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Afterlife planes - have you been there (Read 1385 times)
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Afterlife planes - have you been there
Dec 23rd, 2007 at 2:58pm
Hi guys I found this on site. Has any of you ever been to any of these, with exception of the "earth planes" - of your not there right this min. and writing me now, I poop a brick, which can be painful! So keep it for Nanner

.... Hello Steve,
>I don't want to doubt your competence as to your knowledge of the spirit world. It isn't always easy for a skeptical man to understand everything or at least try to, when contradictions are inevitable!

A sane skepticism is always a good thing! I don't believe everything in my work either, but want to have solid proof for it! However there is a big difference between a sane skepticism and simple ignorance of generally known facts!

>>You will understand better when you deal intensively with the spirit, especially the "geography of spirit" and astral projection!

>What does "geography of the spirit world" mean?

By "geography of the spirit world" I mean the knowledge of the most important consciousness planes and the thereof resulting "residence" of the different souls. These consciousness planes aren't "normalized" and for this reason will often be named differently by several "researchers". Therefore some planes are summed up in one by some researchers and described as single planes by others. However the work and results of these different researchers overlap and complement one another.

In the Afterlife Ressort you will find a link to a very detailed description of these planes, basing on Harvey Green's research. I will name the most important planes which have got quite familiar to us in the meantime, and in which we work successfully.

A hint: Imagine the plane as frequencies like the different frequencies of the single rainbow colors. Just like the white light represents the total of all colors and color frequencies of the color spectrum, all consciousness levels together can represent "all there is" or "Creation". And like the different color frequencies harmonize in the white light, the different consciousness levels harmonize that way too! I personally see in "all there is" the "Creator", or if you like "God".

Material planes:

This the world we live in, i.e. the consciousness level for us humans.

Proximity of earth :

Depending on the "researcher", this realm is divided in the belt, where the astral voyages in our world take place (locale 1 according to Monroe), AND the ghost belt. The proximity of earth has a very similar "density" to the material level, and the transition to the material plane is often fluid. Monroe explains – and several posters in the OBE forum have certified this fact – that during astral voyages in locale 1 one can easily slide into the ghost belt (only through slight breaks of concentration), which can lead to unpleasant experiences of the astral traveler.

The ghost belt, also called region in proximity of earth or "between worlds", is normally the location of souls which among other things don't know that they are "dead", don't want to be "dead", think that they still have to settle things in the material plane, first want to "take revenge" before they will accept their fate as "dead", of souls which often have a too strong connection to their relatives and often are held back by them. We already had contact with a few souls in this region and already helped some out of this region!

In this region there are a lot of souls which want to go back to earthly life by force! Some even try to "occupy" living people. Others are so embittered and enraged that they "fool" people who play with moving glasses, moving tables, tape records and ouija-boards. One therefore should be VERY careful as one often won't get rid of the ghosts one called!

The astral planes:

Depending on the researcher, the astral planes are divided in approx. 7 different planes, which vary as to their density and brightness.

Here there is the arrival plane (focus 27 according to Monroe) with its park, the sanatoriums, the training centers and planning institutions for the freshly arrived souls where they can plan their future "spiritual" development. The arrival plane is the "place", where the souls of most deceased persons arrive and where they are often welcomed by their deceased relatives. However NOT every soul comes to this place!

The astral planes are also the "hells", "purgatories" and "heaven" for many souls. The "hellish" environment is created by the attitude of the single souls! There is no punishing authority, no Last Judgement, the soul punishes itself through its self-reproaches! Look at A. Ballabene's reports and descriptions of "hells" in the Astral Worlds Ressort.

Some souls also find their "heaven" in the astral planes. It isn't the "right" heaven, but a lot of souls are either "content" with their "heaven" or they have been so marked by their religious indoctrination that they already have a precise picture of how "heaven" has to look like, and so they create their "heaven" according to own ideas. In order to understand one has to know the laws of spirit: "The inside becomes the outside"! The inner attitude of the deceased person and the newly arrived soul determines the outward environment! A loving, friendly and even person will find a loving, friendly and peaceful environment. We keep seeing it all the time when go to see a soul on the other side! Yet an evil, embittered, wicked person will "materialize" his outward environment in the same way through his inner attitude. We have also often visited and seen these "hells" and purgatories! And we have freed many souls from their "hells"!

The light planes:

These are the actual "heavens", but they don't represent the end of the soul's development! And again, depending on the researcher, there are several light planes (around 7) where souls undergo different maturing process and where they each look different for the medium. While the souls in the lowest light planes still emit a weak gleam, in the highest light planes they shine very to extremely brightly!

The highest planes:

We still know very little about them, and it is also very difficult for a medium to have a look at them. The souls of the saints, of Jesus, Maria, Mohammed and other prophets are said to "live" in there. These are the planes very close to the "light", the "enlightenment", the "Creator", "God".

I personally regard these planes as the "management of the spirit world", because everything happening and planned in the single lower consciousness planes has to be operated and organized from some place! If e.g. we lead a soul to the light, light beings and often angels too will appear. And they have to now from somewhere what we are doing and that a soul (or through our help) has reached a higher consciousness!

>You see, I don't understand the thing with the embittered souls. I am trying to understand this by recalling – please don't laugh – the film "Ghost", but somehow I can't figure that the souls which don't go into the light can do any harm.

In order to compare with the film "Ghost", the murdered person still had to "settle things" on earth and therefore didn't want to go on in the astral plane. He was in the proximity of earth, in the ghost belt, therefore a ghost! After his "work" was done, he went into the astral plane/the light (symbolized through the bright light in the film). His murderer on the other hand was drawn shouting and screaming into the darkness ("hell") by dark figures. We often see these "dark figures" during our sorties on the other side as a "guardian" or a kind of "police of the spirit world", and their presence is often frightening.

In the film "Ghost" you can see an embittered soul in the subway. This soul was very unfriendly and everything but nice and illuminated. It also didn't stay in the astral plane, but here in the material plane. Throwing around coke cans, as showed in the film, corresponds to the behavior of poltergeists. Many souls are embittered because they just don't WANT to be dead!

>If it was that way, a lot of souls, which were killed through murder or manslaughter, would wait for the occasion to "get their own back" on their tormentor.

Thank God there aren't many! We recently had contact with two murdered persons, and both were in the arrival plane. One was sitting pensively on the back of a bank and was possibly just becoming acquainted with the fact that it was 'dead' now. Most souls are NOT vindictive! Vindictive souls are rare and an exception! It always goes to show that the souls of murdered persons don't have longing for revenge and that they understand or were told their earthly journey was over, and they were now living in the astral plane.

>OK, Peter, I believe that, but I have to say that I am way too afraid to try things like tape recording or moving glass seances. Therefore I have "only" the possibility left to understand and learn through people like you, who seriously deal with these things.

As you can read in different forums, you will always get advised against these sorts of practices! The problem is that there are always people without knowledge of the spirit world who just can't "figure out" why it should be dangerous! And as I have written before, it's not a matter of believing and figuring, but of knowledge and experiences of people, who already dealt with it (and also made less pleasant experiences!)

Best regards to you all, and please believe us from time to time! We are not making this up! Smiley


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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central california
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Re: Afterlife planes - have you been there
Reply #1 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 4:42pm
Hi Nanner-

Hey, that's a neat site. I prefer Bruce's site because it retains focus on experiential therapy, which is what I do when I work, but Peter and friends have done a good job.

The information that I have from professionally doing regressions (as well as my own insights) is in general agreement. The rather imprecise manner of expression that Peter uses reflects the uncertainties of individual experiences of underlying basic concepts.  My experience is that ideas and values tend to focus inthe general vicinity of some basic concepts and modalities, but that there is no single precise way to express them because everyone keeps on being different - maybe that's why there's "everyone" instead of just one, hm? Wink

Sorry about your discomfort - you might lubricate your brick with a little sand.  Lips Sealed

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george stone
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Posts: 857
Re: Afterlife planes - have you been there
Reply #2 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 7:35pm
Hi Nanner,I would have to say i have been to a number of places in the afterlife.I have been to the park,where I saw my wife and a friend of ours sitting at a pickneck table having a conversation.When the woman who was with my wife waved to me,my wife looked over and she also waved to me.I walked over and gave my wife a hug,she said dont blame yourself,my time was up and that was it.I have a lot of other stories of being in the afterlife,I have them in my ebook that will be out sometime in 2008.than you will know the rest of the story.George
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Re: Afterlife planes - have you been there
Reply #3 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 7:45pm
I was glad to read that. nice way of making it simple for us.

I believe we all go to these planes at night while we sleep. and that it is a very individual thing to interpret. as for me, I attended a book writing class on the other level. I immediately began telling the instructor how to write a book. I can't believe he didn't just throw me out of class! I have no idea what level it was, so I'll call it the higher astral plane which is on its way to the first mental layer plane.
I know this sounds funny, but I also attended humor classes on the other side, but I think I barely got a passing grade  Roll Eyes

I don't think I've been to the light level planes, but sometimes I think the light beings from high up come down to my level.

love, alysia
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