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As Above So Below (Read 3125 times)
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As Above So Below
Jan 7th, 2008 at 8:16pm
message from a new member, Lea, that she recieved guidance message.
she's currently digging out her notes. said she would post them for us to look at. I always find these things interesting and she is letting me share this email to the board so i could talk about it some.
Lea said:

I read your post in the "Heaven" thread.  As soon as I have a little bit of time, I will post my communications up.  I do remember all of them, but I also have them written down in journals I'll have to find...the journals have all the detail... Smiley

They were all for the most part communications during the dream state, but they were all so very vivid and I remember them to this day...most came from my bf and i'd always be surprised for a moment that I could talk to him or I would always know he was dead...he told me how we don't died, described portals to me, tried showing me in a hospital scene what it was like to die and that it really wasn't scary and peaceful.

One night upon waking in the morning, I heard a loud voice in my ear ( I thought someone was literally in my say to me "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW" - I still haven't completely let the meaning of that one sink in yet...I know one day though i'll have that aha moment and know exactly what was meant by it.

Hi Lea, I think it is as above so below because each layer of reality seems to reflect the layer before it, like the astral plane closest to the Earth reflects the physical plane, yet in reverse fashion.

which makes me think everything in the heavens, higher than the astral mirror, is on forward movement, and everything on the physical plane seems on backward movement.

would somebody like to help Lea get an idea "as above so below?"
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #1 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 10:20pm
My understanding is, it indeed relates to the astral plane, being that every thought is manifest through the astral before we experience it here in the physical, being as above so below. Its a saying born of the Egyptian era, if she's interested get her to look into the flower of life material, theres lots of info there.

But it really is to do with how we manifest from the astral, astral first ,physical second. As above so below.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #2 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 8:28am

What about this?

Above and below

Excerpt from the Lords Prayer,

Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be Done


God wants us to pray for a heavenly earth.

Just a thought!



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Alan McDougall
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #3 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 12:40pm
Taking the words above, so below.

Above us, to our eyes, is the sky, and all the tumultuous, unpredictable activities within our atmosphere. Above this, to our eyes, is an orderly solar system, and a sprawling, mind boggling universe.

And so, we look within. Beneath the tumultous, unpredictable thoughts in our minds is an entire universe to explore: unimaginable depths, currents and stillness.

What we see without is what we are within. Perhaps this music echoes infinitely, everywhere, in the larger context of Creation.

love, blink Smiley

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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #4 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 3:38pm
thanks for responses. Lea, hope that helps a little.  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #5 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 4:41pm
One of the toughest things when trying to get a grip on this saying is that it's applicable in so many ways and situations.

One of my favourites is the way the physical when heading for higher realities gives way to patterns of energy in space (?), when in the same way as you head for the microscopic (quantum/atomic particle) level the same happens.

An atom or molecule that at our level is a very obviously physical and very tough chunk of say tool steel magically becomes mostly open space at the  atomic level. (the electron orbiting the orbiting the nucleus is sometimes compared to a pea orbiting a pumpkin the length of a football field away)

It''s such a graphic demonstration of the way what seems so solid and 'real' actually is only a matter of perspective.....
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #6 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 6:12pm
My take on this is that yesterday must turn into today in the same way as today turns into tomorrow. Thus, reality is cyclic, repeating itself as it creates itself. As a result, what we experience is related to something of the same general nature by which it was caused. If we want to get sufficiently abstract, this could take us all the way back to Event One.

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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #7 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 10:42pm
Thank you all so much for your replies Smiley  I actually hadn't thought about the "As Above ~ So Below" voice in awhile, it just happened to pop out in my email with LaffingRain. 

I read through all your posts and they've help me a lot.  I've pretty much thought to myself all you have said, but for some reason back then, I just wasn't grasping it and I wasn't linking certain things together.

I just read through the Emerald Tablet XI again, I can now understand it.  When i tried reading that a few years ago, it was like i couldn't take it in.  As much as i wanted to understand what what i heard meant, i couldn't focus my attention on the reading and comprehending it. 

I heard that voice probably about 3 or 4 years ago now.  At that time, I had moved back in with my dad because i wanted to help him out a bit and it helped me out too.  I did spend a lot of time reading different things... it was also during that time that I watched the movie "What the bleep do we know" ~ so yes, now i understand the relationship to that with Quantum Physics.  It's funny, because when i just once again browsed As Above So Below I came across an Encyclopedia with that referenced from the Emerald Tablet.  It also showed a picture of the Tarot Card Magician, saying how he represents As Above So Below.  It's funny because I had gone to a psychic once and I had pulled that card and she had told me that was my bf.  I never linked that.  I also was just reading in the Emerald Tablet

"They that in time all will be perfected, having none above and none below, but all One in a perfected Infinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All."

That part stands out to me the most.  One because the infinity sign is something that I've been doodling since i was a little kid and have always been fascinated with.  I would draw the side ways eight, but I would also draw this spirally symbol and never new it meant infinity.

What's also strange is around the same time I heard that voice, I had also been having some disaster dreams, but for the most part I was pretty much standing by an ocean looking out and knowing something was coming and it was kind of like i knew i had to worn people.  I remember talking about these dreams one day at work and this very religious woman i worked with told me "God is speaking to me and has a plan for me"  her saying that did take me by surprise.  I also just knew a lot of things during that time.  I would have dreams and I would actually tell them to the people who were in them and they would confirm that it either happened or they were in the process of fixing what I had warned them about.  A lot of them called me a little witch and it freaked them out.  I also seen that my father had cancer somewhere around his neck area.  He had been to the Dr.'s and they couldn't find anything, but he was unable to eat and had been losing weight and he was relaying that to his depression, but I kept telling him to find another Dr.  Well he did and they found he had Lymphoma.  I told him he would be fine, I knew it was more of a way to jump start him back to life.  He had suffered for awhile with anxiety and depression very bad and he was making himself sick for no reason really.  Well my dad is fine the cancer is gone and has been gone for 2 years now. 

Sorry i'm typing so much, but all of a sudden so much came back to me.  I was also living very close to a cemetery at that time, my bf also happened to be buried there, do you think that could have something to do with me be so open then?
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #8 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 11:36pm
hi Lea, please don't apologize long post, we enjoy reading u, I'm sure I do! yes, I do think when anyone close to us dies, we are more open, and I think the bf may have impressed some thoughts upon you as his way of giving you info you might could use.

ah, I've been called dirtier names than a witch...never mind, names don't matter, their opinion is not your opinion. being discrete is never my own talent i suppose.

btw, I drew this thing looks like a dna strand..not sure, drawn it to doodle a long time, I put a straight line, then I wrap it to look like a spiril thingy but at the time wasn't sure it was a dna strand..then my friend also say she doodles something similar..could be from spirit.

my mothers cancer was cured too, for what its worth here, there is a cure.
thanks for your post! love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: As Above So Below
Reply #9 - Jan 10th, 2008 at 7:18pm
Death and proximity to it is pretty amazing in the way it grounds us Lea - shuts down the egotistical chatter  so that heart stuff, higher wisdom and the rest that come via our intuitive knowing can be heard. The ego can't cope with the prospect of its own demise and is silenced.

These are precious moments for the most of us, in that we normally suppress this awareness by smothering it a cocoon of mind generated noise and distraction.

It's very well recognized in lots of traditions that this is the case  - to the point of teaching that it's an important spiritual practice that we never lose our awareness of the imminence of our own death. It could be tomorrow.

I've spoken before of a relative who has a huge victim complex - she spends her time badmouthing everybody. She got very ill a few years ago, and when she recovered consciousness it was all gone. But slowly crept back over a few months as the chatter re-asserted itself.

Had she been able to retain the awareness of death (rather than some intellectual/conceptual facsimilie that distances us from the reality) this would not have happened.

A related take on 'as above, so below'. You can by conventional (intellectual) means show that our physical existence has no absolute reality, no permanence, no independence of the web of interdependent cause and consequence that causes us to come into existence. We don't control this flow. It comes into being as a  complex alignment of multiple elements from our reality, it changes continuously as we age, and eventually returns to raw material and energy after death.

This is 'emptiness' (of self), but a conceptual view of it as typical of this reality, and is the 'below' view. 

With meditation, Monroe's focus 15 and the like we can by raising our awareness (raising our consciousness) experience the way it separates from the physical body and the thinking discursive mind. In totally real and experiential terms - you don't feel your body any more, you are aware of only white light and love, and your thinking mind is so distant that it's almost dropped out of your awareness too.

This (for a short while at least) is 'emptiness' (of self too), but the reality of it. The 'above' view so to speak.

So what's true 'below' by one of the major means by which we make sense of our experience in this reality (the intellect), is simultaneously true 'above' by the means by which we make sense of and are aware of that higher reality.
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