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Hitler and everlasting punishement (Read 29769 times)
Alan McDougall
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Hitler and everlasting punishement
Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:41am
H1 All

Hitler’s hatred of the Jews presumably knew no bounds, for true hatred takes nothing to be too bad for the one we hate. It involves wanting and even willing someone’s endless suffering. Hitler’s actual atrocities can probably be quantified, for they were bounded by the limits that nature and nature’s God has put a limit on what an evil man can actually do. But God, looking upon Hitler’s heart, saw him willing on the Jews a quantitatively endless world of grief. God must make Hitler feel and acknowledge the wickedness of that desire if He is to show him his culpability’s full depth. Only then will Hitler apprehend himself truthfully. And so only that will begin to repair the moral order and quiet the anguish his unrequited wrong-doing stirs in our hearts. Yet Hitler cannot grasp the limitlessness of his evil intentions all at once, even after death; and so he will have to endure drinking the dregs of God’s righteous wrath everlastingly.


Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #1 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:02pm
How do you know your Hitler and my Hitler are the same Hitler, Alan?

love, blink Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #2 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:31pm
Dear Blink,

There is no your Hitler or my Hitler only the Hitler that existed in the second world war and only God has the true perpective about this evil monster.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #3 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 1:34pm

Are you suggesting that there is no one Hitler, but rather multiple Hitlers each having the characteristics that we, the observers, place upon him? 

Or maybe that there is one Hitler, but the characteristics attributed to him by Alan are different from the characteristics attributed to him by others?

There are still living survivors of the concentration camps.  It would be instructive to talk to one of them about Hitler and then talk to one of the skinheads.  In such a case I think it's a pretty safe bet that we would have two very different Hitlers.
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #4 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:17pm
Suspect that to quite a large degree Hitler thought he was doing good by 'his' people. But that he was deluded in thinking that his methods could do good, as are almost all of us.

Could Hitler remotely have done what he did except with the tacit and not so tacit agreement and support of very large numbers of people? If not with this, then without a collective turning away?

Is it not far too easy an out to demonise Hitler, to paint all the blame on him, and blithely go on without ever engaging in the true nature of what happened?

Do we really think that as nations we're any different to the people that supported him? That it can't or won't happen again should the same circumstances arise?

Is it not the case that many of us while professing and thinking otherwise by our actions and driven by fear believe it's quite OK to live by the rule of the fittest, winner takes all? That we're held back mostly by lack of daring, by fear of others  and by fear of the law?

Did Hitler do anything beyond apply that view on a scale and with a thoroughness that many of us simply don't get the opportunity or have the guts to do?

He certainly didn't improve his karma, but is he not deserving of compassion too?

Why should he suffer for eons when all that's needed to solve the problem is that he comes to see the error of his view?
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #5 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:40pm
So, since Hitler tormented people and ordered them to be thrown alive into ovens, the loving God that created him is going to do worse than HITLER for all eternity? God is going to torment the tormenter WORSE?! Since when do two wrongs make a right?

So, presumably Hitler is going to have his flesh barbecued for all eternity for no other purpose than to create insane pain. There is no redeeming value to an eternity in Hell. It is infinitely more sick and depraved than what Hitler himself did!

I am sure your god (small 'g' intended) is going to derive great pleasure from searing Adolf's skin in unquenable fire. Maybe when we get to heaven we can watch this man writhe in unspeakable agony and laugh together for all eternity. That will be great fun! We have such love and compassion!

God tell us to love our enemies right? Well, with him thats impossible. Something is impossible for God? Yep. He is going to torture his enemies in fire for all eternity! What is that word for someone who says one thing and then does another? It's on the tip of my tongue...

Did you know that the Bible says that God fashions all hearts?

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #6 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:45pm
Hi The one thing i must say about Hitler is that i hope that when he first crossed over to spirit,that he was made to feel the pain and the fear of those jewish children and jewish adults that he murdered without pity ,without compassion but hatred of the jews,which he so openly expressed,he had no right to decide who belongs on this earth plain,it was not his choice to make.

He was just a twisted advorsery of the devil himself and if he's over the spirit world suffering then that's his fault as he can change there if he want's to,but my guess is,he's still living on the darkside in himself and probably refuses the love and light of God to save him from his own hell,he created on earth.

Love and God bless      love juditha
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #7 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:45pm
Hi Alan, for a lot of people the topic "Hilter" is a very touchy subject. When we can get beyond the personal likes and dislikes of the topics widespread, we can openly talk about it. Un-fortuneatly that "time" seems not yet arrived. Maybe "today is that day". Maybe by speaking out some thoughts, we can change the consciousness level of it and turn the pages in this history book, for a lot of people get "stuck" right there on that page in time.

There are several things which I as a fullblooded native german, born by two german parents whom were born to two 2 german grandparents, whom had to proove their german decendancy reaching back as far as 250 years prior to their being allowed to marry, find I have an upmost interesting aspect which can benefit, many. Why I wrote it "just like that" is because its important to know that a person whom seeks their "roots" will always dig deeper than someone whom is just passing by seeking info.

I am going to write from 2 aspects, so bare with me a bit. This may be helpful to some.

Hilter is in the "afterlife", this is well known. Going onto the site, one can get the mediumbased conversations which took place with Hilter in the afterlife realm.  A heck of alot is explained in those transcripts. But what had shocked me more than anything else so far on my journey, the "soul" of Hilter is of angel decendency, meaning his part in the mass production of a play on earth had a greater mission, than that of you or I. It was to produce a movement in mass consciousness. WHICH BY GOD - HE DID FORFILL HIS MISSION, did he not?

To History. Pls always remember that each "epoch" has its own devine "consciousness level inwhich the people react in".. That is very very important to remember. Not one skinhead, I mean not 1 seems to truely understand what WWII was about in essence to be able to qualifiably stand for what it stood for in the minds of people whom lived it. Otherwise they wouldnt go around with beer bottles in their hands screaming out profanity, shaving their heads like lab monkeys are shaved and wearing combat boots, while in same turn not committing to a military Bundeswehr career. I refuse to take them serious at all until they clean their act up, wash and sew their clothes and brush their hair for which they`d have to grow first. I hope I spoke frankly enough. Their unconscious "kids" in my book. 

WWII - It had to do with a "choice" of a nation. A choice which not only 1 man made, although when spoken about today, theres mainly 1 mans name spoken out. Does this "name sound better than the others, or why is his only in rememberence?" We need to get past that!

I have spoken to persons whom out -"lived" the war, the gory details are not only on the sides of the Jews, which can be heard. Everyone endured this unless you were smart enough to kiss someones butt high enough in rank so to save your own life. Yes, there were alot of butt kissers back then and you and I would have been one too!

The oppression hit "everyone" and there was no distinguishing between german born or jewish born. My grandmother had to "kill with her own hands" inorder to sanctify the "life of her 2 remaining children", having already lost her husband and her 1st born because she did not do what had been told. Now given that this happened in my own family, I do not believe that this "directive" was kept any different amoungst many of the "ranking officers" matter of fact I know it wasnt.. So I ask anyone reading this, a conscious question:

If the President of the USA gave you a choice tomarrow to kill "me" inorder to save the lives of your daughters, mother, father and wife or husband, and to make sure that you understood the seriousness of it, shot your son in the head right infront of your eyes as proof, would you kill me? You dont know me, know nothing of me but I`d almost bet "yes, you would". So lets be careful of "judgement of circumstances inwhich one really has no insight to, other than history books or the telling of someone whom stood at the trigger part of the gun".. The "insight is different from each side of the box".

Well lots of "WWII people" whom lived before and after the war, "NOT THOSE WHOM FOUGHT IN THE WAR, (theres a difference), remember MUCH MORE. The people that fought the war are those that came in later to clean up a mess which someone else started. The people whom wrote the history books tell a story of a monster regime, yes.

Is there a difference of "monstery" when a country regime kills people "quitely", (death penalty, allowing mass firearms, testing reactions by adding substances to foods, sending Haarp Planes into the sky to spray chemicals - Chemtrails) Its all about consciousness, opening the eyes to that whats all around us.

So Alan, no offence but you stand corrected, Looking at it thru the eye of spirituality I would like to give you a hug right this very minuite, but Hilters Regime was not as simple, as based on a hatred towards "jews", but rather a mission to change how we all look at warlike conditions, oppression, slaughter of souls, dictatorship today.

So tell me, how do you look at those topics today?

Love to you,

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #8 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:47pm
Juditha, yes Hilters soul and those of the regime have been confronted with the outcome of its choices. And you and I both know that "Hilters soul may incarnate again" UNTIL WE LEARN THE FREAKIN MESSAGE  Cry

Love you,
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #9 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:55pm
Pat, what if God personally asked you to "forgive" Hilter for what you have learned from those books? Could you forgive him for it? If you just answered yes, to yourself then I am sure that, that is exactly what god wants us to learn now. "Forgiveness"

Why did I just write that, because we here all know that God and we are ONE, that means that all creatures are also of God, which means that we have killed or stood by to let be killed (death penalty) creatures of God. Everytime you have killed a fly in your life (and for some of us in areas of lakes thats quite alot of flies) you have killed many lives.. maybe as many as Hilter had killed.

Why did I use the comparison of a fly equal to a human being. Because this fly has a "life" to! How can we honestly sit there and condem, not forgive and hate, but on the other hand distinguish the worth of a "LIFE"?

Deep Deep subject! But we must forgive!

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #10 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 4:25pm
The reason I wrote that is to expose the evil teaching of eternal torture!

God is more unconditionally loving and forgiving than any of us can imagine. What I was trying to say is that Alan's view of God is of a sadistic God and that it is not true.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #11 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 4:28pm
Soory about that Pat, I must have completely missed the context. Guess I need to be forgiven now. Hugs, hugs and oooops. I can in good faith say that I too believe in a loving, forgiving, generious, AGAPE God Smiley Nanner
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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #12 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 5:09pm
It's ok Nanner, I forgive you!  Wink

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #13 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 5:13pm
Juditha, I came back to the forum to read your words again, for I thought I read something incorrectly, it stuck with me... but I didnt. You wrote: i hope that when he first crossed over to spirit,that he was made to feel the pain and the fear of those jewish children and jewish adults that he murdered without pity ,without compassion but hatred of the jews,which he so openly expressed. But he didnt murder them.

Most of all my concern is this: By the beautiful Juditha even "thinking" this negative energy of thoughts, she`s missing the lesson of AGAPE. One may not choose judgement when practising AGAPE Love. Even in the teachings of Jesus (whom if any human had by moral rights, reason to judge) gave compassion in every single detail of his life amoungst us. He was 99% spirit, 1% manlike in core of consciousness. We are exactly the oppisite in our thought processes.

Nothing is good, nothing is bad - everything "just is", sounds like a discernment but its not. It is allowing "free nonjudgemental energy to flow". Agape love frees us from the wish for someone elses soul to be tormented regardless of situation, frees us from thoughts of anger and leads us to a deeper and more understanding of Gods love thru ourselves.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Hitler and everlasting punishement
Reply #14 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 5:15pm
Thank you Pat  Wink
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