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bright light (Read 7157 times)
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bright light
Dec 12th, 2007 at 3:42pm

when talking about the hereafter, light is always included.
But what is in fact the point, that makes us considering light as a main being in the hereafter?

A few tries on my own.

1.) Approach through linking words

enLIGHTened: to be clarified = knowledge through "bringing light into the darkness", feeding the mind
darkness as the opposite, symbolizing uncertainty

2.) phenomenon "light" (connected to seeing)

Imagining a scenery: a dark alleyway, using a flashlight to find the way out.
Another image: the light at the end of the tunnel, arriving at the point, which one was searching for.

3.)phenomenon "light" (connected to feeling)

All of you know (infrared) lamps being used to ease e.g. rheumatism, feeling eased through heat energy/warmth.

The aspect, most of you might refer to easier, the warmth of PUL shining through sharing experiences.
But this warmth is a special aspect, as it is like being "charged" through experiencing oneness/ being part of the ultimate truth/ essence of things.

That is what I refer to when trying to explain myself, why light is obviously such an important aspect of the soul.
But as it is, always a question. What are your thoughts/ experiences/ feelings, that you connect with the term "light"?

yours sincerely,


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« Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2007 at 6:14pm by pulsar »  

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Re: bright light
Reply #1 - Dec 12th, 2007 at 6:02pm

I too enjoy linking words to seek  meaning. Another word connection I think is meaningful is feeling light (weight)-- because moving into the light of a mystical encounter can involve being lifted and having gravity voided.  Shocked  So the light brings this lightness of being!

My first times noticing light were when I would awake in a floaty happy mood with my eyes still closed and think of how happy I felt and what a beautiful sunny day it must be outside to have such a wonderful light shining even through my closed eyelids--then to open my eyes and find the room dark.  Opening my eyes while the light was bright caused a painful jerk/thud, so I think now that I had too abruptly ended an OBE.  But I didn't know that then.

Most recent explorations of light have been to step forward into the 3D light-within-darkness. It is an amazing space out/in there!

IMO the amount of light in an 'afterlife' experience seems to be a gauge of how much spirit is there. We can learn from darker dimmer images as well as from brighter ones, as long as we note spirit's presence and how that influences the message.

We are also light-bringers!

Love, Bets

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: bright light
Reply #2 - Dec 12th, 2007 at 6:33pm
Oh Pulsar,
I just had to get my little light book out and go into myself...

We should render thanks to God for having produced this temporal light, which is the smile of heaven and joy of the world, spreading it like a cloth of gold over the face of the air and earth, and lighting it as a torch by which we might behold His works.

Hail, holy light! offspring of heaven first-born.

John Milton
Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear, like owls and bats, before the light of day.

James A. Garfield
I am the light of the world.

Jesus Christ, in John 9:5
No wonder that light is so frequently used by the sacred oracles as the symbol of our best blessings. Of the Gospel revelation one apostle says, "The night is far spent, and the day is at hand." Another, under the impression of the same auspicious event, thus applied the language of ancient prophecy: "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."

The light in the world comes principally from two sources,—the sun, and the student's lamp.

Christian Nestell Bovee
Enlighten the path of others – darkness lights its own way.

I find the attraction of light and its attributes towards the afterlife are simply because nothing that we know of can even "exsist" without "light". Light nourishes, light heals, light is "life". So what better way to explain the grace of gods presence and LIFE no matter where we are other than with


But keep in mind I am not religious in todays way of religions.

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Re: bright light
Reply #3 - Dec 12th, 2007 at 6:40pm
I'd echo Bets experience. It can build to the most incredible intensity. It seems to be a natural phenomenon that develops after lots of meditation.

Light when its discussed seems to vary from a metaphor for what's good and wholesome to an actual sensory experience of the sort she describes. It can masquerade as higher entities, or as the portal to the afterlife too it seems, although I've not had those experiences.

These experiences with light tend in my experience to be incredibly energising - a half hour resting in the light seems as good as a night's sleep almost. (although the tiredness does catch up with you in a few hours as the effect wears off)

Buddhism teaches a basic rule of conduct in the Bardos (the afterlife - while cycling through to rebirth) which broadly speaking say 'go for the brightest light around at a given time' (the colours may vary a bit) if you want to avoid an unfortunate rebirth. They warn against heading for the warm cosy glow, no matter how harsh the light seems....
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Re: bright light
Reply #4 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 4:07am
  That phrase "bright light" strongly reminds me of Gizmo in the movie Gremlins..."no, Gizmo no like bright light!" 

  Anyways  Cheesy Roll Eyes   One of the koolest dreams i've ever had, was when i dreamt i was sitting outside meditating while looking at the Sun.   As i was looking at the Sun and going more deeply within at the same time,  i started to feel myself merge with and become one with the Sun. 

  The Sun's energy was so powerful, so expansive, so intense, that it was almost a bit scary at first, but then i just let go and felt myself expanding exponentially.  It became so unbelievably joyous in feeling, words don't describe it very well.  Orgasm probably comes closest.

  To me, the Sun, and all Stars are a little taste of Source within the physical, obviously not the Source, but representative of its consciousness, state of being, and energy.      

   Cayce's guides called the Sun, the dimension or consciousness state of the "infinity forces" in our little system.  Infinity sounds about right, because isn't Light infinite and all inclusive?   

  Some have mistakenly called the Sun "masculine", its an easy perception error to make, but the Sun really is perfectly balanced between the masculine and feminine, it is merged, it is on Fire with it Love in a sense.   I guess in a sense, it seems more masculine, because it creates so much, and active creation is a masculine Archetype.    Feminine is passive, receptive feeling and observing.   But the Sun IS receptive to something...

  Anyways, interestingly i had that Sun merging dream right around Solar Perihelion and near my b-day.  Very fitting, because this is the cycle wherein the Earth gets closest to the Sun in its yearly orbit around same.  It also speeds up to its fastest orbital velocity at this time.     I believe the Earth's energies become excited and speeded up during this window of time, through and by its closeness to this powerful Center of Light.   For some though (those who lack harmony within), the Sun creates havoc and emotional imbalance, because its such a fast vibrating and powerful energy. 

  Interestingly enough, it's not just the Sun who pours it's energy through into the Earth during Capricornus, its also the Galactic Center (a little earlier though).   The Sun is now in that position, and has been since 1980 (and will be until 2016) wherein during Winter Solstice the Sun aligns to the Galactic plane, in a physically, astronomically measurable way.

  So during and around this period, the Galactic Center's energy, as well as the Sun's, becomes prominent and speeds up the Earth's overall vibratory patterns.   And isn't the Sun, a microcosmic reflection of the Galactic Core?  Isn't physical light a reflection of and patterning after spiritual light?  Is not the Sun and the Galactic Core, Christ's children and like unto the Father?
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: bright light
Reply #5 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 7:55am
AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra - Thank you for those beautiful words.
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Re: bright light
Reply #6 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 8:32am
Nice experience. I don't have any very clear theoretical views about light Justin, but it's very notable that there does seem to be some correlation between physical external light, and that we perceive internally. As in external light can somehow as Bets has described trigger the internal experience.

I mentioned that light and especially the dawning of the clear light (regarded as primordial awareness unobscured by conceptual thought) is a central perspective in the Tibetan Buddhist Bardo teachings. Here's a greatly summarised version of what the Book of the Dead has to say about this in the context of the Bardos:

Another interesting thought on the role of light is outlined the movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know'. There is it seems good scientific reason to think that photon exchange or the emission of light is the means of communication by which higher DNA encoded higher information (like we are all part of a leg) is transmitted between cells.

Cancers it's suggested are possibly caused by compounds that scramble this transmission of light. (interestingly enough some of the preservatives used in cured meats that have been fingered in this regard do seem to scatter light, to produce prism like or diffractive effects) There's a view as well that the light we perceive internally is also the result of some sort of quantum effect.

Anyway. Unless we're naturally very gifted it's all theoretical until we do the meditative work to generate the stability needed if we are to be able to rest in states where these perceptions arise. perceiving light is not an act of will at least at first - it seems to spontaneously arise...
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Re: bright light
Reply #7 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 2:41pm
Nanner wrote on Dec 13th, 2007 at 7:55am:
AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra - Thank you for those beautiful words.


  You're welcome beautiful and intense looking Nanner/Anja.   I appreciate your appreciation.
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Re: bright light
Reply #8 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 3:01pm
Nice experience. I don't have any very clear theoretical views about light Justin, but it's very notable that there does seem to be some correlation between physical external light, and that we perceive internally. As in external light can somehow as Bets has described trigger the internal experience.

I mentioned that light and especially the dawning of the clear light (regarded as primordial awareness unobscured by conceptual thought) is a central perspective in the Tibetan Buddhist Bardo teachings. Here's a greatly summarised version of what the Book of the Dead has to say about this in the context of the Bardos:

Another interesting thought on the role of light is outlined the movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know'. There is it seems good scientific reason to think that photon exchange or the emission of light is the means of communication by which higher DNA encoded higher information (like we are all part of a leg) is transmitted between cells.

Cancers it's suggested are possibly caused by compounds that scramble this transmission of light. (interestingly enough some of the preservatives used in cured meats that have been fingered in this regard do seem to scatter light, to produce prism like or diffractive effects) There's a view as well that the light we perceive internally is also the result of some sort of quantum effect.

Anyway. Unless we're naturally very gifted it's all theoretical until we do the meditative work to generate the stability needed if we are to be able to rest in states where these perceptions arise. perceiving light is not an act of will at least at first - it seems to spontaneously arise...

  Thanks for the info Vajra.   It's interesting to note that prolonged darkness tends to stimulate the Pineal gland in the body.   

  BUT, on the other hand, its interesting to note that Sunlight stimulates the Pituitary gland, as in Sun gazing when the ultraviolet rays are very weak, at sunset and sunrise.    Something i need to practice more of.

There is some controversy about what gland goes to what "Chakra".    Physically speaking, the Pineal gland is the highest in the body and that's one of the reasons many have linked it to the Crown Chakra which is seen as the highest as well.   

  However, that which is physical is a reflection, a slightly distorted reflection of that which exists as pure consciousness. 

   Cayce's guides say that it is really the Pituitary gland, which is the highest or most expanded gland spiritually and vibrationally speaking, and which corresponds more to the Crown.   

  They say that ideally what happens in meditation, is that the Kundalini flows from the cells of the Leydig, which are connected to the Gonads/Ovaries, and then flows through all of the other glands purifiying, balancing, and activivating them, reaches the Pineal at the top, and then flows over and down to the Pituitary.

  This is why in Egyptian philosophy and art, the Cadeus snake is seen to rise to the top, but then the head of same is below and parallel to the Pituitary area, and not to the Pineal.   

  This is also the golden cup that runneth over, as talked about in the Bible.   Literally, it pours over and is like a "chalice".   The Pituitary is Golden, and to reach that one must become silent and receptive.

  But its Light which completes this process, not darkness.   Darkness is just the first necessary receptivity, and balance to the Light.    Or in astro terms, Neptune comes before and "veils" the Sun.

  Neptune is the receptivity, and meditation, and one must spend time in that, but then the Sun shines forth when the student learns to fully, holistically, and consistently practice in the world what one has passively learned and become attuned to in meditation.

  The Sun is the symbol of people's Higher or Greater selves, and we can become that personified. 

Buddha was Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury (pure Pineal gland perception/awareness), Christ was Sun (and the Pituitary gland) who came after, and the Buddha helped clear the way for him.   Or at least my guidance and intuition says symbolically.    Since i'm not a perfectly clear channel, there may be distortions here and there.  Btw, i'm not trying to say that Christ was "better" than Buddha or anything like that.  I see them as brothers arm in arm, and two parts to the same coin.   

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Re: bright light
Reply #9 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 3:29pm
I don't know everything about the light, Pulsar, but I met what looked like "light" beings in a lucid dream once. I've seen them in meditation too, in various forms. Of course, I don't know if it is all a figment of my imagination, but, in meditation and in dreaming, these were spontaneous images, so just part of a natural process.

Too, it is possible to "feel" light, internally, while meditating, to feel energy moving around. In fact, it feels very good.

We are made to follow the sun, and we will always be this way. It is part of our physical nature, and part of our instinctive longings.

Because of light, we see beauty around us. What kind of beauty would we be able to imagine and create in a world without light?

Of course, there is beauty too, beneath the ocean waves, where no light can shine upon it, but rarely.

So, it is true, that we cannot always notice everything right away, but without the light, where then would we be?

love, blink Smiley
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Re: bright light
Reply #10 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 6:25am
[quote author=Nanner link=1197488576/0#5 date=1197546921]  You're welcome beautiful and intense looking Nanner/Anja.   I appreciate your appreciation.  

AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra, I`ve been promoted to a Nanneranja, now... thats intense! Woe - how neat. I like that name. Lets face it Nanners have a beautuful happy, yellow color, they`re healthy, they`re aerodynamic great for boomerang effect and when you peel off the outside shell boom theres a blast for the tastebuds. One side effect -> eat too many of them and you get constipated!

Thanks for the fuzzy.

Hope I helped everyone smile today and wish everyone a wonderful day,  Smiley
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Re: bright light
Reply #11 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 8:32am
Roll Eyes I must be a bit slow, I'd not made the 'Nanner' connection.

On light and the like, with an eye to the other thread. I've consistently had problems with low thyroid and yet have tended to experience quite a lot of light - for what that's worth. I've never experienced it as anything other than a general and  highly energised feeling of light and love though - while it has happened for whetever reason I don't seem to much go in for experience involving separate beings.

No hassle on the Buddha/Christ thing J, it's not about winners and losers but about horses for courses. My instinct (not original) is that great teachers come when they are needed (in response to the needs of their time), and that it's not an option for us to somehow define one as good, the other as bad. Pearl fishing requires us to draw wisely from them all. (this last few might upset a few in both of the above traditions, but seems to be what was taught)

Of course not all teachers are great, but since we're anyway filtering teachings which have been passed down over very long periods of time and consequently may not be presented as original we have to apply a lot of our own discretion in deciding what we draw from who and where.

I can't account for the differences in astrological terms or anything, but the Buddha seems to have taught a very carefully figured out (in intellectual logicial terms) real life message which started from very conventional rule based living, but which extended to include the highest imaginable experience and consciousness.

He seems to have been injecting a less superstitious approach into spirituality - in an attempt to offset what he saw as the not so grounded nature of much as Dave has said contemporary belief which emphasised superstitious worship and invocation of a huge panoply of capricious Gods rather than personal work, and a rational engagement with our reality and path to produce spiritual growth.

It's argued that he avoided use of the word God and stayed with practically usable descriptions of the highest forms of consciousness (which is in my view just another way of pointing towards the same thing) for this reason too, his teaching would otherwise have drawn unnecessary flak and been lost in the system of multiple Gods around at that time.

Jesus, at least as I receive the message, seems to have taught the more basic factual stuff too, but then gone on to teach a more intuitive and in some ways simpler message of living through love. He seems to have taught very explicitly of the possibility of a personal relationship with God, but still very much in the context of a personal path of practice and growth.

I'm not sure why, but I could very easily speculate that this was in order to offset the unfeeling, rationalistic and intellectual mind we're so familiar with now which was then coming to the fore with the authoritarian culture created by the Roman empire, the Greeks and so on. His message has endured, but was arguably almost consumed by the Pauline church which was (with the help of the emperor Constantine)  was formally built on this culture. The scientific revolution and its cult of reason while important will if not softened now cost us our world and what remains of our hearts. (broadly as mentioned in the thread on the Golden Compass)  It's perhaps only now that his message is really getting through.

Buddhism has remained enormously important too, if only because it's rationality, tolerance  and practical applicability to one's life makes it very accessible for the modern intellectually oriented mind.

There are other great traditions out there too which if we can remain open enough to pearl fish instead of retiring to our bunkers and looking for differences to exploit and sow separation with all have so much helpful to say.

Anyway - more ramblings...
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« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:11pm by N/A »  
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Re: bright light
Reply #12 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 5:53pm
the way I see light in my own thought system is probably similar to everyone else's view Pulsar. I see thoughts that are negative as a lack of the light, then I see illness as dark thoughts settling into one's physical body and causing if not disease, a fertile ground for that to occur. so my thought system leans toward viewing the light in order to remain healthy on all levels.
I tend to want to study quantum physics and sometimes I try to understand this that is called physics. science will say the human is energy system, then they will say, this is a photon, this is a quark, this is that, its hard to digest. its like breaking down the light.
it is too much for my brain. but at the same time somewhat fascining to think of ourselves as The Light.  if we call the light god stuff, then I begin to understand, the light is god and we are made of god stuff, as I don't remember composing my own body of light.

so with my circular thinking I eat my tail generously. as far as becoming enlightened, i don't worry what will happen because I feel whatever happened already happened and now I exist within the past and the future at the same time. weird huh?

I believe to be enlightened is the undoing of error perception, then we say we shed light on the subject. to dispell shadow is to bring light. and theres one thing, there are beings of such strong light they must tone it down in order for us to view them. i have not come upon this experience myself but I heard Monroe did and some old literature affirms experiences like this.
also the light and the energy of PUL do seem related, but a different perspective each can attach to.

thanks for our delightful chatroom talk today dear Pulsar!
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Re: bright light
Reply #13 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:15pm
Interesting discussion. I had thought that light was simply the way we experienced God - something like Light = Life, and that's the major Source. But it might be explicable in biological terms.  My usual experience is in meditation when I seem to be getting into transcendental stuff.

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Re: bright light
Reply #14 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:25pm
  Hi Vajra, thanks for the reply.   Yeah, dunno ultimately, but your reply made a lot of sense on a lot of different levels.   I very much love the Buddha, his core teachings, and i'm grateful that Buddhism is still around.   I also see it as very important and positively influential.   So far, i've met more Buddhists who i would say struck me as more "Christ like" than i've met Christians, particularly those of the dogmatic, traditional type.

  I've always kind of considered myself kind of a mix of mystic, occultist Christian Buddhist, if i had to actually label myself.   I would say, early, original Christianity had a lot more similarity to Buddhism, and i very much believe Yeshua traveled to various parts of the East during his so called "lost years".

  Sometimes i can be too rudely blunt about what i think and feel.   Sometimes i don't consider enough the impact of my words on others, partly because a big part of my karmic pattern and issues is involved in with being too concerned with what others thought, felt, etc.    So sometimes i go to the opposite extreme, and can be way to blunt and direct at times.   I rarely mean harm, and i'm rarely being personal about it, but it can be insensitive nonetheless. 

  One of the major, outer "signs" that i've pieced together from a synthesis of some major and more credible sources (those either with a long, tried and true tradition, or with outer verifications like Cayce and some authors connected to TMI, for example) of complete and full enLightenment while in the Earth, is that a person who phases into same, transcends completely space/time.   Hence, they don't age, don't die from "natural causes", etc.    They have dedicated themselves to staying in the physical and help out till the last of us, also fully enLightens their energy system and consciousness.    My belief and sense is that such individuals literally become pure Light, they take the dense, super slow vibratory frequencies of the physical body, and speed them up to the vibrational/frequency state of pure Light again.   

  In a sense, it's like they fuse the physical with the spiritual, and its becomes One.   Hence they have attributes of physicality, and yet are not limited to or by same at all.   It seems very paradoxical in nature.

  I believe this process, can even manifest an effect on other physical, relative energies.   This is what i believe caused the image on the Shroud of Turin to be formed.   I've studied same a bit here and there and its a very interesting study both scientifically and metaphysically.   

  Yet, there are also degrees of enLightenment as well, some are closer or farther from that state of pure Light within the physical and of the physical.   It's not something to focus or concentrate on, but at the same time its something to be aware of in a detached manner, particularly when considering various spiritual teachings and teachers.   It's important to be aware of the outer signs, as well as the inner feelings and sensings, that relate to a teachers degree of attunement to Source.   

  My sense is that the Buddha is fully and completely enlightened now.  Pure Radiant White Light again.  While i look to some outer info which to me is more holistically verified, i also go a lot by my inner intuitive sense too.   

  Anyways, thanks for the discussion.  Ultimately, i get the strong sense that modern day Buddhism and Christianity, has a lot to teach and learn from each other.   To me, they are very good compliments.
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