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The Alien God view on humanity (Read 1855 times)
Alan McDougall
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The Alien God view on humanity
Jan 6th, 2008 at 7:15am
God  "The Supreme intelligence"

With great need, humans want to have their spirit united with a supreme intelligence. This  requires a knowledge of a supreme wisdom relating to earth and a knowledge of the human spirit. With this knowledge developed and understood over generations, humanity has chosen to turn away from the earth which is in a constant state of creation where an infinite supreme intelligence is ever speaking to the spirit of all humanity. This order and harmony that humans can perceive in the natural world is attributed to a divine providence that orders and controls the entire universe intelligently and rationally. These essential elements of finite things reveal a supreme intelligence but in an exalted degree and in a manner that can not be comprehended by a human in its entirety.

This supreme intelligence is conceived of as having constructed the universe in such a way that humans have in their possession all that is within the compass of their own character or moral choice and nothing else. The capacity that a human has for understanding, accepting and embracing this state of affairs is in the nature of perfect unity, invisible and incorporeal, transcending all things material.

The question that really 'matters' is whether humans do have a basis, sufficient in reason (whether speculative or practical) for attributing a final purpose to the supreme cause acting in terms of purposes.  Since a supreme intelligence creates all things with its own purpose, then a human cannot perceive anything without seeing a supreme intelligence in those things.

Human words are not to be used without meaning. In understanding humanity and in accordance to the human way of thinking and in consequence with human principles, it should follow that humans are only a system of floating ideas, without any substance to support them.

Consciousness is the reality of the human universe. Therefore humans are causalities of their conscious beliefs and fears. Whatever a human believes they become and what ever a human fears they manifest.

According to the human principle of sufficient reason, there must be as much reality (formally or eminently) in the cause of any idea as (objectively) in the idea itself. Therefore, the idea humans have of infinite perfection originated from a supreme intelligence with infinite formal perfection. It follows that the idea could not have originated in a human. The origin of the idea could only be the real existence of a supreme universal intelligence. One could even expand on this logic and conclude that the mind of each human is literally a fragment (apospasma) of a supreme universal intelligence.

Humans have an idea of that which has infinite perfection. There must be a first mover, unmoved. A first cause in the chain of causes. An absolutely necessary intelligence. An absolute perfect wisdom. A rational designer.


Humans are naturally desirous of immortality and therefore examine with some care how far their natural light being or spirit may lead them in respect to a shared immortality with a supreme intelligence.

The best way to know the will of this supreme intelligence would be through the express declaration and revelation rendered by the sole light of nature on earth and the sole light of nature on other planets which is perfectly founded and confirmed on facts. This happy agreement between nature and the revealed light of a supreme intelligence is equally honorable to both humans and aliens.

Transcending space and time to form the "essence of essences" and "idea of ideas" one must conclude;

To those who believe in a supreme intelligence, no proof is necessary. To those who do not believe, no proof is possible.
From The Alien God


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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Alien God view on humanity
Reply #1 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 6:10pm
Hi Alan-
I'm in agreement. The term I like for God is "Uncaused Cause", from St Thomas Aquinas. However, for my own usage I tend toward logical concepts.

If what we do here is (1) get created and then (2) die so that we (3) return our awareness to its source while we (4) get recycled in the next incarnation, it seems that we have another option. While we are living in the world, if we can define our lives in such a way that the reality we experience is sufficient to reproduce itself, then it seems that we have the potential to experience that reality after death - and to never have to return here. A reality that already exists, and that reproduces itself, is about all that's neded to get to the "co-creator" level.

My impression is that in early Egypt this was called being "justified". But i may have this confused, as it implies a judgement similar to the Hall of Maati.

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Re: The Alien God view on humanity
Reply #2 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 7:56pm
Please do, Dave, go on....  can you elaborate?

love, blink Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: The Alien God view on humanity
Reply #3 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 2:20am
Dave, Blink and Others,

As usual, you grasp the salient point, that we can escape endless rebirths, merge with the uncaused cause, and retain our individual awareness’s.

We somehow eventually become god and at the same time retain our individuality

My metaphor of an intelligent PC (us) working “offline” we remain individuals and by logging “online” to the internet we become (god) and have the powers knowledge of the universal mind. In addition, two things can happen (god) the internet can “disconnect” us PC’s or we as individual PC, s can “logoff” at will from the internet (god mind) and revert to individually. Now the metaphorical internet (god) can disconnect us and block access to the internet (god) and when we are in this state, we experience the “hell” state of loneliness and separation.  Again, I say that this is a crude example of the reality out there, but this is the best analogy I can give.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Alien God view on humanity
Reply #4 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Alan - I like that analogy, but when my computer crashes, the inference would be that I have some kind of malicious demon. -  After multiple exorcisms of Windows I've finally gone on to Linux and now the machine seems better able to stay in a state of grace.  Smiley

Blink - my point is that our purpose here has got to be more than sitting as inert lumps. Then looking at what we do, we can see that we bring back information about worldly life, and we also learn to get through life with fewer hangups. I think that there is more to it, and I think that the Egyptians knew it. I believe that if we die with awareness of ourselves as part of an eternally creative process, then we no longer live contingent to mundane factors, but can escape the cycle of rebirths. If we don't have that realization, then we can't go there to play that game, and we have to reincarnate, because our existence is contingent upon material manifestation.

I don't have any record of the Egyptian "justification" ceremony, but I'd guess that it is the negative confession made in the Hall of Maati. The implication of being "justified" would then be that there are no fetters to restrain us as we go into the Elysian fields in the afterlife. But without any knowledge of a place to go, we would presumably not know how to go there. The image of simply going into the kingdon of Osiris seems simplistic.

The Egyptians had a pretty good knowledge of basic number theory, and had discovered the sequence of sets that we get when we add things in every possible way - called forming the "power set" or "complexion" of the beginner set. This sequence interpreted as arithmetic can be shown to include all additive real, natural numbers. As a geometry it can be shown to include the eigenmatricies of all real and potential states, and thus is capable of not only reproducing itself, but also of extending the logical context to include a whole lot of cross-products that were not found in the beginner set. (EX: For set {A,B} we get {A, B, AB} which we call {A,B,C}. Then, for set {A,B,C} the complexion is {A,B,C,AC,AB,BC,ABC} - if we do it again we get 127 new terms etc.) In other words, the Egyptians had inowledge of a geometrical process by which prior states necessarily gave rise to subsequent states.

In the Hall of Maati there are 42 demigods and Osiris. A set of two terms gives rise to three terms, process, structure and relationship - as can be found by reading some of the texts. The total sins in the Hall of Maati can be broken down into these three groups - 42 sins of action which are denied, 42 sins of resulting structures which need not be denied if we deny the actions that cause them. And 42 sins of altered relationships, also not needed if the actions are denied. Hence, there are only 42 sins to deny.

At the same time, if we have not engaged in any of the 42 sins, then we are in line to continue to elaborate the logical connections by which we live in reality. Since this particular hyper-geometric progression both repeats the set of beginners, and also gives back every possible way to assemble them into outputs, it is a self-creative sequence. As a self-creative sequence, the soul that goes off into the spirit world and senses its nature to be part of the process being generated by that same self-created sequence will sense itself to be self-creating thereafter. As a self-creating being, it transcends its initial place as a material being dependent on mundane support.

In fewer words, the yogi who finally touches God in meditation no longer needs to reincarnate because the essence of transcendence is now available. Such a one is autonomous. Those who do not as yet attain to God will have to go around again.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: The Alien God view on humanity
Reply #5 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 2:59pm
Hi Dave,

Very nicely and thoughtfully expressed. I have reached the conclusion you so eloquently describe from Egyptian view of afterlife progressions. I have said this is my "last incarnation into this earthly life" and when I die, I will be moving on into the blinding composite light of the infinite. That does not mean, however, than I will not be visiting planet earth or be prevented from doing so.

I will remain eager to view the exciting progress of humanity and their inevitable migration into the vastness of the awesomely beautiful universe, beckoning out there for them.
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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