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Possible Cosmic Cycle (Read 12201 times)
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #15 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 6:01pm
Hi guys-
Alan - OK, I understand where you come from. We share some details. My background was about 12 years in electronics, maintaining a semiconductor plant and doing test engineering, before I went into social science. (And my Dobson needs realignment and a decent equatorial driver.) My best wishes for Christmas and for your own birthday.

To get rid of the necessity for an infinite regression, consider an abstract universe adrift in the void. The entire universe is surrounded on all sides by nothing - which has no dimension, so it acts like an infinitesimal layer of nothingness beyond which is nothing else. This boundary layer occurs at all the edges of the universe. As we move toward the Hubble limit, no matter what radius we follow, we find that we are moving backwards through the stages of propagation of our reality, and backwards toward its initiation. This can occur in time, or in space. I simply suggest that God is everywhere immanent and effective, so that wherever there is emptiness, there you also find God emergent. Maybe this is a cop out, but if we now plot this along one dimension of time, stretching to the infinite past and future, we find that there is just one great "becoming", always happening. This wasn't exactly the way I had started out to envision it all, but if there is ever an emergence from emptiness, than there must always be the same creation at every instant in which we encounter emptiness. That implies that our world is only one of many - an infinite number of parallel universes -  which is what was fascinating to me. Moreover, when we learn to meditate and reach nirvastarka samadhi, essentially returning to the instant of creation (even though this "instant" is spread out over all possible time and space) I suggest that we become part of the creative activity, and that we give forth our own versions of the next universe.

Hi Lights- Yeah, Roger Penrose proposed a "twistor space" paradigm (which I interpret to be essentially a collective vector transform (functor) over Dirac's spinor space), and then left it up to the geometry to act like people and things.  He and Stephan Hawking seem to have the impression that our universe is "the ultimate free lunch" - and I fully agree. Interestingly, if we allow Penrose to twist space into knots with specific properties that can interact with other specific properties, and if we express a global transform to collect and add the various properties as they emerge, then that same model implies that there will be structures of various sizes - from atoms to pebbles to galaxies - and all of it emergent in the same manner.

I've been toying with a contrarian view of galaxies as emergent systems, rather than collapsing collections of stars in orbits. The model of a single value of angular momentum and a single value of radial exit velocity makes a very convincing fit to the distribution of stars. This is implicit with a perpetual creation model - unless you prefer Fred Hoyle's idea of spontaneousl generationof a few hydrogens per minute in every few cubic meters. One benefit is that I now have a different set of requirements for "dark matter" - it's just leftovers from creation. (Of course imight be 100% wrong, too.)

Hi Bets- It alllooks like a big circle tome too. You might be interested in Garrett Lisi's geometrical model of the particle zoo inwhich he has reduced everything to circulations within the exceptional simple Lie group E8. It all seems to work by twisting one gizmo into another whoosis, and that twists into a frammis that interacts with a gazorby to create a new particle etc -  One of the thngs this does is select the stuff of the universe to perpetuate itself sui generis.

However, as each of the things gets transformed, it adds properties, and that adds complexity to the total information content of the universe, hence increases entropy.  But the increases demonstrate that rather than everything running down and piddling out, the combinatoric process increases the activity of the universe, so not only do we recycle, we have a built-in garbage muncher.

May all our garbage turn to love, joy and oneness in this season of rebirth.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #16 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 9:07pm
Hi Bets,

Yes the void is darkness, but it is dark light that is teaming with pure awareness.  Babies and children that have NDE find themselves in this darkness and describe it as the ‘darkness that knows’ and this fits my NDE at age 7.  It is like being cuddled within a warm, wonderful, peaceful womb.  According to the research that has been done, people of all ages that have NDE have described three types of light. 

(From Atwater’s ‘Big Book’ of NDE)
“Symbolically, Primary Light is considered to be God Light; Dark Light is Mother Light; and Bright Light is Father Light.” 

The dark light I was surrounded with during my NDE at age 7 was a shimmering purple blackness.  In truth it felt like heaven or something similarly wonderful.

I might add that this NDE terrified me, but it wasn’t the darkness that terrified me.  On the outer edges of the darkness I could see several pairs of bright, piercing eyes watching me.  In my child mind I had no idea what these eyes were and they frightened me. I now as an adult know they were there to watch over me.

Love, Kathy
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #17 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 12:26am
Dave how about this angle.

In an earlier essay entitled Existential/Dialectical Principles, the author wrote: Cool "An infinite whole cannot possess finite qualities in and of itself. It may contain or encompass finite aspects within itself, but when taken as a totality, no finite qualities can be assigned to it. As a result, the only form which existence can take (in the ultimate sense) is the form of pure potential. Potential, unrealized, is infinite by nature - it is all possibilities with no defined outcomes. This unlimited potential, by necessity, brings about the constant change in form and structure we observe around us. This occurs due to the fact that the infinite must produce finite manifestations (such as our universe and its myriad forms), for if it were not so, there would be no true potential. Potential must be capable of actualizing, or it is not potential at all. If the ultimate sense of existence does not consist of pure potential, it consists of nothing at all, which constitutes non-existence, a violation of the second existential principle [establishing that non-existence cannot, by definition, exist]. Therefore, existence in the ultimate sense is not physical (for 'potential' is the opposite of 'actual'), but physicality must necessarily flow from it. This can be somewhat difficult to understand at first glance, but with due contemplation, the meaning becomes clear. The nature of existence is, by necessity, such that the infinite will always produce finite (physical) manifestations which are subject to the overriding principle of physicality, which can best be described as 'constant change.' This principle is most fundamental because if the finite (physical) were not subject to change, it would posess a quality of infinity and could no longer be called finite at all

From the internet,

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #18 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 4:34am


“Primordial nothingness”

I find this theorized a state an impossible a concept beyond comprehension. It is a terrible, brain twisting minding bending concept that if you think  about for too long and too deeply you can go, psychotic Really! It as impossible to think deeply as infinity. Try thinking of a road that goes on without end. “Forever”. Your mind will in an attempt to escape the impossible will erect some sort of end barrier, but the problem remains where does the barrier end as it must and so on and so on adifinitum

Now in my view there was” never ever a state of nothing”, there has always been something and this something is what we call “existence”. The Void in our universe is not nothing but is “Space that can bend and zeeths with energy. The void you suggest seems to be some sort of a non-energetic emptiness but it is still a something.

The state of absolute nothingness is impossibility. You cannot get something from nothing; there is no absolute free lunch.

Near death experience’s, myself included often go into a dark Void. This appears to be something like the Catholic idea of Limbo.


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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #19 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 2:28pm
hello friends and neighbors, nice thread Dave started, above my intellect and so i find it a good challenge to add my 2 cents, which is what these boards are for to my pov.

I have found personally speaking it is useless to reflect on the infinite, such as the idea when did time begin? if something is infinite we cannot conceive that it had a beginning and so we do a circular thing in our heads, most frustrating. however, I regard all such meditations as useful at the same time, as it represents the human condition of wanting to bust free ignorance and to gain true knowledge. I end up saying the same thing as the others on this thread in whom i find my companionship and resonate with most all of you, most of the time. (ok, so I'm addicted)

I think if i may include my cheerleader aspect here and my efforts to be trying to reflect an entire profound thread by drawing all together, I would be generating some PUL as divine jester of the universe, I am that, I am. I really like that phrase from the bible to express what god is, and that we are all connected to that idea I am that...I am.  it expresses a free type of thought in other words, and we would all be free to be ourselves, within PUL.

so I'll shut up and go into the wonderful warm void which accepts death and rebirth as two sides of the same coin. every day some of my cells die, and new ones pop up to take their place. I suspect this is the universe in the larger sense also. I suspect nothing really dies, it just becomes more of itself. I suspect eternity means exactly that, eternal. the now moment might be all that we possess while living in C1.

I found the awareness we sometimes speak of, is related to the mind at attention.
the point of attention appears, in my world, to be creating of personal reality, which effects all others ultimately. the point of attention is also what must be obtained when performing a retrieval, with the PUL energy as the glue stuff.

It appears we are all god when we operate from god consciousness, from all that is. we appear to be self creators, in the act of becoming, always and ever, there is no absolute quality to the act of becoming. we do this by shedding belief systems which tend to separate us one from the other. although i don't quite mean to shed a belief system so much as I might say we enhance our beliefs as in order to throw something away, there must be a replacement.
our belief systems just are. we frequently defend them. here on this thread you are not doing that defensive thing. i am so happy!!!!  haha! have to laugh. there is nothing to defend, for grace will defend us when we align ourselves with PUL energy, of live and let live.

to sum up, I have no idea what planet I came from. probably the same one as Monroe, but it is my sincere hope that all who come to believe in their immortality will then lay down the gun and step into a nonduality state of being so i don't have to be cleaning up the blood all the time. love, love is the only thing I can see.

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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #20 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 3:53pm
I notice that we seem to be coming to a sort of tentative agreement about the suggestion I was making. God. Maybe if we can get more than two or three of us looking at it there might be a way to cast it into simpler terms and actually examine the premises involved. 

Eternity and infinity have been interesting problems for a long time. Cantor studied infinity and transfinite numbers, and attacked the notion in a manner that I attribute to Georg Hegel. Hegel's transcendental phenomenology simply took the notion that things come together to promote their collective nature, starting with the trivial, and winding up with his version of the Platonic Good.  Hegel's "Philosophical Propadeutics" makes good reading in that regard. Obviously I'm working with Hegelian ideas.

We can actually manipulate Cantor's trans-infinite cardinals, but it gets awkward to divide aleph-null (his first order infinity) by aleph-null and claim that we get unity, and then have to offer a reasonable proof. But if we look at two transfinite sets as one-to-one surjective, we can do it by nominal correlation. I don't want to go there, and I can see why Cantor got so wound up and frustrated when he did.

Alan's remarks about potentiality are to the point.  I don't believe that there has ever been "nothing" in the sense of total negation of both manifest and potential states. This is like "Barth's Dichotomy" - there are two kinds of people in the world, those who divide the world into two kinds, and those who don't. Wink Alan evidently hasgrasped  the idea that I've been tinkering with, that potentiality is pervasive, and greatest where there is the least manifestation, as this means that the contingent aspects are least. So in my estimation, we can have "nothing that is too small to identify" or we can have "nothing that is so large you can't fill it", which is a dichotomy. That can be built upon, as it is a logically valid term, even if "nothing" happenes to not be valid.

Manifesting, which means actually showing up in the world, is tricky, because we believe in obdurate matter as having some kind of property of solidity that seems to be more than probability patterns in interaction. My suggestion is that what we are made of is, in good accord with Schroedinger's equation, is patterns of potential waves. In other words, nothing. Just twisted emptiness. If true, then our nature is based on emptiness defining itself with respect to itself, and doing so by virtue of the dichotomy of its basic nature.

In specific, if I have a pattern of probability waves that seem to relate to one another in the form of a particle with momentum, then that's all it takes for me to think of them as "matter". And if that's what the entire world is made of, then we can't tell the difference anyway.

The "two slit experiment" is interesting in this light. (If you want a refresher, try this site: I've done this with a pocket laser and old scrap of film.) The usual interpretation is that there is a "quantum wave qualityof matter" that interferes. I suggest that since everything is simply waves of probability in the first place, there is no matter. What we have is sets of waves of probability passing through the apparatus. These interfere just as do water waves.

A probability wave is just a wave with a tendency toward something, or a tendency that is being expressed in the form of a wave. Like 100 screaming teeny boppers descending on a store selling the latest hit tunes. The wave has nothign to do with the carriers. Since we're dealing with combinations, each new addition brings at least a one bit of entropy yes-no decision. The bunch of these sort of hang out as a wave form. The probability is then for the wave to be detected by showing on a screen.

When there is only one slit open, interference is visible at the edges of the slit, but the wave mostly passes through unaffected, hence no interference pattern. Nota bene: there is no wave-versus-particle problem in this interpretation. It simply makes sense.

Huygens' principle tells us that a wave front looks like a line of wave generators, so that every point is a source. This is because each point along the wavefront is interacting with the next point, and does so in every direction at once, so that the wave spreads by virtue of interaction with context. Forwards is the only direction that doesn't cancel out. This sets up the two slit experiment as a way to look at one or more points along the Huygens wavefront.

If we go backwards in time to the origin, or sideways to the Hubble limit of today's universe, in both cases we encounter the same evolving wavefront. Thus, if we step back and look at this across all of time we see a single perpetual and universal creation everywhere ongoing, and spanning time and space as we think of them. Time and space are simply ways to put measures on this dynamic.

NOW - please - I'm willing to talk about this indefintely, but that misses the point. The point I wish to make is that we can find at least one way in which to see our reality as one point amidst a fantastic array of universes, all of which arise spontaneously, because the "making it arise" property of God, or "elan vital"  if you like Bergson, or the basic nature of love, creative joy and awareness in motion, seem to be immanent. This works because we are of the nature of God, which is how the voidness gains a dynamic. And, in addition, our specific situation seems to allow us to go on to carry the God-spark within us into the next phase of experience, so that we can give rise to a new universe.

I suggest that these considerations bear directly upon afterlife experiences.


The mechanics of the idea are one aspect, but the idea of successive universal instantiations seems to me to be more interesting.
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #21 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 11:04pm
Thank you, Blink,

Guess I wasn't hanging onto this thread as fully as I'd hoped.   Huh

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #22 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 6:10am
Hi Dave and other viewers of this thread,

I feel it necessary for those who are having shown interest in Dave’s provocative (stimulating) thread to simplify what we have being dialoguing about.

What is this process we call entropy? Here is a very easy explanation of its effect, think of an infinity-sealed room divided into two equal dimensioned separate compartments. Room one contains an enormous quantity of energy at a thousand degree Celsius. The other room is a total vacuum at absolute zero or total high entropy... There is a door separating the two rooms. A fan is placed betwwen the rooms, inside the cold vacuum room. The door is opened and the obvious happens, enegy flows from the hot high energy, low entropy room, into the higher colder entropy room, “moving the fan” while the flow of energy continues, until the temperature, equals between the two rooms. Both rooms having now the same state of entropy. no future use of the energy is possible. if this is a closed system, although all the energy is still all there but “The fan stops forever”... For now, entropy always moves from a hot state into a colder state. It is obvious one cannot warm up a room by taking energy from a colder room. The two rooms in the above example will equalize at five thousand degrees Celsius. The energy is all still there but cant be used. If we buy the big bang theory all the almost infinite energy in this titanic explosion that created our universe is still "here" "Energy cannot be created or lost only converted",  The universe is now unimaginable cold, just a tad above absolute zero. Why? when energy moves from a high temperature dense energetic state it expands, just like the gas in your fridge and cools down. Einstein saw this as an obstacle in his General theory and added a corrective formula to make it work as in his time the universe was not thought to expand as Erwin Hubble later found out

It is debated whether our universe is a closed system like the above, really simplified model. On the other hand, an open system where energy can drain off from the second room, into an infinitely VAST cold void forever. and the universe dies and decays in a cold dark heat death. The jury as Dave said is still out on this possible bleak outcome. “Proton decay”

Of course, the physics of this is much more complex but I feel my explanation suffices for the forum.

How does all this relate to the afterlife experience? Well because of the flow of entropy or physical bodies” die”. The other approaches that Dave has put forward, if I read him right he is concerned with the "how and "why" of existence, the source of what we call god, dimensions of reality such as multiple universes, parallel universes, different universes with different fundamental constants, planes, levels and realms of reality beyond physical life, and where the exist in the reality of the great ALL that I call “AM”



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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #23 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:29am
Hey Bets, I’m not Blink… she’s the beautiful poetic one that makes our hearts sing!

Thanks Alan.  Now I get where entropy comes in.

I have a bunch of work I need to get caught up on and I'll try to post a few thoughts later.  This is fascinating stuff.  Thanks Dave!

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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #24 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 5:14pm
I'd like to point out the other interpretation of probabilistic mechanics - and I can do this without the notion of entropy or thermodynamics ...  except that it can also be described in those terms etc...

Take two ideas, like your SO's name and your SO's phone number, or any other two ideas. Call them A and B. To write A, your SO's name, in yopur address book does not use it up - you can still write the name in other places, like the bathroom walls, kitchen ceiling, or on checks randomly gathered at the bank.

Putting information B, the phone number, in your book does not use it up either. You can still add that to the scribble in your bathroom - "For a good time call (111) 555-1212. Ask for Godzilla." or whatever pleases you.

To manipulate information in a manner that does not get it used up is called "an operation with replacement", meaning that as fast as you use the information, it is available to be used elsewhere as well.

Let's start with the information lying about on slips of paper. Now count the ways of getting information A. If we exclude the rest of the world and simply stick to the place you have your address book, then there is some probability that you will accidently discover this information, by chance alone. There is an equal chance of discovering information B.

Now, take both information A, your SO's name, and information B, thir phone number, and write them in your book. Two things occur:

(1) You have now increased the number of instances of the information, which means that it is now more probable that as you blunder about, the chances of encountering that information have increased. Because the information is now more probable than it was before, we say that the state of forming combinations leads to a reality that is more probable than the state prior to forming the combinations. 

(2) The joined information, A + B now has properties that the initial bits of information did not have. That is called synergy. It means that something new has been added. Like putting a basket of parts together from one of those boxes marked 'Some Assembly Required" - and a few hours later having a bicycle, or  a manure spreader.

We now come to a division of the ways of looking at things - In the traditional perspective, we look at the mixing of the parts as being an aspect of the initial basket of stuff. We ignore synergies. That way, we wind up with the same number of parts as we had when we began, and we have Boltzmann's statistics, and the usual description of entropy.

However, let's look at the properties of the parts, rather than at the parts themselves. For convenience, let's call every term that we can discover by a separate name, and give it a separate and distinct identity. In that way, color is distinct property. Size is a distinct property. Mass is a distinct property. And, after we have analyzed things as well as possible, we have a basket of properties, the attributes by which a thing is known. And, since all relationships occur by joining attributes, when we add a new gizmo to an old gadget, we create a few new properties by synergy.  Synergy is simply creation of new attributes of the collective by joining properties of the parts that go into it.

Now, when we are counting the properties of some collective that is evolving, if it can add its parts together, it gives back more properties than went into it.  "Name A" differs from "Number B", and "Name and Number A+B" differs from both of them.

So in this approach to stability of cumulative aggregates, the most stable state is that inw hich the maximum number of combinations has occurred, because that distributes the information as much as possible, creating a maximum number of new ways to obtain it. Having increased the number of presentations, the attrutes of the aggregate have increased their probability, which is essentially the same as their dynamic stability.

So here we have another way to view statistical thermodynmic processes. The first way is equal numbers in varied arrangements. The second way is increasing numbers in every possible arrangement. (And, of course, that means that every change leads to a whole bunch of additional changes that can be made - it's a never ending forward going sequence of creation.) It is this second way to view things that I suggest as a cosmogenetic process.  Tongue

My support for this is that this process can be modelled as an iterated complexion, and it  (experimentally!)  fits nearly perfectly with the generation of knowledge in society. I suggest that it also fits what we view as the material world, but that the material world is actually made of information, and not material, so that combinations with replacement always occur.  Cool

Of course, not all possible properties of everything will be present everywhere at the same time. Some properties of the world remain hidden due to the way we live and look at them.

As I write this I feel a bit like one of Harry Potter's inept friends trying to wave my wand and get a little universe hovering in the air - except that it keeps going Pffft! and making a puff of smoke as it vanishes. However, maybe I'm gaining a bit on the problem of expression. Wink


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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #25 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 6:44pm
very cosmic you guys! sooooooooo....would it be that entropy is like the universe fills a void? I mean naturally and automatic. or it could be like a vacuum, the black holes they found in space could be a vacuum sucking in wave particles. this could be like entropy?

this reminds me of maximum velocity too. also Dave seems to remind me of the 100th monkey thing. as well Leadbeater is tripping me into etheric stuff, by using a mirror to explain that the etheric mirror, of which a human has an etheric body, (one of his 7 bodies) and upon the etheric universal layer, or plane, every image is recordable and theres always room for more images, this is like holographic images too.

Leadbeater explains what I already knew, as concerning mediums, spirit would use the mediums etheric substance to produce a form in the air, usually just the head of the previous incarnation body. this was "draining" although more etheric substance would rush in to fill the missing etheric particles, the original etheric substance going out was still a taxing thing for the medium, unless there were higher evolved beings would help the medium get replenished. etheric stuff was considered like unto vitality for the physical body.

in addition, a trail of etheric stuff was often seen by the sitters emmitting from the mediums body into the form suspended overhead.

I like the probability talk, then theres possibility talk. this is Seth stuff. Dave seems to say matter is not real, which we can see that matter is energy which is in movement, even as the heart is in movement. ACIM says matter, this world is an illusion of reality. maybe the world is in a state of entropy.
I like to do takes on an Italian guy, Cozzolini, we are in a projection, it is a movie set, not only that, all of us as a wave decided we wanted to be in the movie. considering the alternatives, why not?
so I think about this etheric web thing, which can receive impressions upon it, to be a recording in a way. this is why we can tune into the past or future and catch glimpses of our universe this way. also why some of us can walk right into the past for a time span where the scenes are so very vivid, that flipping back to ground level one is a bit shocking. but I am a believer in the Philadelphia experiment, just glad I wasn't there to see it in person.

what else came up for me in reading this thread is about objective consciousness and subjective consciousness. I've read and starting to understand the first 3 dimensions of life here is where we learn to apply objective consciousness, (setting goals, and soul intentions, burning karma, etc) and that therefore there are cerain rules of subjectivity operating, where we are subject to the factors we believe in, such as gravity.

like a person would joke and say "can't walk on water yet." I mean that would be a case of not being subject to physics laws, truly, it would be one who did not believe physical was real. which ACIM is saying, it's alluding to realness, it alludes to solid. it alludes to absolute qualities.
then we have the paranormal which alludes to quite a different reality, and the objective oriented person who rises into new, I'll say the 4rth and 5th dimensional planes of consciousness, as I've been having reflections on that, as well, the personal mystic journey of this board operating from the 5th dimensional plane, if not now, for all of us here, we do have factors operating from the 5th. I just call them guides or helpers for the time being.

well thanks guys, me head is exploding! I love it. my guides said I would.
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #26 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 8:58pm
Greetings, --Dave,

Are you saying that your system illustrates the idea that as matters are reconstituted, they can recombine to  form whatever our thoughts are centerring on? For example, so that hydrogen released from a decayed hydrogen bomb could reconsititute into water ?

How would something less material be reconstituted? Would there be a difference between what can be reconstituted from a scream as compared to what comes from a loving murmer? Or are they both just water and carbon, etc?

Or is that off track and it all breaks down to Yes or No, like basic computers, before it can be reused.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #27 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:45pm
hi all, just re-read Dave's first post here. quote:  Having neither heaven nor hell, we can get rid of the notion of Divine punishment or reward. All we have is a place to work out our differences, and to design a better way to live. And the responsibility is totally our own.

yes, well, I've been trying to say that for years and u just did it for me  Smiley

Bets, I find you interesting because the question is never clear to me  and I've never heard anyone ask the questions that you do, which makes me feel i'll take a stab at it, and maybe Dave will answer.

I think your question is a lot like this: the answer is always found inside the question, or riding on the tail of the question would be the answer. and the answer can only fit the pattern of receptive acquience (spelling?) that the sentient being has constructed, sort of like a homing device mind, where the pigeons come to roost. ah, bad analogy.

I don't think Dave was inferring that a human scream or a loving murmer can be reduced down to just water and carbon, but he does get a little dry now and then to us poets..
the mystery of the universe will not let science destroy it's nature me thinks...

Dave, you're going to have some fun now with this thread aren't you? Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #28 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 12:22am
Hi Bets,

Yes you are correct, any dark void or other has  emormous potential to be filed.  There is, and there never was, a state of nothingness a total impossibity in the existing reality around us. "Let there be light"


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Re: Possible Cosmic Cycle
Reply #29 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 5:19pm
What I am suggesting has nothing to do with "matter" as we usually think of it. Actually, nobody even knows what "matter" is. The best current opinion is Einstein who equated mass properties with geometry, so that the Moon thinks it;'s going in a straight line, while the Earth's gravity curves space so that it stays in orbit, and the controversial disassembly of subatomic particles into Lie symmetry groups on the exceptional simple Lie manifold E8 by E Garrett Lisi a couple months back. In other words, we can reduce reality to geometry.

The only way we can identify mass is that it curves space. What we see is not the mass, but the behavior of space and other things in it. In exactly the same way, if what we call reality were nothing but a Divine Delusion that we are made of matter, when actually we are made of thoughts, so long as the thoughts interact the way that matter would, we can't tell the difference.

Given a world in which everything is made of some kind of abstract stuff, I'll call it information, and by dragging Claude Shannon's work into the discussion, I call it entropy.  But in the end it's just dream stuff. That's why, as well as how, we dream up the reality in which we pass the time between embodiments, and in my estimation the only things that make life seem different is that other people share the dream while we are here.

In that kind of world, extended matter, that by which the nuts and bolts of the world get defined, when it adds together does so without replacement. The nature of extended matter is a constant in the Universe, or at least when we get to the energy-momentum 4-vector. So we cannot disassemble water to burn the hydrogen without adding energy.

The potential world out of which extended matter emerges has other properties. Those parts of potential state space that are not extended materially add with replacement. Thus information about reality and knowledge of its nature, increase without bound, but reality itself is limited by the limited number of extended traits. Thus we can take one idea and expand upon it, ultimately demonstrating all the ways to add parts together etc.

I am proposing that reality is no more than a dream, and that the extended parts are simply parts of the dream that preceeded us, and thus are parts of the dream upon which we depend for our existence. That way we can't change them. Given that idea, it isn't too hard to think of ways that this universe could propagate itself. And, by looking at all time as one instant common to all existences everywhere and everywhen, what we see is a universal propagation of boundless reality emergent from the location of the "Uncaused Cause".

Then for Little Susie to decide to drop out of this world means that she will find some other potential pathway to real-ize. That is, to make real. So she carries the spark of creativity onward. In that sense, Susie is acting in the person of God, but also as herself. Thus, in this model we have to allow ourselves to be secretly God - But we can't be directly aware of that, or we'd have to stop being individual people.

There was a young fellow named Bright,
Whose speed was much faster than light.
He took off one day,
In his relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

Oh well - at least it isn't quite as dry, eh Alysia?

Bets- a decayed hydrogen bomb cotains mostly uranium, plus some trigger materials, an aluminum tamper (or equivalent), a small fission bomb to set it off, and some lithium deuteride, all wrapped in polyfoam. The largest part of the yield is from uranium 239 being forced into fission, a bit of whih carries fusion along too. If we were to take one apart and stuff it into a trash can we'd have a nice little power generator for a few decades. The hydrogen is not as yet accessible as a power source, but that will come. We're developing ultraviolet lasers, which will soon be in the x-ray range, at which time a sufficiently hot pulse will be avialable to compress it, either directly or more probably by ablation of a surface coating over a tiny pill. Give it another 50 years for that one. It's going to arrive with a few new weapons, unfortunately.

In my estimation, one of the untapped ideas is to use thorium plus a small percentage of uranium in a reactor. This type of reactor can't go into runaway and meltdown, is very stable, and produces very little plutonium.  It's a new technology with fewer economic gains, but would allow every city to have a local generating facility that was safe. That's one answer to CO2 emission. Availability is about ten years to implementation if anyone is interested.

Alan - I think you've got the idea I was working on. It means that we must reconsider our nature, since the implication is that we are wholly spiritual in nature, and that the appearance of obdurate matter is more of an accident. As spiritual beings, emanated by a spiritual Source, we then are not different from God, while at the same time, we are not exactly the same either. Fiat lux, indeed!


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