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Energy & The Universal Consciousness (Read 6651 times)
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Energy & The Universal Consciousness
Dec 17th, 2007 at 1:38pm
Energy & The Universal Consciousness

The subject of religion is one that I have been thinking about for a long time.  Since the death of my grandfather, I have not been able to accept conventional church doctrine.  I am not an atheist however I am no longer religious.  I have a belief in energy and the universal consciousness. I have come to my new way of thinking after a long soul searching journey.

In the beginning people needed a reason for why things happened, and where we go when we die.  So we created gods and the after life.  This for a long time gave people a good explanation for the season’s change, good fortune, disasters and war.
For example;
My god must be mad for something we have done so he caused a   flood!
My god has rewarded me for my good behavior with this good fortune!
My god dose not agree with your way of life so we must go to war!!!!!!
I have lived a good live so my god will send me to heaven!
I have committed sins so my god will send me to hell to burn for an            eternity! 

Religion has given us explanations to unanswerable questions.  This is not so any more.  Science has answered almost all of our questions and has provided proof in support of its answers.  Science alone is not all there is but it is a start in the search for truth!!! One thing science and religion can both agree on is that we are a combination of consciousness and energy, Science describes the beginning as the Big Bang, religion starts with genesis. The Energy from the Big Bang is the genesis of my new belief.

Energy is everywhere.  We are made of energy and the information within our genes and DNA.  Energy is what connects everything together. We are all part of the same energy.  It binds the universe together, constantly shifting and changing states, one moment matter and the next energy.  Within all the energy and information is the universal consciousness which is not  linear in nature.  It is a consciousness where linear time has no meaning, it just is.  The Universal Consciousness engulfs all linear time, energy can enter and leave it with no linear time passing in the physical world.  Time is a fundamental point of our consciousness.  Most people think of time as a pointer moving from one point to the next.  I like to think of time as a road map comprising a number of roads each leading to different destinations but all traveled.  What makes us choose one road over another when we are given the choice?  The point in time known as the ‘now’ does not exist. As soon as you become aware of an occurrence, it has passed nanoseconds earlier. You can not go back one second or go forward prematurely.  Some people believe that things have happened and we are traveling on this road map of time.  We have chosen all roads.  The synapse of our brains have gaps on a quantum level and can be affected be quantum events such as a quantum ripple.  A quantum ripple is a message that travels in all direction in regards to linear time.  The actions which occur can send a quantum ripple back through our linear time and cause us to chose one road over another, We call this instinct.  Scientist have been tracking Neutrinos that are shifting in and out of our space-time continuum.  This means that these tiny particles of energy are traveling backwards from the perspective of our linear time. If it is possible for these neutrinos to travel backwards in our linear time it is possible for our energy to have the same properties in regards to linear time!!  As humans we are living energy and when our shells are used up we shift into pure energy and reenter the universal consciousness. Depending on what level of consciousness one has evolved to, will determine where one will cluster when one becomes part of the universal consciousness.  This means if one has spent most of their life energy in a state of anger, hatefulness, darkness and negativeity then this will be the type of energy they will cluster with.  Upon reincarnation one will be given the opportunity to improve their level of consciousness to work towards the ultimate goal of higher enlightenment.  The inner working of the universal consciousness is still a mystery to me.  To achieve a higher level of consciousness, I believe that you must work on being positive, understanding, forgiving and loving. Energy never dies, it just changes form.

Young children are akin to a blank canvas.  We enter society and are quickly taught to conform to conventional believes and theories on life.  Many children are told “ you can’t do that” or “ that is not possible “.  In a sense, society is limiting possibilities. Take for example the acorn worm, a creature with no sense of smell, limited visions either bright or dark, and the sense of up or down. To the acorn worm, there is only one dimension.  Nothing outside of it’s ability to sense, exists for the worm. Dose this mean nothing is out there, of course not. We can sense many more things than the acorn worm but dose that mean nothing exists outside of what we can sense??
I believe that we have come from the universal consciousness and that we will return when our life ends.  I also believe that some of us are able to knowingly and unknowingly become one with the universal consciousness without changing one’s state of consciousness through dreams, creative thoughts, child prodigies, telepathic, esp., deja-vu, meditation, and instinct.  It is a well know fact that we only use four percent of our brainpower.  It is also a document fact that when we are in REM sleep our brains are firing 80% more of our synapses as compared to our most conscious moment when we are awake.  I believe at this point we are free of the limitations civilization imposes upon us allowing us to use our brains to the maximum. This is one way that I believe some of us enter the universal consciousness.  At this point what can happen next depends on what you are focused.  Some many have visions, inspiration, innovation, or talk with loved ones who have already entered or may not ever have left the universal consciousness. Within the universal consciousness linear time has no meaning therefore it is possible to see or talk to loved ones who have passed overt or children yet to be born. If we are all connected thought energy and there is a little of our parents energy in us and their parent’s energy in them, then it is not hard to believe that this could happen.

As A young child I recall my grandfather telling me about his near
Death Experience.  He was in his early fifties and had suffered a heart attack. The doctors where working on him when he flat lined.  He then describes traveling through a vortex with a bright light at the end.  At the time my Aunt was pregnant with my cousin, the second grandchild.  My grandfather told me he wanted to live to see his second grandchild born so he survived.  I believe that my grandfather had started the shift into pure energy and was about to enter the universal consciousness.  It is well documented that many people have had similar experience, and most of them have reported that they no longer feared death because they know that there is a better place waiting for them.  Some skeptics will dismiss this as chemical reactions in the brain at the point of death because they are limited to the way they think.  These people are unwilling to entertain the fact that we may have another phase beyond so-called death. 

In today’s highly complex and technical society of cell phones, black berries, Internet etc. we are overwhelmed by the constant noise.  The average person dose not even have twenty seconds a day to think for themselves.  Often when people are given the chance to think, they become board and resort to television for some aimless mind numbing time-out. This inability to think for themselves has people starving for spiritual guidance and they are willing to blindly accept what the churches are telling them without question.

We need to turn it all off!! Quiet our minds and souls to hear our self’s think.  Question what they are telling us.  Listen to our inner conscious.  It is screaming at us and we are not listening.  We need to feel the energy that is all around us, so that we can be connected to the universal consciousness.  We need to let go of our petty problems and see the cosmic picture.  Once we quiet our minds from the modern world’s distractions, I believe we will be able hear our inner consciousness.  This is the path t0 hearing what the universal conscious is trying to tell us.

Once I was told to go to church learn about the Christian faith.  It is what people did, no questions!  Then I started to really listen to what they where saying, believe in me and good fortune times three will come and those who believe in other gods will have misfortune times three. It made no scenes to me to pay homage to an all mighty being “the creator of all.”  Why would this Christian god need worship??  We are not spiritual slaves to a religion and the church.  This Christian God and church cannot control people through fear and guilt.  We have laws to control the actions of people.  The fear of burning in hell for breaking the rules of this religion is one of the reasons I started my journey.  What god sentences its children to an eternity in hell???
I walk without fear.  I am aware that the universe is unfolding as it should. I am aware of the universe’s mortality and my own.  Once my time has come I will go through the transformation into pure energy and return home to the universal consciousness.  I will be one with all and understand the mysteries of the universe.  I like to think of it as the caterpillar becoming a  butterfly.  As we age our body’s become our cocoon and when we are ready we make the shift into pure energy and become an energy butterfly, the next step in our development.  We then take our spot within the universal consciousness as pure energy and provide our part until it is our time to start the journey again from any physical time and place.  I believe deep within our inner consciousness we retain our soul values and brief memories of our part within the universal consciousness.  We just have to try to understand how to find it.

At the root of all religion I believe that they are trying to describe the universal consciousness.  Thought out time religion has gained power and influence over people.  This influence was used as a tool by dictators, kings and others of influence with personal agendas that were not true to the religion / belief system.  These rulers held power over the religious leaders of the time and made them change the religious writings to make people do there bidding to best achieve the rulers agenda.  Through all of these changes many religions have lost their basic meaning and have been filled with superficial and outdated rituals.  A wise woman once told me that all religions were different ladders to the same spot.  I believe this spot is the universal consciousness.  Most religions cause people to worried about petty things that will not affect them in the universal consciousness. The many different types of Christian denominations alone has sparked anger and hatred between people which will affect our spot with in the universal consciousness.  One religion is no better than another, one belief is no better than another, we are all one.  We just choose to take a different ladder to get back home to the universal consciousness. The real question is, is there a god???  God is the ego of the universal consciousness.  The singular voice of all points of view.  The collectiveness of the universal consciousness, the sum of all the energy.  Pure Consciousness.   

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Birmingham, AL
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Re: Energy & The Universal Consciousness
Reply #1 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 1:00am
Very interesting post, and I share your thoughts.

Religion has been something I have denied for 10 years now, because something in me has sensed the unreasonable. That nothing is so simple and that everything is connected. If you truly wrap your mind around most of the gods of today, they are very human. Yes, yes "created in His image" blah blah. God described in the Bible comes off as very selfish, violent, and at times tyrannical. I have more of an appreciation for Satan and his rebellion to this. I too cannot accept the ways of God, nor do I have any desire to bow to such a being. I really deny the religion completely EXCEPT for its life teachings. If you throw away the idea of God and look only to the teachings of Christ then you have a great doctrine on how to be the best human being you can be, which is really our main goal.

I believe that God was created by man and his personality was developed to make people fear and follow a certain path. But to me, that defeats the purpose of true faith and understanding of life. People should discover their beliefs on their own and not have any fear for what they do, for it is their very own soul which judge them and not God. The afterlife surely exists, but there is no Heaven or Hell. Your punishment will be not be eternal and will only occur if your soul has not reached an enlightened stage.

I am so thankful to myself and whatever spirituality has offered me guidance, because I'm very content in what I perceive of life after death. I was also very content at one time believing that death was the end all, be all of consciousness but I can no longer believe that. We ride forth.
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"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. " -Bertrand Russel
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Energy & The Universal Consciousness
Reply #2 - Aug 12th, 2011 at 3:15pm

But that's very humiliating for the dog --look how it closes its eyes, hoping not to be seen looking so silly.

Maybe a teen would enjoy it but I don't know of any teens that are posting here these days.  Maybe you should go somewhere else  (-:

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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