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Question for Don-PUL (Read 6111 times)
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Question for Don-PUL
Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm

This is a term that is used frequently but, I think, inaccurately.

When folks say they are sending someone PUL, I wonder if they maybe are using that term incorrectly. In my mind, PUL is not a commodity that can be sent or received, as if it were a box of candy.

Instead, I think of PUL as a state of mind, a state of being or existing instead of something that we possess.  In fact, PUL might be the very essence of Being, or God if you will.

I recall years ago Bruce saying that PUL is what a mom feels when holding a small baby or child in her arms. The problem with that, however, is the fact that the feeling is not unconditional.  Like any other feeling, it comes and goes, whereas PUL (if I'm right) is constant and unchangeable. 

Moreover, if the mother's feeling changes when her child throws a temper tantrum, it's obvious that she really doesn't have PUL since, by definition, it was not unconditional.  It was instead conditioned on a momentary relationship she was feeling with her baby at a particular point in time.

I guess the real question is, can any of us really "have" PUL?
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #1 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 4:09pm
Some of us on this forum don't have the exact same idea about how to express PUL; nevertheless, I believe that when people on this forum speak of PUL, they do in fact mean pure unconditional love. I believe there are some wonderful people on this forum, and I don't believe this stops being the case simply because we have differences of opinion.

I can't say what precisely love/PUL is, but I believe it is an energy of some sort. As an energy, it can be sent to others. I've actually felt it move out of my heart chakra as I've sent it to others. They could feel it reach them as I did so. I've never done a long distance test, but I figure the parameters go beyond our linear concept of space.

The other night I went through some though processes that led me to the conclusion that the only way love can perfectly and completely manifest in a higher realm, is when every being within the realm is thought to be completely worthy of being loved, without one being standing above the other. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any exceptions. Perhaps we'll love God more than we love others. I'll leave that up to him. But when it comes to the rest of us, can love be perfect if it isn't equally shared with all?

Part of what helped me consider this is when I thought of what would it be like if a group of friends spoke together, and some of the friends told one of the friends we love you, but not as much as we love each other? There is no way love could fully manifest in such a way. Whatever the case, thinking in this way really got my heart chakra to open up, I experienced divine love, and this caused my energy level to increase in a noticeable way. This shows that personal love does relate to divine love. It is a matter of how much you let go of the parameters. As long as a person is pointed in such a direction, he or she should be okay regardless of what religion he or she believes in.

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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #2 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 4:26pm

Just one opinion---

PUL is certainly an essential, all-pervading universal energy of life/creation.
We humans, and all life, are channels of such energy, assistants in spreading it out from its divine Source.

PUL is definitely less related to being focussed on one person than say sending 'love' is. When I send love, it sounds too personal to many people, who would prefer the term love only be used for an exclusive committed relationship.  Smiley Lots of times I forget and send love anyway.

When I say I want to send some one some PUL, I mean to simply remind them
that they are receiving PUL. I certainly take no credit for its flow.

As with any aspect of the great divine, our words and explanations don't do it
justice. I apologize for any misinterpretations my words or actions cause.

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #3 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 4:41pm

rondele wrote on Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm:
In my mind, PUL is not a commodity that can be sent or received, as if it were a box of candy.  Instead, I think of PUL as a state of mind, a state of being or existing instead of something that we possess.  

As I use the phrase Pure Unconditional Love (PUL) I am referring to the direct experience of a Feeling that can be sent or received, not a commodity like a box of candy or something that can be possessed.   I not am sure if you are saying that you think I see it as a commodity or that you just don't understand the concept of sending a feeling?

rondele wrote on Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm:
I recall years ago Bruce saying that PUL is what a mom feels when holding a small baby or child in her arms.

What I have said in the past that is similar to what you say here is that one way to help ourselves to directly re-experience the Feeling of PUL is to remember a time (or event) in your past in which your were directly experiencing that feeling.  One of the examples I used to illustrate such an event was holding my new born babies in my arms as the feeling I experienced during that event was very similar to other examples of events in my life in which I experienced that feeling.  And, it is an event that others may have also experienced, like mothers holding their new born baby for the first time.

rondele wrote on Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm:
The problem with that, however, is the fact that the feeling is not unconditional.  Like any other feeling, it comes and goes, whereas PUL (if I'm right) is constant and unchangeable.

I would say the Feeling of PUL "is constant and unchangeable" where as whether or not I am experiencing it "comes and goes."  Of course it does.  But being in a continuous state of directly experiencing PUL has nothing to do with sending or projecting this energy/feeling.  By your statement I think maybe you are a little confused about what it means to send or project PUL.  So, I don't understand what the "problem" is?

rondele wrote on Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:49pm:
Moreover, if the mother's feeling changes when her child throws a temper tantrum, it's obvious that she really doesn't have PUL since, by definition, it was not unconditional.  It was instead conditioned on a momentary relationship she was feeling with her baby at a particular point in time.

Yes, of course a person's feelings change.  But what has that got to do with whether or not they a capable of experiencing the feeling of PUL toward their child?  By your reasoning if I am angry at someone and a minute later I am happy with them then it could not have been anger I felt before because the feeling changed?  Pure Unonditional Love is in my view a feeling we can experience whose validity cannot be judged based upon feelings that come before it or after it.  It's validity or "accuracy" can only be judged during the experience of the feeling.  As a feeling, it just IS.

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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #4 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 5:03pm
Some more thoughts about the below statement.  Certainly living according to PUL isn't an all or nothing thing while we are in the physical. To suggest such a thing is to imply that either one lives according to it "always "and is a perfect saint, or one doesn't live according to it at all, and ends up being a person who always engages in unloving, mean spirited,  hateful action.  People are a mixture of these two extremes, usually not right down the middle.

I believe that if we make good use of our life, we live according to love/PUL as much as we can, with things such as our lower nature and the circumstances of life providing us with the challenges that provide a unique growing opportunity.

[quote author=Rondele link=1197398959/0#0 date=1197398958]Don-

I recall years ago Bruce saying that PUL is what a mom feels when holding a small baby or child in her arms. The problem with that, however, is the fact that the feeling is not unconditional.  Like any other feeling, it comes and goes, whereas PUL (if I'm right) is constant and unchangeable.  

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« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2007 at 9:13pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #5 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 7:17pm
I think the PUL issue is one of consciousness. To love is the natural tendency of all beings. It doesn't require willpower, it's not an act of will, it just happens. And as Bruce says it's perceived as a feeling - usually as a lower level fairly generalised feeling, but in peak experiences (especially during or after meditation) as a high intensity outpouring of energy from the heart chakra with associated emotional side effects. Like getting a bit weepy, or whatever.

Where we come unstuck is that the often very intense mental chatter and static (values, attitudes, moods, emotions and stray thoughts) created by ego often obscure this urge to love. This chatter includes for example anger (the self fearing another), and the plays we in our delusion indulge in as a result. e.g. macho behaviours, the take no prisoners style of business or indeed of military activity and so on.

This static is the clouds covering the sun that Tibetan Buddhists talk about. The Sun is always there, and always shining above the clouds. Meditation helps us to access our natural loving tendency by reducing the level of chatter and allowing the sun (our natural goodness) to shine through.

This natural tendency is regarded as inherent in all beings because in the end when we see through a consciousness not obscured by this static we know that we are a part of the whole.

With (especially meditative) practice some of us can reach for the state that allows this love to shine out. We don't send it as such, once the clouds move back it shines forth and is perceived and felt by others of an equally open and sensitive nature.

There are many varieties of especially romantic and so called lustful love that owe more to selfish  ego tendencies and intellect than they do to this wholly generalised form which as you know is often called agape.
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #6 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 7:58pm

I cannot speak for the purity of intent and inner state of everyone who claims to have projected PUL during retrievals.  But I must be honest and admit that none of the retrievals reported on this site strike me as genuine.  I say this for 2 reasons:

(1) The deafening silence of inadequate verifications: Emmanuel Swedenborg [ES] does not mention his retrievals in his classic "Heaven and Hell."  But he does allude to retrievals of "devils" (=evil discarnate humans) in his other works.  I'm impressed with his retrievals because of his awesome verifications.  ES could contact the dead and glean from them a detailed reconstruction of their last conversation with their friend or loved one.  He could also bring back paranormal information that only the deceased could know. 

By contrast, one of the most prolific retrievers in the history of this site was a gal named Ginny.  Her prized verification was a contact with her late grandpa during which he rightly claimed to have been a Mason--a fact of which Ginny was unaware.  But Grandpa then told Ginny something patently false--that Masons believe in reincarnation.   Her verification turned into a refutation of the validity of her retrieval.  Altered states breed sporadic ESP experiences.  To count as genuine contact, the ESP must be comprehensive and verifiable like ES's reports.  I do not buy the rationalization that these wannabe retrievers simply haven't honed their interpretive skills as well as ES.  The more rational explanation is that ES could contact the dead and these others cannot, at least not during their retrieval efforts. 

(2) With notable exceptions, the imagined projection of PUL is routinely a key to these alleged retrievals.  But from posters' descriptions, I am convinced that astral projectors were mistaking ecstasy for PUL.  PUL is not a cosmic soup in which one can immerse oneself to project it outwards.  The adjectives "pure" and "unconditional" derive their meaning from ordinary language and necessarily imply that PUL is a way of being.  "Pure" is only meaningful by virtue of its contrast with various forms of ego-based impurity.  "Unconditional" is only meaningful by virtue of its contrast with the many self-serving conditions or strings that we attach to our so-called love.  I don't get to project PUL and then be a totally different kind of person during my ordinary state of consciousness. 

In this respect, it is useful to consider from a Christian perspective just what PUL entails:

"Love your enemies.  Do good to those who hate you.  Pray for the happiness of those who curse you.  Pray for those who hurt you (Luke 6:27-28)."

"Love is patient and kind.  Love is not boastful or jealous or proud or rude.  Love does not demand its own way.  Love is not irritable and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged.  It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever the truth wins out (1 Corinthians 13:4-6)."

From a Christian perspective, love is a permanent mood or psychological orientation in that it becomes a core desire, indeed a manifestion of one's mystical union with God at the core of one's being: "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures in every circumstance.  Love never ends (1 Corinthians 13:7-8)."

The experience of ecstasy during an OBE or astral state can fill one with "warm fuzzies" for everyone you allegedly encounter during such a state.   The same ubiquitous good will is experienced during the ecstasy of contrived speaking in tongues.  The acid test of whether such experiences are genuine and truly do manifest PUL is the relative permanence of the after-effect.  PUL can be a core value even though we may not know how to manifest it in a given moment. The capacity to manifest PUL is a function of the purity of our intent, not the success of our efforts.  All PUL is reflexive and relational.  In other words, I cannot immerse myself in PUL in an impersonal astral void; I experience PUL as I commune with its Source [God] and love that Source.  There is no PUL without profound gratitude to God which empowers me to relate to others out of a sense of privilege rather than a sense of duty.  As a psychological reality, the motivation of duty often unwittingly treats the needy as a burden and collects applause in the mind for putting up with them.   For this reason, the Jesus of atheist Howard Storm's NDE reminds him that love of God, self, and others are manifestions of an inseparable whole.  The atheist or agnostic cannot routinely manifest PUL.   


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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #7 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 8:41pm

I can't say I agree with everything you wrote.  Regarding PUL (love),  on a number of occasions I've experienced divine love that included feelings such as grattitude, humility, appreciation and loyalty towards that which is divine. I've also felt love in a less expansive way when feeling love for a person or an animal.  When I feel love in a more simple way, perhaps for a person or an animal, I don't find it necessary to degrade such love in order to affirm divine love. Love doesn't stop being love simply because we can tune into it at different degrees.

Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself.  Perhaps his meaning wasn't to throw sand in the faces of others because we judge that their love isn't good enough.  Perhaps he made such a statement because he understood that if a person has the intention to grow in love, then even if such a person chooses to love in situations that don't seem lofty, a person's intent will lead he or she in a direction where he or she will be able to love more and more. I bet you Jesus loves it when a person does something such as give his or her kitty cat a tender pet on the head, even if this person isn't experiencing cosmic love at the time.

Regarding retrievels,  going by my experiences, things haven't been set up so I can prove to "you" or others that I've done them.  The light beings I work with felt it was enough that "I" understand what's going on. Why should it matter what others think as long as retrievels are done as necessary? Regarding some kind of study having to be done in order for lots of retrievers to be recruited, my feeling is that those who are willing and able, will go ahead and do so without waiting for a study. Such people will find confirmations they don't need to explain to anybody.
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #8 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 9:41pm

ES's contacts with the dead prove that they are eager to communicate fully and to provide verifications.  Among other things, "helpers" presumably enlist the retrieval aid of incarnate humans because they hope to inspire us to engage in such activities.  I would not expect every retrieval to be glistening with verifications, but I certainly would expect many of them to provide unmistakable verifications.  There are no detailed in-your-face verifications in the retrievals reported on this  site--not like ES's.  Experts on lucid dreams routinely experience OBEs in the form of lucid dreams that involve no contact with the deceased.  My own OBE and retrieval experiences certainly were lucid dreams and nothing more.  Falsifiability and verification is the foundation of almost all forms of valuable knowledge.  To view this site's retrievals as real is wishful thinking in the service of comfort, not a loving attempt to break new ground and enlist us in a grand retrieval crusade.  Mass recruitment is only possible through verifications.  I can't believe that "helpers" would be insensitive to this obvious need--especially since ES's astral contacts demonstrate such a sensitivity.

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« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2007 at 2:04pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #9 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 11:12pm
I find it interesting that NDE research indicates that many experiencers feel the prayers being sent to them.  One little boy commented that the prayers tickled him.

Hmmm... I wonder if it was the energy of PUL that these people felt during their episodes?

Love, Kathy  Wink
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #10 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 2:02pm

I just don't believe that the retrievel issue is confined within the box you place it.  If one has it within one's heart and destiny, after reading what somebody like Bruce Moen wrote, one will go ahead and take part in retrievels without waiting for some large study to be done.

If one feels that extensive studies first need to be done, then perhaps such a person isn't a good match for the retrievel business.

I started out by doing retrievels in the manner Bruce Moen advocates. At first I doubted that I was actually helping out.  It took only a couple of verifications before I was certain.  But I must say this about verifications. You're often concerned about demons who mislead people. If a demon could mislead people about things other than retrievels, couldn't they also mislead a person by giving this person facts that seem to substantiate retrievels but actually don't?

If your answer is "yes," then perhaps what it comes down to is getting to the point where one can trust the spirits one works with, so one won't have to worry about seemingly verifiable information. This is how it was for me. I got to the point where I know I can trust the light beings I work with. It became unnecesary for them to provide me with verifications. It is clear to me that they aren't going to provide me with false information, nor are they going to have me get involved with retrievels that are bogus.

Regarding there not being enough retrievers, I wouldn't be so certain about this.  Initially I did retrievels in the manner Bruce speaks of. Now I do so differently.  An extensive amount of energy work has been done on me so that light energy can be ran through me. It is done in a manner so that first a spirit is shown my physical energetic level, and then they see my connection to the light.  Physical space based limitations aren't a factor. This is done throughout the day without my having to do anything but be here. I can see spirits appear as points of light. I can feel their energy around me.  I can feel spirit energy run through me in various ways, as this takes place. It took a while for me to put it all together, but eventually I received enough messages to understand what takes place.

The above way of helping enables numerous stuck spirits to be helped with out having to engage the method Bruce teaches. I'm not the only person who helps in such a way. One time I asked if other people help in such a way, and I was shown the faces of five people, one right after the other.

There is also the factor of there being people who help with retrievels, without being exposed to the Monroe/Moen approach. Also, some sources say that many people help with retrievels while asleep, without knowing that they do so.

I wonder how many spirits who are no longer stuck would still be stuck, if everybody took a James Randi approach to retrievels.

Berserk2 wrote on Dec 13th, 2007 at 9:41pm:

ES's contacts with the dead prove that they are eager to communicate fully and to provide verifications.  Among other things, "helpers" presumably enlist the retrieval aid of incarnate humans because they hope to inspire us to engage in such activities.  I would not expect every retrieval to be glistening with verifications, but I certainly would expect many of them to do so.  There are no detailed in-your-face retrievals reported on this  site--not like
ES's.  Experts on lucid dreams routinely experience OBEs in the form of lucid dreams that involve no contact with the deceased.  My own OBE and retrieval experiences certainly were lucid dreams and nothing more.  Falsifiability and verification is the foundation of almost all forms of valuable knowledge.  To view this site's retrievals as real is wishful thinking in the service of comfort, not a loving attempt to break new ground and enlist us in a grand retrieval crusade.  Mass recruitment is only possible through verifications.  I can't believe that "helpers" would be insensitive to this obvious need--especially since ES's astral contacts prove such a sensitivity.


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« Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:03pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #11 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 2:58pm
One of the disconcertng things about meditation is that it brings awareness that ultimately we are all one being. The individualizing ego characteristics are added on - and eventually we abandon them. From that perspective, PUL is essentially the ability to accept our own selves, no matter how we present.

Looking back at my own life as a teen and child I find it somewhat difficult to accept who and what I was. I'm not too sure of the present either. Wink By comparison, it's a lot easier to accept others, and to accept the Source of love in the Creative Essence from which all of this emerged, as one with me. That feeling is available to offer to others by simply playing from love in interaction with them. I've noticed that trying to express it more obviously runs into problems because we tend to get ego, status, sex, and a half dozen other trivia confused with love.

Incidentally- this PUL idea is a perpetual problem for holistic therapists - neither to express something that gives the wrong idea, nor to fail to express love in a form that gives confidence and support. Failure to get it straight can turn one from "Therapist" into "the Rapist" in short order. - When I was running a school, one of my instructors in past years got into a sexual entanglement with a student which made him pretty much useless by direect example, and was devastating to her because it contradicted all her appropriate understandings and expectations etc. California has responded by making inappropriate liasons between psychotherapists and their clientele a felony.


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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #12 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 8:16pm
My thoughts on PUL:

PUL is a specific state of awareness and feeling.  Once there, you're there.  It is what it is.  Take the idea of a light switch for instance.  The light is either on or it's off.  When the light is off, you can remember it, know it, think about it, describe it, tell others about it, think of ways to use it, think of all the benefits of it, etc.  However, only when the light is on are you actually experiencing the light being on.  That's what I mean by a specific state of feeling.  For the times you aren't feeling it, it doesn't mean you aren't being as good a person as you could be, and it doesn't make the real moments of PUL feelings un-genuine. 

As for the parts of speech and definitions of the me, the "pure" part of the term PUL refers to the state of being that PUL is.  It just is what it is, nothing else, and it's never just so-so or nearly.  The "unconditional" part of the term PUL refers to how Bruce explains that PUL "opens and expands awareness automatically beyond its normal perceptual limitations".  Certainly there are limits to our perception and there are things that change and alter it.  There are times when our perception is this or that, depending on what we are experiencing and feeling at the moment.  However, when it comes to specifically feeling PUL?  It is a state of being, feeling, and awareness that is an unconditional state.  While there, there is nothing blocking your perception, nothing hampering your awareness, and nothing clogging up the system so to speak. 

Imagine kids standing behind a fence trying to get a bigger picture of a neighborhood baseball game.  The littler kids are trying to get a peak through the cracks between the fence planks.  One kid might be lucky to have found a knot hole, even if it isn't very high up on the fence.  Some other kids might only get to hear the game, but not get even a little tiny glimpse of it.  There might be bigger kids who can stand on their tippy toes and just maybe barely look over the top of the fence.  These are all examples of states of perception and how perception changes depending on your experience.  PUL's state of perception is so open and expanded that it's like a clear, perfect view with nothing blocking your way.   

As far as "having PUL", if you think of PUL as being a state of mind, being, feeling, or awareness then yes you could say you "have" it while you are feeling it. 

As far as sending PUL, on a most basic level it is really only a matter of having the intention of sending PUL to actually "send" anything.  Ultimately you are not required, nor is it your place, to be responsible for what the other person actually receives because of it.  By putting your awareness into a state of feeling PUL, then having the intention of sending that feeling to another person, it is with implied intention that that person benefits in some way from also being in the state of PUL.  Sending PUL in that way has a direct and immediate effect on that person, basically whether they like it or not!  There is no condition, limitation, or rules on your part as to what that person experiences, feels, or receives.  You are only lifting them into the state of being of PUL.  Their own perception will open and expand beyond its normal limitations.  That, to my understanding, is the true nature and meaning of PUL. 

Even merely just occasionally feeling PUL, not doing anything particularly special with it, just living your everyday life but feeling that feeling has a dramatic effect on yourself and those around you. 
I, myself, like to give credit to this state of awareness as being the thing that makes it possible for me to have all those paranormal experiences I'm always talking about...ESP, premonitions, visions, sensing someone's energy, seeing spirits, you name it.  I think that those kinds of experiences are experiences I'm capable of having when my normal state of awareness is open and expanded and heightened to a certain level.  However, when I'm feeling the lower perceptions or normal state of things, I'm essentially clogged and bogged down, and my awareness is not open to receiving such experiences.  Personally, I see that as the pattern in my life of paranormal experiences. 

I personally can even relate PUL to what Rondele initially gave as an example...a mother not being too happy with her child having a temper tantrum.  Yes, while the tantrum can make the mother feel something like frustration, it doesn't mean that the mother can ONLY feel frustration in this situation toward her child at that moment.  She may feel the frustration one moment, but then raise her awareness to a higher, broader level and think to herself that this is just what children do, it doesn't have to affect me or ruin my day.  Losing my temper won't help and will only make me feel worse.  I choose to feel how I want to feel regardless of my child having a meltdown right now.  So you see, you can still see a situation for what it is, frustrating, but you can see it from the perspective of the state of PUL.  What I'm saying is, the state of PUL is like a frame of mind.  The FEELING of PUL, what Bruce is trying to teach us, is the experience of actually feeling that heightened state of awareness, actually feeling it happening to your awareness at that moment. 


It sounds to me like your take is that retrievals people have written about here on the board are fake because there wasn't good enough specific, verifiable evidence gained to prove its veracity, therefore the retrieval itself cannot possibly have been a real retrieval.  That's your line of logic? 

You might as well tell someone who is standing in the room, "Since you didn't walk into the room as perfectly as you could have, you are obviously still standing out in the hallway". 

As Recoverer stated, we have our experiences for ourselves, for our own growth and guidance.  It really doesn't matter one way or the other whether someone can prove his own experience to you or to anyone else.  The whole reason for sharing experiences here on the board, or anywhere else for that matter, is for the purpose of sharing.  What other people say or do doesn't have to be perfect in order for me to learn something from them or their experience.  I think that if the person reporting the retrieval had something happen in their experience that proved to themself that it was real, then that's more important than if that person can convince anyone else it was real.  If anything, as Bruce says, your own interest and curiosity should make you find your own proof through your own experiences. 

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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #13 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 7:24am
You guys are a mess!! meant in a loving way!  Wink

Here I went trying to find the word PUL all over the place and finially found out what it meant in your terms.. PUL = Agape love = unconditional love. Geez Roll Eyes For a while there I thought PUL was a secret device or something ...duh  Shocked Okay okay, so your Nanner is trying to catch up, but please when using abbreviations, every once in a while think of us newbies whom end up "stuck" right then and there in a sentence. You would have laughed your buns off if given the chance to see my face expression when I read the PUL word.. Sort of like this:  Huh  Roll Eyes  Embarrassed all mixed in 1 face.

Love ya,

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Re: Question for Don-PUL
Reply #14 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 1:05pm
Hi Nanner-

PUL- yeah we like these acronyms huh?

Tomorrow my wife and I leave Virginia for Germany to spend Christmas (how do I say merry christmas in German?) in a little town called Otterberg.  We love your country except for the long plane ride to get there!



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