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THE TREE OF LIFE (Read 5612 times)
Ex Member

Reply #15 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 8:53am
Thank you for this topic, Matthew. I know very little about the tree of life, although I have read one interesting book by a nice rabbi.

Thank you also, Aunt Clair. You have explained why I received the Chariot card yesterday to signify "present" when drawing tarot cards for the first time in a very long time. I recognized the pillars immediately when you began your description.

love, blink Smiley
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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Reply #16 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 9:03am
Hi Mathew, I would like to add my interpretation to your thread topic.

Please keep in mind that I use to be a Sunday School teacher and my "world" literally bursted around my ears after I started interpretating things looking from yet another perspective of the box.. Undecided

Sometimes I wish I never would have went down the rabbit hole to seek more - meaning that if I would have stayed cozy within the "foremost taught parimeters" ergo taught by man for specific religious and / or ego driven political interests, then my emotions would have never been unraveled the way they had been.

To your subject:

I agree with that "much consequence stems from the "fall of man" from Eden", yet these consequences had been brought upon us by "fellow man" and not that of God in my opinion. So for me in later years I began reading the bible more "in tune" with myself instead of reading it with the intention of "learning some elses" ways. I had come to the conclusion that there are 2 ways of defining the Bible:

  • An approach as practiced in the secular academic world.  

  • An approach as in the religious study of the Bible, where it is then accepted that the Bible has a divine origin.

Taking in consideration, that I now believe in "God" as collectively being you, I, the plants, the birds, bees and all animals, the wind, the fire, President Bush, Hitler, Princess Diana, Earth, the oceans, the rain, the sun (I think you get my drift)  Wink whereas formerly I personified "God" (definately a no no for me now)  - I hense have come to seek the information which lead up to the Garden of Eden instead of mentally starting "life" there at that point. I am not in conflict with the belief that the Bible or any other source of religious documentation i.e. Buddismus scripts, islam scripts, etc.. are not if divine source, nor am I in conflict that it`s primarily purpose is for "guidance" and "structure". I do believe I read the bible completely different now than... lets say, my sister would. I feel when people raise there consiousness level and open their minds to listening to the metaphor being discribed, rather than taking the literal of what they read, many will understand the bible and not use it to advantage another within these realms, but rather as a loving guide.

Genesis, the way I read it was not the "beginning", but creation quite well on its way. The bible is not "a finished" Book - theres many many "whys, where, howcome" left open for interpretation. And exactly these "whys, where, howcomes" are the proof that its NOT ALL THERE!  Undecided - if you understand what I mean, then it gives you the answer to WHY we are here!

I`ll explain how I read the verses you had placed here:  

"15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

God created the species "human" and thus had been given the opportunity to experience through them, gave them free will to choose, aswell as spoke out consequences thereof. Failure to "trust unconditionally in his love for their creation" resulted in that their phyiscal bodies would cease to exsist eternally.

I find the serpent, was not a snake - it was "merely tempation", a "choice". And yes, would they have not eaten from the tree then their bodys and souls would have lived together eternally.

(I liked your piontè that is with human nature, Eve is tempted by the serpent, and convinces Adam to eat...) Interesting enough the interpretation leaves concluding "mankind" with the thought that God is predijuse i.e. that the woman did bad and then passed this on to the man. Which is BULL, why - what gender was the so called snake - if not merely a temptation without gender?

Riggggggggggggght, "it" doesn`t say! Which is added proof that mankind translated according to its "most current" need at that time.

So whats the message in that? "Trust in creation unconditionally"...

22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." 23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Very nice... for me meaning "I am GOD", "YOU are GOD", "Your neighbor whom you are fighting with calling a SOB or the person you just got finished smacking in the face is GOD", "the dog you just kicked is God" and the "person whom just physically died of starvation" or "shot down by military force is GOD"... for since the first "known humans" whom decided to want to understand the POWER OF BEING A GOD now have to deal and FEEL with the consequences of their choices until they have learned how to raise their consciousness level so to understand their own choices collectively.

This was a deliberate act, and intended to produce an effect. YES, I agree whole heartedly.

What is the best way the children of your biological limb have learned: thru their own experience, right? How many times did you have to tell your child not to stick its hands into the fire, hot plate, fireplace or such and it did it anyway, most likely only once before it learned.

We`ll we are "stupid children" tell ya the truth. We have lived here millions of earth years, some of us several times and "collectively" we haven`t understood "LOVE"... If we would have, then we wouldnt "hurt", "fear", etc. For where there is LOVE THERE IS NO FEAR!

Jesus, along with many many many other humans in our epochs incarnated all with the same intention, to teach divine love of the spirit which we all carry within us, however a spirit which we collectively allow in each epoch to get drowned out for the purpose of political advantage of a few.

One can tell this when we reach the observation that a human shows more spirit than man attributes. Like Christ, whom was 99% spirit and 1 % man in his doings. Lady Diana can we say she incorperated more spirit than mankind attributes. I`d say yes... What about the spiritual Masters, whom live in spirituality showing love, forgiveness, peace along the way? I am sure you can "see" alot more people raoming the earth with this mission, when you take a closer look.

and one can differ when reaching a higher consciousness level. (the flip side of the coin)

What about those whom practise more mankind attributes, such as ego driven, selfish, power driven acts for the purpose of individual advantage of one or a few? I am sure you can "see" these also (not wanting to label any of our Presidents or former Regime Diktators) but one can definately distinguish between the two.

So, I ask you a question, which I think needs to be thought out for sure.

What if right now, right this minuite "the tree of life" is "the life you are living right this very moment"... We all have the choice everyday to eat from the tree of life mentioned in Geneses... And the History Book called Bible is a guide written by yourself to help you remember what happened, how it happened and how to get it right the next time?

The "divine" plan is to "get it right, no matter how many times it takes", to learn "unconditional love" FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING, and it begins tight there with ONESELF!

Believe it or not, the next "Bible in civilization" will create a whole new way of "living" for the children reading it, for the people whom are in charge of translating it, will have a higher consciousness level and not use metaphors such as snakes, dragons, swords of fire, nor a darn apple tree, causing people with lower consciousness levels to "use this to the profit of few" - such as religions worshipping the death of snakes or people killing others in the name of christianity for God never said: "its okay to fry someone on an electric chair", nor did God say: "slaughter other people in their country for the sake of minerals", no it clearly states: Love they neighbor!

Who twists and turns the guidelines of God to benefit few. How can it be that we as humans have become so hypocrits, we preach the 10 commandments, and "allow" the slaughtering of many, we read the bible hold it up in churches praising GOD, and "allow" people to die of starvation all around the world.

Its the tree of life!
Who is God, WE collectively are GOD!


And another interesting thought which does tie into the every so many possibilties:

I am sure that you are aware of the fact that our technology in 2008 is so far advanced that its proven there are planets within solar systems which have "species" living on them, and I am sure that you understand that these species came from somewhere, be it out of the soil, ocean, the sky. a Big Bang or a SPACESHIP (not goo goo gaa gaa crap using the word ALIEN  .- no I prefere use the term with RESPECT "Interplanetary" )

So whats to say that our Forfathers didnt come from another "planet" and dropped a few of our species off here, pergament paper , or words carved in stone or maybe with nothing, because our species didnt learn the lesson there and killed just about everything good too... Are we so arrogant to believe that "we here on earth are super intelligent as a species, just because we have 12 grades to cover and some go to college"? I believe the intelligence level is derived from the "handling of the particular" species. Our dealing with (many subjects) not exactly intelligent at all...

I mean lets look at the facts - we have been systematically killing our planet in the name of "industry", sooner or later some of us will have to leave and thats why all the NASA probs etc. right? So when or if that happens, which "scriptures" are they gonna take with them there and teach? Is the "geneses" of their book going to go like this:

"In the beginning there was a big bang which came from the engines of our spaceship, fire dispursed from within the vehicle and Osama and Jill stepped out onto the planes, in their luggage they were equipted with instructions and as time passed they had 10 children, which has 2 children each. .... get my point? I believe that the writers are going to be much more creative in their "verses" considering the attained consciousness level...

Well what if in the bible the species writing it "was more spiritual" instead of "more man like" and tried the best way it could in explaining what to do and not to do AND MAN decided to translate it they way it fit best for us back then.... and lets not forget welive in the year 2008!

Which in itself is soooooooooooooo incorrect! Like linier LIFE began but only 2008 years ago...
So so hypocritical ... 

Sending you lots of good thoughts,

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