There are too many to share all of them, but here are my first three key experiences. I've shared them on previous threads.
One experience is what I refer to as my night in heaven experience. I didn't see or speak to anybody, but I knew I wasn't alone. At the time I was an atheist, yet during this experience it was clear that the afterlife and God existed (not in an old man in the sky sense). Not only was it clear, but I completely understood how it was possible without having to think about it. It was oh yeah, and what a relief. The happiness level was wonderful. I understood that everything works out wonderfully in the end. I didn't see nor speak to Jesus, nor did anybody tell me about him, but I understood that Christ somehow fit into the big picture. When I search my memory banks there is a feeling of light being there. This fact came back to me later than the rest of the experience. I say "came back to me" partly because I can't remember the fullness of the experience simply by thinking about it. After the experience was over I figured it might be a dream and was greatly dissapointed. However, when I thought about it some more, I realized that I experienced a happiness level that was beyond what I experienced before and understood things I had no way of understanding based on my past experiences. It is also a matter of how I knew, which was an automatic way of knowing. Plus, I am able to remember that during the experience I had no problem with its vividness level and reality. The experience was more real than what I experience today.
First Astral Projection experience: Happened years ago. Woke up one night in the vibrational state. I had never heard of astral projection and had no idea what was going on. I noticed I wasn't able to move my body and lifted my right arm in order to try to gain control. I saw it lift and thought I was okay, but then noticed that my physical arm still laid at my right side. It was an astral arm I saw lift. I saw colored beams of light coming into my room. They did so slowly, not at the speed of light. I then saw a spirit being come from accross the room up to where I was. He wore what looked like a monk's gown with a hood. I then shot out of my body and flew around the building I lived in. When I came back the spirit I saw was gone. The next day I went to the library, felt compelled to take a book off of a shelf without seeing what words were written on the books cover, and saw that it was a book on astral projection. It spoke of things I experienced the previous night, including paralysis and the vibrational state.
First self knowledge experience (sort of, I had a minor experience when I was a kid): One night while walking around during guard duty while in the Army, I suddenly realized that the physical World wasn't what I thought it was. Being scientific minded as I was, I tried to break things down to molecules, atoms, sub-atomic particles, and understood that this doesn't explain what the World is all about. I felt the beingness/awareness that ran through the World. I also became very curious about the awareness that experienced everything. I understood very clearly that the body based person I viewed myself to be, wasn't who I am. I understood that I'm the spirit being who is aware of my physical body and personna. I also understood how there is no such thing as a particular moment of time or a particular location. I also understood how it was possible for God to be omnipresent. Our linear concept of space has nothing to do with it. This experience changed my life and has had a continuous effect, even though there have been times throughout my life where I've gotten involved with various thought patterns and lost touch with this feeling.
After these first three major experiences I don't know what to share. I figure the first time I made contact with my I-there/disk/higher self is significant. One night I had three really intricate dreams that took place one right after the other. They were each created with just enough inconsistencies so I could figure out that I was dreaming. As they came to an end, for the first time, I realized that my dreams are created by an intelligence beyond my ordinary intelligence (I believe there are some exceptions). I woke up in an expanded state of awareness. I received the message, "Just as you found inconsistencies in your dreams, find inconsistencies in your waking state. I see spirits in the form of flashing stars. After this experience as opposed to seeing just one spirit flash at a time, as I looked about my room I saw numerous spirits flashing their light at the same time. I asked if I'm in contact with my I-there (I hadn't read about Bruce Moen's disk at the time). I heard/felt numerous voices answer yes. It felt like they were very happy that I finally made contact with them. During the experience I was certain I was communicating with them. Afterwards, after my awareness had narrowed down, doubts started to appear. This just goes to show that it is difficult to judge the validity of what you experience during an expanded state of mind, while in a more limited state of mind.
Speaking of the flashing stars, one night I had a lucid dream where I was in a room someplace in space. There were about six beds in this room, I lay in one, and some kids lay in the other beds. One kid sat at the foot of my bed. His mother, who was played by one of my cousins, sat near him. In reality this child is not my cousin's child. The two of them were symbols for my spirit family (there is a long history on this I won't get into). This child had information about the I-there viewpoint. Everybody in the room wanted to know if the I-there viewpoint is true. I questioned this child. He stated things that made it sound true but I still had doubts. Suddenly a bunch of stars started come out of his head. I told everybody, "look, the I-there viewpoint is true because stars are coming out of his head." I looked around the room and stars were coming out of everbody's head. I know that something can't be verified simply because stars come out of a person's head, but I understood that this dream was a message from spirit guidance.
Nowadays I don't have out of body experiences with all the effects (except for when an OBE starts from a lucid dream). Instead, my awareness expands, and I travel about in a mental/visual way. Sometimes I'm shown beautiful places. Sometimes these places include buidlings and people. Sometimes I have the feeling of floating over the places I see. Last night I was shown beautiful ocean sceneries-gold light was in the skylines and reflected off of the water. The water was a beautiful shade of blue.
For the most part my experiences serve the purpose of spiritual instruction. For example, I was laying in bed wondering what it is like to be really vast. The egotistical portions of my mind aren't completely comfortable about this. Suddenly I experienced myself walking out of a house on to a road (not physically). I floated up the hill to where it ended, and I was by an ocean. I jumped into the ocean and experienced my awareness expand outwards. The more my awareness expanded the better I felt.
Regarding concrete evidence, first let me say that after you have been communicating with light beings for a while, you learn that you can trust them. They aren't going to tell you something that isn't true. Therefore, I no longer feel the need to be provided with concrete evidence in the way a scientist would expect. Sometimes the spirit beings I communicate with find interesting ways to convince me about something. For example, when I first started taking part in retrievels I wondered if I was really doing so. I asked about this one time while meditating, and I was shown the cover of Robert Monroe's book "Far Journeys." The pages opened and I felt page 144 and saw page 145. I thought it was curious that I felt one page and saw the other. I hadn't read Robert's book at the time so I went to get it. I opened the book to page 144. This is the first page of a chapter called rescue mission. As far as I know, this is the first time Robert wrote about a retrievel. The reason I felt page 144 rather than saw it, is because the first page of each chapter of Far Journeys doesn't have the page number printed. Therefore, 145 was the first page number of the chapter to be printed.
I also received a couple of retrievel verifications that I could verify by doing internet searches. However, as indicated above, after I became certain about what was going on, I felt no need to burden the spirit helpers I work with to provide me with confirmations.
I've also had some out of body experiences, remote viewing experiences, and received spirit messages, which told me about physical things I had no way of knowing about before hand.
There is one more experience I'd like to share because it is very special to me. Again, I've shared it before. One night I was reading a book by Elaine Pagels. She stated that the Gospel of Thomas contends that Jesus was an enlightened being like any other enlightened being, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke contend that Jesus was a messenger of God, and the Gospel of John contends that Christ is God in manifest form. When he is spoken of in the later manner, it reminds me of the presence Bruce Moen met when he met the planning intelligence. Anyway, before I went to sleep that night, I prayed and asked for a dream that provided an answer as to which version is true.
In the middle of the night I woke up in order to make notes in my dream journal. Before I could do so, I saw a light flash. This light was much bigger and radiated much more energy than any spirit being I've felt/seen flash before. I didn't see nor hear Jesus, but I felt like this was his presence. I was impressed by how his presence felt more real than the physical World. It felt divine. I thought to myself, "And people don't believe in the World of spirit."
I forgot about my dream notes, put my dream journal and pen back on my night stand, and turned off my lamp. I allowed this presence to work on me. I have awakened kundalini, but the energy that worked on me was beyond how kundalini has worked on me. It caused the energetic channels from my heart chakra to my crown chakra to be opened up more completely. I felt love, humility, reverence and grattitude towards Christ as this took place. His presence worked on my energy for about fifteen minutes. Ever since my upper energetic pathways have been more alive, clear and balanced. This presence has worked on me numerous times since this initial experience.
The main feeling I got from this experience is that Christ can be anywhere and in as many places as he wants. I still don't know which Gospel is more accurate.