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Hitler and everlasting punishement (Read 29857 times)
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #60 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 2:10pm
Lucy, Thanks for the link to the Cayce site. I will be looking with great interest. As for "White Dove" , no never been nor heard of it.

Justin, I was thinking that as you mention the Cayce person so often you might be willing to share with me who he is. Lucy was good enough to have been able to forward me a link so I can look him up as you didn't respond with an answer. Its not that I really care what you think Justin, it is more due to me just not knowing and having curiosity about the afterlife. There are times when your knowledge stands out. Astrology looks like a strong point for you for instance. I thought as you mention Cayce so often in your posts, be able to provide me some of the info. No matter, your indisposedness is noted and I will refrain from seeking info from you. Excuse me for imposing, it won't happin again. Not to worry as I know other are more inclined and are open to share.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #61 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:13pm
Lucy, Thanks again. I had a look at the site. Looks interesting and when I make my way into town I will have a look at a book store for more info. Having never been polluted by reading a bunch on the spiritual, I look forward to reading what he had to say. Thank you.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #62 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:47pm
hawkeye wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 2:10pm:
Justin, I was thinking that as you mention the Cayce person so often you might be willing to share with me who he is. Lucy was good enough to have been able to forward me a link so I can look him up as you didn't respond with an answer. Its not that I really care what you think Justin, it is more due to me just not knowing and having curiosity about the afterlife. There are times when your knowledge stands out. Astrology looks like a strong point for you for instance. I thought as you mention Cayce so often in your posts, be able to provide me some of the info. No matter, your indisposedness is noted and I will refrain from seeking info from you. Excuse me for imposing, it won't happin again. Not to worry as I know other are more inclined and are open to share.

  Joe, you've never heard of or knew of Edgar Cayce until Lucy posted that link?   If that's the case, then sorry, i would have just explained some about him.    Course, i've also been on this site for quite awhile now, have talked a lot about him and his history at times, and figured that even if you hadn't read any books directly about or on him, that you've read some of my posts or have heard of him from others.   

  In the American Library of Congress, he and his work is the most referenced to subject in relation to books in this country--hundreds of books about him, his work, etc, and many more references.  Many of these books have gone to other countries.  Virtually everyone i've known or talked to, who has become interested in spiritual stuff for any length of time, has heard about the American prophet, as he was coined by some.

   He is known quite well globally, and in that sense is as well known or more so than Bob Monroe and TMI.   Probably more so, because his work has been around for much longer, relatively speaking.

  His work started in the early 1900's and continued to his death in 1945, but the A.R.E continues it today.   His work pretty much was one the most influential influences on both the "New Age" and Holistic/Alternative health movements in both this country and around the world. 

  See, somethings tells me that you have heard of him before this reply to you.   Hawkeye, yes indeed.   "oh ye Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducee's come again, ye white washed tombs, ye hypocrites and liars, who bring men to death and not to life." 

I hope for your sake, that this does not apply to you Joe.   Hawkeye+Joe+Joe McMonEagle, + Joe aka Hawkeye mentioning and promoting Joe McMoneagle and his work on more than a couple of occasions here= Justin suspicious since both he and his wife have gotten guidance in relation to both J.M. and to misleading forces in general.   

  What is that saying, "half truths are worse than whole lies, for they can deceive even the Soul".   I hope you are not one who excels at half truths.   

You wrote,  Quote:
Not to worry as I know other are more inclined and are open to share.
  I've shared plenty with you in the past in regards to my beliefs and perceptions.  However, why would i want to answer an extremely personally spiritual question like you asking me, why do you feel that Ah or uah added to your name is something you vibe more to.   

Take care, and nice chatting with you.  See ya in the White Light.  I do sincerely hope my perceptions in regards to you are in error.   I will try to keep an open mind, because either way, i know that you are my brother, we're a part of each other and of Source.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #63 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:50pm
"There is no good, there is no evil.  There is only experience (Robert Monroe)"  "Sieg Heil!"

The greatest mass murderer in US history is Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahome City Bomber.  Tim was an altar boy in Good Shepherd Catholic Church about 2 miles from where I used to live in Lockport, New York.  When the day of his execution drew near, the national media descended on the Lockport area and virtually camped out on the front lawn of Tim's Dad. There were the usual senstive questions: e. g.  "How does it feel to have a son who is the most hated man in America!"  "How do you feel about your son getting "juiced" next week?"  The attitude of the locals was reported as hostile and uncooperative.  I was in a unique position to understand why.

Tim was remembered as a very normal, likeable teenager, who had served as an altar boy and latern worked at the local Burger King.  His high school teachers remembered him as a sweet young guy that everyone liked.  I knew a woman who had a dating relationship with Tim before he joined the army and was sent off to Desert Storm.  She recalled that he was a good boyfriend--thoughtful, considerate, and fun to be with.  The locals did not want to cooperate with the media because the media were trying to dig up "dirt" on Tim, and the locals knew that no such "dirt" existed.  More importantly, they preferred to remember Tim they way he was before Desert Storm.  When I was a college professor,

I had an extremely polite and hard-working student who took 3 religion courses from me.  In his senior year, it was discovered that he was making a devastating bomb in his dorm room.  I was shocked.  He was the least likely suspect imaginable.

Evil is a great mystery and the human heart screams for an easy explanation.  But the journey towards Evil often goes through a subtle maze of seemingly innocent decisions that ultimately create an evil persona overnight.   We must resist the temptation to trivialize the complexity of this journey into darkness.  Those who have studied that Nazi Holocaust in depth are most struck by the sheer banality of the mounting evil and the difficulty of grasping the cruelty of the Nazi guards from the perspective of the background and upbringing of the German soldiers involved.  

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #64 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 4:19pm
  Hi Don, my sense is that Monroe was a bit off in the interpretations of the info he received nonphysically.

  When he got that, there is no good and evil, thing, he was tapping into those who are completed and One with the Creator again.   

  From the Creator's perspective, there is only love of its children, of its creation.   It sees the beauty and perfection inherent in Creation.

  But, there is another balance to consider, the perspective of Creation and Creation still moving towards that perfection and beauty.   Bob was not perfectly balanced within self, and wasn't able to fully and accurately reconcile this whole Yin-Yang polarity like Yeshua could and did.   

  Perhaps because he had been too focussed on the Yang aspect of Creation for so much of his life, he temporarily became to imbalanced, focussed on, and over polarized to the Yin aspect of Creation in order for him to gain a greater, overall balance?  I've met very, very few who can even reconcile that paradox in even a mental sense, let alone someone who lives it perfectly like Yeshua did and does.

   The whole, we are One and there is no good and evil, IS that Yin aspect of Reality, but its only half of it.   

   You seem to interpret Monroe's teachings and sayings as something sinister, when really it must might be the case of a imbalanced and faulty receiving "device", who while more open and aware of the nonphysical as compared to many in his time, wasn't completely at One with Source because he didn't completely live that atOneMent like Yeshua could and did.  After all, even the completed consciousnesses he communicated with, told him he wasn't ready for their existence/reality yet because he was still incomplete.

  Personally, i cannot fault him for that, since i like him don't hold that perfect balance.   Do you?  Does anyone here?   There are some here who are getting close, but what is that saying, "close but no cigars."

  It doesn't have to be sinister, I believe Monroe meant well to and for others.  Isn't that what counts, isn't the try for righteousness what matters more?  Our intents, motivations, and deepest desires?

  How many folks in the Bible, like Moses for example, who didn't always live up to and practice perfectly the ways of the Lord, but whose try was counted to them as righteousness because they all in all meant well and believed in the right ideals, etc.?

  Why turn it into such a black and white issue?
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #65 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 4:45pm
Berserk2 wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:50pm:
Evil is a great mystery and the human heart screams for an easy explanation.  But the journey towards Evil often goes through a subtle maze of seemingly innocent decisions that ultimately create an evil persona overnight.   We must resist the temptation to trivialize the complexity of this journey into darkness.  Those who have studied that Nazi Holocaust in depth are most struck by the sheer banality of the mounting evil and the difficulty of grasping the cruelty of the Nazi guards from the perspective of the background and upbringing of the German soldiers involved.  


So true, Don. Does innocence exist, for anyone? It seems to be a very fleeting thing in a human life.

It is so important that we try to remember that there but for the grace of God go I.  However, to remember this with true humility is very difficult at times, for each of us.

In fact, it seems to be even more important to reach the conclusion eventually that "there go I."

love, blink Smiley
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #66 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 7:40pm
AhSo, No I'm no JM. I am not sure what posts you speek of that you mention but I did post on him in regards to his ability in finding lost children and others. I don't find that evil.(?)I didn't find his book on predictions very good or accurate. I also found him to have what I thought was an over inflated ego, somewhat how I find you. I did enjoy some of his stories, again somewhat like yours.
As for this Cayce, I do think I have heard the name before but as I haven't been into the spirituality thing for to long he has just never clicked to me. I have never read anyone. Bob and Bruce being my first. Except the Bible some years back. Now there a story if I ever read one. I found it good but a little repetitive. Good ending, lots of drama and suspense. Kind of left me wanting more or even expecting a second book or something like that. Perhaps they will come up with one.
I don't get what you are saying ...oh ye Pharisees etc. Pls explain.
As for the "ah" or "auh" added to your name, I thought you were tring to make your name more like how you call Jesus or something like that. Thought it seamed a little weird and thats why I asked. Sorry if you find it personal, it was you who posted your desire to have it added to your name here first.
As for the sharing part I disagree that you have. You didn't want to talk about how you thought the future was going to be when I asked or about this name thing of yours. All you really said is about how its so wrong to eat animals and how Veg heads are so much more higher vibed. What you did do was express you opinion.
Now to the half truth thing... Yes your part right Justin, I did speek to you in what might be called a half truth. My true thoughts are that you may well be somewhat evil. I find you very closed minded and you seam only willing to except your point of view. You give me the impression that you think you are more knowing or better that the rest of us here. And there are a few more things that I would say but at the risk of getting booted from the site, I just won't express them. So no half truth there. Just a bit of caution on my part.
So in conclusion to this truth of mine, the final thing for me to express what I have personaly been thinking for quite some time...  You may have wrote your name the wrong way. I think it should start with AsHo.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #67 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 7:41pm
My apologies to the board.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #68 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:00pm

If below is how you're going to finish your post, perhaps Ahso does know more than "YOU!"  

Golly gee, Ahso had the nerve to suggest that perhaps it isn't right for people to raise 65 billion animals a year in harsh conditions, just so they can entertain their taste buds. How dare he have a perspective that might represent a higher way of thinking than others. How dare he be willing to acknowledge that things such as false gurus and false channeled sources just might exist, when others aren't willing. Is he on some sort of superiority trip?

Doesn't a message board lose its value if people aren't even allowed to speak passionately about the things they believe in? What's next? No public protests because they are too argumentative?


Perhaps you should bow down to any misleading source of information that asks you to do so, so people will think you're a cool dude who doesn't believe that he knows better than other people. Wink

hawkeye wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 7:40pm:
 You may have wrote your name the wrong way. I think it should start with AsHo.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #69 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:09pm
Theres quite a bit of Testosterone being sprayed here for the moment and that demonstrates exactly how a "harmless intent" can get out of hand and hurt many in the process - I believe it was the threads whole intention to begin with, to show the difference in peace, understanding, and view trading with the goal of trying to see what the Hitler regime did wrong.

Are the testosterone sprayers trying to "run me off" by having a peeing contest? If so, your doing a pretty good job of it. Can we agree on allowing other peoples views be it whatever it may be, to simply be accepted in an unconditional way?


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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #70 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:37pm

Sometimes people speak passionately about things, because they care enough to do so.  Consider a man like Martin Luther King. Chances are that he didn't always feel perfectly balanced. Chances are that some people didn't like him questioning their racist opinions (How dare he?). Yet he went ahead and did what he did because he understood that if everybody waited to be a perfect saint before they took action, and if nobody ever did anything that might ruffle another person's feathers, noting would ever get done.

It is true that the people on this forum who erk people aren't doing something of the same magnitude as Martin Luther King, but if something is important, then it is important. For example, my guess is that the 65 billion animals that get raised in harsh conditions each year think it's important, and the millions of people who get misled by false gurus and false channeled sources think it's important, even if they haven't come around to realizing this yet.

On the other hand, we can take an everything is hip and cool approach even if they aren't.

Nanner wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:09pm:
Theres quite a bit of Testosterone being sprayed here for the moment and that demonstrates exactly how a "harmless intent" can get out of hand and hurt many in the process - I believe it was the threads whole intention to begin with, to show the difference in peace, understanding, and view trading with the goal of trying to see what the Hitler regime did wrong.

Are the testosterone sprayers trying to "run me off" by having a peeing contest? If so, your doing a pretty good job of it. Can we agree on allowing other peoples views be it whatever it may be, to simply be accepted in an unconditional way?


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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #71 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:48pm
the apoligy you wrote to the board I find should be farmost directed to Justin, you were referring to him as being an A-hole and if thats the case then I must like A-holes. Which is fine by me. I find he contributes very broad minded and adds a great deal of carisma to the topics he answers on, his view points are of equal importance to me as yours providing these are non-distructive to the concept of communication. So I just hope you take a moment to reflect where your anger really comes from instead of what happened in that thread.

If you were my biological brother I would right about now ask you to go change your tampon, but since your not I`ll settle for "please go blow your nose, it`ll clear your head abit honey"..

We are here constructively speaking to each other about some pretty sticky subjects and its just not okay to disrespect an opinion. Speak against it yeah, but not disrespect.

I`d really like to hug both but I`m affraid I`d get hit.. Think about it for a min.

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #72 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:53pm
Okay recoverer, I understand - it still makes me very very sad when passionate speaking exchanges places with below the belt. I`ll try to behave and practice in even more understanding. Nanner
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #73 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 12:46am
  Hi Joe, i apologize to you if i am in error about the possibility that i brought up.   Please try to understand that its only recently that i've become more fully aware that there are those in the psychical/government/private interest world who try to mess with some people.   This has made me a bit more wary and suspicious than i normally would be with my Jupiter Rising, Sun Merc CON trine Jupiter, Leo Rising in Sag. decant, Aquarian Venus in 7th almost exactly sextile Neptune.
  I'm basically an open and trusting person, or have strong tendencies to same, but if you get messed with, manipulated, deceived, etc enough in your lives, like i have, then you begin to keep your eyes and ears more open and discriminating.   Thankfully, despite all my really challenging experiences with people in this life and in others, i still basically love people and look for the good in life and in others.

  I've gotten repeated guidance in relation to the above 2nd sentence issue and i'm not going to start mistrusting my own guidance, or my Twin Soul's, at this point.   I may not be interpreting completely accurately, but the general gist is pretty straightforward and obvious at this point. 

  Hence, i'm a little more suspicious of people i don't know, and especially those who say they have strong spiritual beliefs but who argue with me that eating meat is ethically fine and spiritual, start asking me all kinds of questions which i know aren't just purely honest curiosity, etc.   

   So, let's consider a hypothetical situation for a moment, with all the above in mind.   Say you were really Joe M. and that Joe M. truly was someone who still works for the gov. or some private and corrupt self/materialistic interest group and his job is to mislead people about spiritual and earth changes info or to uncenter those unusually spiritually attuned, do you think they would really say "hey it's me folks" if someone said that this was possible out loud and in public?   
  Come one, that would be a little too naive of me to believe, wouldn't you say.    These deceptive forces are just that, deceptive, and i've realized that the best way to deceive people, is to inject just enough truth so that it may ring a person's Soul bells, but to twist the rest, and otherwise lie and manipulate.  My sense is that Joe M. is a very bright, intelligent, very perceptive in some ways, and cunning guy.  I'm good at reading people's auras, and especially so when in physical proximity to them, which i have been with Joe.

  Also, I asked him a direct question about the nature of time while at TMI, and his response was totally b.s. and inaccurate.

   As far as Yeshua goes, his name, and the fact that i vibe with my name having a more ah type sound, its not because i over identify with him (in some respects i do sometimes, but not in this particular case), but because it seems to fit better and i'm energy sensitive enough to know such things like that.   Ah seems to be a feminine vibration, and i'm very in touch with my feminine side.   Hence why my  guy friend who is gay, nicknamed me Justina and only partly jokingly.   

  Dunno, does that bother you?   And what if i did identify myself with Yeshua?   Since i don't believe i'm him and i know i don't live up to his example, and just look to him as my teacher and example, what's the big deal?    Fact of the matter is, i know i do have deeper karmic and spiritual connections to him, and in a sense everyone has spiritual connections to him (whether they know it or not), so really its no big deal either way.   I just really, really love and respect the guy, i respect him much more than i respect Cayce, Monroe, Moen, etc.    He did what none of them did.

  When i first started the in home Gateway set, i started having dreams about both Yeshua and Christ.   I've been intensely attracted to him and his teachings since age i hit puberty, and i was raised in a non religious and laid back environment, and my first deeper studies were into Eastern belief systems primarily.   I don't think i would have had the experiences i've had with him, if he thought i would start to think of myself too much in an egotistical "special" kind of way.   Yeshua goes out his way to deconstruct such limiting notions in others.   He realized i could spiritually handle it, just as my Greater self realized i could handle all the "past life" info i've gotten and which has been verified in many, sometimes even surprising to me, ways.

  Joe, perhaps you are projecting a bit onto me.   Many spiritual teachers or guides have noted that oft what we find fault with and emotionally judge in others, or something about someone that makes us irked about them, is something we really dislike in ourselves.   Something to think about perhaps.

  Again, sorry if i am wrong about you, but please realize that i have good reason to be a bit wary and suspicious of some right now.  Maybe if you have had the experiences and guidance that i've had, you also may be more inclined to be more tolerant of this?

  Either way, i didn't say that i definitely believe that, and that you must be Joe M., i just brought up the possibility.   I do find it interesting that i've seen you toot his horn rather blatantly a few times, but then later say more critical things about him when i directly pointed out some things.    I'm a pretty observant guy, and like Joe M., a Capricorn Sun.   We're good at reading between the lines and seeing things that many others miss, kind of like Scorpio Sun in that respect.
Putting the whole Joe thing aside for now, you seem to be quite familiar with TMI and all, would you say that there are gov. connections to same right now?   Would you say that the U.S. government is completely benign, spiritual, and loving in its practices?  Would you say that it lacks corruption, materialism, strong ego and selfish tendencies?

   Dunno, these are important questions in relation to the Whole of the issues that i've brought up.   There may be others who are also aware of the same things that i'm aware of, but apparently they are either brighter than i Wink LOL or have more fear in them.    Seeing as i hold Yeshua as my teacher and example, i would be a false student if i lived my life in any lesser way than he did, and he had no fear in him regarding being harmed.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #74 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 1:27am
recoverer wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:00pm:
Is he on some sort of superiority trip?

  Maybe i should clarify a bit on this.  While i'm not on a superiority trip, to be honest, occasionally i still have some superiority tendencies and thought patterns come up.  Occasionally i start focusing a bit too much on thinking or feeling something like, "Justin, you are starting to vibrate very fast" Or "Hmm, not to many seem to understand you and your perceptions from a deeper or holistic viewpoint" or something like that. 

  But when that starts to creep up in me, i've gotten to the point that i can recognize pretty immediately such limiting and negative/unloving tendencies and thought and/or emotional patterns, and i always try to shift it a more impersonal, universal, and less self oriented attitude.   If i start thinking or feeling the above, i may start trying to think/feel something like, "Justin, you're just a drop in the ocean that is Creation, it's everyone's destiny and very nature to be Source attuned/realized so its no big deal, Justin focus less on self and more on giving of self, there are other consciousnesses out there who blow your current spiritual attunement out of the water, etc." 

I try to accept that part of me (meaning i don't try to fight too much against it), but i try to move past it and focus on something different and which conforms more to my basic spiritual ideals and inner most knowing.

  See, i have a hard time believing, with what i know of human nature and the human condition, that i'm the only one who has the above paragraph tendencies.   I think anyone who hasn't fully attuned to Source, who hasn't fully regenerated and transformed false parts of self into only True Self, may occasionally have similar thought or feeling patterns come up.   I think a matter of recognizing that or not, has a lot to do with how much self honesty and self perception a person has.
What's important, and what separates the more "spiritual" person, from the not so spiritually mature person, is what one tries to consciously focus on when such limiting thoughts and feelings arise.   

  I always try to give the power back to the Creator and i constantly try to remind myself that i  can do nothing of import, in and of myself, if i'm not attuning the Source's ways and consciousness.   
  The fact is, is that it takes a certain amount of humility, for one to focus on and try to follow the teachings and example of a spiritual teacher, to constantly hold up ones ways and patterns to such a pure Light, like i try with Christ.   Many out there lately seem to say, "i need no teacher or example, i know what's best for me and my spiritual growth"   And always the emphasis seems to be strongly on SELF.   Like with Joe here, its kind of a iconoclastic attitude, which is very Uranian in nature.   Bob Monroe had a bit too much of that in him as well for much of his life, i get the sense of.

  I'm all for going within, getting inner guidance and all that stuff, but unless one has a pure standard to compare too, to look to, to see what is real and true Source attunement, then one is kind of groping around in the dark to some degree.  We're lost and can't think our way into being found.   

  Humans are notoriously good at self deception and convenient for self's negative beliefs, perceptions, and ways of being.  Which is why so many, when they come upon Seth or Elias for example, convince themselves that they have found the higher truths, because sources like these cater to their iconoclastic and overly self focussed ways of being and thinking.   Or as virtually every major spiritual belief system has said in one way or another, "like attracts and begets like."    Not enough people seem to really understand that simple but universal law and energy reaction.   Or that we humans tend to be much, much more unconscious to self, others, and the whole of life than we are conscious.


Perhaps you should bow down to any misleading source of information that asks you to do so, so people will think you're a cool dude who doesn't believe that he knows better than other people. Wink

  Perhaps  Cheesy   I suppose that if i was here for and deeply desired to be liked, well respected, to 'fit in', and to make personal friends, i might change my erring ways.   But my attitude is, people either can accept me for who i am, or not.   I try to strike a balance between being considerate and sensitive, to being honest and authentic about what i feel and think.   Sometimes, i've found for me at least, that its a hard balance to achieve. 

  I believe "love" is bigger than the definitions that most give to it.  Many in our world, seem to concentrate on what i call the more feminine aspect of love, which is yielding, receptive, very gentle, and nurturing.   
Yet, i believe there is also a more masculine side to love, which is more akin to what some call "tough love", discrimination, not supporting other's illusions and destructive ways, sometimes being in someone's face so to speak, being firm and disciplined, etc.   You mentioned Martin Luther King Jr., he was one who sometimes had to show and focus on that aspect of the expression of love. 

  Both expressions while different on the outside, still have the same basic motivation, concern for others and not wanting to see people suffer, to want to see others happy and whole.   My own guidance shows me both but at different times, or sometimes combines them, which frankly is hard for most incarnate people to completely achieve and always practice. 

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