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Young Souls Old Souls (Read 3508 times)
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Young Souls Old Souls
Dec 30th, 2007 at 5:26pm
[color=#339900][/color]Hi All and happy 2008 may it bring us all a new and greater awareness which we and  Gaia needs very badly.
We often hear the term "Old Soul" and then comments about Beings struggling with life challenges being labeled "Young Souls"
This raises some big questions...If a soul is "Old"??? then how old?? conversely how young is a "Young" Soul.?
How dow we really know if souls are old or young?
Old or young implies souls have a beginning.When?How? How is a soul "begun"?
I thought we were timeless and our essential nature has no beginning and no ending.
Do we really understand why some "souls" have acquired great wisdom and knowing and others are awash in ignorance?
Do we really have definitive knowledge of how "souls" come into existence?
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #1 - Dec 30th, 2007 at 8:36pm

I've been called both and both make me happy just to have soul recognized at all !

Ultimate realities, such as souls, get theorized and labelled alot. One pretty much has to pick and choose their favorite terms and theories from among a universe of possibilites. In essence though it seems souls are the bits of God that God emanates out into Creation to experience it from different viewpoints. Maybe young souls are just less experienced in Earth's style of living?

Mainly I just wanted to say hi and thanks for giving me something to think about.  Smiley

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #2 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 12:18am

All souls in my view are almost infinitely the old. However, here we are using "time" to express something that is "everlasting" that existed in the mind of god before the creation of the universe... God reveals your total life back to the unimaginable past into the infinite future if you have advanced enough in the higher dimensions and realms when you pass into the  afterlife.


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Alan McDougall
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #3 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 6:11am
Hey, this was an excellent question, so excellant that I really want an answer on that. So I just copied and pasted it into the Q&A section. That is a very good question. How old is old and how young is young and who decides the oldness and youth of!..
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Old Dood
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 8:11am
I have heard that there are Old and Newer 'souls'.

I was told I was an old soul.  Does that mean I am a stubborn old soul that is taking longer then usual to 'Get it'?

It would make sense to me...seems I am stubborn and hard headed. Smiley
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 1:23pm
  I believe that time is a relative phenomena and more apparently so in the more pure Soul and Spirit levels of energy, actually in pure Spirit, one might find all time. 

  Anyways, i believe old and young soul does not refer to the literal age of a consciousness nor to one's amount of Earth experience (lives), but rather to it's degree of spiritual development and attunement to Source and PUL (which one can't gauge from the amount of lives lived).   One becomes an "old soul" when one learns and more importantly practices the value of service for others without need of material compensation, accepting self and others (universally), trying to be constructive and positive in thought, deed, and feelings, etc, appreciating life, the Creator, and it all. 

   How does one tell?  Beyond the general feeling of a particular consciousness, there is a more objective way (still a bit relative, but overall more universal in nature), it is by the rate of a person's or being vibratory patterns, particularly in relation to their mental/Soul energies. 

  The faster the vibration, the more clear, bright, and faster frequency the colors involved.   If a being is completely attuned to Source, they will be a pure, radiant, and unbelievably bright White Light, although when interacting with non enlightened consciousnesses they might tone it down a bit and express more Golden White energies (Divine, Universal Crown Center love channeled through the Heart center). 

  One could say these are the "oldest" Souls around the block, ones who have become full Co-Creators with Source again.   A conscious part of them is involved in creating other Universes, and yet still involved in this one and trying to lift up their other selves.   

  A quick example, a consciousness who called itself Halaliel occasionally communicated with Edgar Cayce when in trance.   When asked by others, who and what it was, it said, "I represent to other worlds, what Christ represents and means to this one."   A Creator Consciousness.   A "God".

  It's our original job, and all of ours eventual destiny to become a God working with The God or First Source. 

  Right now, most everyone on Earth is in training and has training wheels on, for this.  We think ourselves creators, and we are, but right now we are mostly unconscious creators. 

  Anyways, i don't think it's all that important who is a young soul, or an old soul, or the degrees of difference between same.   

  At least not when interacting with most people we meet on an everyday kind of basis.   I believe it only becomes important to discriminate this, when interacting with and becoming open to a particular spiritual Teacher or their teachings.   

  Best be sure these are a very fast vibrating consciousness before one buys into their energetic hook line and sinker.   Listen to those who are at the "guide" level, yes, but always look more deeply towards those who are fully Source realized and who express and radiate only those pure White Light and Golden tones.  These will never mislead, never misinterpret, and only have your best interests in mind and because they can fully read the totality of your Soul energy, they know what's best for you, even beyond what your conscious personality does. 

  One's astrological chart can suggest levels of development, at least only in directly pointing to the degree of consciousness brought in when first born, but this is a tricky thing to read and not apparent on the surface at all.   One has to account for a relative interaction between the Zodiac signs (emotional energies and karmic Earthly patterns) and the pure Planetary energies and positions (mental, soul energies relating to ones nonphysical sojourns in other dimensions).    The latter tend to be more purely indicative, but yet it must be taken as a Whole always as well. 

  For example, its no accident that Bruce here was born with Neptune and Arcturus Rising in his chart (a planet or Star Rising becomes the most amplified and conscious it can get in a chart).    As the tree falls, so does it lay.   Both Neptune and especially Arcturus are rather fast vibrating and inclusive consciousnesses.  Arcturus the beautiful and the golden spiritual Fire.

  In any case, when a person actually starts to live their life, the degree of development changes from the original chart indications, one can either speed up or slow down their original vibrational patterns brought in (and on different levels simultaneously).  It seems most speed up some or most up a bit here and there.   Occasionally a Soul via an earth personality, like Hitler will really retard their original development.
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 3:33pm
  Some people seem to believe that a really Old Soul, is someone that a lot of other people would really like and be very attracted too.   Some believe they give off only feel good feelings, or rather others have that reaction in relation to their radiation.   

   Oddly enough, while concentrating our consciousness in the super slow vibrating part of the Field called the physical, oft times it happens the opposite way. 

  A really old soul may be involved with a bunch of young and more averagely developed souls, and become really, really disliked, shunned, or even in some cases hated and spat upon. 

  Some people would have us believe that throngs of people followed and listened closely to Yeshua when he was publicly teaching.  Hah! Couldn't be farther from the truth.    Few listened closely, and many more disliked him and his words.   Most of his audience were children and down trodden women and even then the numbers were small.

  Some even began to vehemently hate him.   The proportion of dislike towards such an old soul with very fast vibrating and pure frequencies, is directly related to how much unregenerated and unconscious dark parts an individual or group has within itself.  The more unregenerated and unconscious goop a person or group has, the more they will tend to lash out at, or inwardly really emotionally dislike such a person.   

  Real teachers in this world, are rarely fully liked or accepted by the majority, hence that old biblical saying, "a Prophet has no honor in his own land".    How did this saying come about?   Because it was well observed by later aware folks, that the prophets of old, were often shunned, disliked, and occasionally even killed off.

Real teachers who are very old souls, don't tell people what they want to hear, they tell people what they need to hear.   Plenty of folks don't appreciate that, and again it's related to the degree of unregenerated and unconscious dark parts an individual or a group has within self.   This doesn't mean that real teachers aren't kind and considerate of others, they are and feel well wishes to that person, but sometimes they realize they need to stir up those shadow aspects of those individuals or groups, and sometimes to do that, one needs to be confrontational.   To say unpopular and non p.c. or socially accepted things.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Young Souls Old Souls
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 6:24am
Hi Devayan - thanks for the note. To answer your question: No, I am not part of the crew at .

I am an active reader of their german forum, which has been online for quite some time now. I cross reference Information all about the Net and out of books, or personal experiences of people in hospitals, wrecks etc. or whom are just about to cross over, NDE`s OBE expereinces also,  inorder to get a bigger perspective of the thematic. I have noticed that alot of websites "say" the "same exact" thing, however each one uses "different words, phrases" inorder to explain that which they have come to learn about the afterlife.

I really am happy to be able to take that as a conscious note.

For myself, the interesting & mind intriging concept of the entire subject is that: the only difference between "there and here" is the individual consciousness level, to me meaning that we have deceased family, friends, neighbors and wanderers all around us 24/7 - 365 days a year in our homes, cars, schools, work. etc. and because some of us, yes even most of us were taught not to be sensitive to our surroundings we dont "see, feel, hear" them. We use our senses of the body rather than accomidate them with the senses of the soul. And then there are some of us whom learn to open up this "channel of frequency" and end up "seeing, hearing, smelling or feeling" the presence. I am still in my babyshoes.

In some cases it scares the living poop out of a person whom all their life had believed that the dead are "gone" into "nowhere nameable or identifiable" or into "heaven or hell". The "terms" which we humanoids use justifies the occurance of physical death merely for people minds.

For they too have only believed "what they see" and "personalise it" right then and there ergo: Upon deceased their loved one nolonger speaks, smacks em, jokes around nor does he/her get up and walk around anymore, so the person then has to "rationalise" this "happening and is confronted with something they have yet experienced" - we gave it a name: death.

I questioned this the first time I came in contact with the subject : Why, did I really grieve after my fathers or my best friends physical death? It took some soul searching to come up with my own truthful answer, for myself. I grieved out of selfishness and for no other reason. I grieved for my loss! I felt cheated out of my timewith him. For I felt my reality belonged to me!

read up on some of the wonderful posts here too and you`ll probably come to realise that "nothing is yours" at all.

You speak of my journey..Hmmm  Huh Well my journey has caused me to be a heck of a lot more open to perspectives. I can guarantee you that for sure!  Wink

My journey has caused me to leave the one sided perspective of religion inwhich I was born and raised into. You gave it a perfect name: JOURNEY Devayan.

To me it is like a walk in Tennessee on a very early morning in Fall . Theres lots of fog in Tenn. when one lives near a lake or such, so I am walking along the hillsides, (bumpy life experiences) over meadows, (easy life experiences) along side some roads, (choice in life experiences) every once and a while a car drives by, (religious experiences) I can see it thru the fog by the headlights it has turned on for it too is trying to find its way, other times I can get glimps of trees in the forest because the fog is a bit lighter spread there at times. My objective is to "get past the fog" and inorder to do so, the requirement is to learn more about why the fog is there to begin with, where the fog is coming from and since theres been more people that have made it past the fog, than living on this planet today - I naturally feel that these souls can give me the answers to my questions concerning the fog.

Peter and his crew are some of these souls whom seem to have the key to behind the fog information. They dont just put something out there and let it stand alone, they actively involve themselves into my questions, for there are no coincidences and once that understood - the whole darn picture of LIFE gains a whole new conscious meaning.

Did that make sense to you ? I did understand his answer on the website.

Contact me anytime if you want to jibber jabber.

Greeting to everyone, I love ya`ll bunches. I will be traveling to a town called Orscha in Belarus soon. Theres bones of a souls which I aim to find and have buried properly into a Soldiersgrave, with due respect.


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