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One self and souls (Read 12280 times)
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #15 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 1:42pm

Alan wrote:  "I have been on the other side of life during my nde. I know I don’t hypothesize that we continue as persons retain our unique awarenesses and progress up towards the light of the Infinite One. We merge with each other and God over there in mind-to-mind contact and have access to the Divine mind of God. We are not absorbed into some mindless cosmic soup. As this would be extinction of self the ultimate horror of man."


I agree.  What Alan wrote matches my experiences and what I've been told by the beings of light I'm in contact with. Just because everything started as one being all by itself, this doesn't mean that everything needs to return to such an unmodified state, in order for ultimate reality and oneness to exist.

Sometimes people like to say that Eastern teachers and Jesus taught the same thing. I don't believe this is true. When people suggest such a thing, they tend to refer to a few of Jesus' statements that can be interpreted in such a way. It seems to me that Jesus came here to tell people to live their life in a good and loving way, so when it it is their time to move on to the World of spirit, they can move on to a nice place. As you sow so you reap. He didn't tell people that they need to find out that their perception of being a distinct individual is nothing but an illusion that needs to be negated, so they'll stop reincarnating over and over and over again.

NDE reports tend to match what Jesus has to say, rather than what Eastern gurus have to say. I have yet to find an NDE which states that we have to find out that our existence as an individual soul is nothing but an illusion. Rather, NDEs tend to confirm our existence as unique souls, and the need to grow in love.

I use to believe what the gurus have to say, until I had the audacity to question them.

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Re: One self and souls
Reply #16 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 2:31pm

Responses within double quotation marks below.

[quote author=spooky2 link=1198867968/0#8 date=1198975544]Hi Recoverer and all,

I have thought on a closely related topic this way:
 The relationship of the "I" and it's memories: For a person in the usual sense there are special memories needed. But for the more basic "I" / "here" / "me" it doesn't seem so, it is more that this "I" is providing the possibility of memory in the first place, so that it is that the "I" "has" or "owns" memories, but would be still there without them, though not easy to imagine. Imagine someone would give his/her memories to you, directly, so that you really had that memories, like first-hand memories. You, or more precise, your "I" would still be there, only with more memories. Imagine all memories of all people would melt into one. Surprisingly, only one "I" would be sufficient for all these memories, without a loss. How is this possible? It is because the pure "I", without memories, is always the same, as it is something like a state, a function, and all "I"s are the same. So, it is possible to merge with everything and everyone without losing the "I", as the "I" is the same in everyone. (Of course, it doesn't fit with the "many mansions", unless it is meant the personal origin of memories endures, like "these memories once are gathered under the person of Charles Smith" or so)

""Think of the one self as a large room with many computer terminals. Each computer has the capability to make use of thoughts, even if they have none to deal with. Replace digital computers with bio computers in the form of human minds. Each mind has the ability to make use of thoughts, even if they have no thoughts to be aware of.

If it is possible that energy can be used to create physical computers and bio computers, isn't it possible that energy can be used to create spirit computers/souls/individual "Is?" How precisely a source being would do such a thing, I don't know. However, I figure that disks, planning intelligences and even higher levels of intelligence are quite crafty, and can use energy in just about any way they want, even if a guru who doesn't know about their existence claims that they don't exist.

When in human form, "Is" tend to be quite limited. When they progress further, usually sometime after death, they find out that there is much more to an "I' than meets the eye.  They'll find that they are connected to disks/I-theres/Soul groups/whatever name you like to use, and they'll have access to all kinds of memories/information that they'll be able to make use of according to need. They'll find that it is possible to make use of knowledge in a manner that is so wise and loving, that no need to negate the existence of an "I" comes into being.

Through all of this each I will find out that it is is connected to many "Is" including source I, at a divine center of consciousness and creative energy that had an instant where it wasn't modified.  Since time didn't exist at such an instant, it doesn't make sense to say for how long source being existed in such an unmodified state""

 Your guidance-experienced is quite interesting Recoverer. Those persons we are close to, we might think it is easier to be "one" with them; but it can appear as quite opposite, this closeness can make us aware of the differences in the personalities, while with strangers we don't know so well there is not this hindering threshold. In the terms of my thoughts above, when you look at the person, the personal memories and, following, attitudes, the difference between persons might be emphasized, while looking at the unity of the "I" function and the, at least in theory possible direct-sharing of memories, the oneness of all is emphasized.

""I get what you're saying. I also figure it is a matter of seeing that a person I define in a limited way, is actually an unformed being who makes use of its experiences in various ways.

Think of it this way. Quite often we view people as the body based people they appear to be.  The soul that occupies a person's body could've just as well occupied another body, and seem to be a completely different person.  If one wants to see a self/soul as it actually is, one needs to be able to see beyond the appearances of a particular person, and see that there is a divine soul that exists in a manner that is far beyond what body based personas are about.""

 Thanks Dave, your brief comments are so clear. The difficulty, as it appears to me, is simply that it can seem that you have nothing "to lean on" without all these (or at least one) things which we're used to deal with in the physical life. So, we have to get used to "emptiness" without looking for "something" to hold on.

""The question is, is there just one self that has nothing to lean on, or one self and the many souls it created that have nothing to lean on? I've had meditations where I saw that I wasn't a particular persona, yet I knew that I was still somehow distinct from Spooky, Alan, Vajra, Alysia, Dave, Betson and others.  For example, I don't know what you had for breakfast this morning.

On the other hand, what if beings develop to the point where they know how to live according to love and wisdom.  Wouldn't such an ability be something to lean on?""

Recoverer wrote: "How can one self fully experience love and oneness if there is nobody to share it with?"
 Ultimately, if there is only one, one can share love with oneself, and it would be allright. It is like "love your neighbour as you love yourself" in the state of oneness.

""Perhaps one being could spend all of eternity loving itself and no one else. Perhaps this one being figured it would be much more fun if many other beings, perhaps infinite in number, got to join in on the fun. Perhaps this is where the reproductive instinct really comes from. Some might say that the urge to reproduce is simply a survival of the speices thing. Perhaps some of us want to share the gift of life with others, and have others to share love with. If in the end existence can be a wonderfully joyous thing rather than just a bunch of suffering, why not?""  

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« Last Edit: Dec 31st, 2007 at 4:15pm by recoverer »  
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #17 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 2:32pm
I think what an illusion is, needs defining by the individual, not what a "trainee" says, as they can be only partially correct in what they offer so the need for discrimination.

the illusions and misinterpretations of who and what we are is at the crux of the matter or we have the blind leading the blind. we may have to go back to this reference when studying humanity and self determination: We were created in the image of god, not that we created god in our image.

yet our essence, I can see is unchanging as god is, in reference to god being love.

I myself and all of us have labored under illusions and to explain this, an allusionary belief system would be something which is not a substantial, eternal truth, yet while under it's influence, the soul advances through trial and error of testing it's premises and eventually breaks through the illusion, in this trek through time.

what I think the Buddhists are doing is pointing to man's propensity to self agrandizement, a thing Ian is calling the ego. We all know what the ego can do to another ego, when it is being inconsiderate of the others whom it may be leading, such as a boss who is not considering what his employees actually need in the work environment. or, like the Hitler thread. there is a man who had huge power issues and somehow got the population thinking the same thoughts, that Jews were hindering the process of human evolvement.  this is what can happen if an ego makes the wrong choice, for the greatest inconsideration, the greatest illusion, in terms of the statement god is love, and you and I came from that love, the greatest illusion we can go wrong on is to assume one person is loved greater by god, than another, and is therefore more fit to occupy the planet.

Hitler is the type of person where he suffered under this illusion of self granduer. yet he is an extreme example, still, we all have our illusions, and the only absolute truth would be love, a type of energy we are composed of which unites us, while we still retain the fruits of our labor, our individualism.
perhaps then in conclusion we are looking at two thought systems which can lead to enlightenment;
1) Buddhism says what you are not
2) Christianity says what you are

this is extremely generalized. and I do not believe in evil demons as anything more than a fabrication, or illusion. I see that what is called evil has been cast from heaven but returns as the prodigal son. yet what is brutality, it can become like a thought form, but not be eternal and so is not able to return to heaven, where eternal things abide.
I disagree a bit with Dave, there are resting areas on the other side as anything we need or want is also there, to be creating of that.
we can be stagnant if we wish, but I do not call it a state of non-movement.

I may conjecture Buddhism is aware of the way humans are constantly changing, moving out of this role into another role, changing careers, changing mates, changing housing, and so I can conjecture we do this and we discover in this way, what is good for the goose is not in every case good for the gander.

the amazing thing about life at all, is having a life in the first place, we need to get to the thank you part. we used to say grace at the table. thank you for the food. we don't hardly say thank you to anyone anymore, let alone god. gratitude also is a creative endeavor.

concluding for real now, lol, if I have an idea, and another person has an idea, if he shares his idea with me, I now have 2 ideas, and the same for him.

therefore we are more when we join with others, for we may create a 3rd idea from that joining. Buddism, all religions are just ideas, it's the intentions that are important within the sharing, not the ideas themselves. and the way I see it, life is sometimes two steps backwards and one step forwards..then other times a great leap forward, but surely we will discover we are on a journey from our home, and we get there by assisting others to get where they want to go.

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Re: One self and souls
Reply #18 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 2:47pm

Here is where I hooked up with you. You love life, and I love life. You love to love others, and I love to love others. Therefore, there is no need to get rid of each of us for the sake of sophistry.

I don't know about what Leadbetter had to say about Buddha; however, I must not state that even if all gurus are false (??), they aren't all the same.  There are many gurus who have had spiritual experiences. The thing is, having spiritual experiences and being a master of one's self, aren't the same. It could be that some gurus incarnated into the World in order to help out, but somewhere along the line they became more interested in having a life style where they are put on a pedestal and treated as an all knowing master, rather than keeping their attention focussed on their divine purpose.

Consider the main false guru I knew. I could tell that he had some bonified spiritual experiences. Unfortunately, he decided to play the role of guide for others, before he completed the business of taking care of himself. Eventually the parts of self he never took care of, started to get the best of him.

Many false gurus don't fall within these parameters. They are simply people who get off on controlling and manipulating others, being put on a pedestal, and making lots of money in a dishonest way.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #19 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 3:01pm

What you're asking reminds me of when my higher self enabled me to experience about 12 different perspectives at the same time. I felt like I was this large spacious spirit being who wasn't defined in a particular way, yet I was still "me." I figure that what we experience as we spiritually evolve, is more about accumulating the information that helps us figure out what everything is about, rather than defining ourselves in a limited way that becomes a self imposed prison. As long as we learn about existence in a manner that eventually isn't limiting, where is the problem?

betson wrote on Dec 29th, 2007 at 5:36pm:

Self is a big mystery to me, and the more I read here the bigger the mystery gets! This is about the only topic in the afterlife where I am getting more evidence and yet getting more confused.

We know we have multiple selves because we know of self-retrievals, and of bi-location, such as Bruce's at the workshop in Japan. Now we have Aysia's NDE and "Kara' believing she is dead and requesting a retrieval; did they in fact bilocate and lose so many 'layers' that the remaining person-part was robbed of feeling life?  People in comas or with other illnesses seem to have lost vital parts of themselves too. When some split off and change their mode of operating from the mainstream 'person'ality, we get fearful. Something unknown and to some, very threatening is happening.

We don't have a model or concept for this type of layering, do we?
Does each self have a total soul, or do they report in to the major soul, as perhaps Alan's vision suggests? Do we have any evidence that a halographic model is appropriate?


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Re: One self and souls
Reply #20 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 3:05pm
Recoverer wrote: "How can one self fully experience love and oneness if there is nobody to share it with?" 
  Ultimately, if there is only one, one can share love with oneself, and it would be allright. It is like "love your neighbour as you love yourself" in the state of oneness. 

""Perhaps one being could spend all of eternity loving itself and no one else. Perhaps this one being figured it would be much more fun if many other beings, perhaps infinite in number, got to join in on the fun. Perhaps this is where the reproductive instinct really comes from. Some might say that the urge to reproduce is simply a survival of the speices thing. Perhaps some of us want to share the gift of life with others, and have others to share love with. If in the end existence can be a wonderfully joyous thing rather than just a bunch of suffering, why not?"
Smiley  this is where the idea of free will or choice in which direction to look is taken. we can choose to suffer, or we can choose to share with others our love.
I think what I love about this life, is saying out loud I love you. theres something about speaking the word..that way. there are many cannot say I love you. so I can say that, then they might remember they can choose to see love.

great summation R, on a great thread and maybe we aren't finished fattening it up yet!

I continue to have the most joyous communion with all of you whom I see as one with me.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #21 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 4:36pm
Perhaps a key to determining if a being (parcel/chunk of consciousness-creative energy)  is a being in its own right, is if it is a being who makes decisions for itself and experiences accordingly.

Can the fact of many beings who decide for themselves and experience accordingly be denied, because somebody had an experience of pure consciousness? The fact of how many people have stated that they have experienced pure consciousness shows, that there are many people who were able to self determine their lives, so they could have such an experience. When a person has such an experience, source being and other people are effected only to the effect that the overall chain of causation is effected. This shows how multiplicity exists within oneness.

If we can look around a room and see many things, yet remain one being, couldn't God look around and see many beings, and still remain as the source being he is?

Is there anything to prevent us from seeing our uniqueness from each other and oneness with each other at the same time? Perhaps these two viewpoints are in conflict with each other only to the extent that we lable their relationship in such a way.

To suggest that everything needs to revert back to formlessness in order for God to be apparent, is to suggest that something other than God exists.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #22 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 5:19pm
[quote author=dave_a_mbs link=1198867968/0#9 date=1198992630]I recall listening to the Dalai Lama speaking on one of the sutras, and emphasizing that there is nothing permanent in the world. Since "beginningless time" it seems that there has been what Alan Watts called a "peopleing tendency" - the world tending to make people come out of emptiness. In fact, the world itself came out of emptiness. Since al created things are aggregates, and since the nature of aggregates is to fall apart, nothing is permanent.

Dave: The above shows that we aren't saying the same thing. In fact, it clearly points to one of the main points about Eastern "philosophies" I don't agree with.  According to the above, there is no such thing as an eternal self/soul. All of us go through what we go through, until we commit spiritual suicide and think our way out of existence. In the end there will be just one large self that won't have room for the illusion of the rest of us. Therefore, the above approach is "nihilistic."

Where is the basis for saying that it isn't possible for intelligent light beings to learn to work with energy in a way so they can create an eternal experiencer?  Because personalities change? Because things like molecules have half lives and degrade? Personalities may change, but this doesn't mean that the parcels of consciousness that experience personalites stop being the parcels of awareness and creative energy they are. As long as the energy to do so remains, what is to prevent a parcel of consciousness from using its knowledge to prolong its existence to its heart's content?

Dalai Lama: "Excuse me sir (while speaking to a soul), it is time for you to think your way out of existence."

Soul: "But why dear Lama, I love my existence, and I have learned to use the creative power given to me by God, to live a wonderful life of love and light?"

Dalai Lama: "Because the Buddha said life is suffering."

Soul: "Dear Lama, many years ago I used to experience sufffering, but life is so wonderfully glorious now, I couldn't imagine giving it up. I ran into the Buddha the other day, and he has found the same.  It is true that energy can be used to create impermanent things such as personalities.  But this doesn't mean that a soul can't gain the knowledge that will enable it to experience a life of eternal perfection. It goes through the personality experiences it goes through, so it can gain the knowledge that will help it find a way to eternal perfection, that wouldn't be possible if self extinction was the final goal."    

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Re: One self and souls
Reply #23 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 5:40pm
dave_a_mbs wrote on Dec 30th, 2007 at 8:17pm:
That kinda suggests that there must be an awful lot of otherwise equivalent beings in parallel universes. Since parallel universes split off parent universes at every decision point, many of these "other selves" are essentially clones up to some point, and diverge thereafter.

I personally feel that if you were to look all the way down that line of alternative selves, at the very end it would terminate in God, since that's where the initial individuation occurred. And, by the same token, all the multiple selves can be properly viewed as fragments of God. At the same time, they can be viewed as alternative personal selves.


Regarding what Dave wrote above, if things worked out so parallel universes branched out indefinitely, just think of how much suffering there would be. For every version of us that finds a happy way of existing, there would be an infinite number of versions that live an infinite life of tremendous suffering an horror. Versions that manifest in the most disgusting manner imaginable.

When thinking in this way one might say: "The Buddha is right, life is suffering, and needs to be extinquished." The problem is, if the parallel universe viewpoint is true, wouldn't there be an infinite number of beings who live in a universe who never seek self extinction and therefore suffer horribly for all of eternity?

On the other hand, perhaps we evolve to the point where we have control over our creative thought energy, and we create only the realities we want to create.  We become wonderful unified beings, rather than beings who split off in an infinite number of ways without any say in the matter.

There might be some physicists such as Erwin Schrodinger (Meow!  Wink) who believe in the parallel universe viewpoint, but last I heard, the majority of the quantum mechanics'  community doesn't agree with this viewpoint.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #24 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 7:40pm
referring to R's last comment in regards to Dave's more scientific view  Smiley this is why I found retrievals of self so helpful to my own growth.

Retrievals both of others and of the self, makes a person integrate their self into a whole person operating with full consciousness of who they were, who they are, and who they will become, as linear time becomes meaningless, as these 3 time inferences become one thing, when you remember an experience, instead of denying it did happen, and now you can deal with it, integrate it, and accept it did happen, so you rise above it that way, ending the suffering of denial, and it's easier to be loving others when you are whole, complete and accounted for, with no complaints.
In every person's life will come a time when suffering is not. even a belief system crash can be experienced as a type of suffering.
go thru enough crashes, it's like falling off a log after awhile, if one does not cling on to the old thoughts, the old ideas.
Buddhism does not advocate suffering any more than Christianity with it's pick up your cross idea.
R is right, when he says we do evolve into better quarters, thats precisely why we are here, that and it's a chance to make something out of yourself, or something out of nothing.
we all know you think Buddhism sucks R. go ahead and have the last word. I'll quit now.
take care of yourself.
love rules...
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #25 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 8:03pm
Alysia said: "we all know you think Buddhism sucks R. go ahead and have the last word. I'll quit now.
take care of yourself.
love rules... [/quote]"

Grin Grin Grin
I wouldn't go that far.

However, as already stated, I don't like the idea that we get squashed like a bunch of unwanted pimples at the end.  Alysia, I know you say Buddhists don't think in such terms, but if you look at some of the things Vajra and Dave wrote, whether they realize it or not, they're thinking in such terms. For example, here are some of Dave's words again.

"I recall listening to the Dalai Lama speaking on one of the sutras, and emphasizing that there is nothing permanent in the world. Since "beginningless time" it seems that there has been what Alan Watts called a "peopleing tendency" - the world tending to make people come out of emptiness. In fact, the world itself came out of emptiness. Since al created things are aggregates, and since the nature of aggregates is to fall apart, NOTHING (emphasis added) is permanent."

Through out the years I've run accross many Eastern or Eastern oriented teachings that hold this view. What's to like?

Albert to his true self: "Sorry soul, but it is time for you disolve away, something about a lack of permanent aggregates."

Albert's Soul: "But wait a minute, there is something here where I am that is aware of these aggregates, and I have the ability to choose which aggregates I make use of."

Albert to his true self: "Sorry soul, but if people as reputable as the Buddha and Dalai Lama say I have no soul, then I have no soul, despite what my experience and common sense tell me."

Soul: "Well Albert, where do you think your experience and common sense come from? Haven't there been times where you've experienced things that are much deeper than a bunch of confused aggregates?"

Albert to his true self: "But soul, if I'm going to be the coolest kid on the block, I have to say that I agree with what people like the Buddha and Dalai Lama have to say, even if I don't."

Soul: "It's up to you Albert. Either you can seem pleasant to people for a short while, or you can exist as a magnificient divine soul for all of eternity. Which ever way you choose, I already have what I need to continue for all of eternity."
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #26 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 8:56pm
funny guy R  Grin

while you put forth your interpretation, you tend to place our friend Dave beneath your own utterances.
you are insensitive and disrespectful of other's beliefs. Dave has admitted he has never journeyed to heaven. Still, look at his contributions..he gives what he has, nothing more. I do not interpret his aggregates as less of a contribution to the whole of this board than your contribution story of your night in heaven. both are equally interesting, and both of you have good intentions that I can see through the words.

what I think u r missing, is you offer only your interpretation of Buddhism while someone offers their own interpretation.

Every one here has an opinion worth reading, or a question, or a poem, or a bit of something or other. I come from some mystical journeys, all quite personal, very difficult to put in words. everyone offers just their beliefs or their interpretations of those beliefs under discussion.

I sometimes am privileged to get emails from people whom cannot feel free to post their thoughts in public. Ian has undergone a transformation for the better he tells me in private. he was very ill before his Buddhistic study. he needed a place to write his story and his love of the transformational value of his studies.
whats it to you if Buddhism actually helped him? This forum is supposed to be about TMI, to my way of thinking, instead, we are drawing all sorts of people with all sorts of beliefs, we should let them have their say despite we may object to their philosophy.

Religion, Buddhism, physics discussions, whatever it is, it won't go away just because we object or condemn it. theres room for everyone here or there.

but at the least, I do believe we are all in agreement about the continuing of the soul despite any rumors you may have come across to the opposite, most of us don't pay attention to the idea of annhiliation as a possibility.

I think we should give Dave some credit, as he said he's about as psychic as his left shoe, yet he comes here and never once put me or Juditha down for some of things we profess as experiences...he's willing to learn from us. that, my friend, is what I call PUL in expression. he doesn't have to be psychic. I'll see him in heaven.

and as for our Buddhist who claims not to be a Buddhist fully, he's doing just fine in the PUL dept too. for some reason he trusted me, to tell me his story, and to remind me even, that the pen is a sword, and can cut deep, then I would have to pay the cost, I realized, of a careless word.
He trusted me, he guided me. He is something else, and doesn't even know of his great light, as it effects me. he's too humble.

you, R, will not know of humbleness for you can only speak against something, you do not speak for others. nor see their love, that they would give to you in a new york minute if you only would let them.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #27 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 1:20pm

I don't write what I write because I want to insult people.  I figure if there are things about Eastern teachings that are false, somebody needs to speak out, even if some people end up thinking poorly of that somebody.  Shall Eastern teachings be allowed to share some of their false premises as much as they want, without anybody being allowed to present an alternate view? Why should people who believe in Eastern teachings be defensive?  Eastern teachings say things that clearly contradict what I've found to be true, yet I feel no need to feel personally defensive. I write what I write out of the goodness of my heart, even if it doesn't appear that way.

In the end, whether or not souls are eternal isn't a matter of personal opinion. If they are eternal, then they are eternal.
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Re: One self and souls
Reply #28 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 4:23pm
In my back yard there are several paths leading back into the bush. I can take ony of them I desire. The fact that there are multiple worldlines connecting me to my yard, hence parallel universes, does not mean that we need to experience all of them at once. We choose the one we want, and the other potentialities are either not experienced at all, or they are only experienced as dreams, fantasies and speculations.

Non-attachment does not mean that we are apathetic. Instead, it means that we are carefree. The key to be successfully carefree is that one must have good taste, the innate knowledge of how to avoid unpleasant or inappropriate things.  I drink a glass of water without becming attached to it. So in place of being ultra serious ands mooning forever over the possibility of suffering, we just don't have to go there. It's more fun just to do that whih is appropriate, without concern, and in full faith that we are doing the best that can be done at that moment.

The reason that this is so difficult is that we tend to be greedy, which means attachment, and that runs off into self-delusion about values and goals, choices that are contingent and thus not free, and then we devlop a competitive posture which interferes with love etc. To not care, but to retain good taste, seems to be all we really need. Then we can do that which appears most useful, have fun doing it, and not get all hung up in stuff. That's the idea of sat-chit-ananda - it's an actual state of being in the world, based on non-attachment.

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Re: One self and souls
Reply #29 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 5:06pm
I'll go along with what you just wrote Dave, even though I've heard sat chit ananda used differently. Usually I've heard it applied when people speak of Nirvikalpa samadhi or pure consciousness.
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