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Hitler and everlasting punishement (Read 29851 times)
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #45 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:01pm
Just wanted to say i agree with you recoverer. Also, an example from Buddhism - the Buddha accepted a mass murderer, Angulimala, as one of his monks, after he repented of what he had done and wanted to change  - an example of infinite forgiveness and of human potential to move on from bad deeds. He is said to have achieved enlightenment before he died
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #46 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:12pm
I agree with you Orlando.

What is the point of punishing somebody if they let go of the mental tendencies that caused them to do wrong, and if their victims now live in heaven?

I bet you Hitler's victims aren't looking for Hitler to be punished. Not if they are abiding in a higher realm. Rather, they are hoping that Hitler recognizes his mistakes (perhaps he already has), and do what he needs to correct his way of being.

My guess is that any spirit/person who changes from an unloving way of being to a loving way of being feels great remorse, guilt and shame when it comes to grips with the wrong it has done. To a being who recognizes the importance of love, such feelings would be more torturious than what takes place in a lower realm. I figure no being moves from darkness to light, without taking full responsibility for the wrongs it did. Such a being would probably be far more harsh with itself, than the beings who try to help it.

orlando123 wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:01pm:
Just wanted to say i agree with you recoverer. Also, an example from Buddhism - the Buddha accepted a mass murderer, Angulimala, as one of his monks, after he repented of what he had done and wanted to change  - an example of infinite forgiveness and of human potential to move on from bad deeds. He is said to have achieved enlightenment before he died

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #47 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:18pm
For me its very intersting to see that alot of people here have and live out their "feelings" in regards to WWII / Hitler and any other circumstance which equals the same and some of us due to age in this board merely know the war and its effects thru "story telling", yet it effects a "spot" in us, as if "we" lived it ourselves.

I really believe in my heart that Hitlers soul has come to understand and moved on to a higher consciousness level. In doing what we are doing right now, we too are moving ourselves and many others to a higher consciousness level.

Compassion, love - is whats happening folks and thats just mountain-ious  Huh (new Nanner word) I thank all of you for the insight into perspectives, what it collectively amounted to has been PUL.

I now believe I can feel that WWII served its purpose, when I read the words of this entire thread again.

Heres a message from a german lady to all of the world.
WWII served its purpose, for we all over the world are choosing our free will, not to be that way again. To love & laugh with you in times of joy and cry with you when you are hurting in your country, meaning that the souls whom crossed over by means of WWII did not do so in vain

Sending good thoughts,

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #48 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:16pm
Justin - Quote: We all have helpful guides who try to keep us on track, but how often do we really listen?   There are also deceptive, ignorant, and purposely misleading forces who try to connect to and influence us.    

What are the means you know of that "Guides" make themselves known by?   
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #49 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 7:02pm
AhSo, Interesting your comment goes back to what Cayce's guides said again. That Hitler started out basically good but then became corrupt. Sort of what I said in part. His life choice may have been to do good, and in fact he did do good. His method of doing it was not so good. In the end of the lifetime is it not the result that counts??

You mention this Cayce person and his guides so often,  is he/they your mentor(s)?

By the way... what would the "ah: or "uah" mean or indicate at the end of your name as you would like more to be called in an effort to, at you put it "vibe a bit more"? Please share. (and excuse my ignorance)
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #50 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 7:04pm
Lucy, I asked that question for you about Hitlers soul on their Q & A Forum on site. I find it exceptionally well answered by Peter H. Kirchner and am thankful for the vivid insight.  ~Nanner~
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #51 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:13pm
That was indeed interesting. We could have a new thread on just the creation ideas on Peter's site, and his answer makes more sense in the context of the explanation he has for creation on his site. I'm not sure what I think of his comments about firat copies, second, so forth, so the answer is a little hard to 100% believe.So when he says Hitler was a soul from the angelic level that came here to full fill a role and manifested a lower level of conciousness, I'm not sure what I think. If that is correct, then we surely do not have a grip on how reality is working. There is alot to think about there. Thank you for asking Peter. He seems like an interesting person, certainly open-minded.

Ha, what just happened was amusing to me. I was playing some music on the computer, and then I went to the opening of Peter's site, and that has its own music, and both were playing. I didn't know that was possible. But that's how things feel some times. Two lines of thought/music coming through at the same time. Talk about mixed messages!

Anyway, Peter says "This site teaches a model of creation that was conveyed to us by our spirit guides. A model is a construct trying to explain something that cannot be described in words, as there are no words in our vocabulary with which to describe it, nor is there anything on earth with which it could be compared. There are other models and personal realities..." and I think I can agree with that.

I am curious to see if the time line he projects is fulfilled.

For Dave
Returning to the core question of what the Jews might have done to draw down the criticism of the world, the answer is that they maintained their traditions. Worse than that, they tended to argue, as they do today, that their religion is valid, even though it is different from that of their neighbors. Obviously, the Good People of Wherever saw this as a deliberate subversion of their culture and a terrible threat. Think, for example, how you'd feel is you were to discover that your neighbors practiced Sokkagakkai, chanting "Namyo renge kyo!", or were devout Muslims who actually knelt down five times a day and thanked Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate, for their material and spiritual blessings, or perhaps your new neighbors might wear a turban and speak Hindi, while they practiced their sinister which requires guests to take off their shoes before entering their home.

I thought the problem that caused animosity was calling themselves THE Chosen People, but then again was it Pius IV who started the Inquisition? I would have been boiled early on, believe me. And he made it very unpleasant for the Jews.  I am wondering if the West Coast is so  isolated, I have had coworkers who kept their prayer rugs handy and used them (thought there is some difference between Sunni and Shiite in whether others can touch the rug, I've heard) and we have celebrated Diwali and Chinese New Year (I approve of any good holiday with food) at work. Urbanites have a strange mix of tolerance and intolerance. I get more upset when I see H1B's hired over Americans and have to go back to the drawing board on the "you create your own reality" thing when that happens. Blacks were better off staying in their own neighborhoods back when there was an Irish mayor, but that is changed now. The best cannoli are in one end of town, the best delis in another. I guess what is tolerated depends on what food people want. NAd my first daycare person for my kid had one of those houses where you take off your shoes, which was fine with me. I was more upset when she talked about how dark the Indian Muslims were compared to the Pakistani (having grown up in the South I knew all those arguments!). Maybe when there is no food involved we invent walls.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #52 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:17pm
Hawkeye (...did you once post at White Dove???) Justin can tell you much more about Cayce than I can but he really is interesting, particularly for his time frame.

Here is a web site devoted to his work:

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #53 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 12:00am
my opinion - hitler was just a person like the rest of us, and he was imperfect like the rest of us.  it's truly as simple as that.  anyone who thinks hitler was some unordinary person is not seeing the truth, because every human has the potential to be as bad as he was.  there is a piece of "hitler" (or "evil") in all of us.  for some of us it is greater than others, and that's what reincarnation and burning off karma to perfect yourself is all about. 

we like to think of hitler as a non-human evil entity because we don't want to admit that we have the potential for evil within ourselves.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #54 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 12:22am
Nanner wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:16pm:
Justin - Quote: We all have helpful guides who try to keep us on track, but how often do we really listen?   There are also deceptive, ignorant, and purposely misleading forces who try to connect to and influence us.    

What are the means you know of that "Guides" make themselves known by?   


  It's probably different for different people.   Most consistently and on average, dreams are a major avenue for and of guidance.   

  For those who have practiced going within a lot in this and/or in other lives, then sometimes one gets more conscious messages, which can take the form of deep and sure feelings about something, unbidden visuals, streaming movie/dream sequences, symbols, sounds, words, a physical sensation, etc. 

   I've experienced all the above at one point or another. 

  Most of the time though, sometimes certain thoughts and/or feelings out of the blue can pop into one's head and/or heart.   

  I'll use a silly and recent personal example.   I've seen kids with those Heely shoes, where they can skate around just on their shoes.   I've thought to myself, "Man, that's so friqqin cool, i want to get a pair of those!"   

   But i didn't actively pursue it, and didn't even know if they had adult sizes.   So, this desire and intention went on what i call the "back burner" for awhile.   The other day though, i'd figured i visit a store that i hadn't been to in awhile, to pick up a couple of things.   

  Near to the store in the same shopping plaza, was a shoe store and one i don't remember seeing or noticing before.  Now, i'm not much of a shopper or consumer, and i had just bought myself a pair of cheap sneakers a little while before, so i wasn't looking for a regular new pair of shoes.   

  But for some reason, the impulsive feeling and thought came to me out of the blue, hey why don't you go visit that store?   I was like, ok i have a little time to kill right now.   So i went in, and in the store i noticed a pair of shoes on clearance, half off from their original price, and they were adult sized Heely's which fit.    Course i felt and thought, "whoo hoo the Universe provided!  Now i can skate around in stores like one of those little kids!" 
  Needless to say, i bought them. And i promptly began doing the former, and now people look at me as if i have 3 heads or something. Roll Eyes
  Point being, normally i wouldn't have gone into that store under those conditions, but something, some aspect of self or guidance with more awareness than my conscious personality, beamed a thought/feeling strongly into my energy field, which inclined me to go into the store anyway.   

  Some have called it the still small voice.  It takes trust and receptivity to be able to listen to, hear, and follow that little nudging.   

  Now, some like my wife, tend to get more overt signs from their guidance.   When at The Gateway Voyage program at TMI, she asked to meet one of her guides.   As she got deeper in meditation, a powerful pressure or electromagnetic like wave of energy pushed through one end of her CHEC unit (she said it was like there was an earthquake), went through her and while it did she felt this electric, tingling, orgasmic type reactions, perceived or sensed a lot of powerful White Light type energy, and then went through to the other side of her CHEC unit.   

  She realized later on that her guidance had "waved" hi to her.   For her on her path, she has needed more overt, more physically oriented, and more "in your face" and bells and whistles type guidance messages.   Partly because, she tends to have more doubt and skepticism regarding stuff like the above as compared to some.  Plus, she kind of has a dramatic personality, and i guess stuff like that fits more with her expectations?

  I've noticed that for some especially for those who have been on the path for a long while and who have developed a lot of faith and trust, guidance can become ever more subtle in nature, on average.    One may still get some of the bells and whistle type experiences and messages, but more and more, one begins to just rely on a type of inner, feeling oriented intuition, though not a "gut" reaction as some say.   For me, its more like a combo of Heart and 3rd eye type perceiving or sensing.   A deep, inner intuitive knowingess which contains both feelings and thought patterns.       

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #55 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 12:39am
hawkeye wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 7:02pm:
AhSo, Interesting your comment goes back to what Cayce's guides said again. That Hitler started out basically good but then became corrupt. Sort of what I said in part. His life choice may have been to do good, and in fact he did do good. His method of doing it was not so good. In the end of the lifetime is it not the result that counts??

You mention this Cayce person and his guides so often,  is he/they your mentor(s)?

By the way... what would the "ah: or "uah" mean or indicate at the end of your name as you would like more to be called in an effort to, at you put it "vibe a bit more"? Please share. (and excuse my ignorance)

  Justin is just fine for now.   You seem rather curious about my personhood and beliefs Joe.   What does it matter what i think or believe, especially about myself?   

  Names are vibratory patterns.  Earthly given names, rarely fully reflect our more true soul names. My energies and vibrations align or vibe in sync more with the two latter possibilities i mentioned.   

  Besides the more "esoteric" reasoning, i have a guy friend who is gay, and occasionally he calls me "Justina", partly because when he first met me, he was surprised by how in touch i was with my feminine side, he thought it was very unusual for a non gay man to be like that or something and so nicknamed me Justina, which i didn't mind.   I've actually kind of grown fond of the moniker.  In some ways, it does seem to fit more.   Oh, he also may call me Justina because he is from Poland originally, and it kind of sounds more Polish i guess?    Who knows, i don't. 

   Personally, i look forward to the day when i transcend names.  Names are for Soul and Earthly lives.   In Spirit, one doesn't have or need a name, which is probably when Monroe talked to "He/She", this person laughed after Monroe apologized for the odd label, and said, one name is a good as any other.   Names correspond to relativity.   Spirit is absolute and beyond names, which but would limit and you can't box in that which is infinite.   I long for Spirit.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #56 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 7:06am
Lucy wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:13pm:
That was indeed interesting. We could have a new thread on just the creation ideas on Peter's site, and his answer makes more sense in the context of the explanation he has for creation on his site. I'm not sure what I think of his comments about firat copies, second, so forth, so the answer is a little hard to 100% believe.So when he says Hitler was a soul from the angelic level that came here to full fill a role and manifested a lower level of conciousness, I'm not sure what I think. If that is correct, then we surely do not have a grip on how reality is working. There is alot to think about there. Thank you for asking Peter. He seems like an interesting person, certainly open-minded.

Ha, what just happened was amusing to me. I was playing some music on the computer, and then I went to the opening of Peter's site, and that has its own music, and both were playing. I didn't know that was possible. But that's how things feel some times. Two lines of thought/music coming through at the same time. Talk about mixed messages!

Anyway, Peter says "This site teaches a model of creation that was conveyed to us by our spirit guides. A model is a construct trying to explain something that cannot be described in words, as there are no words in our vocabulary with which to describe it, nor is there anything on earth with which it could be compared. There are other models and personal realities..." and I think I can agree with that.

I am curious to see if the time line he projects is fulfilled. 

Yes I agree, go ahead and start a new thread on that if you like, I`ll definately be a part of it as it interests me a great deal.

Love for all,
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #57 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 7:10am
I know exactly what you mean - that happens to me all the time and I`ve never talked about it, because I am just "thankful" for it. Everytime I see something friggin cool, then around the corner it turns out to be made available in some form ot fashion. Thanks for the tips on where the Guides help us.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #58 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 7:56am
Hi! Dear Nanna,

You make some intelligent and telling points. there is a reason why god allowed Hitler to do what he did, but he was not forced to do and  he just like the rest of us is accountable for what we do with our lives while on earth, There is somewhere a collective human responsibility  war

You so very correct in saying there is a collective responsibility for the atrocities on both sides of that awful terrible war. However, there is a difference between accountability and resopnsibity.Resonsibilty can be delegated downwards to the lesser ranks but “accountability” never ever Remember Harry Truman’s famous saying, "The buck stops here" "That is accountability". Hitler started the war so he is “accountable” as Germanys then leader.

Of course, we all have a little Hitler in us, but we control it and don’t put into action. Looking at the grand order of things, you are right God allowed Hitler to do what he did for a reason that is beyond my comprehension.

As a full-blooded American German, you should know that Hitler was not a German but an Austrian. He was not allowed to vote in the German election that gave him power in Germany as he was a citizen of Germany.” Interesting".


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Alan McDougall
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #59 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 8:24am
Woe, thats kool - I`m a fullblooded american german now. I give it up, and say this:
I was born in germany, raised in South Carolina and act like I am from New That officially makes me "an Alien!"... Hows that?
Love to ya,
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