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THE TREE OF LIFE (Read 5613 times)
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Jan 3rd, 2008 at 2:15am
The book of genesis contains in it the creation story which forms the basis of Judeo-Christian beliefs.  To some extent, some consider the story and components to be allegorical - not to be taken literally.  Yet I find the story of Adam and Eve, and the trees of knowledge and life to be worth going over in a forum dedicated to exploring the afterlife, as much consequence stems from the "fall of man" from Eden.

To recap, in the creation saga, Adam and Eve were originally innocent in the garden of Eden, and in this garden were planted two trees (by God); the tree of knowledge (of Good and Evil), and the tree of Life. They were instructed to eat of any trees or plants other than these two:

"15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

It is interesting that mortality was linked to eating of this tree of knowledge.  "You will surely die," leaves no doubt about it.  What does that imply about the garden of Eden and their life in it had they not eaten of the fruit?  That they would have remained there without death?  Or that without knowledge, death would have no meaning to them?  Surely they were incarnate in Eden as God breathed life into Adam - or were they?  Was Eden the equivalent of the Summerland in Focus 27?  In any event, as it is with human nature, Eve is tempted by the serpent, and convinces Adam to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

Of course, the rest of the story is widely known, and after eating of the tree, the first thing Adam and Eve do is feel ashamed of their nakedness and hide.  They are then cursed and banished from Eden to toil in the physical plane.  In doing so, God says:

22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." 23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

We are then left to wonder, why the creator would be concerned if man ate of the tree of life and lived forever?  Certainly, the creator could not have felt threatened by his creation.  Afterall, he placed both trees in the garden - this was a deliberate act, and intended to produce an effect.

One interpretation may be that man was not meant to live forever incarnate.  The knowledge of good and evil implied all that goes with it, with the loss of unity from God and the universe.  The dualism we see in our reality is the cause for much misery.  If physical death did not occur in the physical realm, there would be no spiritual rebirth afterwards and progression (unless it could be achieved incarnate) with a return to the creator.

Obviously, the notion of a tree of life which we were forbidden to eat (indeed prevented from eating after eating from the tree of knowledge) and this story are meant to be understood symbolically if not literally.  Yet, I wonder what other interpretations we could come up with.  The gnostics took all of this and other indications in Genesis to mean that the God of the old testament was imperfect or even evil called a "demiurge," and that Jesus and subsequent christian teachings were more in line with the divine plan.  

Was the tree of life forbidden with subsequent immortality due to a perceived threat, or because once incarnate, with knowledge of good and evil, physical death was part of the path to true spiritual progress?


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« Last Edit: Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:52pm by DocM »  
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Choose this Day

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Re: The Tree of Life
Reply #1 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 3:09am
Hi Mathew. well heres my perspective but due to change at any moment Smiley

and I had no idea there were two trees concerned with this story. i only knew about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. this is relative to duality world.

I would like to go back further in my explorations to look even at mythology, at Atlantis and Lemuria, other ancient civilizations like the Mayans and such to really respond to this kind of question.

but I'm not there yet. the symbology I saw regarding the tree, is that when man was shipped into physical individualization on this planet it was like an Eden, lots of green, lots to eat, and I read in the early days, they lived hundreds of years.

I read somewhere spirit took animal bodies and mated with one another, producing not after its own kind but some rather strange looking beasts. god was not pleased and it was back to the drawing table.

however thats another subject. the tree of knowledge was on the Earth. must be a reason for that as you pointed out. then we can infer we were innocent of knowledge.
to be innocent means what? without sin or error, error is another word we can use for sin. humanity was not in sin so they were without knowledge that sin was even an option.

so all that changed. right. blame it on the women. haha! no please not that!!!!

we should go back to when Adam was alone, and god took the rib from him to make the woman. so we have another example duality was produced and now we had man and woman. I always thought that the reason god made Eve, was so that he could mate with his own kind.

moving right along as fast as a snail...we see that the serpent was hanging about and persuaded Eve knowledge was a good thing to have instead of innocense and obedience to the word of god, then you could live forever. but I don't get the part about the tree of life; you say we can't eat the tree of life?
got me stumped there. so who put the serpent in the garden? it has to be symbolic, maybe of the evil deceptive quality of a lie?

because if the state of consciousness of innocent lack of knowledge would exist, it would not know a lie from the truth so could be deception is a part of the human condition while it is eating of the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

we learn by comparison. that is duality also. maybe the brain hemispheres of left to right were spit at that time also. maybe the brain was a whole at one time.

I see duality state as a state of judgment in man. I also see that in judgment we begin to have wars and death happens in wars. If for example there were no false judgments, there would be a return to Eden principle. all would be without error again or nonduality.

I got this take from the bible where it says "judgment is mine sayeth the Lord."

just like he said dont eat that tree of knowledge, judgement is his.

otherwise god is saying there will be a price if you ursurp my judgment. the more I talk the less I make sense! lol!!! we could say we took on karma in order to be like god and we accepted the price.

then theres the saying the wages of sin are death. hmmm. what u seem to infer is death is a necessary spiritual growth factor, natural, so we can be be reborn.

well some of us accept death that way as a natural thing, others, like the JW's are saying there will be no death for the chosen, just a renewal of the same body.

so ah..zzzzzz...

I think the story of Genesis is related in some way to a person's animal nature when the beautiful angel got thrown out of heaven for being jealous that god liked some other angels the same as him.
then I think Satan is referring to a lust for power over god thus we have attacks on god in various ways, holy wars what not.

the thing is we need bible scholars here to explain what the symbols are. if we focus later on, when JC came, we can see he also sees knowledge in the wrong hands leads to power mongering and more sin and so he teaches PUL.
I see an image of the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, and this is duality, and common sense tells me we weigh the pros and cons constantly thoughout life.

I can also see an evolvement where man no longer has to weigh the pros and cons, where he just knows what is the right thing to do without thinking about it and everybody wins.

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Reply #2 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 2:55pm
  My sense of this all is this, and since i'm not fully Source attuned, there may be errors involved: The Creator originally created us as companions and has Co-Creators.  In order to do this, the big C had to give us Freewill.  In order to give us Freewill, the C had to allow for a potential awareness of something other than Sourceness, and the ability to choose between Sourceness and unSourceness, or to put in Biblical speak, between Life and death. 

  The latter awareness is not a real reality, in that it's not inherently eternal, like Sourceness and Spirit is.   There is really only Life and Light.

   So here we are, freshly created Sparks out of Spirit.   Some of us, quickly forgot our origins, our Sourceness and became caught up in creating, but not in the Creator's way of creating. 

  This led to the first experiences and feelings of fear, of being "ashamed".    Why, because some part of us knew and knows that we our real job is to co create with the Creator.  Not to buck against those Universal laws, to become rebellious and willful unto ourselves.

  One Spark, separated and returned fully before any other.  It became a true Co-Creator with Source, a God "know ye not, that ye are Gods in the making?".   In doing so, It manifested this particular Universe, but in its nonphysical patterns and consciousness.   On a "Soul" level. 

   Many of its siblings looked upon this new Creation and said something like, "wow, gotta get me some of that!"    So a bunch of us hopped into this Universe and started to mess around with the original patterns which were originally very fast vibrating and fluidic, as fluidic as thought.

  In disrupting the natural flows and harmony, in creating in a unSourcelike and unP.I. type way, we began to get stuck more and more within our own manifestations and thoughtforms.   The thoughtforms themselves got more and more dense, less and less fluidic, slower and slower vibrating in nature.    Once stuck in these ever denser and slower vibrating thoughtforms, it became harder and harder to remember and be our original selves. 

   We began to know "unconsciousness" and unconsciousness is a form of "death".   Awareness and consciousness IS life.   We began to get caught up in this collective river of unSoureness. 

This eventually manifested what we know and call the "physical", and the physical is a slow vibrating, dense, and overly structured pattern, reflection, or projection of that original Creation which had very fast vibratory and free, fluidic Light filled patterns and consciousnesses.   

    In order to unstick this and to help out the whole thing, the Creator of this particular system, the P.I. realized that it had to become directly involved in these stuck patterns, had to go through it itself, transcend same and become a true wayshower and example to its stuck siblings.

  It enlisted the help of many other of its siblings who hadn't become as stuck.   Some, or many of these were originally created by the P.I. working with Source, to be "Retriever" Souls with the purpose of finding these stuck and lost selves and bringing them back to the Creator's Consciousness. 

  So, there are two "Lords" of the Bible, The Lord, the Source of all, the original God, and then there is the more individualized Lord or God, who was the co creator of this Universe.   Both are referred to in the Bible.

   When we attune enough to Source and to pure Light frequencies, like Alysia said, we don't have to weigh so much the choices between "good" or rather Life and bad or death, it becomes a more automatic expression of who we really are, as parts of Source who know that they are part of Source and meant to be co creators with same.   Like attracts and begets Like or in other words we become unto like Source itself, not the totality no, but as individualized expressions of same.

   So, it was an intermixing of the passive potential that the Creator originally allowed to exist of "negativity" (for Freewill purposes), and an active partaking in that, which brought "death" to us as individuals, or rather a loss of conscious awareness.

All the above is not just an "Earth" thing, physical is found throughout many parts of the Universe, and similar issues have happened here and there, just to varying degrees.    Many "enlightened" beings are still working with physical energies, but on a higher vibration, so that they can help more fully their stuck siblings and other selves.  Their physical does not die or degrade, because they are in complete control of the outer illusion reflections of their real inner energies or consciousness.   

  Many have graduated to what the Planning Intelligence did in the beginning, and now have become co creator Gods of other Universes and consciousnesses.   

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Reply #3 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 4:48pm
Hi Doc-
On a pragmatic level the nature of good and evil, or its elaboration in feelings, seems to be a factor in mental stability. The usual person in the world has only material references plus faith.  However, having been the product of a series of mechanical events, a person begins with a logically consistent set of tools for life. So long as there is no challenge to their validity, these sufficie to make it through.

A challenge arises in either of two basic ways. The first is to acquire the "knowledge of good and evil", a change typically caused by doing something inappropriate, and then regretting it This is a revised  belief system in which "good" is equated with pro-life ideas, and "evil" is equated with anti-life ideas. The result is that what we find is that part of our nature has become reversed, turning around against us. Were we to continue, what happens is that we either must reject our prior morality and become wholly committed to materialism and exploitation, which is a spiritual death, at least by analogy. Or we must kill off the part that did the evil thing, which essentially means abandoning both the action and its fruits, as we discover a new way to handle similar situations. that is also a death, at least in symbolic terms.

A second way to lose track of who and what we are is to take something that interrupts the flow of awareness, so that the previous chain of cause and effect is disrupted. The typical example is a person who tells us something like, "I took some XYZ and it made me crazy and now I don't know what's real any more." For that, the solution I use in my practice is again to put that part through a spiritual death by dedicating it to God and accepting whatever we get back.

In that sense, I would equate the "knowledge of good and evil" as meaning that if we create a sense of duality, then we are stuck with the negative as well as the positive. And to restabilize matters, we must effectively remove that duality.

The idea that God made all of us mortal so as to avoid having good-and-evil thinkers living forever seems to me to be more like Kipling's "Just So Stories". I'd put it right alongside "How the elephant got its trunk".

One of the problems with using scriptural material is the number of translations and "improvements" that have been made. (Such distortions are EVIL! but they're a GOOD thing for those who would otherwise miss out entirely.)

As an example, the angel with a sword at the gate of Eden, in my early days was said to hold a sword "that turned all ways" which is a lot different from saying "waved back and forth". Think of it in terms of some possibly undiscovered multi-dimensional translation of Adam and Eve from an astral state to a material one, and the sword takes on other meanings.

My favorite (because of my hippie background) is Moses when he went out into the wilderness and
encountered "the bush that burns and is not consumed". Without meaning disrespect, hemp plants used for production of linen have a resin which is often harvested when they are ripe, often called hashish. This resin contains chemicals that are potentially hallucinogenic, but in order to work, they must be heated to roughly the boiling point of oil, at which time they alter structure slightly. Simply eating the resins does nothing, so people who use these resins in meditation do not consume them. Instead, archeologists discovered that people used to throw the tops of hemp plants onto a small fire and huddle together beneath a leather covering to inhale the smoke. (Rolling a J is a modern skill!) So here we have a psychedelic plant which "burns and is not consumed" - Perhaps Moses got his inspiration from the sacred smoke of what was then a divine plant, and which is now often termed a noxious weed. - This might seem profane, but many hippies have enlightened themselves through judicious use of LSD. (And many others have gone mad - but what's life without a little risk? - For a bigger risk, try some of Patanjali's pranayama techniques.)

More to the point, "Let the dead bury the dead. ... Take up your cross and follow me." This does not imply that Jesus was making a donation to a necrophiliac convention, nor does it suggest great glory from self-flagellation. But we see such interpretations in those who express their faith by acting out the Passion in person. A more conservative interpretation is to stop worrying about the trivia of everyday living, and to focus on spiritual growth by letting go of material inhibitions and egocentric attachments.

The "Tree of Life" notion has fascinated me for years. I attended a seminar in Palenque in which the Mayan Tree of Life seems to have been Mimosa Hostilis. (This is because it could be used in ayahuasca.) In the Middle East the Tree of Life seems to have been the Date Palm (evidence in ancient Sumerian seals, for example). Some Western mystics have suggested that it is the Mandrake (Thorn Apple) since it has an "apple" and is definitely capable of altering one's perception! When anthropologist Gordon Wasson went searching for psychedelic mushrooms in Mexico, he found that the Psilocybe family were known as Teonacatl - "the flesh of God" -  pretty similar. So the next question is how literally we were to take references to the Tree, and to what sort of thing they referred? And that kind of information has been obliterated by ages of scholars who have attempted to "clarify" and "improve" on matters.

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Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:01pm
J said: So, it was an intermixing of the passive potential that the Creator originally allowed to exist of "negativity" (for Freewill purposes), and an active partaking in that, which brought "death" to us as individuals, or rather a loss of conscious awareness.

you caught Mathews true question much better than I did. I agree, and this also correlates with what the premises of TMI has said to my pov. Im reminded of another biblical saying "for the ways of man are the ways of death." or "come out from among them."
or "I come to give you life in abundance."
I think Mathew has a deeper question for some reason. I think it might relate to the meaning of life itself, like life is a circle and therefore death is inevitable and purposeful to be viewed as rebirth rather than the end of a dream.

this kind of question though above, I think, at least personally, it is for each person to decide what the meaning of life is, to place our own meaning upon it. definetely I see man as alternating between rebellion and remembering source.
being in C1 means we forget source. C1 means limited consciousness, with a focus point on attaining a certain kind of experience to add to the discs total accumlation of knowledge within physical area. fruits of our labor so to speak.

what I missed in my first try at Mathews question was added by Justin. that of the free will question which could not come about until duality was established, from which then a choice could come about between this or that. free will means to choose.

I'm thinking about people who develop a will, and about people who don't develop a will. I'm thinking the will to return to source would be a development of each singular soul; sort of like I think of being one pointed, to focus in on a certain path of thought and will could be like holding desire for our good to manifest, or like preparation for that creative interplay whereby life abundant is a given.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Lights of Love
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Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 11:37pm
Matthew, it’s interesting that you bring this subject up as I’ve been thinking about this off and on.  I’ve read that some Bible scholars believe that Genesis tells of two different creation stories.  I’ve thought about asking Don his opinion, but haven’t gotten around to doing that yet.  So maybe he will pop in with it here.

Anyway, the first is where the Bible tells us of the creation of the world in six days by a plural God whom the Hebrews call the Elohim.  On the sixth day of this first creation story man is created: “And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  The second creation story is Adam and Eve and you quoted.  In the second creation story Adam is formed of the dust of the ground, and not by a plural God as in the first creation, but by an individualized “Lord God” in Gen. 2:7.

Lets say that there are two different creations of man being told of here in a highly condensed version of the full story of creation.  I think traditional chronology traces Adam and Eve back to around 4,000 or 5,000 BC.  However, recent genetic studies indicate that the ancestry of all currently living human beings can be traced back to a single woman called “Mitochondrial Eve” (ME) that supposedly lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago.  To further complicate things, “Y Chronmosomal Adam” appears to have originated several thousand years later than ME, and recent studies of ancient DNA from bones doesn’t show any linkage to ME at all.

Different cultures such as the Maya describe both ascending and descending evolution as a cycle.  Also the Cayce readings describe an arc of spiritual and physical devolution followed by an evolutionary return to a state of oneness with the Father.  “All vibration must eventually, as it materializes into matter, pass through a stage of evolution and out.  For it rises in its emanations and descends also.  Hence the cycle, or circle, or arc, that is as a description of all influences in the experience of man.” Another way to say this might be Dave’s thread on cosmic cycles and the idea of potential and entropy, even though Dave explained the idea without entropy.

Suppose in the first creation story mankind was created as androgynous spiritual beings in full communion with God, but lacked freedom of choice because duality at that time didn’t exist.  Or as the Casey readings suggest, they were created with free will and used their free will to project themselves into matter and thereby eventually became lost within matter, hence the need for the second creation of man.  Adam.  And eventually the messiahs to show us the way out... to bring about reconciliation. 

An interpretation of the Mayan calendar I read a few months ago indicated the cycle of devolution of man during the ages with declining use of the brain from 100% capacity to below 25% capacity as devolution occurred to the point where we are at the present (amnesia) with the beginnings of ascension upon us as this cyclic period of the Mayan calendar comes to an end.  As we ascend presumably we will increase the capacity of brain use back up to 100% as we return to God.

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Reply #6 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 12:37am
Lights of Love wrote on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 11:37pm:
Lets say that there are two different creations of man being told of here in a highly condensed version of the full story of creation.  I think traditional chronology traces Adam and Eve back to around 4,000 or 5,000 BC. However, recent genetic studies indicate that the ancestry of all currently living human beings can be traced back to a single woman called “Mitochondrial Eve” (ME) that supposedly lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago.  To further complicate things, “Y Chronmosomal Adam” appears to have originated several thousand years later than ME, and recent studies of ancient DNA from bones doesn’t show any linkage to ME at all.

   The Eve out of Africa theory may have some holes in it.   There is a really interesting site on the web called Science Frontiers Online, which goes through many of the world's scientific journals and collects some very interesting and often anomalous info relating to current and mainstream scientific paradigms.  The guy that runs the site and adds his comments to these various articles is a physicist with an wide and diverse interest in many different aspects of science.

  Here is an article taken from that site regarding the Eve out of Africa issue, especially note the comments at the end:

"When Humans Were An Endangered Species

At one point during the last 400,000 years, the human population worldwide was reduced to only about 10,000 breeding men and women -- the size of a very small town. What caused this population "bottleneck"? Did a population crash engulf the entire globe. If not, who was spared?

Such questions arise from a surprising observation: Human DNA is remarkably uniform everywhere humans are found. This hidden genetic uniformity is difficult to believe if one strolls through a cosmopolitan city like New York or Paris. Nevertheless, compared to the DNA of the great apes, whose mutation rates should be close to ours, human genes on the average show far fewer mutations. Human DNA from Tokyo and London is more alike than that from two lowland gorillas occupying the same forest in West Africa. Harvard anthropologist M. Ruvolo has commented: "It is a mystery that none of us can explain."

The clear implication is that humans recently squeezed through a population bottleneck, during which many accumulated mutations were wiped out. In a sense, the human race began anew during the last 400,000 years. Unfortunately, DNA analysis cannot say where the very grim reaper came from.

(Gibbons, Ann; "The Mystery of Humanity's Missing Mutations," Science, 267:35, 1995.)

Comment. The hand that wiped the slate clean, or nearly so, might have been a meteor impact, a pandemic, the Ice Ages, a flood, volcanism, etc. Whatever it was, it seems to have largely spared Africa. The chimps and gorillas there apparently did not pass through the bottleneck. Even more interesting is the observation that the DNA of Subsaharan Africans does shows more variability and therefore seems older than that from humans elsewhere on the planet. (See BMG9 in our catalog volume: Biological Anomalies: Humans III.) Or perhaps Subsaharan DNA only seems older because it was not forced through that bottleneck. There are implications here for the African Eve theory. "

Other sources, mainly psychical ones, have suggested that humankind and the different races appeared rather simultaneously in 5 different main areas around the world. 

  The above is also very interesting from the Cayce readings perspective, because there is an account in there, that a young leader type, who was psychically and inspirationally led, told his peoples in and around the mountains in Turkey, that they needed to move to the Egypt area because of the coming Earth changes then.   

  He knew that the Egyptian area would be the most stable during the coming changes in that cycle long ago. 

  That bottle neck info in the above scientific article seems to indirectly support the info in the E.C. readings, and that the Egyptian area has been a relatively stable one during Earth changes.

  This is also confirmed and talked about in Plato's writings.  Plato tells of an account where a Greek spiritual and knowledge seeker named Solon, goes to Egypt and talks to one of the High Priests there.   During their conversation, Solon is told that the Greeks are a young people, young because their memories are young due to having been affected during Earth change filled cycles.

     He further elaborates that the Egyptians have a very long memory and much knowledge, because they have survived fairly well many different changes in the Earth through the long Ages.


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Lights of Love
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Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 10:12am
Or perhaps Subsaharan DNA only seems older because it was not forced through that bottleneck. There are implications here for the African Eve theory. "

 The above is also very interesting from the Cayce readings perspective, because there is an account in there, that a young leader type, who was psychically and inspirationally led, told his peoples in and around the mountains in Turkey, that they needed to move to the Egypt area because of the coming Earth changes then.  

 He knew that the Egyptian area would be the most stable during the coming changes in that cycle long ago.  

 That bottle neck info in the above scientific article seems to indirectly support the info in the E.C. readings, and that the Egyptian area has been a relatively stable one during Earth changes.

Hmmm… I guess it is interesting.  It seems that proponents of Casey don’t even agree.  An article “Origin of the Races: Oneness in Diversity” from the A.R.E.’s newsletter ‘Ancient Mysteries’ (Aug. 2002) by John Van Auken, Lora Little and Greg Little indicates the Casey readings support the Mitochondrial Eve theory as well as explain the other conflicting theories of “Y Chronmosomal Adam and the DNA from bones showing no linkage to ME.

I suppose it’s all speculation, but I found the article interesting.  You may be able to obtain a copy from the A.R.E. if you’re interested.
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Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:02am
I've been given permission to post this..I thought it pertinent to look this as it contains myth, or what we considered myth, is actually some research from ancient civilizations regarding Horus and Isis, and the story of Mary and Jesus, how these two stories are similar but occurred in different time periods in different countries which goes to show spirit will pop up where and when it pleases. I got this off myspace.

just interesting, don't know if it's useful, but seems on topic.

Thoughts from A Pagan Christmas

Zeitgeist the movie, part 1 has officially been proven correct.

I found this yesterday while reading Christian Rätsch's book, Pagan Christmas. When I found the quote, I checked to see if it had been sourced by others in this field regarding the fact of the similarities between Jesus and Horus. Other than Rätsch, it appears that the following quote from Epiphanius (circa C.E. 375) has only been used in a handful of other books in 150 years since its discovery in 1859.

This is "MAJOR DISCOVERY". We now have the proof that the texts have been manipulated by the Christians to cover up the similarities between HORUS and JESUS.

From Christian Rätsch, Pagan Christmas, pg. 150-1.

"In 375 CE, Epiphanius, Biship of Constantia, described the pagan winter solstice feasts and mystery cults:
"This feast was celebrated by the Greeks (I mean the pagans) on December 25—the day called Saturnalia by the Romans, Kronia in Egypt, and Kykellia by the Alexandrians. On December 25, then, a cut happens that is also a turn; and it begins to grow. This is the day when the light becomes more (Vossen 1985, 72)."

In Egypt, Kykellia is called "the rite of Isis." Like the smudging nights, this is a twelve-day feast. It begins with a torch procession in honor of the birth of Horus, the son of Isis: "The birth of the new sun is the intended meaning, and that was connected with the announcement of the sowing [of wheat] in the earth, freshly fertilized (with dung) and flooded by the Nile" (Vossen 1985, 72f). The sowing was done on December 27, during the feast celebrating the ascension of Horus to the throne. The meaning of the name Isis is equivalent to "Earth".

Who is not familiar with the image of the Mary holding the baby Jesus? This classic tableau has found expression in countless examples of European art. This depiction of mother and child is not merely a sentimental evocation of motherhood, nor did it originate with the birth of Christ. It actually began with Egyptian pictures of Isis and Horus child, giving us yet another example of the mysteriously subtle interweaving of religious iconography and meaning in art from diverse cultures."
~ Christian Rätsch, Ph.D.

The above discovery was verified last night by Acharya S, and was sent to other scholars as well. Not only have we re-discovered one of the largest COVER-UPS in academic history, but it also appears that because of Rätsch, Mead, Vossen, and my diligence, that the original name of the Egyptian celebration *MAY* have been re-discovered!

The above quote I found is MISSING in ALL translations of Epiphanius EXCEPT the one quoted above by Rätsch, and the following:

Thrice-greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis
By Hermes, George Robert Stow Mead
Thrice-greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis

""And here it will be of interest to turn to a curious statement of Epiphanius; it is missing in all editions of this Father prior to that of Dindorf (Leipzig, 1859), which was based on the very early (tenth century) Codex Marcianus 125, all previous editions being printed from a severely censured and bowdlerized fourteenth century MS.

Epiphanius is stating that the true birthday of the Christ is the Feast of Epiphany, "at a distance of thirteen days from the increase of the light [i.e. December 25]; for it needs must have been that this should be a figure of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and of His twelve disciples, who make up the thirteen days of the increase of the Light." The Feast of the Epiphany was a great day in Egypt, connected with the "Birth of the Aeon,"--a phase of the "Birth of Horus." For Epiphanius thus continues:

"How many other things in the past and present support and bear witness to this proposition, I mean the birth of Christ! [Notice how Epiphanius thinks that the similarities between Jesus and Horus actually support the Jesus story!] Indeed, the leaders of the idol-cults, filled with wiles to deceive the idol-worshippers who believe in them, in many places keep highest festival on this same night of Epiphany [=the Manifestation to Light], so that they whose hopes are in error may not seek the truth. For instance, at Alexandria, in the Koreion, as it is called--an immense temple, that is to say the Precinct of he Virgin--after they have kept all-night vigil with songs and music, chanting to their idol when the vigil is over at thingy-crow, they descend with lights into an underground crypt, and carry up a wooden image lying naked on a litter, with the seal of a cross made in gold on its forehead, and on either hand two similar seals, and on either knee two others, all five seals being similarly made into gold. And they carry round the image itself, circumambulating seven times the innermost temple, to the accomplaniment of pipes, tabors and hymns, and with merry-making they carry it down again underground. And if they are asked the meaning of this mystery, they answer: 'To-day at this hour the Maiden (Kore), that is, the Virgin, gave birth to the Aeon.'"

He further adds that at Petra, in Arabia, where, among other places, this mystery was also performed, the Son of the Virgin is called by a name meaning the "Alone-begotten of the Lord."

Here, then, at Alexandria, in every probability the very environment of our treatise, we have a famous mystery-rite, solemnized in the Temple of the Virgin, who gives birth to a Son, the Aeon. This, we shall not be rash in assuming, signifies not only the birth of the new year, but also still more profound mysteries, when we remember the words of the Naassene Document quoted above: "For such a man is the Virgin, big with child, conceiving and bearing a Son,--not psychic, not fleshly [nor, we may add, temporal], but a blessed Aeon of Aeons"--that is, an Eternity of Eternities, an immortal God." [...]

With the similarities between Horus and Jesus officially PROVEN, the attacks on Zeitgeist (and our own work) are now assuredly false.

Further research on these topics, placing the research in the historical context as I recommended previously in a thread on our website, is to be found in the new, official release of the Zeitgeist Companion by Acharya S. that was released last week. The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1
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Reply #9 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 5:01pm
  Hi Kathy, thanks for the tip.  I will keep an eye out for that article.  At the same time though, i've mostly stopped reading such literature in relation to Cayce, because after a long while of reading books, articles, etc. based on these readings, i slowly started to realize how much skewing, loose interpretation and preconceived beliefs were finding their way into these literatures.   This originally came to my attention via other people's and authors interpreations of Cayce's Earth change info.   There are some pretty major, obvious, and repeating "myths" out there about what Cayce supposedly said about future Earth/geological changes.  In other cases, it's more subtle than that, and Cayce's info is not know for its good grammar, punctuation, etc and so sometimes its easy to misinterpret things.  Sometimes Cayce was addressing a social or political, or economic change and people interpreted it as a "geological" change, because Cayce's guides just said something like, "the changes to come to the Earth".   "Changes" is a pretty loose term.   Context, context, context, is extremely important in understanding this info more accurately because of its above issues.    So many times, authors and interpreters will take excerpts and concepts from this work, out of its larger context.   

  So, when i become interested enough in the Cayce readings to actually research them, i read the readings directly myself and meditate on the info given, going within to get clarification or to see if and when there are errors, because there was a certain amount of skewing and error with this work, which goes on with any psychic work and info. 

  A channel would have to be fully Source attuned to get through all info in a completely accurate manner, and even then our language could create some issues as well. 

  This is why i tend to be so precise and verbose when i write about something i think is important.   Clarity.   Also why i replied to the above, for clarity purposes. 

  In researching the E.C. readings directly, i've found that they consistently indicate that humanity was created rather simultaneously and appeared in 5 different places at once.   Not once did they say that all of humanity came first out of Africa.   

  However, like i mentioned, there is info in there which infers that Africa, or some parts of same, have been a safe place during some of the past changes, which is probably why there are more mutations amongst both the chimps and people's of Africa, making it seem like humans there are the oldest.   

  I've found that there are a lot of holes in many mainstream paradigms and accepted, collective truths.   Science is still so incomplete.   Either way, not really a big deal in the long run, but when applying such ideas and beliefs like in the above, to spiritual truths and concepts, its necessary to get the more holistically accurate version because the physical and spiritual is related and inter-influencing.   One can "read" the spiritual somewhat, by reading the physical, and vice versa.    Or as that old saying goes, "As above, so below".
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Reply #10 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 5:15pm
  Interesting reply Alysia, especially the part about Jesus's true birthdate.   Reason why i find it interesting is that, Cayce's guides pointed to Jan. 6th as being the true date, from our calendar perspective, of his birth. 

   Some mistaken myths regarding the Bible and this whole issue, say that neither December nor January are likely, because of certain weather issues and what's indicated in the N.T. about the Shepard's etc.  BUT other sources say that it's quite possible because of the weather patterns of that area, and that rains are common right before mid December to early Jan., hence the Shepard's would be out with their sheep to take advantage of the newly watered grass.
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Reply #11 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 8:50pm
I figure the story is symbolic rather than literal. It is hard to imagine that we have what we have today, because a couple of people ate an apple. I find it hard to believe that God would set up such a test.

"Tree of life" jumps into my mind. If we want to find out what is possible when it comes to the creative aspects of being, then we have to be willing to take some lumps along the way. It is sort of like going on a trip to foreign land. You can't expect that everything will go along swimingly. This is okay, because we can take from our vacation what is preferable, and dispense with the rest. As long as a bad trip doesn't last for too long, where is the problem?

Some might say that a trip does last for a long time, and we have to incarnate many many times until we get to return home. I've found differently. The higher self/disk/oversoul/I-there viewpoint relates. We aren't alone on our journey. When we return to our disk, we find that we completely share our experiences with other members. We all learn from each other. This makes it so that one self doesn't need to keep incarnating over and over and over again.

To support what I say, imagine that you're a huge spirit being who has experienced many incarnations. Would you insert your entire self with your countless lessons into one physical incarnation, or would you insert just one small part of yourself, while the rest of you stays behind in the spirit World and waits for the results?

Sources such as Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen and other sources seem to suggest than an entire disk doesn't incarnate into a body, just a very small percentage, while previous incarnations remain with their disk. There might be some exceptions, but not to the extent the over and over viewpoint of reincarnation suggests. There is much more flexibility.

I don't believe that a person/self needs to become spiritually enlightened in order to return to their disk. Consider Bruce's story of Sylvia. She was an abusive person while physical. Destined to go to a lower realm. However, since she was a Christian, she remembered to think of Jesus when she died. Resultantly she received helped. She was exposed to doses of PUL that enabled her to become honest about her abusive ways. Her negative energetic was cleansed. I figure that once she rejoined her disk, she was able to avail herself to the lessons learned by other disk members.

If you combine how things were for Sylvia with how people with varying personalities get to go to higher realms during near death experiences, it shows that one doesn't need to obtain a complete state of enlightenment before they can do so. It is enough that they go through a life review, and make the changes that prevent them from living according to love.

Our true self isn't something we become after having a particular insight. It is something we abide as when we get rid of what prevents us from doing so. Why would a self cling to false ways of finding fullfillment, once it is exposed to a realm where it finds out how happiness, peace, security, knowledge, beauty, and love are really found? Near death experiencers often speak about how dissapointed they were when they had to return to the physical. I felt a great sense of dissapointment when my night in heaven experience ended. So much for attachment to the physical World. Once we remember how things truly are during an experience such as a near death experience, OR PERHAPS when we actually die, it isn't difficult to see which way of being is preferable. Not unless we really made bad use of our time here, and have a hard time seeing the light after we die.

My experiences support what I say. I was able to visit a higher realm one night before I even thought in terms of spiritual practice and enlightenment. I've received messages which state that returning disk members aren't cancelled out once a new incarnation takes place. Rather, a new self is incarnated. The advantage of this system is that many more selves are created, so that many more beings can join in the fun. There is also the advantage of individual selves not having to go through the difficulty of having to incarnate over and over again. There could be some exceptions. Perhaps a self that was really unhappy with how things went during an incarnation, and wants another chance. Perhaps a self that comes back for service reasons.  

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Reply #12 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:58pm
I struggled with the past lives thing a great deal, when I was receiving biblical passages and then I had a past life reading about being a missionary, and I struggled because I didn't want to feel split in two this way. I did come to terms the biblical passages were a part of my other self, in the disc but we remain two distinct entities.
I felt like I was a man for awhile. shoot. Smiley I finally related "him" to be the same thing as a guide, or even part of the higher self concept and I'm more comfortable with that.
also I think this other life was closer to JC and was commissioned to follow me into this life to remind me of those ties.

the other life as an Indian who was midwife and attached to her tribe emotionally, I can see myself as her much easier and grew very nostalgic about the cutting short of that life. she had that tribal loyalty thing I carried over, which was also a trait I had in Greece, both lives were concerned with violence, loyalties, and ideals. the thing about other lives, other selves, it is my belief we can pick and choose after awhile, which time period we wish to incarnate into, which would tend to bust up concepts of orderly, sequential lives.

well, I already decided, I might consider coming back to the 50's, and do some doo whops on a street corner harmony group.
seems like fun.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Aunt Clair
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Reply #13 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 7:17am
The Tree of Life is an ancient and universal archetype which explains the duality of the divinity and the God within each of us . The two pillars are on the right white side Father Abba and on the left black hand pillar is Ama the Mother God .The Tree of Life is related in the Old Testament Torah and in the extensive medieval library of the Zohar . Although the Tree of Life may possibly be best understood in its entire complexity through the Hebrew Kabballah , it predates the existence of Judaism .

This archetype perhaps is first met in the Sumerian Culture . Certainly depictions of the giant reptilian angels adorning the Tree exist . And it is through such artistic depictions that archaeologists are able to trace its existence in variant cultures . These cultures had no contact physically and yet the idea of the Tree comes to diverse lands . It is believed that the archetype transcends through the universal mind to the dreamstate .

But in the Egyptian Djed or Tet we see these two pillars of ebony and ivory more clearly . The first tet had 4 marks or plates like platforms on a tower , each representing the 4 elements Fire , Water , Earth , and Air . These are the God children of Khnomn Ra ; Geb the earth , Nut the sky , Ra the sun and Isis the moon and water . In a later period the two pillars of God and Goddess became manifest.

The Tree of Life is a microcosm within the macrocosm . That is it exists like spiritual DNA within each cell of every lifeform . There is a Cosmic Tree of Life and a planetary one . It is also correct to say that the magician stands as a Tree of Life which becomes an orchard as in the Celtic vision where the roots become the canopy of 5 trees above and 5 below as the fingers from the two hands of God and Goddess . Each finger is an element , the thumbs are akasha and amoris .

The fruits of the Tree of Life are the sepiroth . The human Tree of Life is the kaballah which hangs three dimensionally on each human . The ascension channel on the spine is like a straw through which divine light travels to every limb as from a tree's trunk to every leaf and twig.

The magician begins on the front in a 2D tree but soon develops the rear and then the flanks so the roots of the Tree of Life become another tree below .

The universal Tree of Life is not particular to one culture but is disseminated to all humanity through dreams and visions mystically . And it seems to grow as our planet ascends ever so slowly over time . The magician is constrained by the planet and cannot ascend further without the help of the avatars and Godhead .

The Tree has been mystically conveyed by prophets to understand the nature of Divinity . It is part of the Abrahamic Creation Myth as the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden .

The Origins and Growth of the Seed of Life

    * The omega seed 1
    * Annunaki Sumerian two fruits on one stem life and death 2
    * Egyptian Djed aks Tet the elements 4
    * Later Egyptian black & white djeds become Hebrew Ama and Abba pillars
      LHP RHP over 2 genders- 8
    * Norserealms add Hels on Yggdrasil 9
    * Hebrew and Islamic from Heaven to Earth 10
    * Medieval Hebrew KabballahistIsaac of Luria adds the hidden daath rose 11

The tarot of Medieval Alchemists as above so below 8 sepiroth 8 qlippoth 11 +11 =22

    * Contemporary Occult the invisible aqua 12+12 =24
    * The Wheels of the Chariot aka merkabah sepiroth 16+16 =32

And The Tree continues to grow .

The Shamynist Tree of Life suggests that the canopy is the Higher Planes , the trunk is the human spine or ego and the roots are the qlippoth realms below the feet of the magician . The Tree of Life grows on the human and on the planet concurrently . New energy centres open and the tree branches and roots expand .

See Also

    * Wikipedia Entry on the Tree of Life
    * Article on the Universal Motif of the Tree of Life
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Yes there are two paths, you can go back , but in the long run , there's still time to change the road you're on~Led Zeppelin
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Alan McDougall
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Reply #14 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 7:49am
Hello Doc,

Hek you got a good response from this thread, here is my take on the subject.

Enigma of the existence of evil and the Garden of Eden and God the Benevolent.

I will try in my own way to answer this most difficult question.

How can we ever reconcile the fact of evil, suffering and pain, existing side by side with a benevolent holy God of light?

Let us go back to the story of the Garden of Eden. God says to Adam in Gen,Chp 2 Verse 17 that he may eat of any tree except the tree of knowledge of "good and evil". Note the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so evil existed before Adam.

However, God being all-knowing knows before hand that Adam is going to fail the test so why did he give it in the first place? I hear a loud reply from the congregation of saints out there, “because he wanted us to have a free will and not be robots”. I don’t buy this, completely, as God could easily given Adam free rain and said to him “Adam your can do anything you want without any reservations”

Surely, the above would be free will without the necessity of any test.
Nevertheless, God in his infinite wisdom goes ahead and gives Adam (and Eve) a test he “knows they are going to fail, Why? Was this fair seeing the awful consequences for humanity down through the age? Yes absolutely, as I will describe later in this essay
Let us go back to the origin of evil, where did it come from.

Now this might be hard for baby to understand but it is absolutely true and right out of The Word of GOD.

Isaiah Capt. 45 Verse 7 I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create “evil” I God do all these things. God made evertthing so he must have made evil but why?

Let us go back to Adam and the pampered environment of the Garden of Eden. If Adam and eve had remained and by obeying God ( as God knew the would not) they would have existed in forever a paradise setting of beauty warmth, comfort, never ever have to toil work just reach out and eat do any thing they want . This would be wonderful for say a hundred years or a thousand years, but having never ever experienced cold they could not appreciate warmth, never being hungry never appreciate food never being thirsty they would not appreciate the taste and satisfaction of sparking water

They would have existed in a one-sided reality never knowing the opposite. Therefore, after countless years what is paradise to us would become a boring hell to them. Therefore, God simply had to banish them into the world. You see God had said to Adam he must not eat of the tree of knowlege of what? Good and Evil. So it is obvious that if Adam had not eaten of this tree he would never been able to know that Eden was a really Good place.

So God being fair and just gave them the test, which they failed and drove them out into the present reality world of thorns, cold, dark, pain, evil etc, etc. This reality is based on a duality we know evil so we know the beauty of goodness; we know truth so we can hate the lie, and we experience the light so that we know dark.

We yearn for paradise lost and when we finally reenter it,  we will be able to appreciate it as we have known and will always remember the opposite. earth our hell

I do not for one moment believe the nonsense that there is an eternal battle between God and the Devil and that the Devil is almost Almighty Gods equal. The Devil can only do what God permits him to do as we read in the book of Job. 'This shouting at the enemy iiritates me', it is God who will deal with the Devil, not .

there are:

Good and evil
Light and dark
Truth and lie
Deception and honesty
Love and hate
Positive and negative
Faith and despair
Holiness and depravity
Warm and hot
Life and death

And so on and so on……………………

God bless

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