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Hitler and everlasting punishement (Read 29792 times)
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #75 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 9:01am
Because I am a human being, I, too often wondered why there are people like Hitler who are "allowed" to live on this planet. Our American Hitler, George Custer, also was responsible for the deaths of thousands of native born American's.  The thing that upsets me the most about this tragedy is the President of the US and his cabinet agreed to the genocide. Who is the real Beast here---- certainly not just George Custer.  AND the US has the tenacity to name a Federal Park after Custer! 

Every century though out recorded history has it's Hitlers.  It's "allowed" by some higher force: freedom of choice or free will, some say.  However, I firmly believe that some humans are born with certain genetic designs which predetermine how the human brain will perform.  (Just as in those who are born mentally retarded, some so severely pron to destruction that they are kept in lock-up. )  These "beings" are here from our own creation/design and serve a purpose for our lessons here on earth.   I may not agree with this purpose.  You may not agree with this purpose. They do exist in our reality.  This past century we have had Osoma Bin Laden and insane Husane.  We had the emperor of Japan who sent thousands to their deaths at Pearl Harbor. We had an American president who Okayed the Atom bomb to be set of in Japan.  We have leaders in Africa (Rwanda and Brundi) who sent millions to their death because they were Tutsi and not Hutu (and the world did NOTHING to stop THAT genocide).  All these other Hitlers just in the past century.  And what lessons have we humans learned?   Apparently, nothing--- as it still continues, today.  What name have you for a mass murderer who lives here in the US??? Isn't he/she just as responsible as any Hitler?  And Hitler was only the Commander, the voice who ordered the tragedy in Germany & Europe. 

We are all responsible ----- in each lifetime ---- to make a difference.  Those "satins" are put here for our lessons.  What have you learned?  What positive changes have you made? 
Love and Light--- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #76 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 2:11pm

It makes sense that you don't like the below the belt stuff. By the way, we haven't communicated to each other a lot directly, so hello and much love to you. Smiley

Nanner wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:53pm:
Okay recoverer, I understand - it still makes me very very sad when passionate speaking exchanges places with below the belt. I`ll try to behave and practice in even more understanding. Nanner

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #77 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:14pm
Justin, Nanner is correct that I do owe you an apologie. Please excuse my reference in regerdes to your name. It was uncalled for. My previous apology to the board stands because it was more related to this exchange not being about Hitler and his actions.
Joe M and TMI...There is a strong possibility that some members of TMI are still connected to the Gov. of the USA. I personally don't believe in nor am I concerned about conspriracy paranoia as related to them but you never know. I guess if someone was found to have abilities beyond what the majority of us have, someone might sell them out. If you could read the minds of everone, without doupt, you would be very valuable to the Gov. I do think TMI is assisting in looking for people who have certan abilities. Yes. I am not so sure that they are doing it for the Gov. I also think that the US Gov. is far more evil than Joe M or TMI. In the limited conversations I have had with Joe M at TMI he has never said that he dosen't still work with the Gov. Only that he now sub-contracts to them. He may well work for someone other than them. Never doupt your guidance. It will rarely let you down. I think he (working) is in some ways.
If my thought that your wish to have your name spelling more like Yeshua was something other than honorable and without an ulterior motive, my apologies for that also. I was under the impression that you were tring to identify yourself as being Yeshua and not just identifying yourself as believing in or in agreement with him. You know, false God syndrome. I am very happy to see that you are not seeing yourself as him in this life, or in past. Right, your not? Right?
As for seeing in others what we are in fact, ourselfs. Right again. I not very tolerant at times and do tend to be a bit of an A. H. when I see something I don't like. Perhaps my ego is the same as yours and thats why the exchanges. I do know that guidance has shaped the exchanges. (Perhaps its that whole red hair thing again.)
The meat thing, well I don't expect you to change your mind and I am not tring to get you or anyone else to change theirs. We have different thoughts and beliefs in regards to what and how both plants and animals feel. My guidance through the All is that plants and animals both are very much alive and have the ability to know just what is going on with them. It is no less of a deal to kill and eat a plant than it is an animal. I also know the value of life sacrifice by both of them. The difference is that you hold one life above the other. In my personal view, that is where some spiritual growth may be necessary to capacitate you to an even higher vibe. My thoughts only. Above and beyond all of that, I still enjoy what you have to say Justin. Your still extremely well versed in many areas. I do enjoy knowing your thoughts and beliefs when you are willing to share them with us. When I ask question of a personal nature I understand you may not be willing to let down this guard you have. No matter. I think we both agree that the time is short to get ready for the long expected and awaited changes.
Don't have doubts about my love for anyone here, including you Justin. Just because we disagree on some things changes nothing. I don't agree with everthing in the Bible for instance, but it dosen't change my love of God.   

Nanner, Sorry for offending your sensitivities.

Recoverer, You are also right in saying that all of us should be allowed to speak our minds. I am also concerned about false Gods, gurus, etc. I am also entitled to have my beliefs about food as is Justin , yourself, or any of us. Just because you believe something does not make it correct or the truth. What I think fits in there also. I was more concerned about the impression given that people who consume meat are on a slower vibrational level than people who consume Veg only. Killing is killing. Meat or Veg. We will truly reach a higher vib. level once we no longer require the consumption of any living thing, plant or animal.

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #78 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:30pm
We would all agree that Hltler was an evil dictator.  But it is easy to confuse the evil impact of one's life with the enormity of one's evil character.   Hitler's "evil" may be mitigated significantly by his own psychopathology.  With the right kind of therapist or spiritual mentor, he might have turned out a very different person.  

During WW2, there were many failed attempts to assassinate Hitler. An assassinated Hitler might have been the worst thing that could happen to the Allied cause, especially if the Wehrmacht were then taken over by more qualified and capable Nazis.  From the invasion of Russia to Hitler's inflexible insistence that the Normandy invasion was a diversion for the real invasion comiing at Calais, Hilter's inept military decisions were a major reason for Allied successes.  Medical experts have attributed some of his absurd decisions to the effects of his drug addiction and his creeping Parkinson's disease and overall dementia.   The Final Solution would have been implemented with ruthless effeciency by Heinrich Himmler and his chronies without Hilter's supervision.  

Also, remember that only one person in the Bible is ever described as "a man after God's own heart."  That person is King David who at one point was both a murderer and an adulterer.  Spiritual stature depends on the quality and direction of one's spiritual journey, not on a catalogue of one's vices and virtues at any one point on the journey.  "Nice" biblical characters who have no significant learning curve are not particularly celebrated.

I object to assessing saintliness or evil on the basis of notoriety or celebrity.  I strongly object to the Catholic canonization process (e. g. recently of Mother Teresa) not because the candidates for sainthood are not deserving, but because of the implicit devaluation of nameless poor mothers who raised spiritual successful children against all odds and at great self-sacrifice.  Our most spiritual examplars are probably anonymous. Egolessness and humility do not seek the limelight.  I am opposed to any practice that obscures this truth.  

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #79 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:50pm
An assassinated Hitler might have been the worst thing that could happen to the Allied cause, especially if the Wehrmacht were then taken over by more qualified and capable Nazis. You ain`t whistling Dixie Don, after reading up on this subject, sitting in a celler of the WWII Library in Bonn Germany, where there are documents to be seen that will put socks on a goat. I firmly believe that some of these "men" were way "over qualified" Nazi`s whom would have done (if at all possible) much much worse and would have gone about it completely different.

Thank you Berserk2 Thank you so much for pointing that out, as if my brown bambi like eyes would have not seen these docs myself, I believe that my version might be of different outsome. You are right, it could have been much much worse!
Love you guys for all the love,
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #80 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:55pm
Joe, I bow to you in respect! Its takes alot of "conscious spirit" to do what you have done and for that I am very proud to get to speak with you here. I am fortunate. I know my words may not mean much, as you do not know me but I wanted you to know that anyway. You re-instated a warm loving smile back onto my face. Whereas I thought of you most of the day, shaking my head in dismay. Thank you for changing that.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #81 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:57pm

First of all, I have no ill feeling towards you. Regarding the vegetarian issue, I've been one for about 25 years, but I don't feel compelled to tell others they should be vegetarian. Who knows? I might be wrong about my conclusions. Each person has to decide for his or her self. I know a lot of loving people who eat meat. Nevertheless, I believe it is fine if somebody feels strongly about the issue, and speaks up for it.
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« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2007 at 8:59pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #82 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 4:27pm
Nor I you Recoverer.
How fortunate we are to live in places where we have a choice to eat what we please. Others unfortunately may not have that same choice.

Nanner, I know that there are times when I make posts that they rub some people the wrong way. I haven't had much of an opportunity to have a lot of exchange with you up to this point. I hope that changes. I have yet to converse with anyone here who I hold less for what they think. (Well perhaps one who I thought is here collecting souls for his area of the belief systems) I hold all of you with high respect. That includes Justin. I know little of any of the people who all of you speak of here. Little of the religions or beliefs. I have worked with people all of my life. People I tend to know, and can for the most part read easily. Everone here are as far as I can tell are good people. Of all of those here, I may well be one of the weakest of all. My hats off to All of you.   
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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #83 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 10:42pm
This is a very interesting thread.
I have stayed out of it for a couple of reasons.
One I was at work most of the week and very distracted.  This thread really needed my full attention.
Two...I am just plain too tired when I got home to put forth much effort.
Three...some posts were just too damn long to read.  I am lazy.  I like things more in 'Cliff Notes' Cheesy

As for Hitler I look at him as an Actor on a World Stage.
In a production that needed Executive Producers to pull it off.
These Executive Producers are nothing more then the Puppet Masters on this planet.
They have been spoken about with many names. However, we really only see/hear shadows of them.
These Puppet Masters are far more 'Evil' (lack of the perfect term) then Hitler ever could be.

You cannot believe everything you read about 'history' either. Question EVERYthing.
For example Timothy McVey's name was brought up as IF he did those bombings.  Did he? I don't know.
I only read and heard that he did...I never saw him do anything.
Point being, propaganda is rampid. On ALL sides It is so infused within our everyday lives now then how can we separate the Truth from the Lies?

I have no doubts that Hitler did some very bad things.  How did he get into position to do these things?
That didn't just happen.  People didn't just 'vote' him into power. 'looked' like that but, I know better.
Certain people wanted HIM in power for a Reason.
Now what would be the 'Reason'?  Hmm....
Money?  Sure why not.  What is money? Money is a tool. A tool for what?

This is a very long running 'Play'.  Longer then anything ever ran on Broadway.
It is still going strong today.  

It is just like Pinky and the Brain use to say...
Pinky: "Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tonight?"
Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world."
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #84 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 11:05pm
[Old Dood:] "As for Hitler I look at him as an Actor on a World Stage.
In a production that needed Executive Producers to pull it off.
These Executive Producers are nothing more then the Puppet Masters on this planet.
They have been spoken about with many names. However, we really only see/hear shadows of them.  These Puppet Masters are far more 'Evil' (lack of the perfect term) then Hitler ever could be."

These comments display ignorance of the history of the rise of the Third Reich.  Obviously, you have not read Hitler's early work "Mein Kampf" nor studied the background and impact of the Munich Putsch.  With no evidence you allege "far more evil" Puppet Masters pulling Hitler's strings. Whatever Hitler was and was not, he was a prime mover.  What is your evidence for these Puppet Masters?  Unless you can provide such evidence, your statements are irresponsible. 

[Old Dood:] "You cannot believe everything you read about 'history' either. Question EVERYthing.  For example Timothy McVey's name was brought up as IF he did those bombings.  Did he? I don't know. "
Skepticism can be just as naive as gullibility, especially if one expresses skepticism without having investigated the facts.  Tim McVeigh confessed his guilt multiple times.  He publicly confessed for the first time to authors Michel and Herbeck in their book, "American Terrorist."  Evidentially, it was a slam dunk case.


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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #85 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 11:14pm
So want to lay back and Name Call? Typical!

Sorry...I am not in the mood to have a pissing contest with you.

Ignorant? Sure...I am ignorant about a lot of things. Everyone is.

As for history....dig a little deeper.  You might be surprised at what is the 'man behind the curtain'.

By the way...A lot of people 'confess' a lot of things to make other people go away.
Didn't the CIA just get busted for destroying certain video tapes?
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #86 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 11:36pm
Old Dood,

What you label a "Pissing Contest" is merely an attempt to establish and discuss the facts.  You have no evidence for any of your claims and resent it when someone points this out.  If you can provide no evidence, you are not even intellectually entitled to your opinion!  So I am calling your bluff. Let's see your evidence.  Why not begin by reading up on the  evidence for Tim McVeigh's guilt, including his confessions?  Begin there because you will find no evidence for your absurd "Puppet Masters" of Hitler.  Can you say "critical thinking?"

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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #87 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 11:39pm
Don...answer me this....who did you vote for President in the last two elections?

Thought so...

You want evidence:

By the way...I did my homework.  Don't expect me to do yours for you.
If you cannot 'see' what is going down then there is no helping you see anything.

You make your own choices in this life. It is obvious that you will only choose what you want to see.

I can't help you there.

ahh what the hell....Seems you are in need of some real help.
Your search function must not be working on your computer.


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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #88 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 12:00am
No, Dood, you have not done your homework.  You read an irrelevant piece from JFK and secret societies.  Beware of seeking truth through superficially googled materials at the expense of the relevant historical reading.  You are merely illlustrating my point over and over again.  When will you research the facts?  Do you really imagine Hitler was controlled by Puppet Masters?  Duh!  Identify them by name with evidence.  Are you skeptical of Tim McVeigh's guilt?  Review the evidence, including his confessions, and then lay out your grounds for skepticism.

No, I voted for George Bush neither time!  Do you really imagine that unjustified assumptions like yours about my voting record can substitute for your unwillingness to do the hard work of critical thinking?  You will never discover in this life whether there is an afterlife, unless you are willing to engage the evidence pro and con and then try, as I have repeatedly, to visit afterlife territories by direct experience.  Become a truth seeker, Dood.

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« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2007 at 4:44pm by Berserk2 »  
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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #89 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 12:11am
I never said who you voted are assuming.

You proved my point are a bully and you are not as 'Enlighten' as you 'think' you are.

I have neither the time or the energy to feed your ego Don...

There is so much proof out there that shows that people like Hitler could not do what he did without the financial backing of very wealthy powerful people.

Like I made a choice.  A choice not to see what is all around us.  Not everything on this planet is 'human' or better put 'earth born' that control what is going on.

I have not set my views in stone.  I am still seeking for I will never say while I am on this Earth that I know all Truth or that I am Enlighten.
That would be a lie and that would be all EGO!

You are nothing more then a bully Don...nothing more to me. is another IGNORANT ADD ON BY IGNORANT DOOD:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

In other words: Puppet Masters!

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