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bright light (Read 7160 times)
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Re: bright light
Reply #15 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:28pm
Nanner wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 6:25am:
[quote author=Nanner link=1197488576/0#5 date=1197546921]  You're welcome beautiful and intense looking Nanner/Anja.   I appreciate your appreciation. 

AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra, I`ve been promoted to a Nanneranja, now... thats intense! Woe - how neat. I like that name. Lets face it Nanners have a beautuful happy, yellow color, they`re healthy, they`re aerodynamic great for boomerang effect and when you peel off the outside shell boom theres a blast for the tastebuds. One side effect -> eat too many of them and you get constipated!

Thanks for the fuzzy.

Hope I helped everyone smile today and wish everyone a wonderful day,  Smiley

Grin  Glad you got some humor out of that.   I didn't mean it that way, but it's good to see the humor in things.   

  I had thought i had seen you sign off as both "Nanner" and "Anja" at different times?   But yes, when you put the two together, does sound like the word for an orange in Spanish is it?
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Re: bright light
Reply #16 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 8:05am
Ahso, I love being a NannerAnja now and yes, very observant you are....sometimes one can see that I signoff as Anja (my name spoken like Tanja drop the T) or alias Nannerghost (given to me by my nephews - now you see her, now you don`t type of thing) and Nanner came about as most students had come to identify me as a hard but fair mother filled with equal love for everyone and thus gave me the name Nanner.  Now AhSo, there are some people that have other names for me... like Bit**, or Butthole to name a few. I love em all!

C- ya and have a great day! You guys are the greatest!
AhSo`s NannerAnja  Grin
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Re: bright light
Reply #17 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 7:45pm

thank you all for sharing your insights according to the phenomenon light.
Just a few short relfective thoughts, so then I take it, light as an indicator for ones own spiritual level, from the few experiences oob/pe/ap/meditation I had so far, I got less "lightfilled" experiences, I thought of them, just like you said (@ indicator), as an indicator for "not being spiritual grown up".

That light must not be always cosy and warm, is reasonable enough, right? So it is also reasonable, that enlightenment can also be connected with a light that "burns ones eyes" (an harsh "eyeopener", was also mentioned by you!)

What is also interesting according to light, referring to the enlightening aspect, what would the next step be like, if light brought clarity through knowledge? An image hardly imaginable, but the enlightened ones obviously need no optical metaphor to see (as light symbolizes just what I mentioned before, but to take it further, what would it be like to accept light an important aspect of the big puzzle?)

Or is it even ridiculous to even think about further steps? But one point to hang on, light is also oscillation/vibration, that it is in fact the stage after enlightenment, to remain as a vibration in the big picture. To say, as the transcendental feature of what we refer to, the "bright light".

I beg your pardon for being such an irritant, but always on the run for the next step, which obviously HAS TO exist (as life itself cannot remain a mechanism of standstill).

Again, thank you so much for sharing your pov/experiences.

yours sincerely,

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Re: bright light
Reply #18 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 8:50pm
Hi P. I can't really answer your question properly, but my sense is that white light experienced while meditating seems perhaps to signal the portal to higher experience and connectedness. I've no very explainable experience, but if what I read is true differing colours seem to point awareness resting at differing levels which equate more or less to the chakras or realms.

It's probably the experience (not any intellectual idea) that transforms the consciousness, and it seems to do it by overturning the previous usually egotistically based belief systems. For example to experience the thinking mind falling away during meditation (in an absolutely tangible way - like you just can't think, and when you do it feels like it's another person talking from miles away and in slow motion) to be replaced by visual light and a feeling of being loved while having all sort of incredible insights and answers float into consciousness fully formed tends to put rather a dent in one's belief that one is just body and mind, and that all mental processes arise in the brain.

To the point potentially of leaving one emotionally overwhelmed.

There's far more than that that goes on too as a result of this. One may find all sorts of insights, emotional opening and changed perspectives arising in the weeks and months after even a single experience.

That doesn't mean that it's not as Dave says just some sort of physically caused and entirely subjective effect, but it's damn convincing to the effect that (a) we're not quite what we think we are, and (b) there's a lot more than the physical going on ......
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Re: bright light
Reply #19 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 8:58pm
Hi Pulsar,

You say: " I got less "lightfilled" experiences, I thought of them, just like you said (@ indicator), as an indicator for "not being spiritual grown up".

I think the Light indicates that you or the entity bringing the message are out of the physical in some way. But I think very spiritually significant dreams and experiences can happen without the extra light effects. Even the absence of light is a message from spirit, more perhaps a warning or in some way dealing with less positive situations.
If for example the medieval visions you had were shown in gloomy lighting, what might that indicate? It could be a reflection of your previous lives' state of spiritual developement? So now you could see that those experiences and values were not spirit-filled, not to be admired even if heroism etc seemed then to be involved.

A current significant dream or vision could have extra light or not, and either way still be significant.  I don't mean to be 'splitting hairs', just thought that might need clarifying.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: bright light
Reply #20 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 9:30pm


to pick up the "knower" (d explained it as the awarness that will never cease), I understood it this way, the part of us that will be left, after being enlightened. So awareness (not the "I am" awarness), to link it to the possible state of vibrating, that might be the state of being after leaving behind the earthbound/ egotistical mindset, must have the ability to be linked to the source, we might call it ultimate truth.
To get an idea of it (not a blind desire, but to get a glimpse of this state of being), the awareness then must be like enhanced performance of thinking. What must neither be only logical, nor only emotional, nor even both of them. A state of just "to be" (sry for getting to much into "the void" again).
Not judgemental thinking of course.


In discussing voids, the absence of light, I think we were somewhere around the same point, a warning.
That is also why I put the thought aside, that less light means nothing at all.
What I did not get into my egghead, is the everlasting refusal of the negative, the opposite of light, voids/darkness (might be scary, but if what to face is scary, to learn from it, there is obviously no problem with it)
Seeing negative aspects is not really like turning away from light (like you just mentioned, the absence of light as a reminder of where the path should not lead), it is more like "how much can one take". In the case of enlightenment, it must be also an aspect to look after, it is not just recognizing what is bad and turn, the overcoming part maybe lies within making the shadows fall (living is pain, dying is pain > the essence lies within overcoming the pain attached to it, as pain is negative, a void, an empty space, it makes sense.
It is more like finding the balance between, I do not think that everlasting joyfulness is what awaits an enlightened spirit, that is of course (in my humble opinion, maybe I mistreat buddhism in that way) more like a moderate state, where the positive and negative merge, to built a state full of continuity.
It is rather not a question of positive and negative, but how to handle them to gain the "right insights".
Sailing on one of the two ships, if it is the positive or negative, cannot be long-lasting at all.
I think the first fraud in human thinking is dividing the world in good and bad, thinking of sworn enemies.
Maybe an inappropriate quote, but isn't it the truth that hurts (at least sometimes)?
Might sound like big words, that are not well reflected, if judgemental thinking was not there at all, don't you think, e.g. killing in the name of a purpose (kings, flags, leaders) would not even be considered?
You might ask yourself why I think that way, killing itself is nothing more than uncontrolled, outbreaking hate, so if having a balanced view between "good" and "bad", it would be hard to consider something like killing. Why? A rethorical question then, but when having the balanced state as the "ideal" of being, an too negative outbreak would just be irrational, against the concept of being less judgemental.

It is a metaphorical matter, after all.
And of course a thought experiment, I mean, how much could it reveal for ourselves, if we just try to get into that kind of thinking, where even our experiences, that are in fact a transcendental part of human nature, are only an initial state?
That was where I was heading this time (I think everyone has recognized it)
Just another stream of thoughts, trying to overcome imbalance here and now.

I question and also doubt, that light has to be a positive turnout, I rather tend to think, like I mentioned before, to be enLIGHTened begins, where positive and negative are no more, that is where (for me) the transcendence in our human-term thinking lies, what I would call harmony. Harmony is obviously not bliss per se.

yours sincerely,


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« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2007 at 8:58am by pulsar »  

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Re: bright light
Reply #21 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 10:52pm
Pulsar, are you 19? if you are, you are a very deep thinker for so young. I'm getting 22 in my head right now. Smiley

you said: It is more like finding the balance between.

this is what u said, a lot like TMI premises, the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain allow a synchronization feeling, where images perhaps can enter through the right side, or as we might like to call it, intuition activated thru that side, while on the left side, we might see this as the intellect which would allow us to interpret those images as best we could, according to our own experiences, which includes what we picked up from books.

aside from getting the ol brain balanced, (hemisync is an initial aid, after you do it a few times, it can be discarded because we are able to induce the synchronization through the memory of how it felt. I welcome TMI participants to correct or add to my thoughts on this, as I've not used hemisync, I support it's premises, but I do my balancing with music and reading and you guys here.

I believe you are on the right track Pulsar, as all your thoughts line up from my pov and I was able to follow them ok. sometimes its hard to follow what a poster is saying but you are clear. theres another thought along with yours, that there is a state of consciousness humanity is headed for in majority, you've heard me mention the shift in consciousness, and now I have news from another source, it as you talked about a non-judgmental area of consciousness, also called by some a state of living within non-duality, where nothing is recognized as good, nothing is recognized as bad, but as you said, a state of being in between, or in balance. yet it does not imply inaction, and one does not have to join a secluded group to achieve it, we are being assisted by nonphysicals.

when this occurs, this balance, and I'm not saying anything you didn't say first, it is impossible to harm another or generate karma for oneself.

this is what my guide DP calls bringing heaven to Earth. we've still aways to go, but our eventual evolvement has already occurred and is assured. but thats another subject.

the bible speaks of this as 1,000 years of peace.

love, alysia
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