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Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc (Read 8105 times)
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Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Dec 26th, 2007 at 11:11am

Here's a couple of recent discoveries I've noticed regarding spiritual energy.
Feel free to add to these two, or 'dispute' them, please  Smiley

1) The ancient traditions banning pork seem to have been spiritually based, or so my current condition is showing. (Before, I thought a pig ban was verbotten for hygienic reasons.)
Before the last few days I led a pork free life, or about 98% so. Then for a change we decided on a ham dinner for Christmas (and yes, we overdid it.)
Last night I began my evening meditations as usual but nothing happened.
It was as though the power had been turned off. I could see the 'darkness filled with light,'  but I could not send PUL and could not phase or go OB. I tried the 'step forward' into the darkness technique but it was as if a glass wall blocked me.
After I gave up running through all the reasons I could think of (Help, I'm dying!  I'm being punished! etc) I asked Guidance what happened, and it said that the pork acts as a kind of glue on the first subtle body beyond the physical. The glue fills in all the holeyness of that level and blocks spiritual energies.
I don't know how long this condition will last, but we have alot of that ham left over and are not used to throwing food out. My husband isn't directly involved in spiritual practices--should I try to feed it all to him?  Cheesy

2) We have a wireless phone, not a cell phone, that operates from batteries. The other day I laid it near me while I took a nap so I wouldn't miss an expected call. Then I decided to visit my place in Focus 27 and was rearranging some pots of flowers. When the phone rang I immediately reached for it and got a strong, ugly, dull shock all along my arm and hand.  Not sharp and through my fingers, like if I'd stuck my finger in a socket, but like it extended along my arm and out about five or six inches. I dropped the phone, and then when I immediately picked it back up that bad feeling was gone.
I've considered my trips to Focus 27  to be 'extended imagination,' because the only time I can see much up there is when I first actively imagine 'my place.' Why would 'extended imagination' affect my aura?

As always, any help is appreciated!

Happy New Year!  Bets

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #1 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 12:00pm
Hi Bets, Nanner not know if she can be of any help. But Nanner "knows" 110% that Pork is "bad news!"....a n d.... that your husband is gonna love eating that Ham all by  Grin

I did do a study using myself as the lab rat and if any way possible, I am keeping my mouth off of pork! Matter of fact I am trying very hard to get off of meat anyway. See I have a rheumatic disorder, a degenerative rheumatic disorder and they gave me meds out the ying yang, specialists here, speacials there. I told the docs, I`ll give you 1/2 year each to do your work on me and if it all doesnt work, then I will do my work on me or die trying. They looked at me rather funny but when Nanner says her word and puts her foot down "there will not be a budge on her status of opinion"..

They all seemed to do their work very well in their profession, however notta helped Nanner. I had been 1/2 year short of a wheelchair, my partner carried me back and forth to the bathroom to do my thing. I couldnt pull up my jeans, nor tie my shoes. My body was in serious pains all the friggin time, all of my joints from neck to big toes... (this took its course for approx. 6 years ) After I stopped being poked in the vains, stopped popping any more meds, stopped listening to the outside I also "suddenly" stopped eating ham, porkchops and piggy things in general. Something just told me to "stop!"

Nanner is up and running ever since about 2 weeks that I made that choice. Hmmmm  Wink Stick a piece of pork in front of my face and I`ll barf.  Huh

Love ya..

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #2 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 6:48pm
My personal objection to eating pork is that pigs are intelligent. Even cows gather and mourn the death of another cow in a pasture, as do elephants. Pigs, however, have foresight. They see the slaughterhouse and feel fear. As they are killed, especially by being bled to death, they feel terror - just as you and I would.

The standards of slaughterhouses seem to be pretty variable, and someof them don't really care if an animal is aliveor dead while they start hacking away at it, pulling skin off, burning off the bristles etc. I suggest that to eat such an animal is likely to involve a person with some really unpleasant thoughts and feelings. I see no reason to consider pigs unclean, but I have grave doubts about the people who eat them.  Lips Sealed

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #3 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 6:55pm
Must say I too don't react well to pork. I feel it as a drop in energy, as a slowing of my vibe....
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Old Dood
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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #4 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 6:59pm
But, But, But, HOMER says it is a Magical Beast. Smiley
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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #5 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 7:09pm
well, a pig will be like a scavenger animal. it will eat anything, clothing, its own babies (I saw this happen) it will eat decayed things too.
so I can see why you got this meditation Bets. from what I'm reading, about the first body, is the physical, then we have this other body called etheric, then we have the other bodies, but the etheric was receiving impressions from the pork, the vibes of the pig carried over into your etheric, deadening, higher thought vibes, essentially grounding our lovely Bets and producing this post.

also we've been discussing our bodies are information segments, so in a way, we become what we eat in that sense. oh god, no bets, I didn't mean it that way!!!! Grin

I've heard from some corners you can bless your food, thanking the beast who provides it for you, this is supposed to make it purified of the lower energies but the easiest way is to avoid pork and beef especially right now, where the cow is actually protesting being used as food by becoming diseased, this my opinion only. all animals are pets to me, but I will not sidle up to a pig, they can be very vicious to children as well. they are a little like a scavenger shark which eats tires in the ocean.

the cell phone thing...have heard you never want to answer your cell phone while pumping gas...there have been electrical charges from one's clothing causing a fire, also you don't want to get in your car, then get out of your car to disengage the pump, the electric hazard static electricity build up is a rare, but documented possibility.

I think you are becoming more sensitised, even in your body these days. i have noted the same thing happening over here. also, your story reminds me of the guy who answered his home phone during a storm and was struck down by the energy hitting the phone line, going into his ear. Dannion Brinkley.

so i suppose its true, what you can't see can hurt you. well, gee, we made it this far, we can make it the rest of the way. love ya, alysia
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #6 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 11:16am
But, But, But, HOMER says it is a Magical Beast. Cheesy


So Homer, go eat a chicken if you have to make your jaws crunch down on something!

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #7 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 11:52am
Dear Homer, Dood, Me, and anyone else who is learning the hard way,

green tea seems to be helping some, as did some spinach/yogurt soup.
Both with lemon.  Huh  Maybe it's the lemon.

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #8 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 1:00pm
Gee, I had pork on Christmas and it was great!! Cracklin was all crunchy.Yum Yum!! Now I do think that the eating of any meat can slow down your vibs temporarily, but I personally think its the reaction of digestion on the physical body, nothing to do with the spirtual. Of course you do make the decision yourself on what and sometime how things are going to effect your spiritual travels and/or awareness. With that in mind, if you believe its going to effect you in some adverse way, it will. I don't hold on to those sort of misconceptions  (my opinion omly!) and therefor can meditate just fine after I eat meat. Pork, beef, chicken, or fish. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to get in the zone though.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #9 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 1:36pm
Joe have you paid close attention in those times inwhich it was harder to get in the zone, as you called it. Had there been any specific reasoning? Share pls.

I dont know if pig meat has anything to do with spirituality zoning - but I can merely state for a fact that when I eat Ms. Piggy my joints ache something awful, and someone can make Hamburger meat, me not knowing if its made of pig/beef - my body will tell meshortly thereafter..

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #10 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 3:49pm
Nanner, For me its about how long it is after I eat. The slowness in being able to get into Focus 10 ( in my case) is that my stomach is working overtime to process the food itself. My attention goes onto my digestion process instead of to just being.(mind awake, body asleep) Meat being harder for the stomach to break down and therefor into a usable protein source, it does take me somewhat longer to get into the zone. In this way I do agree that eating veg alone would make it easier or perhaps  better said, quicker, to go to focus 10. I am sure that by stuffing my face with plant material would have the same effect. The effect may last a shorter time with the plants, given that less energy could be used to break them down. I also find that waiting a reasonable amount of time (at least an hour) after eating makes it easier for me to meditate.
I wonder what it is with the pork that effects your body so? Perhaps a food allergy or something they feed the pig. you never know what you could have an allergy to. 

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #11 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 11:26pm
  Hi Bets,

Yes, i do believe there is something to the ancient traditions of laying off pork.   There are physical and energetic layers to this issue. 

Physically, pigs are primarily scavengers, and do not have the most efficient digestive and eliminative systems in the world.   Hence, their flesh tends to contain more toxins than many other animals.   They seem to be able to handle more toxins than a percentage of other animals, and if they get overloaded they "sweat" poisons out of their feet! You couldn't pay me enough to eat pigs feet, nope, not even millions.   

  Energetically, pigs are rather evolved creatures, and closer to humans in the complexity of consciousness and also even physically more similar to humans than many other species.   

   Like Dave mentioned, they are very intelligent and aware, they feel some pretty deep fear well before even going to the slaughter.   

  There are two factors that i know of, too consider energetically.   One is the dense and slow vibrating fear energy which is strongly permeated within their meat, as mentioned above.

Two, is the complexity of their light.   Check out the book called "The Field", in it the author mentions some experiments and studies done in relation to plants and animals photonic light emissions.   As the life form becomes more complex and evolved, the photonic light radiation changes, it too becomes more complex and structured.   

  In the book, it talks about humans and health, and how the optimal health level is reached by attaining a perfect balance between structure and fluidity in the light intake and output functions.    Consuming too much of the more evolved and complex "forms", may tend to faciliate a shifting of balance to the structured and rigid too much.

  For example, the photonic light emissions researcher (forget his name) tested the photonic emissions of those with M.S., and he found that universally such subjects always have certain patterns relating to the absorbtion vs radiating of photonic light energy. 

Interesting stuff...

  But beyond this and probably far more influential, are the two before mentioned factors, the abundant physical and energetic toxins contained within the meat and radiating from its energy field.   Is it not fitting then, that these produce ill health and ill feelings in self?   

  If one constantly fills oneself up with such "food", then it becomes more than a tempoary slowing down, weakening, and imbalancing of ones own consciousness and energy field.  One starts to become imbalanced in the emotional body, which then leads to imbalances in the other bodies, like the physical, etheric, and sometimes even the mental if one isn't loving enough to begin with.   One might honestly ask oneself this, how loving is it, to the pig or to ones own Temple, to partake in filling self up with such toxic food?

  On a more personal note, i started to avoid pork at an early age, mostly because i remember being around 4 years old and being told to eat ham or what not, trying to please my parents, and then often throwing up after.   It was the only "food" that did that to me.   I occasionally ate and liked really crisp bacon for a little while, but soon stopped eating all pork products even though i wasn't completely vegetarian until many years later.

  As far as cellphones go, probably is a complex issue, but generally i think their radiation tends to have a imbalancing and depleting affect on most human bodies.     Occasionally when i hold one too long, i start to get this odd and slightly painful aching feeling which radiates a bit up my wrist.   

  I try to only use my right hand to handle them, because the left hand is innately more receptive, sensitive, and more "absorbing" in nature to the emissions/radiations of any outer energy.    So in that sense, the right hand is more shielded from the radiation, because the right hand is primarily outputting, radiating, itself in nature.  And if Becky's dream is any indications, cell phones are also used as tracking devices, and in general are very easily tapped into.   Hence one may pick up on negative energies in relation to that issue as well, seeing as its connected to the cell phone.   Such negative energies can have a 'hurting' affect on those more sensitized.   The best remedy for this or anything, is consciously attuning to PUL. 

  Hope this helps
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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #12 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 12:55pm
Many thanks, Ah and all !

I admire the ethics and spiritual development of vegetarians and we do follow that example much of the time.

Frances Moore Lappe was a very knowledgable and published vegetarian.
When I can follow her principles, I experience better energies and health almost immediately. She said that in giving up carnivorousness(?), certain foods must be eaten within an hour of each other, so the body can make necesary proteins and one of the B vitamins that meat has and that our bodies use:
     rice with beans/legumes,
     cereal grains with milk/dairy,
     eggs with ----(dark greens? ascorbic acid?),
     and --- with ----. 
Can anyone recall the missing pairings?

People I know who dropped meat from their diets often had health and energy problems of their own. Seeing such friends suffer and become less than they were has made me cautious.

Hawkeye, I agree that I could have set up an unconscious intent that the ham would have effects. So I asked for help in changing that, but still no spiritual energies nearly as readily as I experienced before.  Embarrassed

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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #13 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 2:09pm
A quick question to some of the vegetarians here. Why would some veg... buy food items such as "Veg burgers" that taste like beef or "hot dogs"? There is even turkey flavored stuff out there. What in the world is that all about? If you like meat, why not just eat meat? No disrespect to any of you. I also admire your ethics in regards to your beliefs.
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Re: Spiritual energy, pork, phones, etc
Reply #14 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 2:19pm
Betson..This F M Lappe person says to eat milk and dairy along with eggs? Whats Veg about that? Eggs are chicken. Milk is about as close to blood as you can get. It would seam to me that this F M L understands the importance of at least some animal food products.
(Being vegetarian is still very admirable.) do you get the same sort of effect from beef or lamb? Heavy meats.
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