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discussion on the ultimate negative possibility (Read 18372 times)
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #15 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 6:25pm
orlando123 wrote on Oct 15th, 2007 at 6:22pm:

I think you are right to get these opinions off your chest; there should not be many taboos in spiritual debate, I think. Another thing EKR used to say was it was healthy to express strong emotion when you wanted to and not bottle things up! Perhaps you might see more positive outlooks later on when you have worked through these feelings

Thanks man it feels great to get these feeling off my chest.. You are right it is best to release anger in a postive way.. Instead of bottling it up!!

Hopefully, I will find my true feelings of love about God..

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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #16 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 6:26pm
No problem; I hope so too  Smiley  Also, I am sure he is big enough to not take the odd rant too personally
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #17 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 6:57pm

Perhaps you're accusing God of something he never did.  It is also very possible that you're forgetting what part you took in taking on this incarnation. Many sources say we choose our incarnation. We do so with the understanding of what an incarnation entails. That being the case, why have sour grapes?

Also, where we end up is more a matter of our overall psyche. Consider an experience I had years ago. I was an atheist at the time. If somebody tried to tell me that God and the afterlife existed, there is no way I would listen. I believed science had all the answers.

Nevertheless, one night, because of grace, I had what I refer to as a night in heaven experience.  I found myself in a realm where the happiness level was wonderful. The happiness we seek througout our lives but never quite find.  During this experience I understood without a shadow of the doubt that God (not in an old man in the sky sense) and afterlife exist. Not only did I understand this,  I understood how it is possible without even having to think about it.  It was like, "Oh yeah!" It was such a relief. I understood that in the end everything works out wonderfully for everybody. I also understood that Christ is a big part of it, but not in a dogmatic sense. I didn't see nor hear him. Nor did I ask about him.  However, I did understand that his and God's presence pervaded the realm I was in.

When it comes to who Christ is and what his role is, I don't believe it is like fundamentalists contend. You better believe or else. Certainly beings who live according to love and don't have their minds fettered with non-sensical limiting ideas, aren't looking for people to throw stones at. They understand that we live in a World where all kinds of belief systems are possible.

Consider my case, I didn't believe, yet I found my self in a heavenly realm. Why was this possible? Because even though I didn't believe in a particular way, I was basically a good hearted person. Therefore, it was my heart that enabled me to experience a heaven like realm. Not my beliefs.  During this experience I didn't say, "No, no, no, I don't want to believe in God, Christ and the afterlife." The truth of what I experienced was so real, certain and wonderful, there was no need to argue.

Each of us has false ideas in our own way.  That's just how things work out in this World. But this is okay, because it is the amount of love we live according to that mostly determines where we go. If we spend our life as a negative minded person, the overall energetic we create will determine where we go. If we spend our life as a loving person, our positive energetic will transport us to a positive place.

There might be some instances where a person's belief/beliefs temporarilly interfere with where he or she ends up. Fortunately there are lots of light beings who help spirits who get stuck.  Some helpers are in the physical. I know about the later through my own experience with retrievels.  Regarding whether they are real, all I can say is that a person has to venture into the retrievel business for his or herself, before he or she can become certain. Regarding whether a person deludes his or herself about the matter, this is a matter of how honest a person is when they discriminate the matter.  Regarding whether there are enough retrievers, I've found that there are ways where many spirits can be retrieved without involving a lot of physical people.

Regarding it not being fair that some people get stuck for a while, if we're going to have the freedom for self determination rather than being controlled like a bunch of puppets or being programmed like automatons, the shortcomings of the free will system have to be accepted as unvoidable parts of the creation process.

Jimney Crickets! When you die, just remember to look for the light and call out for help. You don't have to worry about going to hell because one fragment of your mind is based on memories collected while listening to false teachings.  

briggsandurlacher3 wrote on Oct 15th, 2007 at 6:03pm:
I have the same angered feelings as seeker does!! To add on to that, I would have to say why would God let people create their own reality in the next life?? Like say a Good person that loved  God and tried their best to do the right thing.. Thinks he or she is going to hell because they didn't match up to Jesus.. So, since must near deaths are what people expect that is what that person will end up getting... Than a evil person that hates everyone, believes they are going to heaven.. That evil person gets heaven, while the other  good person gets hell.. How is that fair??? I think that is a sick joke, if you ask me!!! I'm not saying I want the evil person to go to hell or anything like that.. I want everyone go to heaven.. But what I am trying to say is what is the deal with people having to go through hellish afterlifes, when they were good people and they just feared of going to hell.. It makes no sense.. What really ticks me off, is people like me with OCD, have thoughts of going to hell everyday/night non stop.. I try to stop the thoughts, but they won't go away!!!!!!!!! They say well atheists have near deaths of hell of fire and darnation.. So, that goes against the logic that thoughts create your reality in the next life.. So, that means there really is a hell .. Than the other part of me says no, that atheist had thoughts about hell in the back of his or her mind.. So, it's a lose/lose situation for me and others like myself.. Well it's good there is no real hell, but than I still have the chance of going to hell, by thinking I will go there.. Plus, I can't see a loving God creating such a torture chamber for eternity.. So, I say it has to be thoughts become real in the afterlife..

Why can't God just greet us all and let the illusions go to hell themselves and not us!!! We weren't ask to be created either.. So, we had no free will choice to live or not!! That just ticks me off too, God creates me so I can think I'm going to hell, and then God can watch me in hell, until I realize it's just an illusion.. How can someone realize it's an illusion, when it's so real and people preach about hell being real all the time.. I"M SO SCREWED!! I literally hate God..

So, if I go to hell for just thinking I will go there, God can kiss my arse!!!

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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #18 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 7:12pm
Hi Briggsy. My thoughts are with you on this, and for sure it's correct to express what you feel. Suppression or denial only drive stuff below consciousness to where it can't be worked on. Conversely the first step in dealing with all mind phenomena is to 'slap them up on the table' so you can get a proper look at them. My only caution would be to acknowledge the thought/feeling, but to try to stay as light as you can on it.

It perhaps would help to think of counter arguments to the points that bother you. I don't know where you are exactly but reading books by good teachers is a great help to opening your eyes to differing perspectives. Buddhist teaching is good. 'A Course in Miracles' (ACIM) is perhaps the most comprehensive and uplifting I've seen, although it's rather more than an evening's read.

Drawing on for example Buddhist and TMI stuff it seems fairly clear that while our afterlife experience may initially reflect our expectation at time of death, that after a time ego becomes less dominant and we come to see the gap between what we did, and what we would have done had we lived wholly from love. (the 'winds of Karma start to blow' as the Tibetan Book of The Dead or Bardo Thodol says) The resulting pretty awful vista (presuming a life that caused a lot of harm) drives us into rebirth in circumstances that will cause us great suffering.

So it's reasonable to think that wrongdoing does have its price. Although this is not a price in the revenge or sanctions from an angry God sense, rather a decision we ourselves take to gain the experience we need to learn those lessons needed to overcome the issues that drove us to do wrong in the first place. The good news is that it's also taught that we all achieve realisation in the end.

Another way of looking at it is to see that wrongdoing of whatever sort doesn't make people happy anyway - not even in this life. There's for example many a suicidally unhappy millionaire or crime lord around - surveying a grey world perceived to be full of enemies and the like from their ivory towers, and wondering how it can be that their money and power has brought them so little happiness. People in this situation are due compassion rather than even more punishment than that their actions have already brought on them.

Meditation is one of the most powerful means of reducing intensity and creating the space and equanimity we need to see this stuff from our hearts.

Whatever experience I've had Orlando is not exactly in cosmic consciousness territory either, although it's been just enough to feel very real and help me a lot. I guess the existential angst leaves none of us entirely until the absolute becomes more real for us than this life.

It's different for everybody, but my own experience is that the first fruits of meditation so to speak are the above space and equanimity. It's not felt to be a good idea to chase experience in meditation anyway as it just becomes another form of grasping and creates the opposite effect to that intended.

What you do depends on your own judgement, we all have to find our own way. But the one thing we can't do is to stand still....

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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #19 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 8:35pm
glad i'm not alone in my feelings, briggs.

well i read a couple of george anderson's books, and he mentions some suicides where the souls are in heaven like any other soul...  i've seen other cases like that as well.  i guess the afterlife works on a "like attracts like" principle, like if you have a hellish mindset (in other words you think you can do whatever the hell you want to other people), you will enter a hell-like place with like-minded people, whereas a kind person would enter a kind place with kind people.  bruce moen mentions this in one of the books - a thief who gets trapped in his version of "hell" - living with a bunch of other thiefs.  and eventually the thief realizes the error of his ways and is able to leave his hell.
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #20 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 8:58pm
The point I was attempting to make in all that long winded stuff, is that we can find a rational explanation - whether a good one or not is still in question until I can go there and have a direct look. Further, given that there may be one or more routes between Now and Future, and that these are more or less mechanical, we might view the afterlife transition as simply a change of lifestyle. And, in addition, we can infer that the Sewer Pipe Principle applies to life: What we get out of it depends solely upon what we put into it.

Meditation can, and does, take us to a direct perception of fundamental reality. That is no proof of a future. To view reality as an option based on regression and retrieval experiences suggests that there may, unless the reports are fantasies, be a future to experience. My claim is that we can make an good argument that the reports are not fantasies.

If reports of an afterlife are not fantasies, and if we are able to figure out how it works, then we can adjust ourselves to optimize the experience. And this, obviously, is the purpose of a lot of metaphysical writings from virtually all faiths.

This can be useful. For example if Briggs were to accept that what we get in the future is no worse than what we've done in the past, and also accept that during the "getting" process, we retain our normal good nature, as well as control over the process, allowing us to get rid of bad habits before they can try to get rid of us, then it might be possible to refocus onto a universe in which it is fun to be God. Further, because we're doing all this ourselves, and none of us are murderers, there is no way that our actions could come back to haunt us destructively. At worst, we get pangs of conscience - which we do anyhow, but these are because we are essentially Good People. (Reminds me of my Mom telling me that antiseptic burns to show that it's doing a good job.)

This is far from the notion of an omnipotent and totally alien God who has no interest in us. Instead, it allows us to see ourselves as manifestations of the creative force so long as we are in this world, and as the generating activity that projects the creative force while we are in the afterlife. Then, if we want to look even farther back in causality, we find that we are part of the big "Beingness" and we're discovering life by creating it.

And (especially because it happens to be in my interest area) there are also some interesting insights that we can extract from the necessary and sufficient aspects of any such model.

As for my bad joke, Orlando, my apologies. It doesn't merit explanation.  Tongue No need to get banned for life!


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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #21 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 1:38pm
Hi dave

I agree it is interesting to look for rational explanations - see the Science of Eternity thread, and worth trying to suggest ones. I was a bit hard on Michael Roll in the thread, but I do support his general idea, of looking for explanations of things and not assuming there must be some hard and fast line between the physical world which is amenable to scienitific explanations and the spititual one which is said not to be. His theories revolve around the soul being made up of some kind of as yet unknown sub-atomic particles and he considers that the spirit world is to be found in "dark matter" and "dark energy" as far as I recall. He also thinks this is what used to be known as "ether" - an invisible substance supposed to permeate the universe until around the 1920s or so.

I think one day we will understand the workings of spiritual matters better in more scientific ways. The science of a few decades'time might incorporate all kinds of things that are not widely accepted now. Have you come across Dean Radin, for example? He is a parapsychologist who writes about how in his opinion psi phenomena have now been proven to exist scientifically, although mainstream science for the moment tends not downplay this (he bases himself on collating many reputable studies and looking at the statistical probability of their findings, which he shows quite convincingly to show strong evidence for the reality of various so-called "paranormal" phenomena -- ie things are happenning at a rate way above standard chance, even if it is hard to produce impressive phenomena on demand). At one point he said that, I think it was Sony (a big Japanese corporation, anyway) had set up a group researching psi, and they finally closed it down saying "we found out it exists, but think it will be many years before any practical application could be found").

I've not had any afterlife exploration experiences, though I find accounts of them interesting, but I do think I've had contact with discarnate entities (or at least my experiences can plausibly be assumed to due to them) and I had a quite interesting regression experience.
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #22 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 2:57pm
Hi Orlando - I totally agree with the Sony explanation - it exists, but we can't use it for anything.

I'm trying to draw together the threads of this discussion - Briggs says that life hurts, and he has a lot of followers in that opinion. Vajra points out (and I'm in his camp) that in the end, we're doing it to ourselves, so to make the pain go away, stop doing what hurts. (Sounds a bit like the 4 Noble Truths, hum?) Then we have the realists who are having a bit of a problem with the how and why, invoking anything in sight, or out of sight, as a cause. (William of Occam's Razor be darned, I guess. - There are a lot of string theorists in this corner as well.)

From my perspective as a therapist, the purpose of understanding is especially to be able to suggest ways of altering our perception so that we can get out of the self-imposed trap of believing that everything is wrong. Example: I'm terribly allergic to everything, especially house dust, to the point that it alters my endocrine function and makes me feel kinda crazy to be in a very dusty place for a long period. We just bought a house, and have moved in with about 100 cartons of belongings, all of which bring dust from the previous house, plus adding the dust from the stiffened paper used for packing. So I've been having billious spells. I know the problem, and I know one cure, which is to go outside for a few hours, and I also know that if I can retain my sense of humor, despite feeling like I have a really wretched case of frantic flu, then I can see that this whole thing is bizarre and ridiculous.

These "curative perspectives" change nothing but the manner in which I relate to my situation. New entropy for old, if you will. But they are to that degree useful.

Another example, for Alysia this time. Occasionally I get someone like me (or perhaps like you) in therapy, where the problem is attitude. My approach is to regress them, pass through recollections of one of their prior deaths, go into spirit, and then suggest that they go to a place I call the Warehouse, where all manner of wonderful things are to be found. There, I suggest that they select a better attitude, and supportive perspectives to make it work, and that they pay for it by giving the old bad attitude to the "One in Charge".  It is literally, a "department store" approach. And, after the session is nearly over, I find it useful to point out who the One in Charge must be. So, next time God asks you if this is a department store, my suggestion is to ask to go to the department store section of the Universe, and see what's on sale.

Briggs' OCD is a condition rooted in a physiological response to stressors, coupled to his inner chemistry. His case would be more difficult to work with, and certainly is not trivial. However, to the degree that he can distance himself from the specifics that bother him, by substituting better options that have either physical support through physics, or psychic support through experience, he can improve his situation. It's not a "cure", but it's a step toward betterment. And, were he able to find a stable posture that encompassed both a grounding in physical reality that would be supportive, plus an acceptable attitude that he could retrieve when needed, so as to "reset his system" on bad days, then his situation would actually be improved.

The guys in the physics department probably have job security for life trying to figure this thing out. But that too is an advantage.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #23 - Oct 18th, 2007 at 10:09pm
I think I'm about ready to get off topic! it's been so long since I let myself ramble I'm looking for the thread police.  Undecided oh, just checked they're taking a break!

Dave, you got it slightly askew. God said I couldn't have a walk in come into my body just because I was doing such a lousy job of living a happy and fulilled life at the time, and therefore, shame on me, that I would consider this life here to be like a department store where you could just exchange your soul for another soul who would come in and clean up your own act while I watched from a cloud in nirvana.

the ultimate put down by god is to be told by him that he had given me a gift for which I was ungrateful and now I somehow had gotten the idea that life was a department store and didn't want his gift. I said oh, didn't think of it that way god, pardona moi! At the time, there was nothing on sale. it was all work and no play. Embarrassed

actually, years later, come to find out this wasn't god at all! this was a male guide. probably my own DP. I remember feeling desperate. depressed. mid life crisis. no accomplishments. boyfriend sucked. no job. no ambition. all you youngsters out there, sometimes we call it mid life crisis, but depression can hit the best of us for spells, hang in. there is light at the end of the tunnel. I decided to experiment with getting guidance. maybe someone else can try this. it really was an important turning point for me and maybe it would work for someone in a similar spot.

1) I remembered having "god" conversations as a youngster. Decided to have another one in my 40's. couldn't hurt. I remembered the times I felt comforted after such a conversation.
2) I used to walk while doing this conversation thing. this time, since I was so bad off, I decided to bend my knees, as this would allow my ego to go away for a minute while I imagined that god was talking to me. this posture did help me remove some of the depressed thoughts I had.

3) First I spilled my guts, how I really was taking up valuable space in the world, lol, and maybe I should just go home..pretty please?  Roll Eyes
4) I imagined the presence to be about 8' away towards the wall and spoke to it though I saw nothing...after I said what all I needed to say, and offered my brilliant idea of god using my life, my body for something "he" wanted to do, which I obviously was seriously failing in doing anything useful for another human being..yada yada...
after this I was told by a presence which as I said, I could not see, but as I got quiet, I could make out male intonation, sort of telling me off, or I should say, in a kindly manner but somewhat urgent that I understand this was my life for better or worse and there was no way in hell god would send in a walk in, so there goes my fine new age idea!!! Huh
I was told to learn to appreciate myself just as I was, with all my hang ups and my nothing going on life, that I must love myself despite there didn't seem a reason to love myself. He said god loves us all just as we are. its a come as you are party and I'd received an invite.

sometimes, I admit Dave, I do shop at Walmarts and I am forgiven for this!  Smiley

There is no proof of anything, there is only us becoming more of us. the best way to attain a feeling like you are more than you think you are, is maybe to do a partnered exploration. expanding on that comes naturally and we may be able to do away with our cell phones someday, and that is a practical benefit I'd say.

I was sad the other day  Cry when I read in Shambhala we cannot share what it is that we are certain of, our experiences, because they belong solely to us, and it becomes our proof personal, in the heart. although we try and we try, and we should try. but we should not have expectations that we will be believed, even though we must be as authentic as we can when we tell our stories, that truthfulness will only fall on the ears of the one who is ready and has been waiting for your particular way of saying it.

well, gasp...I'm winded! love you all and have a good forever. alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #24 - Oct 18th, 2007 at 10:36pm
    "discussion on the ultimate negative possibility"

  Ah Soup, Becky let on (again Roll Eyes) about being in the same room with me when i pass gas? Shocked

  Traitor!  Angry
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #25 - Oct 19th, 2007 at 4:34am
Smiley Your post brings to mind Alysia the old saying to the effect that our life is always perfect exactly as it is. That whatever needs to happen is happening, and that if we're dissatisfied it's because we're looking at it through the wrong lens.

It's not that easy to live from this place...
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #26 - Oct 19th, 2007 at 8:21am
Shambhala and Alysia said:

"....we cannot share what it is that we are certain of, our experiences,
because they belong solely to us, and it becomes our proof personal,
in the heart. Although we try and we try, and we should try. But we
should not have expectations that we will be believed"

Although I keep seeing the truth of this happening daily, it also makes me very sad to see it  .   Undecided  Cry  Undecided
But it's good to be reminded, Alysia. And one does hope that the right word at the right time will ignite the spark!  I know it has for me, thanks to those of you who have not stopped trying!!

Much gratitude!
Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #27 - Oct 19th, 2007 at 11:46am
It's tough, but perhaps the reality is that we can't have absolute certainty until we pop the clogs. And even then creative mind means we'll probably be met by exactly what we expect. Not to mention that if we're disposed to doubt there's no proof can stop or overcome that, that can't be second guessed. It's maybe for this reason that all of the great teachers have restricted themselves to 'signs' rather than attempts to deliver 'proof'  by so called miracles or whatever.

So it's maybe not by accident that we have to make the first move, show the first sliver of faith or openness - point being that it's in essence an internal journey we each have to make on our own by our own means. Anything else would amount to compulsion, and Spirit doesn't do that....

But that having put a little out we get a lot more back....
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #28 - Oct 22nd, 2007 at 12:28am
reading  a book about being a warrior right now, spiritual warrior that is. it says the warrior always travels alone even when with people. that they feel both sadness and joy at the same time. Here Vajra, the act of what u r doing is what I see. you and I, and not a few of us here, are reaching out to others in communication..
there are suprises along the way when reaching out to others from the heart. it is its own reward what we do.
the highest joy for us here may be when another says thank you, I needed that.
love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: discussion on the ultimate negative possibilit
Reply #29 - Oct 22nd, 2007 at 5:28am
Smiley Thank you for reaching out yourself Alysia, and the others too. For sure we all walk alone, and it's a choppy ride. But equally  if we can pull it off correctly we can help others a little too (and lots of other issues to do with the limits of language, conceptual thought and communication: not to mention writing skills) - although this is limited by the very fact of the above.

We in the end have to take responsibility for ourselves.

Sounds like that could be Chogyam Trungpa's very wonderful Shambhala: the Sacred Path of the Warrior you are reading....
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