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Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife (Read 5532 times)
Alan McDougall
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Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Dec 30th, 2007 at 10:17am
Physical level: physical health and well-being are regulated by and dependent on the state of
pleasure the body is capable of allowing. The streaming of pleasure are the simultaneous forces of
life, health, self-renewal and regeneration. Therefore, health and longevity result from the capacity
for pleasure. Conversely, to the degree you deny yourself pleasure, due to shames, fears,
misconceptions, negativities, impurities, to that degree you cut off your body from the wellspring
of the universal flow. I closely equate happiness with pleasure
Hi All,

The feelings and pleasures you experience in this life your body “DO NOT” cease to exist.
When you die... When bodily existence passes into the afterlife, the identical feelings.
Manifest ever so much stronger because they are even less blocked by the gross matter of
physical life. It is important to understand that feelings of pleasure and bliss that you register in
your body will not cease in an existence beyond the earth life. They will only be intensified. You
will be more capable of sustaining the feelings of pleasure supreme, ecstasy, bliss, love, and what is
called sexuality in this earth sphere “ a total fusion of bliss and ecstasy with another being”.

Spiritual  progression must bring an increase of pleasure and not, as many authoritarian religions want to have it, denial and sacrifice of pleasure in this life is their code.()ethics of religion)
This concept of martyrdom is a total misunderstanding of spiritual truth.
“Sexual pleasure, however, without love is very incomplete and always ends”.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #1 - Dec 30th, 2007 at 7:32pm
Greetings Alan and all,

We are certainly expected to experience pain in this life, so it's only fair that pleasure can be a part of life too. (That's not said sarcastically, altho a few years ago I might have, when pain was strong.)

Alan, did your NDE affect your views on this?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #2 - Dec 30th, 2007 at 11:44pm

Hi Bets,

Yes, my nde profoundly affected me in this direction. Pleasure does not stop at death,  the bodily pleasure we experience be the satisfaction from a good dinner, relaxation and sex are a pale shadow a mirrors of what we will experience in the afterlife with unbounded spiritual bodies,

Ecstasy, bliss, rapture etc things so hard to find in the material realm, are in abundance, over there. Beyond what we image in earthly life,


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #3 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:43pm
I agree more or less Alan and Bets brings up interesting question:

I wonder if we could start a thread about how each one's NDE or night in heaven, did effect them afterwards.

so inviting that as we can compare notes. for me I came back with a deep sense of like I had just accomplished the impossible and so I had another chance to widen my thought horizons and be all that I could be. it was like I had been sprung from prison with just a few bucks in my pocket and still yet carefree trekking down the road to god knows where yet with the attendant feeling all would be well from here on out.
even if pain or illness showed up, still the faith that all would be well even through that was born in me from the NDE.
yet my NDE was death of self image, or a role I was playing for the sake of another.

I don't believe that everyone is cut out to be a martyr Alan. I think theres enough guilt in the world without going into a church and getting more guilt heaped up on us from that angle. but we do have martyrs and they have their place too. I believe we come to experience life physical and we each focus in particular directions for that experience.
maybe we go from center of the universe disease, to global, to universal consciousness and it can be as tough as we make it to be, or we can let grace carry us through and make the path smoother.
perhaps we can be seen to advance from cheap thrills into deep down joy of the soul.

I'm not much of a pleasure seeker, but I don't beat up on those that are. I've a feeling on the other side is life as usual. our expectations and reality may be quite different.  I see one major difference between the two dimensions; the care and maintenance of the body is no longer required.

Our entire thought system here, on the other hand is built around the care and maintenance of the body. housing to shelter it, medical plans to keep it alive, people freezing their body for "future lives", feeding it daily and cleaning it daily.

think about how exactly will we spend all our time once on the other side?  Smiley
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #4 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 6:45am
Alysia - what I am posting now fits to what you are saying. When I asked my question I had just found out that my grandfather passed away in WWII and I was pretty emotional okay.

Hi Nanner,

>>Thats really awfull news Peter, that souls of the WWII may still be earth bound! My grandfather passed away in WWII at the age of 29 in a Lazarett in Orscha and plan or no plan in being earth bound here it is 70 years past my mothers birth and we NOW find out whom he is.

You need to understand that our earthly perspective is very different from our soul's perspective. As there is no time in creation, 70 earth years may be very long for us but it's "nothing" to our souls. As souls we are living in the eternal "now" and are focussing at various epochs.

>>As if there has been a reason for this suddenly coming up.

I'm sure there is. Please see my response in the Support Forum.

>>>Maybe I am hanging on to the teachings of soul peace, but since I hear and read that the consciousness level of a soul continues on in the afterlife, plus they hear, speak, smell and feel, then my grandfather just may still be suffering the friggin WWII images. This is horrible Peter. I cry for their peace Peter. What can be done, or should something be done?

First, nothing needs to be done as creation is perfect. And if something were to be done (according to your plan), your guide will let you know what it is. He/she will steer you to it.

Secondly, forget about "rest in peace"! There is no rest, and our souls do not want to rest! They like "action"! *laugh*

Thirdly, souls in the light have no emotional bodies, so they are not suffering. Only partial souls on the astral levels and in the ghost belt have emotional bodies. But there is no feeling of time in these realms. And should they suffer, then only because their souls wanted this for a higher good.

>>>I have been surfing the net for pictures of WWII and find the whole thing horrid beyond any comprehension. Not just jews died in the war, every sector of races did. Humans are truely the gutter of exsistence Peter, how can anyone in the world allow such to happen for even one moment of exsistence.

Actually, no one "in the world" allowed this to happen, it was allowed by souls in the afterlife and for very good reasons.

>>>Theres really no words for correct expression of what my eyes are seeing after the WWII ''the photographs''. People tend to cross reference the name ~Hilter~ and ~WWII~ only as a metaphor as a 1 man deal but what about all the 60 Million souls, 2 million of which were jews, the rest of 58 Million were russian, polisch, german, english, american and so on for the lack of a better word ~ 60 million confused human beings with souls ~ Lets forget about why, where and who did what, lets just think about the ~ horrid conditions inwhich these souls really truely lived and crossed over in ~ . I found out that there was a document signed by 4 major churches Peter, 4 of them which backed the doings of WWII. Peter 4 of the strongest religious teachers gave their blessings to the doings of WWII, they signed Hilters document! When I read that in Wiki my knees got weak and I cried.

I wholeheartedly agree with you from an earthly perspective, but souls have a very different one. It may be difficult for us to understand (it took me a while, too), that's why we are teaching creation's perspective. We can answer questions, we can explain how souls think, but growing in consciousness must be done by the reader. We cannot mature for a reader!

Sit down in a quiet room and close your eyes. You still are. You know who you are, you know that you are, but that's just about all there is. All that happens in your head are just thoughts, memories, imaginations. And now also imagine that you have no emotional body, i.e. you don't feel anything. There is nothing to do but imagining that you would do something. There is no feeling of well-being, of excitement, of hope, of sadness, of fear, of anything. You just are.

Don't you think that this form of being eventually gets pretty boring? Well, it does, and our souls feel the same way. "I'd like to have a running nose again", is what my guide Sara once said at a reading. Just being with feeling nothing is damn boring! Of course, they start imagining, but imagining something is not the same as living it with all our emotions involved! Imagine you have a running nose. Can you see the difference between imagining it and actually having one? Remember when you were sneezing, you had watery eyes, your sinuses were aking, your nose was reddish, your wastebasket was filled with tissues, and you just wanted to die... That's the difference between living a life and just imagining living a life! Just think of a few examples. Imagine hanging on a ledger outside your window on the 80th floor of a high-rise. Imagine being blown up by a handgranade. Imagine being burned alive at a stake. Souls have weird imaginations, but they know that there is no death and that EVERYTHING'S JUST A GAME! Wouldn't you poker for one million dollars in your imagination? Who cares if you lose, it's only a game! You can lose 50 million dollars in your imagination and it doesn't hurt a bit!

Now, imagine that the Counsel finds that a world war was necessary to raise consciousness on earth, while you are a bored soul. Wouldn't you jump up in excitement and hope that you could participate somehow? You wouldn't care if suffering was included, cause it's only a game! Who cares how you died, whether it was of old age or at the front line, is probably what you would have said, just for the chance of being able to participate, just to get rid of your boredom. Being able to incarnate is like being able to live life to the fullest, while just being is more like living in an old folks home, respooling memories forever while waiting to die.

Yes, W.W.II was terrible beyond imagination - for us humans - but not so for our souls! But to understand this, you need to think like a soul, and this requires you to learn about creation and to understand creation. This is what we are here for, to help you accomplish this.

>>>And the way I am reading this is that your telling me ''its suppose to be that way''. NO, I want it to stop right now, I want all these souls to go home and find peace. This is too cruel for all concerned Peter. When do they go home and find peace Peter?

To send them home so they can find peace would be like sending them back to the old folks home and have NOTHING to do all day long but to dream. This sure is not what they want! Since souls incarnate voluntarily, and since they worked out their life plans themselves, you can rest assured that whatever happened to them is exactly what they wanted! So why would you want to disallow them their wishes? Yes, we humans want peace, but people in a retirement home want action! They want their grand kids to come visit, to fight, to laugh and to cry, so they can feel "alive" again! And you want to send all their visitors home, so they can have PEACE? They want no peace, they want action!

Raising ones level of consciousness includes knowing about creation and how creation works. Raising your level of consciousness does not mean that you have to want wars, that you should no longer care about pain and suffering and your neighbors in need, it just means to understand WHY there is so much pain and suffering on earth, that these souls WANTED to experience these feelings, and that they don't really care whether or not they die and how, because there is no death anyway, and it's nothing but only a game!

So do we want wars? Of course not! But if there's one, just understand that your soul may have wanted to participate in it, in order to escape boredom for a while, to experience emotions, to learn and to mature!  Smiley


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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #5 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:01am
I believe this is accurate, Alan. It rings true to me. We are often told to follow our "bliss" and to live our lives by it. This "bliss" is not the "cheap thrill" that some might assume it to be.

This bliss is our calling. It is our truth, and it is unique to each of us, as individuals.

As to why souls must suffer. This is not entirely clear to me....I see no reason why they should, but, of course, can see why they might, and they do.

love, blink Smiley

Alan McDougall wrote on Dec 30th, 2007 at 10:17am:
Physical level: physical health and well-being are regulated by and dependent on the state of
pleasure the body is capable of allowing. The streaming of pleasure are the simultaneous forces of
life, health, self-renewal and regeneration. Therefore, health and longevity result from the capacity
for pleasure. Conversely, to the degree you deny yourself pleasure, due to shames, fears,
misconceptions, negativities, impurities, to that degree you cut off your body from the wellspring
of the universal flow. I closely equate happiness with pleasure
Hi All,

The feelings and pleasures you experience in this life your body “DO NOT” cease to exist.
When you die... When bodily existence passes into the afterlife, the identical feelings.
Manifest ever so much stronger because they are even less blocked by the gross matter of
physical life. It is important to understand that feelings of pleasure and bliss that you register in
your body will not cease in an existence beyond the earth life. They will only be intensified. You
will be more capable of sustaining the feelings of pleasure supreme, ecstasy, bliss, love, and what is
called sexuality in this earth sphere “ a total fusion of bliss and ecstasy with another being”.

Spiritual  progression must bring an increase of pleasure and not, as many authoritarian religions want to have it, denial and sacrifice of pleasure in this life is their code.()ethics of religion)
This concept of martyrdom is a total misunderstanding of spiritual truth.
“Sexual pleasure, however, without love is very incomplete and always ends”.


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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #6 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:30am

Don't feel badly that this topic has only received five responses so far. The concept of bliss as a gift to earthly life has always made folks shy here.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:37am
I think along Alan's topic, we can have it like we want it,  but only according to what we believe we deserve or can have. that would include pleasure, but the pleasure of the body and the pleasure of the soul, I would think these are two different things and involve different levels of being, or belief system territories, the gathering places of those of like mind/vibration.  sorry for mentioning cheap thrills Blink, that was meant as something reserved for teenagers going thru the hormone thing and getting so active with the whole scene they don't do their homework. (teachers lament) unfortunately the word pleasure has become associated with sexuality expression in the collective mind.
pleasure means different things to different folks, I think Alan meant it innocently though.

thanks for the post Nanner. we talk about hollow heavens sometimes here, and the boredom associated with hollow heavens is most likely a leaping off place although there certainly are resting areas in the afterlife, it's not all of us stop to rest.
I did a retrieval on a fellow who committed suicide and didn't stop to rest, he leaped right into training with a large group on the other side who were to work with the soldiers in physical as helpers and guides. they would act as the intuitive force behind the actual soldiers.

I saw myself as a resistance fighter in WW11. a male, blowing up trains of the enemy, living on the edge, staying alive, adrenalin pumping. it was a way of life. some souls are like that, they want the physical again and again.
for those of you can't accept reincarnation, then don't. but you could understand the idea of a disc containing many personalities in it, and they all belong to the One that is yourself also.

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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 12:06pm
LaffingRain wrote on Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:37am:
I think along Alan's topic, we can have it like we want it,  but only according to what we believe we deserve or can have. that would include pleasure, but the pleasure of the body and the pleasure of the soul, I would think these are two different things and involve different levels of being, or belief system territories, the gathering places of those of like mind/vibration.  sorry for mentioning cheap thrills Blink, that was meant as something reserved for teenagers going thru the hormone thing and getting so active with the whole scene they don't do their homework. (teachers lament) unfortunately the word pleasure has become associated with sexuality expression in the collective mind.
pleasure means different things to different folks, I think Alan meant it innocently though.

Absolutely, Alysia, and, of course, I simply "borrowed" your phrase, without any negative impression implied, so no apology necessary, as I would not have had that phrase to use (which said what I wanted it to say) without you.

love, blink Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #9 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 8:00am
Hek Guys,

I sign off on this topic by saying i dont want to enter an afterlife that has no fun in it, do you? Cool

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #10 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 9:23am
I think I will want to experience a realm in the afterlife with more love, peace, caring for another, respect, honesty and upmost care for the next soul. Even if that might sound boring, it shall be a positive change from that which I have seen and experienced here on earth.   Undecided
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #11 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 7:58pm
It's true, Nanner. I was just thinking this today, when I heard a particularly good panel member on a tv show talking about how our countries have each faced so many difficulties, and so, obviously, any nitwit can see that we have SO MUCH to teach each other. We can help each other find the way.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #12 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 9:42pm
In my mind journeys/phasings I found quite different realms. There were situations with unbelievable powerful erotic, and there were places where I felt a great expansion along with a ceasing of my earthly existence.

As to what Nanner wrote:
Much of it may be true, but the central point is not getting through me. Peter said that souls incarnate on earth because they want to experience emotions, as they have no emotional bodies over there, and so they get bored. But when they have no emotions, how can they get bored? Is being bored no emotion? If it isn't what is it then? When it isn't an emotion, then being bored has not the driving force of an emotion and souls could say "so what". (Btw, without emotions you are likely to say to everything "so what")
  Furthermore, I too have sometimes ill imaginations, but for sure I wouldn't wish that they come true in the meaning of being in it, 3D, full pain level etc. That doesn't make much sense to me.
  Of course, the perspective that there is more than this life on earth makes suffering just a little episode, but that doesn't explain the initial "why" to me. There must be reasons behind suffering that nobody so far couldn't explain to me that way I would say "Yes, of course, now I see why this has to be as it is."

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #13 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 9:50pm
Yeah, I guess the point is, if you are one level "up" then you get to lord your knowledge over someone else who is one level "down" from you....or help them...however you see it....

But, then again, there are those who say that they've been poor, and they've been rich...and they'll take rich, thank you very much. Tru nuff.

And I have friends who swear that what you have here, well that's what you'll take there. And I have friends who swear that you can't take anything with you.

I beg to differ. We take it all, have it all.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: Pleasure And Bliss In Life And The Afterlife
Reply #14 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 10:57pm
...of course, Alan, some might think it is fun to sit around in heaven hearing the screams of those in hell who have rejected all that is good....

not me.

Even if I'm able to go rocketing off into the hinterlands of God-consciousness, I realize that it is not possible to hear with the ears of God and to forget the cries of those who suffer.

Nor can any of us.

love, blink Smiley

Alan McDougall wrote on Jan 6th, 2008 at 8:00am:
Hek Guys,

I sign off on this topic by saying i dont want to enter an afterlife that has no fun in it, do you? Cool


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