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True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time (Read 28442 times)
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True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Nov 7th, 2007 at 12:02am
A few yaers ago, I started a thread similar to this one.  Since then, I have discovered fresh insights on certain points and a lot of newbies have joined the site.  So I have decided to launch a new version of my old thread.  Wherever possible, I will stress the problem of independent verification and a comparison between Christian and New Age perspectives.  I will delay my initial replies to (1)-(9) until readers has had a chance to contemplate each topic and formulate their own perspectives.  In thie interest of coherent discussion, I ask only that you refrain from commenting on one of the specific topics until the prior topics have been adequately discussed.

(1) The multiplicity of heavens in Cnristian and New Age perspective
(2) The concept of progress in the heavens
(3) The true heavens: conditions for admittance and for soul retrievals
(4) The true heavens: eternal rest homes or future careers?
(5) The purpose of heaven in Christian and New Age perspective
(6) The true heavens as timeless realms: Practical implications
     timeless music" as a case in point
(7) The difference between "lower" or "hollow" heavens and the true Christian heavens
(8) Unearthly Colors in the true heavens
(9) Practical Applications: the heavens as nonspatial realms


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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #1 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 1:41pm
Looking forward to it. Smiley
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #2 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 5:58pm
Are you still working on this? Can we set a time and date.....  Smiley

Not really, just excited about this!
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Too much knowledge without proper interpretation is borderline insanity. - JG
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #3 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 5:17pm

Fire away!  I for one applaud your commentary and look forward to it.  A refreshing change from so much of the new age "woo woo" stuff we seem to be inundated with of late.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #4 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 8:49pm

In the Judaism of late antiquity a multiplicity of heavens is widely taken for granted, though estimates vary as to the number of heavens from 3, 5, 7, to 10.  The most verifiable feature of this enumeration is the New Testament's location of Paradise in "the 3rd heaven" (2 Corinthians 12:2-3).  An old Persian word, "Paradise" means "park" or "garden" and is the preferred initial destination of the Christian dead (Luke 23:42-43).  This location of Paradise in the structure of the heavens implies 2 lower heavens that are described in detail by contemporary Jewish sources which also locate Paradise in the 3rd heaven.  The biblical role and description of Paradise are strikingly reminiscent of Focus 27 in the Monroe/ Moen model.  The Hollow Heavens in Focus 24-26 "below" Focus 27 seem reminiscent of the two lower heavens in early Judaeo-Christian tradition. As in Bruce Moen's explorations of Max's Hell, the two lower heavens in early Judaeo-Christian tradition include hellish planes that blur the distinction between heavens and hells.  In 1 Corinthians 3:14-15, Paul poetically depicts a hellish heaven in which divisive Christians can "be saved, yet so as through fire."   The clear implication is that this lower plane is a realm for Christians who have made little progress towards PUL.  In the Moen/ Monroe scheme, Focus 23 rather nicely corresponds to early Christian images of Sheol, also known as Hades.

The biblical Paradise also corresponds to "the Summerland" in Robert Bruce's model (AD 476-77),  and to the initial destination of the dead in "the world of spirits" in the Swedenborgian [hereafter ES] model.  ES explains that in the first stage, the newly dead "go to different cities, to gardens and parks, often to gorgeous ones (HH #495)."  For Robert Bruce, though, "the Summerland" is not the preferred initial locale for the newly dead.  That distinction belongs to the extremely bright "Spirit Level" where one initially enounters an amphitheatre similar to a place visited by Monroe.  I suspect that Robert Bruce's Spirit Level is just another aspect of his Summerland.  Ominous in ES's model is the fact that the newly dead enjoy Paradise before the principle of like attracts like becomes operant to the point that many of them will be gradually drawn to a hell.  This disturbs me because ES receives the most impressive verifications.  

I will later provide more information on the comparative structure of the heavens in the Bible and New Age thought from the perspective of its relevance to spiritual progress.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #5 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 10:52pm
I want Jessica Alba to be in my version of heaven.  Can I request that of God?

Just kidding.  Great stuff as usual, Don.  I have nothing of real substance to add, but please keep it coming.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #6 - Nov 11th, 2007 at 5:51pm
Many are familiar with the King James version of Jesus' promise in John 14:2: "In my Father's house are many MANSIONS...I go to prepare a place for you."  When we think of mansions, we imagine a very old, large multi-storied house.  In fact, in King James English, "mansion" simply means "dwelling place."  But the underlying Greek (monai) has a more instructive nuance: "way station" or "inn."  Thus, even here Jesus alludes to a multiple heavens or levels of conciousness. The early church father, Origen (225 AD), rightly construed Jesus' saying as a reference to many resting places along the journey towards mystical union with God.  Jesus' promise, "I go to prepare a place for you," tantalizingly implies the existence of other heavenly "places" (planes) for non-Christians.   What did He have in mind?  Another spiritual plane for righteous Israelites from bygone generations? Planes for people from outside the Judaeo-Christian tradition?  Spiritual planes for aliens from other planets and universes?  Jesus' NDE revelations to atheist Howard Storm acknowledge the existence of such planes for "aliens."  It is fascinating to speculate about such heavens.

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« Last Edit: Nov 12th, 2007 at 4:24pm by Berserk2 »  
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Lights of Love
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #7 - Nov 12th, 2007 at 11:09am

I would agree with the multiplicity of heavens in most religious teachings as well as in new age thought.  ES describes 3 heavens, inner, middle, and outer and talks about societies within these.  These seem strikingly similar to levels of consciousness I’ve become familiar with in some small degree. These heavens or “worlds” all are connected or interpenetrate one another from higher to lower in vibration.  (The influx of the Lord is a perfect description in my opinion.) Each of these “worlds” seems to have a range of frequency that describes the activities/consciousness within it.  Once you are beyond the range of one level’s frequency, you enter into the next world that contains its own range of frequency.  The “influx from the Lord” is perceived differently in each of these as well.  The higher the frequency, the greater or more pronounced the influx, which influences that world in a different way than the one just above or below it, yet to some degree is still felt within it.  My apology if that doesn’t make sense.  This is hard to describe to say the least.  And I can only speculate as to whether or not my experiences of the consciousness of each really could relate to ES descriptions.  Some things described in HH seem like contradictions, but perhaps I do not understand what is being said. 
The first (outer) is what could be described as a level of divine order or perfect order. (A place for everything and everything in its place no matter what that may be.)  It is a level of precision, overall patterns and forms for all life.  There is the powerful feeling of great unfolding divine will and purpose within this consciousness.  It is the level of clear light from where the great plan of the universe is continually unfolding.

The second (middle) is the consciousness of divine love, communion and brotherhood.  It is the feeling of PUL, of elation, tremendous joy and bliss that is greatly expanded and encompasses all the beings of the various worlds or heavens.  You mentioned ES talking about a discarnate enjoying paradise before being drawn away to a hell/hollow heaven.  I think one reason for this is directly related to a lack of spiritual nourishment while in the physical.  Various things such as an environment without exposure to spirituality/religious teaching or disillusionment with a religion that caused the person to reject God and religion could cause this lack.  I may explain more about this later as your thread progresses.  Right now I fear I may be getting off track regarding multiplicity of heavens.

The third (inner) is that of divine mind or divine wisdom.  Within this consciousness exists Oneness with God and all that there is and being able to understand that there is perfection within every imperfection.  It is like having a clear, strong and integrated understanding of God or universal mind.  There’s also a deeper level/world/heaven that seems to correspond to this one.  I can only describe that level of consciousness as a complete connection or non-separation with God for all beings that exist there.

This should be an interesting thread.  Thanks for starting it.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #8 - Nov 13th, 2007 at 4:16pm
Don - why do you take "I go to prepare a place for you"as having something to do with planes for non-Christians (or even aliens)?   Also, I have seen many interpretations of the "many mansions"phrase, which as you say, probably just meant "dwelling place" originally (my dictionary says it comes from Latin mansio meaning simply to remain or stay). I'll take your word for it the original Biblical Greek meant something like "inn," but you seem to make a bit of a leap when you say "Thus, even here Jesus alludes to a multiple heavens or levels of conciousness." I find it a bit of a stretch to assume it is necessarily referring to this. It might just mean "there's plenty of space for you all in Heaven". As you say, re different "heavens" I know of only the one specific reference - the Corinthians one about a man caught up in to the 3rd heaven. This may possibly reflect some Gnostic type teaching of Paul's time, I am not sure. It doesn;t seem especially mainstream Christianity to me. Hence it seems to me differnt heavens or planes don;t seem to play a very big part in standard Christianity

There are good points here: about how Jewish mysticism (I would say medieval rather than ancient) and Islam (founded in 7th C) recognise different levels of Heavens

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #9 - Nov 13th, 2007 at 4:30pm
I've had only two or three occasions in which people I regressed could identify levels of the spirit world.  In this sense, the spirit world is the state of awareness in which the ptient is either able to contact other spirits, or is aware of being a spirit, having died and gone into a different state of existence. I do not believe that the "spirit world" is a place, so much as a condition.

In general the situation in which levels seem important is one in which I suggest that they take their regressed awareness into a part of the spirit world in which they have access to "the place that all knowledge is kept" - which I often call a "Library".  The purpose of this is to have access to the "Cosmic Consciousness" (or Mind of God if you prefer) so that they can gain new information. However, the metaphor of a Library generally allows people to look up their "Book of Life" - a metaphor by which their path through the world is available. Then they can write new goals and values in it etc, which is the essential action that provides the therapy they seek.

One a very few occasions Ihave had people tell me that they are separated from the "nicer part" of the spirit world by a fence or the equivalent. I interpreted this as the gate between Upper and Lower Astral. One person escribed a "waiting room" in which she found herself. She said that there was a bell on the desk, buit nobody came when she banged it. A youngster walked through and walked through a doorway which closed, so she could not follow.

To get through to the other side I generally ask something like, "Are you willing to devote the benefits of your life to the good of all beings everywhere?" The woman in the waiting room thought a moment and said, "Yes," and then a few moments later, "Oh, there's a door in the wall that I hadn't seen before. It just opened up." She walked through it and was immediately in the Upper Astral, where she could get to the Library and resolve her issues.

Most of us who have done any kind of retrieval or therapy work in the spiritual state are aware of the spooks who get stuck in the Mental world - the earthbound ones who haunt places, attach to other people as entities, or who just seem to wander around being miserable. This seems to be a distinctly different modality than our normal material world, but it intersects the material world.

And we are all involved in the physical level at present. That seems sufficiently evident.

I suggest that these are very basic divisions that can be fairly well described by attitude. There is excellent theoretical evidence, as well as the experiences of those who do yoga,  that higher states occur. (Yoga is from Sanskrit "yug" = "to yoke", "to join" or "to unite". Hence any psychic trancework is de facto yoga.) This is based on the levels of rejection of contingencies by which we limit ourselves. Thus, those who attain a greater degree of selflessness, so that they are no longer at odds with anything, seem to have acess to a world in which there is only continuity by which all elements of reaity are connected to all other elements, experienced by us here in the everyday world as sarvastarka samadhi - the samadhi without contradictions. Many yogis (including psychics, meditators, etc who practice the same discipline under different names) experience this state as "moments in heaven".

At the next level there seems only to be existence, non-contingent and undifferentiated, as is experienced in nirvastarka samadhi, the samadhi of empty oneness (which is a poor description, since the actual state can't really be described in everyday terms). This is less often experienced because most people who have no training tend to get caught up in seeking the "heaven" experience again, where they can watch the pretty colors and blinky lights, hear the angels singing, and generally bliss out. The value of training, at least in this respect, is primarily to understand that there is more, and not to get sidetracked.

While these are very pragmatic working levels, familiar to most formal yogis as well as informal practitioners who happen to be doing the same thing (which is why I call them yogis as well). I'd never thought of them as levels of heaven, but that's as good a metaphor as any, I suppose.  I'd be interested in how these experiences fit the more orthodox or classical ideas.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #10 - Nov 14th, 2007 at 8:39pm
The alleged "geographies" of the spirit planes advocated by various astral adepts are in general hopelessly inconsistent.  But some very specific locales are intriguingly independently verified in various NDEs.  I will cite just 7 and invite you to expand my list.

(1) a path in Paradise banked over the heads of pedestrians with georgeous, highly aromatic,
    garagantuan flowers shaped like tightly arranged Colonial bouquets all along the way:
    two 5-year-olds independently walked down this path during an NDE.  Margaret Sauro later
    painted the scene as best she could.  The painting was reproduced and hung
    in a doctor's office.  Maria Pasterczyk picked out this painting from among the 10 other
    paintings in the doctor's office and claimed she had walked down that same path as a 5-
    year-old during an NDE.  The two women were then introduced to each other and
    compared notes.  Margaret was escorted down the path by a beautiful Roman woman in
    a toga.  Maria was escorted by THE MAN, who assured her, "I will always be with you."  
    So this path seems to be a "locale" in Paradise specifically designed to serve 5-year-olds
    or young children in general.  
(2) foggy regions at the border of spirit planes
(3) a mall in Paradise for reuniting loved ones
(4) spirit hospitals near gardens in Paradise
(5) soul statues in swampy regions for depressing past life reviews: Apparently the swamps
    are a mental projection to mirror confused minds.
(6) sex piles of men trying without success to simulate earth sex with just one woman
(6) the hellacious shredding of soul bodies by mobs in Hells
(7) an amphitheatre or temple structure from which the presence of God radiates more
    brightly than the sun

Note: I have deliberately exlcuded the so-called House of Knowledge containing every important idea in the universe.  I don't consider this genuine because it invites awesome revelations that have to date never been forthcoming.

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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #11 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 11:10pm
Some days I wouldn't mind dying it seems like - I'm not really looking forward to the dying process, but at this point I'm not afraid of actual death.  Thinking about these things that Don is writing about makes me want to be there somewhat.

I was feeling this way recently and I had this weird sensation, a spiritual experience but its pretty tough to describe.  I was feeling depressed because I'm frustrated at work, wishing I could just hang out with God, and my wife was sleeping in a bed.  I was given some sort of knowledge somehow - I'm not sure how.  I somehow knew that if I died I would miss my wife a whole lot, and I knew what it would be like to watch her sleep but for me to not be in the physical body, and not be able to interact with her.  I would miss her a great deal, and I snapped out of this experience pretty quick.  I felt grateful for this experience from God - basically letting me feel a bit of what I would be missing out on before I missed out on it.

I know that life is an adventure, and its probably not fair (nor beneficial to me or others) to get off the ride before its over.  I'm sure if I died soon I would have regrets about not being able to do more good with my opportunities / squandering the ones that I've had.  And I also know that I'm luckier than many in life, and I should be grateful for what I've been given.

I'm not assuming that my spiritual destination in the afterlife will be great, I'm just hoping initially its at least pleasant.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #12 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 2:55am

Is number 6B ( the hellacious shredding of soul bodies) allowed because we are supposed to shed our soul body by that stage anyway? Or perhaps we did shed it and moved on, but the soul-bodies are dropped into the pit of #6B for 'therapy' for those even lower?

Pardon me please, but #6A just sounds silly. All the others seem to relate to experiences people are having OB/ NDE, but the therapeutic level of the sixes seems out of place, 'deserving' (?) to be lower, much lower.  Tongue
You're not kidding us, are you Don?  I keep waiting for the next shoe to fall!

Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #13 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 6:10am
Hi guys

Very interesting thoughts I'm curious what happens if a group of people die at once like in a car or bus accident.  Will they all go together to somewhere? Will they all be standing outside their bodies looking at themselves and then see each other or will each one have their own experience? Also when you die do you meet up with your passed loved ones or do you carry on and not see them again?
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Re: True Heavens: Realms Beyond Space and Time
Reply #14 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 9:47am
One of the things Skip Atwater kept saying over and over in the Remote Viewing Practicum is "RAW DATA." This was typified by a unusually detailed drawing of a target photo which actually was the target (a close up of a chocolate truffle) but "interpreted" ostensibly by the left brain, and transformed in to a mountain, with a little train running around the base of it. The drawing was exact and matched the target photo, but the brain had "filled in" the details, and made it in to a little vignette story.

The very act of finding words to describe the indescribable rather limits it. A foreign friend asked me the other day, "Have you ever seen a cattle cross?" after reading a sign that said CATTLE CROSSING. Observe what your left brain does with that....

Don't we do the same with the word "Heaven?" Make up a little story with puppies and bunnies and kitties and versions of idealized earth experiences.... or some version thereof.

I already can not find words to describe my experience(s), and I suspect this has been true through the ages, even in the age when the Bible was written. Joseph Campbell used to say ithat myth was all just an attempt to explain the unexplainable by men of that age. While it is not a coincidence, I don't think, that so many of these archtypical myths are similar or even identical from age to age and culture to culture, I think it must be because the underlying and transforming experience is similar or even identical, and they are all valid snapshots from different cameras and perspectives.

It is written that Jeshua used to say that Heaven is now, here, and that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. When asked where heaven was he replied, "You ask me is it here or is it there, and I say it is everywhere you look. Heaven is spread before your eyes, but you do not see it."

It would seem to me that there could be as many versions of Heaven as there are eyes to see, and I have "seen" belief system areas where there seems to be only one...

So I am trying to use just the RAW DATA and look amusedly upon my left brain as it tries to make sense of it, match it to a previous personal experience, make it in to a story, or (worst of all) formulates it into "gospel truth." Somehow it is comforting to my ego that no one else seems to know either.

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