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Hitler and everlasting punishement (Read 29845 times)
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #90 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 2:14am
  Hi Joe, thank you for the apology.   I am beginning to think that i may have really misjudged you and your intentions. 

  Either way, no matter what's going on in this distorted material reflection that many of us label "reality", it's important to remember that we are brothers in Spirit, part and parcel of each other and of Source.    That, as i try to remind myself, is the most important part of living and life. 

  Like Recoverer, i also bear no ill will to you, whatever your feelings or intents towards me.  I do strongly disagree with some of your beliefs, but its not all that personal with me, meaning its not really about you when i talk about animal killing for food.   Personally, i could care less what you do as an individual, but it's the promoting of certain beliefs that i try to counter act.

As far as vegetarians being faster vibrating and more aware than meat eaters, again like Recoverer, i've met or tuned into plenty of meat eaters whom i sensed where pretty loving and intune people (like Bob Monroe, Edgar Cayce, Rosiland McKnight, Bruce Moen, etc), but on average i would say that i've met more vegetarians who were more intune and fast vibrating than most of the meat eaters i've met--especially the ones who tend to eat a lot of the heavier meats like beef and pork.

  Rosiland McKnight's guides explain this stuff pretty well in her book Cosmic Journeys, and personally i think her guides have much more awareness and clear perception of this and other matters than you and i put together.         They don't speak against plant killing and eating, but they do speak against meat eating.   Similar with Cayce's guides.   Too bad Cayce, like so many other channels, didn't have enough self discipline and self honesty to follow their own guides' advice.  Same with Bob Monroe and Rosie's guides advising him.   Me personally, now i try to listen better, there was a time when i didn't.   

  Anyways, this thread is about Hitler i guess, so this stuff doesn't relate to directly.   

  Happy Holidays to you and everyone.   I probably won't be on much for awhile.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #91 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 9:46pm
Old Dood:

What you call "a pissing contest" is merely my attempt to extract a reasoned account of the evidence of your possible grounds for Tim McVeigh's innocence and Hitler's alleged Puppet Masters.  You project that crude characterization onto my challenges because evidently that is all you are willing to offer yourself.  For example, you accuse me of name calling when I have called you no names.  Then you have the gall to contradict your supposed values and call me names.  Then you make a snide insinuation by implying that you know how I voted in the past two elections: "Don, answer me this...wbo did you vote for in the past two elections? Thought so."  That formulation implies that you know who I voted for, given the political stance you imagine for me.  When I burst your bubble and denied voting for George Bush either time, you act as if you made no such insinuation!   In the process you display a pettiness beyond belief.  My voting record has nothing to do with the issues under discussion.

In the several posts you have offered in reply to my original honest questions, you have never once addressed the requested evidence for Tim McVeigh's guilt or innocence or offered any evidence that Hitler was on the string of murky Puppet Masters.  You can only cite irrelevant googled articles with no demonstrable relevance to the history of the formation and rise of the Nazi party.  You know nothing about the history of the Mazi power grab (the roles of the Munich Putsch, Ernst Rohm, Hitler's "Mein Kampf"). You know nothing about the evolving relationship between Hilter and his financial backers.  Hitler used terror and the threat of terror to get his own way and seize power.  He arranged for the assassination of some of his most powerful backers, when he perceived their interest in power enhancement.  Your references to JFK's speech on secret societies and Woodrow Wilson's misgivings about the US Federal Reserve are irrelevant to the political situation in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. 

[Dood:] "I have neither the time nor  the energy to feed your ego, Don."

Do you really believe that it feeds my ego to debate someone like you who doesn't even read relevant historical books on the subjects under discussion (the alleged Puppet Masters of Hilter; the question of whether Tim McVeigh is guilty).  No, I am trying to help you discover the joys of honest and open dialogue.  I come to this site to discuss afterlife issues, not crime and politics.  I am direct and confrontational with you because I believe that you actually might be capable of reasoned discourse.  I don't care what you think on these issues.  I care that you are indifferent to the need for direct investigation of the people involved and the forces that shaped them.  Until you are willing to do the relevant research, please do not respond to any threads I start.  I in turn will ignore your posts.


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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #92 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 10:11pm
Don not tell me where and what to post.
You do not know me or anything about me.
Don't act like you do.

You can push your agenda all you want.
I do not care.  Religious people like yourself always want to be RIGHT.
No matter what the cost.

Like I are nothing but a bully.  
I do not have to prove anything to you.
You went out of your way to attack me straight up.

I have given plenty of evidence on Hitler and how the world works.
YOU made a choice not to accept it...fine.  

Do not go an say to me that I do not know what I am talking about or that I have not done this or that.

Oh by the way...calling you a bully is not name calling. It is a FACT.
I have received enough emails about you and your tactics.

They do not work on me. Enjoy your smugness...your arrogance.
The brick wall that is coming your way will wake you up....hopefully in time.
However, only time will tell...
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #93 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 11:02pm
[Dood:] "You can push your agenda all you want.
I do not care.  Religious people like yourself always want to be RIGHT."

My only agenda is to induce you to offer evidence in your own words (1) for the questionable nature of Tim McVeigh's guilt and (2) for your claim that Hitler was controlled by Puppet Masters far "more evil" than himself. Such nonsense evidently plays well in the New Age ghetto.  So take no solace from the mindless cultists here who, like yourself, see no reason to investigate the relevant historical sources.  It is precisely their atttiude that ensures that sites like this draw little attention from thinking people outside the ghetto.  I regret that.  Astral projection could gain respectability and the status of a serious acedemic discipline if is was infused with new life by an honest and open interdisciplinary inquiry from those who appreciate the need for maximal objectivity.  As I have repeatedly said, my own highly emotional OBEs and retrievals now seem clearly bogus in the light of what I now know by direct experience from the potential of lucid dreaming. 

"I have given plenty of evidence on Hitler...YOU made a choice not to accept it...fine."
Not accept what?  Please explain in your own words who Hitler's Puppet Masters were and how you know this?  Your articles fail to do so.    

"Oh by the way...calling you a bully is not name calling. It is a FACT."

So you are even imcapable of grasping the distinction between a value judgment (calling me a bully) and "a fact."  Oh, do you invite a juicy comeback here!  But I will restrain myself.


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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #94 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 11:27pm
Your agenda is no different then other religious zealots I have had to deal with in life.
You speak for 'God' as if you know who God is...
You attack and then say it is dialogue...
Religion does one thing and one thing only very well.  
It teaches fear.  It controls with fear. It sells fear.

I have never responded to any of your posts to my recollection.
I never wanted too. You offer me nothing that I need or want.

However, you took upon yourself to go out of your way to attack me.
You made a choice to do just that...attack.  You know nothing of what is really going on in this world.  You do not want too.

Go enjoy your 'good book' and all it's deceptions/disinformation.  This is what you want.
You want others to follow you in that deception...I been there.  It is lies with just enough 'truth' to fool a lot of people.
I will not be fooled anymore.  I do not need anymore disinformation that religion offers...all based on fear.
You call this a New Age Getto...then why are you here?
Agenda? spew your BS?  So you can 'Be Right'?  
That is what it is looking like with each and every response to me.

So what is next? You gonna run to your 'buddies' and have them defend you?
I know that tactic of yours too...
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #95 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 12:08am
"You call this a New Age Getto...then why are you here?"

I have been wondering that myself Dood. Just curious.

Personally the New Age theory seems to be the most positive alternative to the possible fate of the Earth and human race. I can't think of a theory that makes sense of a crazy world better than the New Age one.


1. Earth destroyed, we all die
2. Final judgment such as in Abrahamic religions, most people burn in Hell for eternity or are Annihilated.
3. Aliens come and help us
4. New Age/ Golden Age of peace
5. Acension to 4d world, fear-based people shift to another planet

Which sounds the most fun to you? 3 - 5 could be all together!


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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #96 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 12:16am
[Dood:] "Your agenda is no different then other religious zealots I have had to deal with in life."
Wow, you are as ignorant of my "agenda" as you are of Hitler's rise to power and the case against Tim McVeigh.  I have repeated called your bluff and you comically refuse to provide any evidence for your claims. 

"I have never responded to any of your posts...You offer me nothing that I need or want."

Once again, you contradict yourself.  You reponded 5 times to my ongoing "True Heavens" thread and even gushed, "This is a fascinating thread." 

However, you took upon yourself to go out of your way "to attack" me.
You transformed a simple request for your evidence into an attack by repeatedly refusing to lay out your case in simple words.  There is nothing personal about a critique that simply probes for the merits of someone's case.  You label my responses an "attack" because you feel threatened and, worse, exposed.

"I do not need anymore disinformation that religion offers...all based on fear."

One of the main reasons why you resist reason is your enslavement to unwarranted assumptions (e. g. your assumption about my presidential voting record).  Obviously, you have no clue about what the Bible teaches about the afterlife or how I am synthesizing these insights with astral exploration and NDEs.   Stay tuned to my True Heavens thread.
"So what is next? You gonna run to your 'buddies' and have them defend you?"
Why would I need defending?  After all these replies, you comically persist in ducking the issues in question and substituting ad hominen attacks. 


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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #97 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 1:45am

I am curious to see how you synthesize the Bible and astral travel. From my reading, the Bible teaches several different afterlife realms:

Kindgdom of Heaven
Kingdom of God
Gehenna (Gehenna-fire and Hell-fire same thing)
Hades (Translated as Hell)
Tartarus (Translated as Hell)
Outer Darkness
Bottomless Pit (would technically be a tube)

Thats all I can think of.


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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #98 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 10:34am

Start with 3 simple comparisons:
(1) NDEs, astral projection, and the Bible make it clear what life without time is like.
(2) The earliest literary evidence for soul retrievals comes from early Christian sources.
(3) Bruce Moen locates "the Park" (Focus 27) above "the Hollow Heavens."  The Bible locates "Paradise (= "the Park" = Focus 27) in "the 3rd heaven."  This implies two lower heavens.

I will resume my "New Heavens" thread after Christmas vacation and my extensive travels.

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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #99 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 11:09am
Once again Don you get it all wrong about me.  
You do not know me at all.
You are also not any more spiritual then I.
You are not anymore experienced then I.
You are not any better then I.
You are not any smarter then I.
You are not any wiser then I.

The difference between you an I is that I am honest.  With all my faults and I have many I will speak openly and honestly with people.
People know where they stand with me.
I will not candy coat. I will not BS people. I will not force any of my beliefs on to another person.
I plant a seed of thought and let them do with it as they will...or not.
I firmly believe in the sharing of Ideas.  My Ideas are not absolute.  
However, I like to share an Idea so others can add to that Idea in order to come up with a better Idea.  
Yes even you can add your Idea to the fray.

Also if you are going to Quote me then use the Quote Feature here.
Stop taking my words out of context.
That is just what 'Religious People' do.  
Take what ever they want out of the bible for example and make it 'fit' into their dogma and beliefs.

You want to know what I I believe?

Right here:

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #100 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 3:21pm
Old Dude, I believe there are many who are tirelessly working to continue entrapping souls, or beings in the lower spheres such as Monroe's focus 24,25,26. They well may believe that their created heaven ( in fact a hell) is where we should desire to be. Praying endlessly for forgiveness from one god, or even the poltheistic.  Many of these deceptive souls create their own tabernacles and feed on weekness or on others fear in an attempt to fill them. Many who are earthbound start their own churches, or cults to entrap.  When it comes to these people, "Misery loves company". Not all of us here are to be entrapped by the fear mongering of the religious zealots. I, like you, have opted for being free from such hypocrisy. The truely enlightened have no need of controlling or owning others souls. That is not saying that I am, or am even close to being so enlightened.
Even Hitler (or others) may well have created such a place in the belief system territories, for those believing in Naziism. Their church of Naziism and their sanguinary beliefs.
Following the confines of a organised religion or befief territory may only lead to possable entrapment and slow the advancement into finding the truth of God and furthering ones self towards spiritual enlightenment. Of course, not everone is ready for nor may they want to find God or move forward. The choice to do so may be as individualistic as befiefs, themselves.  
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« Last Edit: Dec 24th, 2007 at 4:56pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #101 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 5:12pm
Afterlife 101 is so good there should be a church built around it.  Grin Just kidding!

It covers everything you wanted to know about life and death.

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #102 - Dec 24th, 2007 at 6:20pm
I took a look at the Afterlife 101 page. Interesting stuff yet I am wondering why the people who were doing the channeling are not willing to say who they are. Makes it all seam a little shady to me.
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Old Dood
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #103 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 8:36am
hawkeye wrote on Dec 24th, 2007 at 6:20pm:
I took a look at the Afterlife 101 page. Interesting stuff yet I am wondering why the people who were doing the channeling are not willing to say who they are. Makes it all seam a little shady to me.

Well, in the 101 part you know who is who.
I see no problem with someone not wanting to be bothered/harrased/threatened/etc.
There are enough people out there still today that would cause physical harm to someone for 'saying' those things against 'God'.
Other words not following what ever bible that zealot believes in.
The people that channeled this info might have a family also they are protecting.
We do not know what their reasons are.
I do not get the 'feeling' they are hiding anything or are they being shady from my own perspective.

There is some real good info there. Eye-opening stuff.
It answers for me anyways why people are homosexual for example.
I am sick and tired of people harrasing homosexuals.
It is like they are still 'free game' out there.
I will always stand up for any homosexual's God Given/Universal Rights.
They are just as human and equal as everyone else.
Great neighbors too. Smiley
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #104 - Dec 25th, 2007 at 2:38pm
I am tired of how certain groups of people attack other groups the same as you Dood. i have been sort of a defender spirit in my mystical journeys, to look for those downtrodden.
it seems in our world, there is a need to find a scapegoat to project guilt onto a certain segment of society. this is what leads to wars.
I am feeling on christmas day and always, a deep desire to see peace manifest upon the entire planet. I will be called a dreamer, but i am with John Lennon, "imagine all the people, living for today, nothing to kill or die for..." you know the song was famous.

I think peace must be born within each person first. then I stand by the 100th monkey theory, where those who come after, just automatically know what to do.

love, alysia
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