I think I'm about ready to get off topic! it's been so long since I let myself ramble I'm looking for the thread police.
oh, just checked they're taking a break!
Dave, you got it slightly askew. God said I couldn't have a walk in come into my body just because I was doing such a lousy job of living a happy and fulilled life at the time, and therefore, shame on me, that I would consider this life here to be like a department store where you could just exchange your soul for another soul who would come in and clean up your own act while I watched from a cloud in nirvana.
the ultimate put down by god is to be told by him that he had given me a gift for which I was ungrateful and now I somehow had gotten the idea that life was a department store and didn't want his gift. I said oh, didn't think of it that way god, pardona moi! At the time, there was nothing on sale. it was all work and no play.
actually, years later, come to find out this wasn't god at all! this was a male guide. probably my own DP. I remember feeling desperate. depressed. mid life crisis. no accomplishments. boyfriend sucked. no job. no ambition. all you youngsters out there, sometimes we call it mid life crisis, but depression can hit the best of us for spells, hang in. there is light at the end of the tunnel. I decided to experiment with getting guidance. maybe someone else can try this. it really was an important turning point for me and maybe it would work for someone in a similar spot.
1) I remembered having "god" conversations as a youngster. Decided to have another one in my 40's. couldn't hurt. I remembered the times I felt comforted after such a conversation.
2) I used to walk while doing this conversation thing. this time, since I was so bad off, I decided to bend my knees, as this would allow my ego to go away for a minute while I imagined that god was talking to me. this posture did help me remove some of the depressed thoughts I had.
3) First I spilled my guts, how I really was taking up valuable space in the world, lol, and maybe I should just go home..pretty please?
4) I imagined the presence to be about 8' away towards the wall and spoke to it though I saw nothing...after I said what all I needed to say, and offered my brilliant idea of god using my life, my body for something "he" wanted to do, which I obviously was seriously failing in doing anything useful for another human being..yada yada...
after this I was told by a presence which as I said, I could not see, but as I got quiet, I could make out male intonation, sort of telling me off, or I should say, in a kindly manner but somewhat urgent that I understand this was my life for better or worse and there was no way in hell god would send in a walk in, so there goes my fine new age idea!!!
I was told to learn to appreciate myself just as I was, with all my hang ups and my nothing going on life, that I must love myself despite there didn't seem a reason to love myself. He said god loves us all just as we are. its a come as you are party and I'd received an invite.
sometimes, I admit Dave, I do shop at Walmarts and I am forgiven for this!
There is no proof of anything, there is only us becoming more of us. the best way to attain a feeling like you are more than you think you are, is maybe to do a partnered exploration. expanding on that comes naturally and we may be able to do away with our cell phones someday, and that is a practical benefit I'd say.
I was sad the other day
when I read in Shambhala we cannot share what it is that we are certain of, our experiences, because they belong solely to us, and it becomes our proof personal, in the heart. although we try and we try, and we should try. but we should not have expectations that we will be believed, even though we must be as authentic as we can when we tell our stories, that truthfulness will only fall on the ears of the one who is ready and has been waiting for your particular way of saying it.
well, gasp...I'm winded! love you all and have a good forever. alysia