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Could someone explain what partening is (Read 9143 times)
Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Could someone explain what partening is
Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:56am
[size=14]Hi Could could one of you explain what partning is and at the same time retreavals to help me avoid wrong postings.
alan [/size

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 2:29am
I second Alans Motion: for the partner explorers and retrievel experts to take the stand and  "speak up and explain" for us please.

** Alan and Nanner anxiously awaiting step by step help **

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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #2 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 10:24pm
Hi Alan and Nanner,

When you bring up the Forums page and before choosing which forum you want to click on to enter, Bruce has given a brief description of what retrieving is (some people end up in an afterlife area called Focus 23, whereby they've become stuck there after death, not knowing they are dead---many of us have felt drawn to helping with this and have learned through Bruce's books and workshops how to journey to that focus area to help them out of that stuck situation--better known as retrieving), as well as partnered exploration/retrieving (two or more agree to meet in the afterlife to explore, practice with Bruce's techniques, help to retrieve someone, and later compare their experiences, looking for similarities). Also, there's the Retrieval Archive here as well as all Bruce shares about his experiences in the afterlife and how anyone can get their own proof, learn to do it themselves.

Hope this helps.

Much love,

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:21am
I still dont understand "why partnering and retrievals" are done?
Alan are you planning on doing such?
Hugs to all,
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #4 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 8:14am

Bets is going to teach me and if i have ny success i will let you know.


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #5 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 12:22pm
Hi Nanner,

If we could separate partnering and retrievals,, it would not be quite so  Huh Tongue Shocked  confuzin' to answer  Smiley

So let's do "Why do retrievals?" first:
Doing retrievals gives spiritual purpose to our spiritual explorations;
since retrievals involve us with PUL, Helpers, and Guides, it's a good method for getting          
      acquainted with these aspects of the afterlife
Stuck souls can linger for centuries in their self-imposed hells if they cannot change their         
      mindsets/beliefs. Human retirevers with PUL carry the right vibes into their hells to
      mediate their situation, break up their old energy pattern, which allows Helpers to
      complete their retrievals, taking stuck souls then on to hospitals, re-hab or family.

"Why do 'partnered explorations?"
Partnered explorations give us an opportunity to practice non-physical travel, skills, and
        perceptions with other humans, friends who share our human limitations and goals
PEs are usually game-like, party-like, practice that takes the stress away from the
         responsibilities involved in retrievals
PEs are an opportunity to share PUL directly with others from this site, to build support + love
PEs are held at various sites around the world, building our confidence to get to specific

How are we doing so far?  Cheesy

Love, Bets 

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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #6 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 11:46pm
Nanner wrote on Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:21am:
I still dont understand "why partnering and retrievals" are done?
Alan are you planning on doing such?
Hugs to all,

thanks Bets, you have gotten so good at explaining some of what goes on here so much so, I am thinking about taking a vacation!

but I love working here and doing this stuff. Nanner, your question pulls me in have a way of doing that, so that I think you have made yourself a plant!  love it.

ok, getting geared up here....I won't go into the retrievals part but Bets is right, that we can assist spiritual progress of those passed on, to "speed it up" if PUL is the action does that. the main job is to walk into someone's dream. once you get there, they may not notice you there, as that's whats known as stuck. so might have to do some fancy dance steps get their attention. theres so many ways to get their attention, away from their own self, that I can't mention how diverse it can be.
since retrievals most often done to those who either:
1) didn't build a belief system of an afterlife area, are not religious in a bst like that, or are not aware that they can find their families with just a thought of that, it's truly just a matter of reminding them, through PUL, their families await, or there is what we call going to the light, which is something all NDE'ers have witnessed to, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. the guides and nonphysical helpers, are of a different vibration; therefore they do not fit into the person's dream as a part of that. while physical retrievers have a similar vibration, as they are believing in their dream, that they are still physical, and why not? I touched one person out there, and sure enough, solid as a rock, as thats what they believe. it's what one believes, is what one manifests, either here or there.


I did some PE's with Linn, a lady in Australia. back in 2002. To me, doing them was just a way to develop myself. I'd had some telepathy games with friends before. where I would say, I'm going to send you a thought at 9pm. write down what I said.
a few successes like this, and then PE's become easy to do.

With Linn though, the first PE we did, she floored me. she said she saw two of me out there, one was introvert, one was extrovert. then I knew I was in trouble, but not really because I saw I had some work to do on myself, to bring myself into integration so I did not project 2 images to her and confuse her.

I think I did it! I mean the integration. so you can see, sometimes these explorations can speed up our self examination faster too. as well, in partnered exploration, you do this comparison thing. this is a way to get your own confirmation you are on the right track to continue exploring. it acts to boost your confidence.
with Linn I had a compatible partner. this is important as then trust is established.

the hugest benefit of a partnered exploration with Linn I did, I had to include it in my book because of the impact on me. I was doing the phasing technique of Bruces. my usual method was set an intention and go to sleep. this works too, but phasing is not that hard after a few tries.
Linn and I set up a time to meet, she's a day ahead of me over there, but thanks to a calculator, we figured it out! lol. my first phasing attempt with a live partner.

I was out there, my being and hers appeared in vague form, in shadows. I played hide and seek with her. I was trying to get myself to stop playing hide and seek and move up to her when her phone rang...(Australia) and my nonphysical being was shaking from touching her nonphysical being. I was jarred back to C1, wondering why the phasing was cut off so quickly.
then she told me in an email she had had to leave due to the phone rang.

this is good verification that we can phase and really be somewhere else. it was good enough for this explorer.

so when we do it here, we have 3 to 6 most often, and some surprising hits will happen, but practice makes perfect, and it has to be fun or theres no reason to do it.

thanks for your questions Nanner, I know some other worldly things have happened to you and you are a great light on this board. love, alysia
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Re: Could someone explain what partening is
Reply #7 - Feb 16th, 2008 at 11:43am

I have an exploration partner who was the only one who responded to my asking if anyone else was interested in going beyond Focus 27 (The Park, in Monroe speak). I had come (still do) consider Focus 27 as an evolved but Earth-centered belief system territory whose purpose (there is actually a Planning Center there, with a Planning Intelligence) is to recycle back to the Earth system. I was more interested in other alternatives to Earth system; I was not enjoying my stay upon the planet very much.

Provi and I have soared far beyond this, and I think our committment to exploration and sharing about it has pulled us on. In part because we are willing and actually practicing the skills, and in part because our Highest Selves are leading us. And I say this without one shred of doubt.

Beyond there are great loving llight beings, huge energies from which we arise and explore.

Partnering in these explorations is a great way of getting some confirmation in a way it is helpful. Just try to talk about any of this at a party, and you will clear the room! My partner and I can share the most absurd and the most profound things in a safe space, with no judgement or discounting. And though I have never met dearest Provi in the flesh, I cannot feel any closer to a person than I do to her. Like she sees me, I see her in her perfection and in great love, and that is teaching me to allow my Self to see the same in me. And it is, for me, this great gift of Self Love which has been the jewel of my partnered exploration.

She leads me on when I am flagging, and I hope I do the same for her.

Love and Light,

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