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Posts: 90
Afterlife101 seems to think suicide is bad. I have to disagree. According to Monroe, once we have had our fill of experience, we can pack up and leave whenever we want with no penalty from "God", Jesus, the tooth fairy, or anything else. It also seems to preach there is no such thing as evil and that we should love even the most cruel of people and learn to forgive.Then it goes on to say "IT" doesn't understand why humans put other evil humans to death. If life after death is a fact and that we go through a life review, a spirit such as that would have to literally experience all the madness it has created here on earth and see the pain it has caused everyone and everything it effected. It also says that an immature spirit can incarnate to earth and cause mass havoc. If this is true, who would allow such a spirit like that even be to be human. A lot of it seems rhetorical, and contradictory. Some of it does not jive with what Monroe has talked about in his books. Having experienced some of the things Monroe has talked about myself, I feel he has more credibility than that site.