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True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time (Read 28467 times)
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #15 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 11:17am
Hi Thomas. I'm late in on this, but you strike a tone there that strikes a chord for me - influenced as I am by Buddhist teaching and a personal sense/limited experience that extra normal experience is basically mind made. 'With your minds you make the world'. (world in this case being samsara or the realm of time and space, cause and consequence or whatever)

So as you say there probably are independently verifiable locations, but these probably exist only because there are large numbers of people that share that belief.  But the 'afterlife' so called can it seems be whatever we imagine/believe it to be.

I really really struggle with treatments of these creations (as i said before) as some sort of almost independently existing realm, and with the idea that we should somehow aspire to get out of this life to go there.

Buddhist teaching is very clear that as part of samsara the afterlife realms (actually the bardos) are just as much subject to suffering as the physical. Actually a lot more so because of the malleability of the reality - all we need is to end up for example with the clearer seeing of the afterlife (the ego peels away) seeing the gap between how we lived and how we would have if we were truly loving and we risk creating a hell for ourselves. Or at least having the c**p scared out of us by what is actually a wrathful aspect of mind.

With higher consciousness we can and possibly do progress through other realms of higher or lower vibration than the physical, but Buddhism is again not particularly optimistic about the possibilities. Some like the realm of the Gods are very pleasant, but so lacking challenge that we can't learn in them. Others are so harsh (the hells) that we're in our pain driven to wrongdoing and the creation of more negative karma. These realms get taught as though they are physical realities at lower levels of teaching, but I suspect are again highly malleable.

Even the apparently pleasant environment we may find ourselves in after death seems unless we can maintain a state of selflessness likely to result in nastiness as delusion is stripped away and we come face to face with the wrathful aspects of mind. If at that stage we still have self we risk out of fear being driven into rebirth in highly unpleasant circumstances.

Bottom line in Buddhist terms is that the afterlife realms are just an inevitable part of the cycle of birth and death. That the real game is the raising of consciousness so that self/ego is shed and selflessness/emptiness is achieved. That until this is done and we can rest in the absolute (pure love, undifferentiated universal mind, true nature of mind) that the 'afterlife' realms are just a sideshow and a diversion.

Worse, that getting hung up on the pursuit of them or the powers that enable experience from this life (making pursuit of the powers an objective in itself rather than treating them as just a side effect of raising consciousness) is actually a form of grasping or attachment that makes realisation less likely than was previously the case...

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #16 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 4:36pm
I like Don's remarks. There seem to be as many levels of the heavens as there are people to define them - and these are, as Tgecks  noted, raw data. If we simple condense all these ideas we seem to have a subjectively good direction and a subjectively less good direction, and various ways of differentiating them. My suggestions are no better than anyone else's, but happen to be useful to me because of the type of work I do.

The notion of a "place of all knowledge" or as Cayce put it, "akashic records" or "House of Knowledge" or "Library" etc, seem to me to be simple constructs. We can create such places because we are, ultimately, manifestations of the Creator. That does not presume these creations to be "real" - nor does it mean that they are "unreal". Like the numerous ways of dividing the heavens, these are constructs that are useful in specific individual cases.

Another example is the person who says, "I have a spirit guide." Personally, I have no foggy notion of what this actually might entail, so I accept what I am told. The concept of there being a Cosmic Rule Book to which all guiding spirits adhere strikes me as ludicrous. However, that a great many individuals have "spirit guides" of whatever sort is a self-proclaimed fact which we must accept with the same degree of confidence as when we are told, "I'm hungry," or perhaps, "I meditate, and when I do I see things that are beyond the everyday world."

Along the same lines, I feel that the individual is fully self-defined, both in this world and in the next, and that the miracle of life in the everyday world is that we have agreed to live in a world in which we have so much in common. If we follow this notion backwards we eventually arrive at the initial creative Godhead from which all phenomena emerge, which is the only place at which it all is forced to come into collective agreeement. Thus, in some manner we might, in principle, be able to go to a person, take their ideas as stated, move backwards to God, and by realizing ourselves as God in God's totality, then return to our own perspective as individuals with a proper translation of the other persons true thoughts, feelinmgs and ideas. The principle works fine but the practice is unlikely in the extreme - at least from my viewpoint here and now.

That doesn't mean that we are unable to discuss these things usefully. If we were to assemble everybody's thoughts on the levels of heaven we would get a pretty good idea of the way things look in general. And, since we are all manifestations of God, those projections would be to that degree valid. This suggests that the levels of heaven are a statistical phenomenon, much like the levels of ionization of atoms in the clouds of hydrogen etc in space - and thus we get what looks more like a problem in quantum mechanics than a fixed structure with houses, lamp posts, and endless stairways with angels running up and down them.

Perhaps the issue can be reduced to the question of goals and purposes - why do we care? What do we need this information for? What do we desire to accomplish through it? - And that too, is a question with a statistical distribution of answers. 

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #17 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 2:12am
Thomas said: It is written that Yeshua used to say that Heaven is now, here, and that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. When asked where heaven was he replied, "You ask me is it here or is it there, and I say it is everywhere you look. Heaven is spread before your eyes, but you do not see it."

I agree this is simple to understand the quote above. that what we focus our attention on is what we will see, as attention that is fixated on what Yeshua said above, (as well many others will say this in different words) the attention in the mind is like developing an observer function which is suspended into a state of awareness of nonduality, as Dave put it, a non contradictory state where both sides are seen at once. so turning the attention to "heaven is spread before your eyes, if one were to experiment with this idea, to test it out and make it more than theory, the universal stuff complies with the direction the mind within meditation practice is intent on observing if heaven is perhaps indeed spread out all around you. and lo and behold, the statement becomes true for that one.

another more simple explanation (Kiss) keep it simple silly, I tell myself, do you wish to be happy, or do you wish to be right? usually, to avoid a headache I respond I wish to be happy for it would only be my ego which would want to be right, and it does need correction to right perception now and again.

I have a belief in 7 layered heavens, each one relating to a state of awareness, but I don't see these layers as stacked on top successively rather overlapping and interpenetrating one another as Kathy suggested.
indeed, that may be where the phrase came from "7th Heaven." The 7th heaven is where nirvana of nothingness can be experienced, however, it is necessary if one would stay there, not to have a desire of any kind or another life begins to be planned, as well that may be, as I cannot stay in a place of suspended desire very long and hard to imagine, but I do know about entering the "nothingness." its very restful all in alll.

thanks everybody, great thread.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #18 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 3:12pm

In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, an unstated assumption has proven detrimental to an open-minded spiritual quest: the assumption that when believers, die, they immediately achieve spiritual perfection, regardless of their level of growth during earth life.  This assumption generates a blind spot to the widespread biblical teaching that God wants to save everyone and will continue to pursue this purpose after our physical demise.  If our final spiritual level is established in this earth life, then a definitive and final postmortem fate seems inevitable.  This presumed finality is often justified by Hebrews 9:27: "It is appointed unto people once to die and after that the judgment."  Consequently, the question of whether one's spiritual level can be altered after "the judgment" (past life review?) is seldom asked in most conservative Christian circles.  The failure to ask this question is reinforced by the mistaken view that the biblical Hebrew ("olam") and Greek ("aionios") mean "eternal" just as they are normally translated.   In fact, "olam" means "for a long time" and "aionios" means "age-long" or "for an indefinite period."  This insight should open minds to neglected biblical texts that imply release from Hell, proxy baptism for the unrighteous dead, eternally open gates in Heaven, and hymnic visions of denizens of Hell praising God in Heaven.  I will elaborate on these biblical themes in future posts.

To refute the notion of instant postmortem spiritual perfection, just consider John's poetic visionary image of our light bodies in heaven: "The fine linen (= outward appearance of white light) is the righeous deeds of saints (Revelation 19:8)."  This image implies that the quality and intensity of our radiance is determined by the quality of our earthly spirituality.   Conversely, the spiritual bodies of some believers are envisaged as "soiled garments (3:4)." To me, this imagery implies (1) an initial postmortem spiritual condition equivalent to that achieved during earth life and (2) heavenly capabiilties and life conditions that vary dramatically, depending on one's learning curve both during earth life and during one's progress through the heavens.  In my view, this differential heavenly status is already implicit in Jesus' teaching: "With the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you dish out will be dished out to you (Matthew 7:2)."  Jesus assertion might also be translated, "The standards you apply to others will be applied to you."   The application of these principles to me will be a learning tool, a mirror of the nature of my core desires and foibles.  When I am no longer content with what I see in this "mirror," I have the option of working to change my energetic make-up and thereby progress to "higher" planes, perhaps with the assistance of "retrievers."  Progress through mutiple heavens already implies that, at the moment of my death, I am basically the same guy with the same level of spiritual development that I achieved during earth life.  That does not necessarily mean that my mind is not different in significant ways.  There is, for example,  the difficult question of whether and when I will be temporarily cut off from my earth memories for my own good at certain stages.  But in terms of level of growth, I will initially be essentially the same guy.

The heavens are realms in which thoughts can no longer be hidden (Luke 12:2) and communication is telepathic.  Imagine a community of loving spirits who are passionately devoted to each other's bliss and progress and consider it a privilege, not a duty, to serve each other.  This is the essence of a grace-based life.  Then imagine that this community is sprinkled with selfish church gossips bent on promoting their own interests.  These souls give only mental assent to a grace-based Christian belief system.  Common sense teaches that, in a realm where no thoughts can be hidden, such a gossip would neither feel comfortable  nor be wanted in such an altruistic community. Of course, the unselfish saints in such a community would seek out such Christian gossips during retrievals in an effort to help them change their energetic make-up, so that they might fit into their blissful community. 


Neither postmortem "sex piles" nor "soul shredding"  need have a redemptive or otherwise positive purpose.  I doubt that such dreadful practices occur in the heavens.  I was merely pointing out that there is independent verification of such practices in afterlife territories.  "Soul statues" in swampy astral environments may or may not occur in a heavenly plane.  The boundaries between the "lower" heavens and the "higher" hells may reflect a continum rather than a dramatic shift in consciousness.  "Hell" means a condition of separation from God, but this condition may be subtly incremental and specific to the potential for certail levels of contact with the divine.  

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« Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2007 at 4:16pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #19 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 5:48pm
Hi Everyone,

I hope this will be helpful and inspiring --

The subject at hand is discussed in great detail in a whole chapter of Sri Aurobindo's 'Letters on Yoga' - very appropriately entitled "The Planes and the Parts of Being" (Section V) in "Letters on Yoga Vol I", beginning on page 233. (see link below) There may be even more appropriate writings on this topic, and if I manage to find them, I will post links, but for now this seems to be the best I could find in one chunk.
Here is an excerpt from that chapter on pg 252:

...If we regard the gradation of worlds or planes as a whole, we see them as a great connected complex movement; the higher precipitate their influences on the lower, the lower react to the higher and develop or manifest in themselves within their own formula something that corresponds to the superior power and its action. The material world has evolved life in obedience to a pressure from the vital plane, mind in obedience to a pressure from the mental plane. It is now trying to evolve supermind in obedience to a pressure from the supramental plane. In more detail, particular forces, movements, powers, beings of a higher world can throw themselves on the lower to establish appropriate and corresponding forms which will connect them with the material domain and, as it were, reproduce or project their action here. And each thing created here has, supporting it, subtler envelopes or forms of itself which make it subsist and connect it with forces acting from above. Man, for instance, has, besides his gross physical body, subtler sheaths or bodies by which he lives behind the veil in direct connection with supraphysical planes of consciousness and can be influenced by their powers, movements and beings. What takes place in life has always behind it pre-existent movements and forms in the occult vital planes; what takes place in mind presupposes pre-existent movements and forms in the occult mental planes. That is an aspect of things which becomes more and more evident, insistent and important, the more we progress in a dynamic yoga.
      But all this must not be taken in too rigid and mechanical a sense. It is an immense plastic movement full of the play of possibilities and must be seized by a flexible and subtle tact or sense in the seeing consciousness. It cannot be reduced to a too rigorous logical or mathematical formula. Two or three points must be pressed in order that this plasticity may not be lost to our view....

It seems to me, having familiarized myself somewhat to these writings, and to some extent with this forum, that so many of the phenomena and issues non-physical explorers frequently discuss on this site are very clearly and in depth, presented in the writings of Aurobindo. It should be noted that the 'Letters' are widely considered to be some of his most accessible writings.

Personally, I find Sri Aurobindo to be an authentic teacher of tremendous height, depth, and utility - and yet he and his writings which could be extremely helpful to truth seekers, universe explorers, yogins, etc. seem relatively unknown and under-utilized in our world where many are now craving reliable (and practical) teaching in areas crucial for individual and group progress (a not just curiosity fulfillment). For instance, his "Letters on Yoga", in 3 volumes totalling over 3,000 pages, are excerpts from letters he wrote in answer to his own student's queries on their experiences and problems as seekers. These excerpts (the very specific personal was removed leaving the general) cover a wide range of spiritual subjects which have been organized by topic for ease of access, making it a credible and useful contemporary guide.

Fortunately, the entire 3 volumes of 'Letters' (as well as many other writings) are available on line for free and can be downloaded in html or PDF format, so here I give the link for anyone interested. When you link, you will get the tables of contents (further linkable to the readings themselves) for all 3 volumes. In fact, I wholeheartedly encourage people to peruse the entire tables of contents, as you may find materials on a great many subjects of interest and possible necessity to one's individual quest.  for the subject in this thread, see Vol I, Section V

Hope this is useful.

- u
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #20 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 6:48pm
I should think it is very useful Ultra so thanks. I would like to point out how so much information is available to us in this day and age through the use of the internet, right at our fingertips. Perhaps the only thing missing is the disapline to explore all that is there, due to the physical body reguires movement away from the puter (speaking personally of course) every now and then or the hinges rust.  Smiley

Cyberspace is creating a speed up in human/spiritual evolvement. we no longer milk cows, we milk the internet.

love, alysia
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #21 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 7:49pm
Hi Tarja-
You asked if people who die together go into spirit together. Direct responses from people in past life regressions have indicated to me that this occurs, but not always. The general feeling among past life folks at the IARRT is that we live with a group of roughly 50 to 100 people with whom we share experiences. I have no data on this. Michael Newton seems to feel that we go through formal classes etc as a group, but he structures his sessions so heavily that this might simply be his opinion imposed on the situation.

I had a man who said that after he died, he haunted the house while waiting for this wife to die. Then the two went off into the light together. I asked if they continued together, but he said, "No, she went to her group and I went to mine."

A young man told of murdering his best friend over a dispute regarding a woman. He was having problems with guilt etc and I suggested that he deal with his feelings and with the victim. Immediately he said, "Oh oh - Here he comes now, and he's bringing the knife." Where they had been evidently was separated before that. After they talked he discovered thathis friend had not been hitting on his girl friend, but simply wanted an introduction to someone else. He apologized, his friend forgave him and left. They did not go off together.

In another case a man reported that he had been a member of a group of thieves who had been pilfering from the local lord to help support their village. They were caught. The lord hung them from a dungeon wall and slowly starved them to death. (nice guy!) Eventually they all three wound up in their own private heaven, where they enjoyed, briefly, the pleasure of having given some of their loot to their village - which they had regarded as a good, holy and just act. Then one by one they left that place and went elsewhere. The inference is that they separated after the rather thin thread that bound them together was exhausted.

Many people report that when they die they go to a place where they are with their past friends and loved ones. In one case a woman reported that they had a really great party to celebrate getting together.

Another man was attached as an entity to a man, saying that he was terrified that his prior companions were lying in wait for him and would kill him. This led the host to feel upset as well. The entity said that he had died in a New York alley when one of his companions strangled him. The companions were dead, but somewhere nearby.  He was terrified of going into the light because he was sure God would hurt him too. I asked if he had friends who had died and were in the light. He said he had, so I told him to ask his friends whether it was a good idea for him to join them. They said it was, and called for him to go into the light, which he then did. One might assume that he was now in a group with prior friends.

Often a person who has a lot of entities attached will have a sort of psychic ecology going on inside, and all the entities feel like members of the same club. They tend to stick together because, as one entity said, it is very boring to be all alone. Often when one of the group leaves to go into the light the rest will follow.

Based on these reports, my feeling is that if there is a connection, then that can indeed keep people together. At the same time, it is not always necessary that people stay in a group, and if they have different spiritual needs, they eventually will separate to attend to them. That's pretty similar to the way we live in the everyday world.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #22 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 11:21pm
I agree with Dave from some similar experiences that there are indeed many similarities between life here and life there, even down to being able simulate the ingestion of food, although it may just be a social environment which is being simulated, the food seems real according to our ability to create that.
In my imagination I see myself mingling all over the heavens, a sort of gypsy, but I have heard we do carry on life to life with that a certain number of souls. my group seemed much smaller this time of family. I just can count 8 family members I'm sure I've been with before. Possiblity theres many more haven't met consciously.

We all, most of us have done things we can't be proud of. like some things that have been mentioned here. the first time I came across this idea of the way they can often perceive death on the other side, is listening to Alan Watts tell a story  of two soldiers who were so busy dueling with their swords, they didn't have time to stop and die.

Alan Watts is a philosopher and has no religion to muddy up the view. both of these soldiers ran the swords through each other at the same time. as they floated above their bodies they continued sparring!  Shocked  they continued sticking each other with the astral counterparts of the swords...noticing by and by, neither one of them had fallen from such blows  Roll Eyes at this point Watts begins to laugh at the picture as he tells the story..the fighting passionate men glanced to the ground at the fleshly bodies, looked at each other and began laughing their heads off for they had killed each other and exited the body without further ado and such was the fever hadn't noticed it was over, for the bodies over there do not fall.  Huh

It seems spirit, individually will take their own personal view of their transitions, either quite calmly, or any other way which seems fitting to them. I can assume in this case there was no bad guy or good guy to take sides on, going into battle was the chosen experience to attain and classroom over I mean next experience for them. I'm sure there was some sort of learning going on but it seems we do enact drama as a death scene here and make our exits in some cases quite efficiently and easily.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #23 - Nov 18th, 2007 at 9:36am
This is a very interesting thread. Yes, I guess I am one of the n00bs here but, I am not a total ignorant one. hehe Cheesy

I would like to ask for some definitions though.  What is PUL exactly? What I would like to see here is a sticky with a glossery of terms.
That would help out a lot.

Also I have been myself trying to figure out the ET angle of it all too.  
Hence my thread here:

Some how there is a connection with 'Earth' in this regard in my opinion.  
If I could sit down and talk with people that have traveled out of body as an experienced 'traveler' I would ask them questions if that part of the equation is true or 'how true'.  Meaning details, details, details...Smiley

I do not mean to get off topic here or highjack this thread in any way.  Please excuse me if anyone thinks I am doing that.
My 'belief' is that some ETs are already in a 4th dimensional state (or higher) to begin with.  With that in mind then experienced out of body travelers could 'see' them and/or communicate with them.  Also they could look deeper into our 3D governments on Earth and see what the real deal is with them.

I have tried sharing this info on other 'Enlightened' forums and I have come to find out a lot of these type forums are as closed minded as any Religious type forum.  It is like no one wants to 'look' toward this as any type of 'truth'.  

Thanks...Once again Great Thread and this forum is one of the better ones that I have found.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #24 - Nov 18th, 2007 at 3:20pm
Hi Ol' Dood-
Let's pause a moment to acknowledge Bruce Moen, from whom this forum has come. I too have found it to be a remarkable intellectual and spiritual environment.

As for PUL - that's what got this forum going. It's also the way that you regard your own self, and by extension, the way that God regards all parts of the universe emanated from Event One, after which we all turn out to be manifestations of Godhead. And in psychology, after Carl Rogers shocked the world by suggesting that we have PUL for our clients (sex with a psych client is a felony in California) the psych world settled on the term "unconditional regard", but the idea is still there.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #25 - Nov 18th, 2007 at 8:23pm
Old Dood -
  PUL stands for Pure Unconditional Love.  I think Bruce Moen coined the term in his books.  Good books btw.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #26 - Nov 19th, 2007 at 2:49am
Hi Dood, you were'nt here when Ginny was here, a seasoned traveler to other life forms with details, details, details.  I don't know if theres any archives with Ginny's stuff there, u might try exploring the retrieval archives also. I'm sure she's over there.

once in awhile someone will post here about an encounter of the 3rd kind, but it's usually much briefer than Ginny's. I wish she was back.

I have heard humanity will soon have a huge encounter with aliens, but still holding my breath on it. btw, Bruce has a story of meeting some, they didn't know what PUL was!

so he showed them!  Smiley when I find the right book and chapter I'll send it to you, its very interesting.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #27 - Nov 19th, 2007 at 12:46pm
Thank you all.  I want to get those books....BUT...Mrs Dood said I can't buy anything right now because of Christmas is coming.

Makes good sense. SO I will ask for these for my presents.

I would write more but, I am at work and must get back to my servitude...Smiley
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #28 - Nov 19th, 2007 at 8:08pm
Well, I tried a search for Ginny and all it showed me was your post Alysia in this thread (DOH!)

Unless I am doing something wrong.  Forum Searches and ME never got along to well...hehe!

Would have really enjoyed reading her posts...
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #29 - Nov 19th, 2007 at 9:43pm
Hi Dood, I found her in the retrieval archives in 2002. I'll post one of her retrieval experiences, you might like it, then I'll look some more if she has one saved on meeting with ET's.
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