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THE TURIN SHROUD (Read 11082 times)
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Reply #15 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 10:02pm
  Hi Orlando,

  Yes, i believe so.  Just different names for the same experience i guess.   If you are interested in Bob Monroe, The Monroe Institute, and stuff connected to that, you might want to check out a excellent book called "Cosmic Journeys" written by Bob's long time exploring partner, Rosiland McKnight.   Much of the book is taken straight from the taped explorer sessions they did together with Rosie's guidance team.   

  They talk a bit about the man Yeshua here and there, and casually mention that Yeshua even before the crucifixion could phase into his 5th 'body', and thus become invisible to others, as well as not being limited by linear space/time so called natural 'laws'.    They talk about the 7 major energy centers/chakras, and about 5 major 'bodies' of the human system.  They said some few humans here and there, could consciously and consistently phase into and act from this 5th body while partaking directly of physical energies.

  They also claim that Yeshua was the fastest vibratory being to come to Earth, and came direct from the pure God Source consciousness.

  Edgar Cayce's guidance energies makes similar claims, and there more than a few general parallels between Rosie's guidance and their info, and the guidance info that came through Cayce.
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Reply #16 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 2:46am
I see, well, I guess that's all possible. If the Bible accounts can be taken as reasonably factual (which I don;t think is necessarily the case) then a. the tomb was found empty and b. the body he appeared to the disciples in did not behave like an ordinary one - at one point he appeared inside a locked room, for example, and then, of course he just "ascended"and disappeared. I don;t think we're talking about his ordinary body simply resuscitating. I think the catholic doctrine agrees with this (sort-of - as they don't think his physical body disappeared, but rather that it was transformed) and call his post resurrection body a "glorious"one, which is what the faithful are supposed to get after the final judgment - a kind of fusing of body and soul that looks like a normal body but has greater powers and is immortal. Another possibility some historians mention re Jesus is that his body was placed in a common grave, or even eaten by animals, in which case the post-mortem appearances would have been of a spiritual kind (however there are accounts these days of spirits appearing in solid form to people, so that could be what happened to the disciples, I guess). Just some ponderings.. It is also worth mentioning  - in these days when many Christians do not think in such literal terms - that the traditional doctine says Jesus is still in Heaven with the body that he ascended with and is coming back in it flying though the clouds at some point. I find this fairly unlikely. When you reaslise that in those days they probably thought of Heaven as a place that was literally "up" above the clouds somewhere, then that idea makes more sense.
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Reply #17 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 3:28pm
orlando123 wrote on Oct 12th, 2007 at 2:46am:
I see, well, I guess that's all possible. If the Bible accounts can be taken as reasonably factual (which I don;t think is necessarily the case) then a. the tomb was found empty and b. the body he appeared to the disciples in did not behave like an ordinary one - at one point he appeared inside a locked room, for example, and then, of course he just "ascended"and disappeared. Just some ponderings.. It is also worth mentioning  - in these days when many Christians do not think in such literal terms - that the traditional doctine says Jesus is still in Heaven with the body that he ascended with and is coming back in it flying though the clouds at some point. I find this fairly unlikely. When you reaslise that in those days they probably thought of Heaven as a place that was literally "up" above the clouds somewhere, then that idea makes more sense.

   Guess it depends on which parts of the Bible one is referring too.  I think that much of the O.T. is deeply symbolic and allegorical, with some literal history mixed in, and Revelations of the N.T. is also deeply symbolic and allegorical--much like a dream.   

   But, the rest of the N.T. seems to depart from the long Jewish tradition and style of strong allegory, etc., and contains a lot more of the literal, historical, journalistic type approach, though i believe it is still multi-layered.    Either way, i'm not even close to being an expert on either the O.T. or N.T. 
Growing up, i was always much more attracted to Eastern teachings in a mental belief system kind of way (one of my first "spiritual" books was "3 pillars of Zen").   I wasn't particularly fond of religion in general (though saw truth in many or most), and specifically was rather turned off by Christian religions.   Yet, i was fascinated with the Teacher Yeshua, his teachings, and that time period.  I was much more drawn to him in a personal manner, than any other teacher, though paradoxically i was more drawn to the overall belief systems of some eastern branches as compared to modern Christian, dogmatic belief systems.     But i realized at a young age, that there was plenty of dogma and skewed interpretation in many of the Eastern teachings too.

I don;t think we're talking about his ordinary body simply resuscitating. I think the catholic doctrine agrees with this (sort-of - as they don't think his physical body disappeared, but rather that it was transformed) and call his post resurrection body a "glorious"one, which is what the faithful are supposed to get after the final judgment - a kind of fusing of body and soul that looks like a normal body but has greater powers and is immortal.

  I essentially agree.  The physical body is made up of energy, the spiritual is also energy.  The difference or distinction between the two is two fold.  The physical is very, very slow vibrating in nature, and has both positive and negative charges.   The spiritual is very fast vibrating in nature, and is primarily of a positive charge.   Yeshua fused these, and thus transformed the physical body, and there must have been quite an energy reaction when this happened, one of the possible explanations behind the image being formed on the burial shroud.   Now he has both attributes of pure limitless Light, and yet physicality and form.  The first born of a women to do this (in a collectively slow vibrating both smaller and larger cycle) and thus the ultimate, universal pattern in the Earth of spiritual development, or so Cayce's guidance energies say at least.

Another possibility some historians mention re Jesus is that his body was placed in a common grave, or even eaten by animals, in which case the post-mortem appearances would have been of a spiritual kind (however there are accounts these days of spirits appearing in solid form to people, so that could be what happened to the disciples, I guess).

  I suppose that is possible, though the N.T. accounts stress that both the Jewish and Roman leaders involved, wanted to make sure that nothing happened to the body, and had guards there, etc.    Before Yeshua had been crucified he had mentioned that he was going to die, and come back in 3 days time.   No doubt this "leaked out" to the factions against him and his ways, and they wanted to make sure that none of his followers arranged any kind of event to make others think that this happened.

  And oh yeah, btw, we are still left with the Shroud of Turin, one of the most, if not the most puzzling, controversial, scientifically analyzed, and hotly debated ancient artifacts.   Others can think and believe what they want, but when many of the dots start connecting from fairly reliable sources...well being pragmatic and practical, i go where the dots lead me.

  For example, why, if the shroud was created in a 'natural' manner by fluids of the body chemically reacting with the shroud fibers...(as quite a few scientists now theorize) then why with all the burials of humans there have been, in all of the archaeological finds, then why o'why do we not have another example of this in relation to a human body and their burial cloths?   Oh, and yeah btw, certain historical accounts independent of the shroud artifact  just happen to say and agree that a peculiar man who did many peculiar things in his life, and who was killed by crucifixion, resurrected his physical body and showed up to many people for awhile afterwards...

  Orlando, besides the book i mentioned earlier, "Cosmic Journeys", have you ever read of Robert A. Monroe's own stuff, the books he actually wrote?    In his last book, "Ultimate Journey" he relates a rather surprising and odd account that he had during one of his many consciousness explorations beyond C1.   He asks his Higher self/Total self/Disk/I-there if he could meet the most mature (spiritually speaking) person living in his then space/time.   He was told yes, it was possible but it might not be what he expected. 

  He ends up with his perception in a normal looking sort of room, with a desk, and sitting at the desk is a person.  As soon as Bob's nonphysical awareness focuses on this person, this person becomes aware of Bob, and there is a brief span of time wherin Bob can feel this person's energy radiation.   He said it was powerful, and like standing in warm spring Sun light, which contained every possible human emotion.    And, it was perfectly balanced between masculine and feminine, one minute Bob was sure this person was a guy, the next moment, a woman.   So Bob in his head called this person "He/She", and apparently He/She telepathically heard this thought, mentally chuckled, and said i've never had that name before.

  Anyways, they start communicating telepathically, and Bob is allowed limited access to He/She's mind about their lifestyle, life, and some history.   Bob exclaims surprise after 'hearing' that He/She is some 1800 years old or so, doesn't eat nor sleep, and hasn't "recycled" in that time period.    Bob also picks up that this person constantly works many different jobs in C1 (physical) consciousness, and the reason simply given was that He/She likes people. 

   Now, the Cayce readings, and Yeshua himself in the N.T. states that Yeshua never did or would permanently leave the physical plane.  "I will be with you until the end of time" type stuff.   
While Monroe doesn't come right out and say who this person's identity is, there are almost like clues left in this account.   One is that Monroe says that i sense you are occidental (western/near eastern) in origin (so no Tibetan Lama, Zen Monk, etc), and hints that others have already thought on this person's existence in the physical, because Bob says, "but nobody really believes you exist".   In another of Bob's book, his 2nd one, one of his explorers seems to have channeled Christ, and in this channeling, this consciousness says not to look for me in the form of a man yet, the time hasn't yet come, and in truth i never left.  Maybe, the New Testament is literally right after all?

  Take from all this what you will...
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Reply #18 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 4:13pm
Thanks, interesting points of view. As for the guards at the tomb etc , and whether or not Jesus predicted his own death, you admit you are not a NT expert, and neither am I, but I'm aware there is much controversy among Bible scholars as to which bits of the NT accounts are likely to be historically accurate and which not, but it is a mind-boggling are and ultimately not one I wants to get into huge debates about. I think it's fair to say though that although they seem less metaphorical than some parts of the Bible you can see just by comparing some of the contradictions between gospel accounts of the same events that they can't be seen as completely factual accounts. Also, it is widely believed Mark is the earliest gospel, and in some cases, notably concerning what happened after Jesus' death, it is simpler and arguably less embroidered than the others. Anyway, as I say, although it's an area i have taken an interest in, it's not one I especially want to debate in detail right now.

I've not read any Monroe books, although I plan to. i ordered his first from an Amazon partner firm and they sent me a book about cold-calling instead and have stiil not sent me the right one even though I returned it weeks ago. i plan to write a very unchristian review of them on Amazon.

The incident you describe is intriguing. It interests me, eg, when people talk about having a balance of masculine and feminine qualities as a good thing or something you come across in highly-spiritually-evolved entities, as i , possibly too pridefully, think this is a good thing in myself (although this world seems sometimes to be more geared around polarity). But then again, who is to say some very masculine or feminine people are not much more spiritually-evolved, in other ways, than me? Also I guess appearances can be decieving and, eg, a seemingly very "masculine"man might have great reserves of compassion and nurturing, which are stereotyped as feminine, or a seemingly very girly woman might actually be have very strong and practical sides to her, supposed to be more masculine etc

As for the shroud, I have no strong opinions about it, although, as you say, maybe the image is almost "too perfect". Also I thought it had been carbon-dated as probably medieval?

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« Last Edit: Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:38pm by orlando123 »  
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Reply #19 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 4:35pm
Just what I always say when it comes to the shroud,
it is NOT an imprint of a body (sweat, blood or whatever), simply because such an imprint would be distorted, unlike what you see on the shroud, which is more like a photography (make an imprint of your face with paint, wrapping something around it and you'll know what I mean).

Sorry for that technical note, but there are still many who do believe right that.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Reply #20 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:22pm
  Clear and concise point Spooky, thank you for sharing that info.
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Reply #21 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:56pm
Personally, I haven't looked to the shroud as evidence, because if I can't have faith in my own experiences with Christ, I'm hopeless.
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Reply #22 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:23pm
  Hi Orlando,

  Yeah, as far as the Bible goes, who knows.  I suppose each needs to go within to cross check such info.  Why not get receptive and ask your guidance for clues, or what not?

  When you finally get Monroe's book, i think you will probably enjoy it.

The incident you describe is intriguing. It interests me, eg, when people talk about having a balance of masculine and feminine qualities as a good thing or something you come across in highly-spiritually-evolved entities, as i , possibly too pridefully, think this is a good thing in myself (although this world seems sometimes to be more geared around polarity). But then again, who is to say some very masculine or feminine people are not much more spiritually-evolved, in other ways, than me? Also I guess appearances can be decieving and, eg, a seemingly very "masculine"man might have great reserves of compassion and nurturing, which are stereotyped as feminine, or a seemingly very girly woman might actually be have very strong and practical sides to her, supposed to be more masculine etc

  You bring up some good points and questions, for sure!  I believe that as Souls, we have both attributes or polarities originally, but somehow, somewhere down the line we unbalanced our energies and the physical is the result of that..   And being the result of collective imbalance within many selves, the physical is based on two seeming things, separation and polarization.

  The two distinct genders are reflective (and a de-evolving pattern) of this imbalance within, or in other words, what happens within is what gets eventually projected and solidified without.  It is said that many highly evolved E.T.'s, are completely androgynous, both in vibe/energy, and  even physically wise as well.  It is said that Arch Angels seem like both male and female in one..

  I would say that as both Souls and physical personalities, we all are at various degrees and ratios of imbalance between these fundamental Archetypes and states of being.  A man may seem rather masculine in outer ways (like i do, innately muscular and strong body, drives a motorcycle, plays sports, likes to be physically active sometimes, etc), and yet be rather balanced within, such as you mention, being very compassionate, receptive, can listen to others and one's own feelings, etc.   Men such as these, tend to be more intuitive, more emotionally open, etc.  And of course, they tend to be 'happier', being more whole.

  Conversely the same with a more developed woman.  She may be more go getting, more active, stronger in will, more analytical and logically oriented, etc.    And being in a male or female body, is not a guarantee of having that same predominant energy pattern within the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of self.    Some men are definitely lopsided to the Yin state of being within, though many seem overall more lopsided to Yang.

  The problem is determining all this as well, is that quite a few people are constantly shifting back and forth between these two states, similar to what's talked about in left vs. right brain theories and studies.    Some shift more than others, some are more stuck than others, some just have a better consistent balance or rather merging than others.   Personally i believe, that the more consistently balanced and merged between these, the more spiritually developed is the person you are perceiving...and to a certain extent, development also shapes one's perception of others.   A more innately and consistently balanced person can more easily and deeply recognize a likewise more balanced person, and understand exactly what that means both logically and feeling wise.

  Another human subject which is both rather relative, yet containing underlying absolutes.  I find it quite an interesting topic, and one i've thought and felt long on.   Part of that is my karmic patterns and tendencies, such as Moon in Libra near the 3rd house cusp, Venus in Aquarius in Libra decant, in the 7th house and exactly sextile Neptune ruler of the 8th and exactly trine Pluto in 3rd, ruler of the 4th, closely square Uranus in the 4th ruler of the 7th, and generally a predominant Jupiter force, and strong Solar energy.
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Reply #23 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:32pm
recoverer wrote on Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:56pm:
Personally, I haven't looked to the shroud as evidence, because if I can't have faith in my own experiences with Christ, I'm hopeless.


   I wouldn't say a person is "hopeless" in such a case, but rather probably a bit misguided with some fundamental core beliefs which need to be updated. 

   Personally, i don't look to the shroud as evidence, but as more of as 'outer' verification of what i already (and way before i even heard of same) know to be true.    Isn't it nice when the outer matches up with the inner? 

   I believe it exists and is public for a reason.   There are infinite ways for a person to become interested in and open to the nonphysical, and as i've said before, sometimes something outside of us can act as a catalyst to thinking differently...   If it fulfills even just that role ONCE, then it is valuable and a worthwhile study. 

  Besides, how many people have had conscious experiences with Christ?  That almost sounds a bit like spiritual snobbery my friend.   Simple enough to ask Yeshua himself, if he left this behind on purpose or not, not for you, but perhaps for others who are more entrenched in their materialistic mind sets.     Why else did the Teacher himself occasionally perform what were and are considered "miracles"... these weren't for the believers...
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Reply #24 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:33pm
thanks for saying I bring up good points. you too. As for shifting around in terms of the balance of masculine and feminine attributes/feelings etc, I have certainly experienced some of that in my jouney through life but as you say, a balance is what I generally aim for and feel in a reasonably settled place right now. I don't know much about astrology, but I take it you are referring to this balance of gender attributes again
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Reply #25 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:40pm
  regarding your last question Orlando, yes, to some extent.   Astrology is a perception tool of pre-existing indications and patterns.  I wasn't talking about my chart showing indications of being particularly balanced, but rather showing interests in this aspect of life and human relationships.  Or in other shorter words, when both Libra and Aquarius are strong in a person's chart, this would incline to thinking and being more interested in such questions.   Libra is the sign par excellence which deals with the concept of balance, and with relationships. 

  Aquarius is another air sign dealing with communication and relationships, but whereas Libra deals with relationships in a more one to one manner, Aquarius deals with larger groups, more universal in scope and tendencies.   This is the more generalized version, though there are more specific things to take into account generally, or more specifically in my chart.
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Reply #26 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 7:13pm

I can see how it sounded snobbish. Snobbery wasn't my intent. I just feel moved to share that Christ has touched my life when the occasion arises.

You make a good point about the shroud presenting good evidence for some.

recoverer wrote on Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:56pm:
Personally, I haven't looked to the shroud as evidence, because if I can't have faith in my own experiences with Christ, I'm hopeless.


  I wouldn't say a person is "hopeless" in such a case, but rather probably a bit misguided with some fundamental core beliefs which need to be updated.  

  Personally, i don't look to the shroud as evidence, but as more of as 'outer' verification of what i already (and way before i even heard of same) know to be true.    Isn't it nice when the outer matches up with the inner?  

  I believe it exists and is public for a reason.   There are infinite ways for a person to become interested in and open to the nonphysical, and as i've said before, sometimes something outside of us can act as a catalyst to thinking differently...   If it fulfills even just that role ONCE, then it is valuable and a worthwhile study.  

 Besides, how many people have had conscious experiences with Christ?  That almost sounds a bit like spiritual snobbery my friend.   Simple enough to ask Yeshua himself, if he left this behind on purpose or not, not for you, but perhaps for others who are more entrenched in their materialistic mind sets.     Why else did the Teacher himself occasionally perform what were and are considered "miracles"... these weren't for the believers...

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Reply #27 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 7:54pm
  Hi Albert, after thinking a bit about it, i figured you didn't mean in a snobby type way, but in the way you just explained.

  btw, i agree with much of what you wrote and said on the Tea thread, though i don't have even half the knowledge and facts as you do on such specific eastern guru and teachings history.  I go more by what i feel lately anyways, though i still try to keep my mind sharp and clear as well.
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Reply #28 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 8:06pm

Regarding the snobbery thing, I feel way too much grattitude and humility about having the experiences I've had to be snobbish about it. When I've made contact, I felt honored that Christ took the time to communicate to me. I told him so during such experiences.  Not that I believe Christ has elite ideas about himself, but until I reach his level I'm going to view him with reverence and awe. Actually, I hope I never lose the ability to do so, because it feels really good. Regardless of what state I reach some day, Christ most certainly has more to do with the big picture than I.

I don't feel offended in anyway. Actually, I'm glad you wrote what you wrote, because I tuned into love for Christ when I wrote the above. So, thank you. Smiley

 Hi Albert, after thinking a bit about it, i figured you didn't mean in a snobby type way, but in the way you just explained.

 btw, i agree with much of what you wrote and said on the Tea thread, though i don't have even half the knowledge and facts as you do on such specific eastern guru and teachings history.  I go more by what i feel lately anyways, though i still try to keep my mind sharp and clear as well.

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Reply #29 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 8:54pm
  That's a beautiful attitude for sure.  I too have a lot of reverence, appreciation, and gratitude for him and the contacts i've had.  If i was more intune, no doubt i would have more contacts.. i'm working on it though it seems a bit slow going at times.
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