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Curious about the concept of time. (Read 12165 times)
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Curious about the concept of time.
Sep 29th, 2007 at 12:14pm
Hello everyone Smiley
I have some curiosity about what the concept of time is like in the afterlife. I hear again and again that it simply isn't a factor, that one doesn't notice it or acknowledge time's existence. This seems to be true for almost all NDEs I've been reading, as well as some channeled resources. That seems so outside my sphere of understanding as to be almost frightening! lol For instance, people do things in the afterlife. They have conversations, they progress spiritually, etc, so there must be some sort of sensation of "before I was doing this, I was doing something else" or "I had that conversation with Bob before I went swimming, which seems to be x amount of time ago." right? Even "I didn't know this before, but I learned it since being here, so that must have happened BEFORE." and things like that. My head is spinning! lol
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #1 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 1:28pm
It's good that you ask the questions. I am no authority, and I ask the same things. Perhaps the concept of time is similar to the time factor when we dream. I have read that even the most seemingly lengthy dreams are only a few seconds long, and I find that hard to believe, because I gather such lengthy details, and they take longer than that, UNLESS perhaps my dreaming mind is in another kind of "zone". (compressed time  ?) We can't prove many things , but we aren't pitchforked by Spirit to produce instant results or answers. What matters is that we wonder, and pay attention. The best part of the journey is often simply getting to ask questions, and expand consciousness. Time can be bandied about.
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #2 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 3:27pm

I agree with Gweexldax that asking and wonderment are about all there is when thinking about timelessness. I probably feared timelessness too, or maybe I was just stubborn, but it was the most persistent of my earth-based concerns to over-come.
We lack the words or experience to fully explain timelessness. You just be.  Smiley

In the levels closer to Earth you can have conversations, but Helpers from higher regions transmit ideas so quickly that you just accept/absorb the information, because to try to stop and think 'why did he just say that?' would throw off the whole meeting. Higher still you just know immediately.

Pretty neat, eh? And that's only a small part of it.

Love, Bets
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #3 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 3:46am
its like psychological time. thats where you are so obsorbed in something, time gets away, that you are not aware it is passing because no clocks are there.  Smiley

I have read there are appointments on the other side, so kind of like a structure where we go from experience to experience, just like here, school, work, relax, play time, same thing, just no body, fast transportation is instant, sleep and eat if you want, but not necessary to be so structured into those habits.

I hear it's an entirely different dimension of higher frequencies, here we are in bodies, it is like being frozen in time, in a way here.
over there, much more natural movements, moving along on thought waves like electricity. love, alysia
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #4 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 7:37am
The interesting bit on time is that whatever about the afterlife our perception that it exists even in this life seems to be mind made - or as Eckhardt Tolle and lots of traditions might say there's nothing except the everlasting 'now'.

When as somebody said were you ever not in the 'now'? The past is memory, and the future is imagined or projected from the past. Neither has any independently existing reality for us except as  constructions of the mind.

There's nothing wrong with this for practical purposes, but we can and normally do get hung up about both - we get immersed in what is basically thought, and they assume a false reality for us. This is a major barrier to spiritual opening as it conditions our perception and blocks higher seeing. e.g. we inevitably construe situations in accordance with (usually) bad prior experience, or fret about negative futures, and the resulting mental static blocks access to higher realities.

Physics (and I'm no expert) it seems has figured out that both time (and possibly space as well) have  no absolute existence - that they are essentially illusions (mental constructs) we use to make sense of our reality. Einstein and the more recent quantum theorists it seems to have fairly conclusively demonstrated this.

Despite this quantum theory seems to suggest that the future is a lot more accessible to mind than we think. (but not via conventional thought)

'What The Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole' is a really interesting film that deals with issues like these - it takes the most recent science and shows how it bridges to the spiritual. ; As is Lynn McTaggart's book 'The Field'....
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #5 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 12:02pm
Thanks, guys, I like your explanation Alysia, and I know about the Eternal Now and What the Bleep and all that Vajra, but that doesn't mean that knowing these things will help me to understand what people have described. I have a feeling this is one of those things I'm just going to have to wonder about until I experience it lol, because even people who HAVE experienced it can't explain it!  Shocked I appreciate the replies.
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 1:11pm
wanted to mention in some retrievals I've done, the persons have been there according to our defintion of linear time for many many years, however, it seems to them like a few months have passed by. I think that's because we are slowed down here.

that time is like an illusion, insofar as our spirits go. the illusion of time going by is like starring in our own movie, again, from the spirit's perception of the overview.

thats why when we get home we often say to each other, wow, that went by so fast. but while we are here, sometimes to practice being in the now, which is a practice to ground oneself, and to be a logical person, or to try to look as if you are a logical person, lol (me) as I was saying, while we are here in C1, this is waking consciousness, we are sensing that time goes by slowly when we are being objective or to desire something we perceive as not having...while on the other hand time flies when you are having fun or you are in love. it goes by too fast in that case.

so I suppose we create time to be as it appears to us. ACIM is my path of choice, it says "You and your brothers gave yourself "time" in which to accomplish the healing of the separation."
then it says there is not separation, as we are all one.

love, alysia
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #7 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 2:24pm
Sorry SENO. I guess having theoretical views on what might be going down doesn't mean a whole lot. Other than that it maybe serves to shake up our existing beliefs.

Your point and Alysia's beg a very big question though.

Our problems in making sense of higher realities are arguably because our sensorium (? - sensing, sense making and ability to act) is configured to function in this physical time/space reality as we experience it here.

Does that mean that when we end up in the afterlife we gain (create?) a whole new sensorium?

It gets really complicated if you consider that however it works the mixing of mind with a time less state of pure potentiality means we probably end up bringing into existence whatever reality we are motivated to create.

Especially since we probably perceive (much as in this life/dream) much of the context as being fixed and independent of what we feel/think...

Do we carry over our time/space sensorium so that the realities we create are recognisable to us, or can/do we experience whole new realities???

My personal suspicion is that the sensorium is a part of ego, and that it's stripped off as we proceed towards rebirth so that whatever our surviving essence is can don a new one to suit the new existence. Which for example could be on a different world, or in a different dimension.

But if that's the case does the essence (which for those of us stuck in the cycle of rebirth is only a temporary state - whatever that means) have consciousness, self awareness and a sensorium of some sort that functions in the timeless reality??
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #8 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 5:30pm
Vajra said:

Our problems in making sense of higher realities are arguably because our sensorium (? - sensing, sense making and ability to act) is configured to function in this physical time/space reality as we experience it here.
the sensorium is configured to function here in this reality, to say the human ear can pick up certain wave lengths of sound, while the dog's ear is configured far beyond ours. however the mind has been proven, to me at least, to exist not in the brain; as well when a person's eyesight goes, it has been observed the other senses become quite enhanced beyond what u would expect.

have you heard of the term non/physical senses? this is like extra sensory perception idea. Nonphysical senses is like an extention of the physical sensorium, however, now we seem to get into the question of which came first? the egg or the chicken.
I'd just say neither. first cause is spirit of formless energy but quite intelligent and I'd say perfect. some call it heart intelligence, some call it, that god is working in their lives and now we get back to what are we?
we are spirit. or energy forms probing physical life. god moved over the waters, and we were right there moving along the same.

my aha moment from studying Monroe and Bruce's books is the waking conscious area definition and putting that alongside of what I know and understand as the spiritual non/physical planes of awareness, and of course doing retrievals and PE's early on and having these experiences means I am at a loss to explain, even the benefits with the use of our current language, so I need to be creative, but so does every one else.

TMI defines it as limited consciousness is C1, and here is the veil of forgetfulness laid, but we can and do remember who we are, it may take a whole lifetime but we have the time.

Does that mean that when we end up in the afterlife we gain (create?) a whole new sensorium?
I don't think so. you will always be recognizable to yourself as yourself without or with new eyes.

It gets really complicated if you consider that however it works the mixing of mind with a time less state of pure potentiality means we probably end up bringing into existence whatever reality we are motivated to create.
what u just said above is not complicated to me, its what we do either here or there, motivation, desire, curiosity, the human is made of these items as a probe. PUL is what we end up manifesting in the end, PUL answers any questions we can manufacture by the ego because PUL is a state of expanded or merged awareness with all that is.

Especially since we probably perceive (much as in this life/dream) much of the context as being fixed and independent of what we feel/think...

what is perceived is miniscule but never is our reality truly fixed and independent of what we feel and think.  it just looks that way temporarily,

Do we carry over our time/space sensorium so that the realities we create are recognisable to us, or can/do we experience whole new realities???

this is the same question as earlier. perhaps we can say once we get to the other state of being, we can see the whole picture and why we did what we did.
My personal suspicion is that the sensorium is a part of ego, and that it's stripped off as we proceed towards rebirth
I don't think theres anything to lose, and don't think its stripped off at all, I think the ego does not need to die, but can be corrected. but we can experience belief system crashes which make it feel like the ego is dying.

so that whatever our surviving essence is can don a new one to suit the new existence.
theres a record keeper. we can always pick up our records anytime we really need to.

But if that's the case does the essence (which for those of us stuck in the cycle of rebirth is only a temporary state - whatever that means) have consciousness, self awareness and a sensorium of some sort that functions in the timeless reality??
one can float in timeless bliss right now, in the body. you're only stuck if you have no gratitude for your life, then it is prison. with gratitude, more reason to be grateful enters where it is welcomed then there is nowhere to ascend to.

well, love to all. alysia

aside the topic for a moment I met a young woman living in WA would go to sleep at nght and wake up into another life as an alternate woman with the same looks, the life would be basically the same but with a twist in the story. perhaps a divorce had occurred in one but not the other. I believe in this other life she had one less child which would effect the entire life if u think about it.

then I came across an author who also was in touch with an alternate life. how strange to go to sleep and awaken into this other self, whom was basically unaware that there were two of you, split down the middle.

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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #9 - Oct 1st, 2007 at 6:36am
Smiley Thank you for going to so much trouble to reply Alysia!

I guess I floated those questions because it seems that the realities we create in the afterlife (at least as described by Monroe, Bruce and others here) seem very much to be replicas of what we had in life. Including time. Ranging from the belief system territories right up to the higher focus levels.

It strikes me as odd that having found ourselves in a state of existence where mind creates all and where our reality can be whatever we want it to be (?) that we should go ahead and replicate a version of worldly life. (complete with a non-physical replication of our earthly senses so that we can enjoy it!)

It's a bit like going on vacation to an exotic destination and insisting on eating in McDonalds and reading newspapers from home while closeted in the hotel room because they are familiar.

Yet the dropping of the body in the afterlife could be read as implying an opportunity to temporarily return to God, Love, the absolute, to unity, to the no-time reality  - we as you say Alysia get glimpses of it in this life while in elevated states of consciousness. (although we can't make much sense of it because we relate to it as you say via our earthly sensorium)

Wink I was I guess in a roundabout way wondering if somehow in the afterlife we maybe have the capability to do more than eat in McDonalds. Wondering if possibly after an initial 'getting comfortable' period in an earth like reality that we might go on to relate in a more engaged manner with the absolute? (which would imply a whole new sensorium)

Signs are that this is not the case, at least for most of us. It seems (as taught in differing ways by Monroe and Buddhism) that we are in fact so attached to the earth system and sensorium (maybe that's the big meaning of ego?) that despite the potential we're not really able to transcend it. Meaning that we somehow find our way through to rebirth without ever having done so - without ever truly escaping our earth bound limits, without truly experiencing love and the absolute.

If this latter is the case then the 'forgetting' you mention maybe does amount to some sort of necessary (but only partial) stripping away of ego and obscuration to give us a clearer overview of our past and previous lives, and to ensure that the choice of a new life will take account of this insight. (maybe a broader way of looking at the meaning of karma)

Your point about the power of love to transcend ego (presumably because when we finally become able to live from PUL there's no obscuration or selfish motivation left) is central too. Maybe it's upon reaching this PUL state/dropping of ego that our attachment to the earth life system ends - and opens the way out of McDonalds.

Which would mean that since we were no longer driven by attachment rebirth would become optional - we could choose to be reborn to help others (as the Tibetan Rinpoches reportedly do), but we could maybe also choose to hang out for a while in the love that is the collective....

Oh well, no sign of any shortcuts yet it seems.....
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2007 at 8:10am by N/A »  
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #10 - Oct 1st, 2007 at 12:18pm
I've had experiences which told me that there is no such thing as a particular moment of time.

Some sources of information say that all periods of time happen in the same now. Therefore,  something like the civil war is happening now, not yesterday as we think of yesterday.

Perhaps to experience according to "no time" is to have the ability to look at a beautiful painting in its entirety, rather than brush stroke by brush stroke. When we look at the painting stroke by stroke, sometimes it doesn't seem as if it is coming together. When we see the completed painting, we see the perfected end. Regarding additional changes, does anybody want to make alterations to the Mona Lisa? Regarding even the Mona Lisa getting boring, can one get bored experiencing infinite perfection?

Plus, if you think about it, we never actually experience movement through time. Each instant we experience a still frame photo that is the result of the various stimuli we perceive and our interpretations of this stimuli. An illusion of movement is experienced. Consider a movie. If individual frames are shown quickly enough, we get the illusion of movement.
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2007 at 7:30pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #11 - Oct 1st, 2007 at 1:21pm
Vajra said: Thank you for going to so much trouble to reply Alysia!
hello! thank u for waking me up also.

I guess I floated those questions because it seems that the realities we create in the afterlife (at least as described by Monroe, Bruce and others here) seem very much to be replicas of what we had in life. Including time. Ranging from the belief system territories right up to the higher focus levels.
replicas, reflections. this brings to my mind a thought of the heavens versus the Earth planes; I think of our spiritual dyslexia. we naturally get confused which came first the chicken or the egg idea. Spirit (us) came first, the Earth reflects the heavens in distorted manner, yet a reflection it is. We are not creating what has already been created. I think its hard to get an overview of humanity without engaging the We are One conceptualization.

It strikes me as odd that having found ourselves in a state of existence where mind creates all and where our reality can be whatever we want it to be (?) that we should go ahead and replicate a version of worldly life. (complete with a non-physical replication of our earthly senses so that we can enjoy it!)
not all of us are simply on a lark here. this is hard work creating our own realities, god never said to me not to have a bit of fun as I go either. u seem like a very hard worker Vajra. we must learn to play also.

It's a bit like going on vacation to an exotic destination and insisting on eating in McDonalds and reading newspapers from home while closeted in the hotel room because they are familiar.
I see you're a pioneer. good comment.

Yet the dropping of the body in the afterlife could be read as implying an opportunity to temporarily return to God, Love, the absolute, to unity, to the no-time reality  - we as you say Alysia get glimpses of it in this life while in elevated states of consciousness. (although we can't make much sense of it because we relate to it as you say via our earthly sensorium)

Wink I was I guess in a roundabout way wondering if somehow in the afterlife we maybe have the capability to do more than eat in McDonalds. Wondering if possibly after an initial 'getting comfortable' period in an earth like reality that we might go on to relate in a more engaged manner with the absolute? (which would imply a whole new sensorium)  I found this link very enlightening as to how it was to transition, as a former minister did here, during a time of war upon the Earth; he describes his attachment to earthly concerns through the pen of Elsa Barker in 1915. his descriptions of the afterlife areas are varied and highly believable, in line with my own explorations and experiences. Personally I find it difficult to believe that upon transition I would be somehow given a whole new sensorium if I had not done my homework on Earth plane.

Signs are that this is not the case, at least for most of us. It seems (as taught in differing ways by Monroe and Buddhism) that we are in fact so attached to the earth system and sensorium (maybe that's the big meaning of ego?) that despite the potential we're not really able to transcend it. Meaning that we somehow find our way through to rebirth without ever having done so - without ever truly escaping our earth bound limits, without truly experiencing love and the absolute.
this is a tad pessimistic, I am a born optimist so we fit together well here. heres my personal comment, due to looking at my life only. first, we get to feeling so small and of no consequence, this is human nature, that we do not embrace humanity so we don't experience love or joy and the afterlife areas can look glum or boring also..pause for a station break  Smiley I just picked up a message for are under the purple ray of transmutation using this board to transmute yourself into your higher self. u do achieve what u set out to do.  back to myself  Huh  if u help but one single person in your life along their struggle, this is what they say on the other side produces light and love within your soul. this could mean smiling at the grocery clerk to get them out of a bad mood, or it could mean something like loving your spouse to help them also, or it could mean being a leader in some area that you are gifted with. all acts of love are maximal and take courage.

If this latter is the case then the 'forgetting' you mention maybe does amount to some sort of necessary (but only partial) stripping away of ego and obscuration to give us a clearer overview of our past and previous lives, and to ensure that the choice of a new life will take account of this insight. (maybe a broader way of looking at the meaning of karma)
we need to look at karma differently, not as punishment, but as a design we undertook for the  experience, but also we are always becoming, in the act of that, and surely we don't know where we are going unless we look at where we've been, (joke coming) sorry  Undecided  just when we think we've found it, somebody moves it. this an old hippie joke. regarding this ego stripping outlook seems related to TMI's belief system crash concept; whereby every time I enter a conflicted area within myself I feel a part of me to die, or crash. I feel stripped as you say. I just read an interesting article yesterday that we should be gentle with ourselves when this occurs of the feeling of something is dying. the ego is seen as the inner child. I thought this was an excellent representation of the ego. in this article we are not to see ego as bad, but rather as a child which we would pay attention to and nurture.

Your point about the power of love to transcend ego (presumably because when we finally become able to live from PUL there's no obscuration or selfish motivation left) is central too.
right. someone pointed out to me once that it is in selfish interest to love. I agree but the difference is that the other benefits from your being so selfish to get such pleasure out of loving them.

Maybe it's upon reaching this PUL state/dropping of ego that our attachment to the earth life system ends - and opens the way out of McDonalds.
I think u r right that attachments change and that PUL causes a newness to arrive in all facets of our being, so in that sense, a life of practicing acts of random kindness, could in potential grant a new sensorium, but we shouldn't think that we need to wait for death of the body to achieve this, otherwise we are/would be, always in a state of waiting for the arrival of the newness to arrive when maybe its right in front of us. btw, thanks for the new word sensorium. this site has underlined the word as spelled wrong, but the dictionary says its right. seems to be a word related to the nervous system according to one dictionary.

Which would mean that since we were no longer driven by attachment rebirth would become optional - we could choose to be reborn to help others (as the Tibetan Rinpoches reportedly do), but we could maybe also choose to hang out for a while in the love that is the collective....
that link I gave you agrees, we spend time in regeneration on the other side before deciding upon another journey in conjunction with our group. the other players in your life are a part of you so they figure in there with your plans, yet a soul does gravitate to other players too to form new groups and soul projects. my guides told me I had more choices available now that I finished my karma/design with my parents. the elation of enlightenment process is the knowing theres more choices now for self expression.

Oh well, no sign of any shortcuts yet it seems
welcome to armchair spirituality  Smiley I like your style anyway.


I gotta get off this puter look what happened to me when my ego died!
love, alysia
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #12 - Oct 1st, 2007 at 2:40pm
I'm inclined to side with Recoverer in this one.  But only because the phenomenology of time as a "thing-in-itself" (ding an sich) is necessarily cumulative over its past moments. Georg Hegel's transcendental phenomenology seems to apply here.

Anyway, my adult life now still carries forward, in a very real way, my instant of birth. And, for that matter, you and I and all the rest of the world carry forward, in a similarly real manner, the instant of creation. We don't usually think of it this way because we only look at immediate changes, as opposed to the entire schema.

However, once we get used to the fact that time is a single instant of Now, we also need to get used to the idea that time is a way to measure the separation of events by which the Now presents itself - some events close by, some not, and all can be expressed as simultaneous, but offset by passage of light for a specific interval, by which we measure both space and time, depending upon whether we look at a yardstick or a clock, or both at once according to a probability distribution of manifestations. It seems that we have all the time we want, or none of it - either-or as well as both-and. (Back to the Diamond Sutra, hey Vajra).

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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #13 - Oct 1st, 2007 at 6:47pm
Thank you again Alysia. I have to take a while to do some reading on those links.  Roll Eyes Pardon my dragging you into a big long answer again - it's true, I am a bit serious. But as genuine as I'm able..

Your post Dave perhaps shows that my thinking about the timeless absolute wasn't quite right. I was seeing it as a sort of phase change, or new dream. But what you say implies that as usual there's nothing 'separate' or different about our reality.

The issue is just the way the we're wired to perceive. On time the import I guess of what you say is that if our clock speed (rate of perceiving) and our perspective was changed so that we could scan all of time in an instant then time and distance would seem to compress. (? - have I got it right)

Infinitely speeded up the whole spread of time and space would seem like an instant, a now.

'Now' is essentially a measure of time anyway......
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Re: Curious about the concept of time.
Reply #14 - Oct 3rd, 2007 at 3:03pm
Vajra -
It isn't that you were incorrect, but that there are multiple truths, so to say. Like all the rest of our universe, there is often more than one way to see things, and all the alternatives, even though exclusive, are true.

Sit on the center of the clock face, where the hands pivot. For you, time is just a matter of which direction to look in. Sit on the tip of the hands and time is a flow with no constancy. Both are valid, as are intermediate points.

This is one of those multiple parallel realities. Another simple example of exclusive parallel universes Hold up one hand. Count your fingers - one, to, three, four, five. OK, that is one pathway through the "finger counting continuum". Now start counting at a different finger - Voila! You are now in a parallel universe. Same thing, just a different, and exclusive, universe to do it in. There are 5! (five-factorial  -  5!=1*2*3*4*5=120) different paralel universes within the "finger counting space".

This is a bit like Nargarjuna's logic of both negation and affirmation simultaneously, Both-And plus Neither-Nor. Smiley

Of course the separations amongst the universes are always based on where our mind places us - but it's just the same stuff in different terms for time or space or whatever.


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