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Need explain. help please (Read 1833 times)
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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Need explain. help please
Dec 28th, 2007 at 2:49pm
Hi guys,
I am new at "up - up and away" through dimensions, so I am returning to all my rowdy friends here for help. I never tried drugs so to be able to compare and nope I never took part in Woodstock, so I dont know what that feels like either..

This is why I bought this friggin David Pal:
The Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyesets - which were carefully designed to provide the most effective light and sound experience. The Tru-Vu Omniscreen eyesets use eight high efficiency white bulbs mounted over a silver reflector behind a light blue-tinted translucent screen. This disperses the light evenly, protects the bulbs and removes any red light which may be produced by the bulbs. White light has proven most effective in imagery, relaxation and visualization.The new Tru-Vu Omniscreen eyesets are specially designed to allow for the left and right visual fields of each eye to be individually stimulated rather than the entire eye. With the Tru-Vu Omniscreen eyesets, the lights flash into the left visual fields of both eyes, then alternately flashes into the right visual fields of both eyes. This approach allows the ability to stimulate either visual cortex with a frequency different from the other visual cortex. For example, a person who functions strongly from the left brain could have 8 Hz stimlulated into the right visual field (and therefore the left brain) to slow down left brain function and have 18 Hz stimulated into the left visual field to increase right brain function. Isochronic Pulsed Tones - The tones of the DAVID PAL are evenly spaced, are of equal pitch and are turned on and off at a specified rate. Including Brain Brightner (for ADD and cognition), Fractioned Hypnosis, Alpha/Beta Mix (for depression), Schumann with Dissociation & HRV (for meditation), Beta Perker, Theta with Dissociation (for sleeping), and Music Modulation

I am experiencing "some" calming of the mind, I am also sort of paralyzed during the sessions. I think I am meditating, but how do I know?

For those out there that have expereinced OBE`s or Meditation, or dimensional traveling.
Can you give me a sort of 101 on what it feels like, what happens, what one sees.

Am I expecting too much that I am saying "sort of"... or am I just not calm enough? What am I doing incorrect?
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Re: Need explain. help please
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 3:35pm
Hi Nanner-
Well, your new toy should be fun. I have a vaguely similar thing that can blink all the lights in a room according to some kind of music or tone generator input. My wife doesn't like the blinking lights, so they're purely academic, but the music and embedded frequencies seem useful. These things are often good for calming the nerves or setting a mood for study.

You haven't done drugs? Good for you. I spent about five years as a hippie. It wasn't a total waste, but it taught me that drugs are not a necessity, and, in the end, they get in the way. Only very inexperienced shamans use such things. The major value of a drug experience is not the experience itself, but that fact that it gives a sort of parallax perspective on the rest of life. That insight is available through other means.

The three classical stages, concentration, meditation and contemplation can be developed relatively easily. Concentration is the first requirement, and means that we must be able to focus on a topic of interest without getting side tripped. Various ways to do this are obvious, but most of us got this level of skill pounded into us in school.

Meditation adds focus at a level that begins to exclude the outside world. As we get into a book, or a topic of interest, we often tend to shut down our associations with the outside world. A person deep in the intricacies of a fascinating book, or trying to understand some academic topic, often will tune out the world to the extent that nearby people can talk but are totally ignored. It's as if attention has been turned away from the outside world. That gives a meditative state. We all have had this experience many times, but it is possible that it pased by unnoticed.

Contemplation, or samadhi, is the next stage of excluding the outer world. In this phase of awareness the usual definitions of self and others fall away and the world is viewed as a unity in which all definitions form a closed system, and we perceive it as a single system, rather than as a collection of objects. Everything suddenly makes sense. Then, as all the other definitions and attachments fall away there is the experience of "nothingness" - nirvastarka samadhi - which is both the beginning and the end. The personal mind at that point has abandoned ego-selfishness, and has instead become a manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness as manifesting in this world. The difference from the preceeding level is that the meditator has ceased to have any interest in the everyday world and is deeply absorbed in whatever the topic of the day happens to be.

My experience tells me that most people have these experiences spontaneously. The  only difficulties is recognition and interpretation. An example is Pulsar's post a few weeks back where he went into meditation and discovered nothingness, as if he never existed. Yet, obviously, he was still there. This is the point at which we meet our origins at the instant of creation, and both project ourselves anew, and also reconcile our nature with God.

I used to give people things to focus on as exercizes for meditation. But in fact any appropriate topic that is deeply interesting is OK. Death, karma, the nature of sin and error, the afterlife, rebirth and similar topics are usually good. Bruce offers a Home Study book on soul retrieval that is useful, and at very worst will still generate good karma.

If you want more experiences, any hypnotist should be able to put you in trance. It feels about like being half awake on a lazy morning. A hypnotist can give the suggestion that you will place yourself in the same state. It's also possible to wander about the spirit world if you so desire, and requires only a suggestion to go there. My preference is to go through a prior lifetime and death, but this is a personal choice.

Classic references include "Patanjali's Yoga Sutras" and "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" - these are aimed at practical issues. Then your favorite author can guide you with regard to the mechanics. As one example, "Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism" (1997 by Lati Rinbochay and Locho Rinbochay, Jeffrey Hopkins Translator - Wisdom Publications. This gives how to, and what to do in case of problems with the processes.

Have fun!

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Re: Need explain. help please
Reply #2 - Dec 29th, 2007 at 12:48am
Thank you Dave, for the extensive insight.
I had a problem with this sentence: ....This gives how to, and what to do in case of problems with the processes.

Errrrrr, what "problems" can occur?  Undecided

  • Go "whereever" and not come back?

  • Have antenna`s on my head when I do come back?

  • maybe bring someone home with me?

Pls. do not spare me okay, I might be able to handle it?

My objective is to one day go talk to my daddy, my heart has been bleeding ever since his departure into the afterlife and I want to visit him for a moment or two.

Thanks a bunches,

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Re: Need explain. help please
Reply #3 - Dec 29th, 2007 at 11:53am
Hi Nanner,

Your gizmo reminds me of  my husband (David Smiley )'s illness, myasthenia gravis.
it's like Parkinson's of the visual system, when one eye functions separately from the other when nerve impulses are dissarranged. (my wording.)  He used to be a jeweler and would use a loupe (single eye magnifying lense) and  shut the other eye to concentrate on small detail. So to me to try to forcibly disconnect the eyes from tracking together sounds dangerous. Because having them do it on their own without warning is awful.

Next time you're to see a medical person, why not ask them about "your David'?Maybe 'my David's' situation can be a helpful warning for you.

Love, Bets

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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central california
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Re: Need explain. help please
Reply #4 - Dec 29th, 2007 at 5:13pm
Alas, "problems" are never so exotic. They're not even especially interesting.

Typical problems are the ant crawling up your leg and venturing into places unknown. Or the slamming door as the kids next door go out to play. Or the issues of yesterday's argument with the butcher who was weighing more thumb than beefsteak. Or the feeling that "Here I am and why isn't this darned thing operating properly?"

Tibetans arranged meditation into a series of experiences that accord with levels of realization. At each level there is some issue to be handled, like being able to sit still for more than two minutes. A more classical issue is being able to clear the mind so that there is inner silence. And in the inner silence there is the problem of not seeking anything so that the desired end experience of voidness will be available. And of course there's the post-meditation discussion (usually by reading, unless one has a competent teacher) in which the discoveries of the past moment are understood.

For every meditation issue there has been devised a remedy. Thus, by earnest effort at meditation, and application of appropriate antidotes for these minor issues, one progresses rapidly from naivite to meditating success.

The one other issue is to be willing to face your own frailties and errors. I have discovered that what most people consider to be horriffic sins and errors are rarely sufficient to make the front page  of the News. In fact most are too trivial to be on the back page either. Looking a bit deeper, most of these issues aren't even sufficiently interesting to be stuffers in the want ads. But we have to face everything we've done. That alone has made meditation too risky for some, as they feel unable to face their own nature. This specific effect is the cause of the classical "bum acid trip", where the spiritually unprepared person emerges after 18 hours of torment and announces that he has just visited a personalized version of hell. (So don't take acid, that avoids such overloads.

Hell is unnecessary. As a hippie, I was taking whatever was available, and going in any direction that happened to be available. A bad acid trip was a fairly common occurrence. The solution is easy (I was visting my own hell when I discovered this) and amounts to agreeing that errors were made and the job now is to get repaired. My literal response was, "OK, God, I f*d up, so fix me so I won't have to do it ever again." And instantly hell changed to heaven - at least by relative experience. And I got my head and values and attitudes untwisted so I never had to do it again. (I also became allergic to LSD, so that it gives me cramps and I can no longer take even if I wanted. - I don't, thanks anyhow.)

So, assuming that you are of good spirits and normal competency, the worst thing to have happen is perhaps sleepyness. For that, there is a classical Tibetan remedy: raise your line of sight a bit. And if you feel agitated, lower your line of sight a bit. So much for problems.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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