrong with Recover and he just like the rest of us  is free to believe what he likes Is it he that should be expelled from the forum or someone else, indeed nearer than a brother to you. You reveal nothing about yourself other than you are 60

A little politeness goes along way and I for one would like to see you remain an active member, but instead of negativity positively

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #33 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:39am
Exchanging information and holding various theories and experiences up to the light of day becomes less meaningful if the discussion is censored.  Ultra claims that I am in favor of allowing a few to "bully" people and disparage their views.  Rubbish.  I have always chimed in when inappropriate comments fly, both by PM and out in the open on the board. 

Yet we can't walk on eggshells and not engage each other on all topics.  It must be ok, for one to say that my faith of birth (Judaism) seems crazy to them for the following reasons........or for one to say that they personally have issues with Christianity.  While I or anyone else may refute or defend our beliefs, it can be done in a reasonable inoffensive manner.

Don notes a few anti-Christian postings on this site; people who are fed up with religion, many of whom are not knowledgeable about biblical texts and factual information.  Rather than see these comments as a personal affront or attack, it has been more interesting and informative to see Don take the Christian bashers to task, and explode the myths and misunderstandings.

So why take offense on an open message board like this?   If you believe in Sri Chinmoy or any of the disparaged gurus, what does it matter, truly if Recoverer throws out his warning?  One can either engage each other then, and let the truth come out (which it usually does), or ignore the insensitive remark and let it slide to page 2 in a day or so.

Officially, yes many postings may violate site guidelines.  Wah wah.  If we do censor all of them, there will be nothing left of debate,and many will not feel free to share for free of being stricken down.

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Tim F.
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #34 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 12:18pm
Hi Don,

I don't know why or need to know why but I have such an immense affection for you.

I disagree with many things you say;  that doesn't diminish the warmth I feel for you.

Love, Tim

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #35 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 12:27pm
Yes, the "evil genius" is back. Here's a big giant kiss for you, Don!

We're all one big dysfunctional family here, and proud of it!

love, blink Smiley
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #36 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 1:59pm

You haven't been here long, but in the past there have been numerous threads where people would bash Christianity. Some of the people who get on my case for speaking against false gurus, would become supportive of the people who speak out against Christianity. Why the double standard? If it is so wrong to speak critically of something, then why did the people who make such claims, jump on the Christian bashing bandwagon?

Regarding Don's comments about Biblical knowledge, the people who made the disparaging comments they made, clearly had incomplete Biblical knowledge. You weren't around then, so I don't see how Don's comments could've been directed towards you.


I believe it is quite clear that Don wasn't addressing Bruce Moen when he was speaking of thought police. The thought police came out way before Bruce moved this thread.
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #37 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:04pm
Isn't it funny, but I too think of Don in a good way, and as a spiritual friend, despite our differences or the stinging comments directed against me in another thread.  Dysfunctional family indeed.

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Tim F.
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #38 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:14pm
recoverer wrote on Feb 14th, 2008 at 1:59pm:

I believe it is quite clear that Don wasn't addressing Bruce Moen when he was speaking of thought police. The thought police came out way before Bruce moved this thread.

Hi Albert,

        Don made his post AFTER the thread was moved. Don said the thread was "banished".... referring to it being moved to the  "Off Topic" forum.

In his last post, Don doesn't deny that he includes Bruce Moen when he says " Thought Police"

It's clear to me that Don WAS addressing Bruce Moen when he used the silly phrase.

I also found it perplexing that he referred to you as "poor Albert", as-if you had been victimized or diminished in any way. I personally see you as "rich Albert".  You are overflowing with riches to share with your fellow sentient beings, generous and loving..... not "poor" at all.
And certainly not someone who needs to be an object of pity.

Love, Tim
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #39 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:29pm
DocM wrote on Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:04pm:
Isn't it funny, but I too think of Don in a good way, and as a spiritual friend, despite our differences or the stinging comments directed against me in another thread.  Dysfunctional family indeed.

M the most positive sense of the word, of course.....I've actually quite enjoyed reading each of you lately. It's been...interesting.   Smiley
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #40 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 2:36pm
Guys, if everyone "were exactly" the same, then our lives would be absolutley snoring boring!

Dysfunctional is quite a nice thing. Hmmm - yes indeed, it can allow us all to learn to practise "unconditional love".

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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #41 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 3:14pm

Regarding God, there are numerous teachings that don't speak of God as a being who oversees what he created. Eastern teachings often speak of source being as basically being pure consciousness, and everything else that came afterwards is nothing but a big mistake and delusion, and the sooner it goes away so that only pure consciousness remains, the better. When God/primary source is spoken of in such a way, he is spoken of in a highly impersonal sense. Some people such as myself, believe that the creative aspect of God is a wonderful thing, as long as the beings who make use of it do so in a loving and wise way.

There are new age teachings which suggest that all of us are parts of God, and God is the result of what all of us created. I do believe that we add to what is created, but this doesn't mean that God starts existing in a tangible way, only after we get going with the process of creation.

I look at it this way. If each of us can be aware of and think of everything that exists within us, and a higher self/oversoul/disk can be aware of and think of everything that exists within it, and the planning intelligence Bruce wrote of can do the same, then why can't the being within which "everything" takes place (God), do the same? I find it puzzling that some board members find this possibility difficult to believe, because such board members tend to be supportive of Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen, and both Robert and Bruce wrote of a creator who created everything in a meaningful and purposeful way.

Regarding how people feel about Jesus Christ, I believe that a lot of people have been turned off by fundamentalist ideas, and it is hard to reconcile how Christ fits into the picture when fundamentalist thoughts are intertwined with our way of thinking of him. This was a big road block for me, until I realized that I didn't know one way or the other, asked for an understanding about what Christ is about, and received various experiences and messages that were quite supportive. In fact, I received some messages and had some experiences before I asked, but I was a little slow on the uptake. For example, one time I was involved with a retrievel, and the man I was trying to help forgot all about me when accross a bay the image of Christ appeared, gold light radiated from where Christ was, and the man floated to where Christ was.

I still don't know what Christ is all about, but I don't believe he was a man who expected to be worshipped when he was here. He was way too humble, loving, sensible and giving to be like that. He simply came here to help.  Even though some Christians have done things through out the years that have been negative, there are also many Christians who have done positive things.  I believe that billions of people have avoided going to lower realms after they die, partly because of their Christian faith. I couldn't tell you what Christ's precise role in the World of spirit is, but I know that he has helped me and he has helped others.

Are there other light beings besides Christ? Well, of course. However, I see no need to give such credit when it isn't deserved.

Nanner wrote on Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:27am:
Don to extend my thougths on this subject I`d like to bring back these words into this:

Here's a big difference between Jesus and false gurus:
Jesus set about to do what he did, even though he knew he would be crucified at a young age. False gurus do what they do, because they expect to enjoy a life of manipulating and controlling people; being put on a pedestal as some kind of God; and in many cases, engaging in sex with their followers. Regarding money, Jesus told his followers to give their money to the poor, while false gurus collect it. Jesus did what he did because of divine authority. False gurus designate themselves as Gods. I don't believe that Jesus is the only light being. I figure there are many. I figure that just about all of us become light beings eventually.  Even people who decide to become false gurus for a while.

What I do not understand is this:
Why do sooooooooooooo many people NOT believe in Christ and God for that matter?

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« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:10pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #42 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 4:04pm
Doc, Blink, Tim-

Yeah I too share your affection for Don. 

And I think I know why, at least for me- Don doesn't indulge us with new-age woo-woo stuff.  His message is always consistent and direct. 

Today everyone seems so intent on boosting other folks' self esteem.  Many schools have even banned dodge ball in order to "preserve" the feelings of those who lose out.  It's hard to drive to the store without seeing a bumper sticker that someone's child made the honor roll.  It's all getting way too touchy feely and self indulgent.

So some of us probably hunger for some straight talk now and then.  That's where Don comes in.  He doesn't stroke us by sending us waves of PUL (whatever the heck that is).  He just lays it out there.  Reminds me of a crusty old teacher I had in high school, kids couldn't stand her and we dreaded going to her class.  Yet, in looking back, I learned more in that one semester than all the other courses combined.

So thanks Don.  You continue to be a breath of fresh air and a welcome voice of tough love.
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Re: Question for Don- Jesus and "Gurus"
Reply #43 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:27pm
I must add that I don't get the feeling that the people who participate on this forum are going to get involved with somebody like Osho in a serious way. They'll read what moves them and then move on. I believe they are loving people, and will do quite fine regardless of whether somebody like Osho passes on a false idea or two. As I've said on other posts, each of us will have false beliefs to let go of, when it is time for us to move on to the light.
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