hello again Albert, this is getting more interesting. Glad you had the dream excursion; seems quite different from an ordinary dream, like it was a gift to you. I am feeling your love again and I am very much feeling my love for you.
I hope everyone here understands it's ok to express feelings as well as our usual intellectual conversations.
some more sharing we might do, just to touch on some similarities of these explorations as well the differences are interesting:
""I agree with what you say above, even though my understanding is definitely not complete.""
I understand. that we are beings in the act of becoming. perhaps to just make a point further I reveal some history of self; I wanted to become an actress once. it is great fun to pretend to be somebody else and do it well. I am much older now and believe I am on a stage of life and can pick and choose my role to play, then I see everybody is becoming their innate self, picking and choosing their thoughts, and eventually their own emotions can be items to choose as well by their thoughts, the emotions will follow then in line with the thought pattern. I realized when I played a part, I could play it well, but only if I allowed myself to believe I was that role, that character. I did not want to be all characters because I did not want to type myself, I just wanted to play myself in other words, but first I would have to find out who I was, and who I wanted to be, and I am still becoming and so I am like you, my knowledge is not complete, but I am willing to open to the truth as we all seek that I do believe and in the heavenly realms it is a loving place, where people do come just as they are.
and also, I have seen light streaming out of the eye sockets of others occassionally, as well when I went within on several occassions, I did see this light coming from my eyes as well to explain to me, I was also this light.
""I've never experienced this. I've read of others doing so.""
there is little lights that you do see, in full C1 consciousness, you have told us of the dancing lights on a post. This is light also, and when you see this, you have your attention on it to remember there is a connection between what is being said and what is verification for you is right in front of your eyes, so to speak. It is another gift to you from your higher self, or you may say your guides, as we do have guides, this is true. In the same way, energy bodies are composed of this light. we so identify right now with our solid forms, that we think to ponder on light beings, or the Light, it seems most mysterious; I think we can increase our vibrations more each day so that the light becomes not so mysterious but still will be welcome to see.
As I stated on an earlier post, there used to be a time I would go out of body with all the effects. The vibrational state would occur, I'd feel myself shoot out of my body, I'd hear, see and feel myself fly around. In my case, eventhough I'd see the place I was flying around in, I wouldn't lose consciousness of my body. I'd be aware of both things at the same time.
yes, I understand this to be what was called dual consciousness, and also another term, it has been called bi-location. It seems we are in two locations, one physical, one nonphysical. we might call it two worlds, or two dimensions of our awareness operating. I've had this state occur twice in my life, both times were monumental in discovering I was more than just a body and I was in awe of what had happened.
This was a clue that I wasn't actually traveling somewhere in a physical, linear sense.
Naturally. same here. when I felt some energy pop from my forehead that time, I was aware my higher self, I'll call it, was now going to produce a movie for me to enter as energy, as an awareness of form, and also formlessness. I began to see trees and I began flying, with the sensations of that, while my body I was aware of it sitting in a chair quite still. the surroundings were like being underwater, I could hear seagulls, see the beach, feel that I did move, attracted another spirits attention even who asked "did I need some orientation?" lol. no, I didn't need that! the feeling was like being a kid let out of the classroom at recess and my emotions were childlike and having fun. the added feeling was to talk to the ocean, which was the vastness of the ocean, the surf sound was there like a roar in the background. I have a special feeling for the ocean as I used to walk there when I was depressed; the sound of the waves spoke to me that there was rhythm to life which meant this depressive part would leave soon.
That was another special out of body experience taught me about the rhythm.
""I agree again. Even though I'm not a person who gets involved with motion sports such as skiing, I think the sense of motion one gets when traveling astrally is rather fun. Especially when you hear and feel the energy brushing up against you. Plus, when I've done so I've never been completely certain of where I was going, and it was interesting and fun to see where I ended up.""
Yes, I like the sense of wondering where I'm going too. maybe that wonder is our innate curiosity we are born with. Bruce talks of Curiosity's Journey. A really good visionary experience. Vee and I have been discussing that we've both began to dance here lately, getting past some belief systems that it was not a worthwhile thing to be doing..we are having fun with it to say the least!
""Regarding the frequency with which you travel, it is similar for me. I don't seek to go out of body as frequently as somebody such as Out of Body Dude does (what an appropriate name).
yes, he is certainly a dude, and he certainly does go out of body like I never could but I like reading about his obes and compare them with Monroe's first obes.
I'm not a trail setting John Muir type like Robert Monroe or Bruce Moen. When I travel it tends to be for particular reasons, even though I believe my higher self showed me the scenery I saw last night just to be nice. Speeking of nice, nice
experience you described above.""
thanks. I think we all are trail blazing, it's just that we are the ones that come after Bruce and Monroe, yet in our individual way. Also, same here, I have to have a spiritual reason, or question, or need an answer to something, or need to go check on a friend, or something to that effect before I will notice I am lucid and fullfilling that intention from some nonphysical area of awareness. Its quite possible that Dude might be able to shine a light on the beginning problems that occur for all who study this phenomenon, one of which is the sensation of falling is observed as a commonality within obes, and can be scary feeling, then when others report these commonalities we can say, oh, this happened to so and so, and they reported there was no danger in the sensation of falling when obe. just an example of getting beyond our fears to be sharing the similarities. and don't forget Monroe, who when he began these obes, he was so frightened he took himself off to a shrink, and they could offer no explanation for what was happening..so there may be some others out there who are frightened that they are going mad...the dudes and Ryan's of our world can maybe help those who might feel they are the only ones in the world who do this, and they can realize they are not all alone in these things and they are not crazy.
Albert's dream/vision: " I could also feel PUL. I was shown beautiful landscapes of a valley in a very clear way. These valleys were occupied by spirits I didn't see. Everything was landscaped in an intricate manner including the architecture. It is possible that this was a part of focus 27. Before I went to sleep I thought about wanting to see focus 27. Because of the way this experience occurred, I believe that both my emotional (astral) and mental bodies were involved.
I think both the emotional and mental were involved also. I think thats a good sign you are entering that balance between the two. and you did set an intention of sorts so you recognize you had a desire to see focus 27..did u set an intention or it was just a desire or both? but there is a connection between "wanting" and receiving, just as there is a connection between setting an intention, or asking and receiving. I would love to see some architecture on focus 27. the PUL is most important, as it feeds the spirit, makes life worth living.
cheerio mate! sailing can be a bit choppy but we're stalwart!
love, alysia